Bonus Round 6 Part 4
Maddi exited from the 'Venus' door and heard the commotion of a busy restaurant. An older Hispanic man with gray hair casually entered the hallway. His head turned towards Maddi and his eyes widened as he stopped in his tracks. She could feel his lust as his eyes surveyed her body. Her hips and thighs felt particularly vulnerable as she wasn't familiar with having them at their inflated size. Though, based on the location his eyes came to rest, Maddi was sure he was mostly interested in her overflowing tits. She stood naturally with one hand on her hip which jutted out. The man reached for the 'Mars' door handle but missed a few times as he was very clearly distracted.
He muttered with a heavy Spanish accent, "Ay Dios are one sexy chica."
Maddi smirked and combed her fingers through her long hair. She felt desired and sexy at his gawking. It made her feel powerful.
"Gracias papi." She cooed.
His eyes widened further and he simply repeated 'Ay Dios mio' and shook his head as he staggered into the bathroom with a painful tent pressing in his pants.
Maddi chuckled to herself. Her body and sexuality were tied directly to her self worth and she felt her femininity giving her strength as she strutted back to the bar. The whole restaurant was buzzing with activity. Nearly every table was filled with people in various stages of the restaurant process. She noticed quite a few sets of eyes lingering on her as she swayed across the floor. She basked in the attention until she spotted her family in the same booth she left them in. Bree was coloring on a children's menu, Danielle was distracted with her phone and Samuel was casually scanning around the room. It wasn't until she reached the table that Maddi realized she had been too distracted by the attention of other restaurant goers and she didn't check on Andy. She craned her neck to search for him but was unsuccessful.
"Andy and that bar girl left a few minutes ago." Samuel stated, "He didn't say where they were going."
Maddi's shoulders slumped. She had failed. There was no telling how Veronica would change him. Would she even recognize Andy next time they met?
"Mommy!" Bree screamed shrilly while beaming up at Maddi.
Her scream attracted the eyes of every nearby table. The various conversations of the dozen or so customers in the immediate vicinity ceased as they searched for the source of the commotion. Maddi watched random strangers trace Bree's line of sight and enthusiasm directly to her. She saw contented smiles and positive social affirmations cross their faces as they collectively approved a young girls gleeful, loving outburst at the sight of her curvy mother.
While it was still quiet Bree added, "Did that cotton thing plug up your girl parts okay?"
Maddi's face began to blaze red. She heard several snickers and 'Oh my's'.
Samuel grabbed Bree's arm and quietly chastised her, but Maddi was too busy being mortified. It wasn't as if everybody didn't KNOW she was a woman with a common female cycle but...Bree didn't need to announce it out loud! The people looking at her were probably picturing her hairy snatch stuffed with a tampon!
While the stares were pouring in, Maddi gasped as her breasts began to leak. Dark wet spots appeared in her pastel purple blouse and directly on her hard, baby-bottle nipples. Once Maddi's fat tits were blatantly lactating and her blouse was soaked, she became acutely aware of just how prominent her hips, thighs and ass actually were. She had become a criminally thick milf - and she [b]LOVED[/b] it!
Maddi struggled her hefty lower body into the booth and shot Bree an irritated glance. Her youngest daughter returned the glance with a mischievous gleam in her eyes and a devilish grin. Maddi noticed how she now had to sit with her legs partially open to accommodate her enhanced thighs. If Samuel looked under the table he would get a full view of his wife's fuzzy cameltoe beneath her skirt. She felt [b]huge[/b] as her body spread into the booth and filled the majority of it.
Maddi retrieved her wine glass and held it aloft. A young waitress approached the table and cheerily asked if they were ready to order. She appeared to simply ignore the outline of Maddi's dark nipples in her blouse. As her daughters began choosing their respective meals, Maddi glanced around the room at the families surrounding them. Her family fit right in with everybody else. She even saw at least half the moms around her holding wine glasses just like she was. She felt like a mass produced cog in a socially constructed machine that was perfectly suited for its role. She gently bit her lipstick coated lips and pondered...was that really such a bad thing?
The room began to collapse and the conversations were snuffed out one by one. Maddi was left with a nearly empty wide glass floating in the void.
She twirled the glass between her fingers as she thought about Andy. She stared down at it.
Wait. How long had she been able to bring items with her?
[b]NAME: [/b]
Maddi Ellie Dawes
Kitten, Titty, Betty, Em
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
Just a hair under 5"00. Body shape is best described as "leggy" and "bottom heavy" with the legs and lower body comprising a high percentage of the total height and size.
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
168 LBS
XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Unusually active mammary glands and heavy periods.
Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond mid back length.
High pitched with a noticible haughtiness.
Must wear heavy makeup at all times.
Calls people almost exclusively using pet names.
Can only be kind, friendly and supportive when talking about somebody.
Cannot wear any type of bra.
Cannot tie up or otherwise restrict hair.
Has a natural purfume smell.
Wears lots of rings and feminine accesories on the hands, especially gold and diamonds.
Must wear heels at all times.
Protective of her nails. Keeps them long and fake.
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Slightly crooked, lightly yellowed teeth. Large, soft green eyes. Light, receded brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman. Wearing heavy makeup including foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Fully developed vagina with noticible pussy lips and a hairy bush.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Slightly saggy female arms with virtually no muscle. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Huge, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a DD cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are wide, dark and feminine. Unusually active mammery glands. Stomach is somewhat bloated with little muscle underneath. Stomach is pockmarked with stretch marks and contains a long, horizontal c-section scar. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have dark, stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with long acryllic nails, jewelry and painted a gaudy pink.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairless, fat thunder thighs with very little muscle that contstantly rub together. Feet are dainty, smooth and a reformed women's size 5.5. Widely flared, matronly hips indicative of a multi birth mother and protruding, chunky ass. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.
Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. Diamond earring studs in earlobes.
Heterosexual woman that only considers men for a sexual partner. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big penises and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humilation and debauchery - but only when very horny.
Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way.
Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners. Very knowlegeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Skilled in makeup application...of herself at least. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.