Round 61

[b]Round Sixty One:[/b]

Maddi appeared in a waiting room.

The rows of puffy, leather seats were sparsely dotted with waiting people. An older Asian couple sat in the corner quietly. They watched a young black child playing on the floor with some sort of wooden puzzle. The boys middle aged father sat in a nearby chair and half-heartedly flipped through a magazine. On the opposite side of the room, a young black woman near the window had her face buried in a women's fashion magazine. Finally, a few chairs from the woman, was a middle aged white man with his head resting against the wall and his arm in a cast. The room was chilly and a small television in the corner droned quietly.

A few people glanced up at Maddi who was holding a long stem wine glass. She marveled at the item which had been brought here from another round. She decided to place it on the nearby table. The item itself wasn't useful to her, but the idea of it was. Though none of the people staring at her said anything, they were probably wondering why Maddi would bring a wine glass to what looked to be a hospital.

After dropping the glass with a reassuring *clank*, Maddi looked down at herself. Her wide hips and fat thighs were tightly contained in a pair of high-waisted 'mom' jeans. Her heavy breasts pressed into a tiny white tank top. Her dark hair rested over her shoulder and on her feet were brown wedge boots. On Maddi's wrists were a few shiny bracelets and her fingers had various rings. Her face was heavily made-up and her long, painted fingernails were on display. The cold temperature caused her nipples to poke out of the white top.

Maddi wet her painted lips and glanced around once more. Nobody appeared to be batting any eyes so she found a nearby chair and plopped herself down. She needed to shimmy her ass and hips to successfully squeeze between the arm rests. She crossed her legs and curled an errant strands of long hair behind her pierced ears. Maddi perused the nearby selection of magazines. Men's Health, GQ, Forbes...none of them piqued her interest until she found a issue of Good Housekeeping. She opened to an article about designing a 'dream laundry room'. Her reading skills had slowed significantly but the article was easy enough to digest and kept her intrigued. Maddi smiled while taking a second for reflection: she was the epitome of Good Housekeeping's target demographic. She felt like she was being pandered to as she flipped through the pages jumping from cooking to organizing to crafts to child care.

A nearby door gently opened and a young blond woman in blue scrubs stepped into the waiting room holding a clipboard. Each seated party raised their gazes hopefully.

The woman glanced down at a paper before announcing to the room, "Mona Johnson's immediate family is welcome to come back for delivery."

Maddi felt a flutter in her chest as she carefully laid her magazine down. Did the baby still contain half of Maddi's genes? Where did Andy fit into all this as the child's original mother? As she swayed across the floor, thoughts and worry's swirled in Maddi's head.

The blonde nurse smiled at Maddi as she asked, "Hello, ladies. How are you two related to Mrs. Johnson?"

Maddi turned her head to see the young black woman from the corner. With her face no longer hidden behind a magazine, Maddi recognized the masculine and general facial structure of Toni. Toni returned the gaze as they examined one another. Maddi was taken completely aback by Toni's drastic changes. It had only been a handful of rounds since Anthony's hyper masculinity had begun to drain, but the woman in front of Maddi looked so incredibly far removed from the muscle-bound monster that had pounded her pussy a number of times. Toni had long black hair that fell to her ass which was accentuated by black jeans that were particularly tight in the crotch area, seeming to highlight the absence of a bulge. She had a tiny white crop top showing her narrow, toned midsection. Even her B-cup breasts looked like they had grown. Maddi could see a significant change in not only her physical appearance but her demeanor as well. She stood with a shy, nervous stance on her tall plastic heels. The only thing that still remained recognizable was her face which had even begun giving way to femininity.

As she looked Toni up and down Maddi noticed their outfits were very similar- except for the fact that Maddi looked like she had on the 'mommified' version.

With their notable hesitation, the nurse asked once again with her smile fading, "Do you...know Mrs. Johnson?"

Maddi sighed and put her hands on her meaty hips. She understood how insane what she was about to say sounded...but, she resigned herself to the truth.

Her high-pitched, womanly voice stated slowly and awkwardly, "So...this is going to sound hard to believe but- I'm actually the biological father of the child and this is Mona's husband."

Maddi watched the nurse's eyebrows rise as she examined Maddi and Toni up and down. Her evaluating eyes stopped at the obvious cameltoe in both women's tight jeans which betrayed Maddi's words.

The nurse grew a toothy grin and giggled, "That's hilarious! You had me going for a second there! My brain was like 'uh'! But seriously, are you laides immediate family members? Do you happen to know where the father is?"

Maddi put on her most serious face before pointing towards herself with long, painted nails and a limp wrist, "I know it's hard to believe [i]sweetie[/i] but I'm the father," She then turned her hand to point at Toni, "And this is Mr. Johnson."

The nurse's jovial demeanor shifted to annoyance along with her voice, "Listen, I'm all for jokes and fun but it's time to get serious. If neither of you have a familial relationship to Mrs. Johnson then I'd like you to please sit back down and wait."

Toni nervously played with a masculine wedding ring on her left hand and kept her gaze down. When she finally spoke, her deep, masculine voice was still present. However, it sounded like she was actively trying to raise it higher.

Toni's voice gave the Nurse pause with its low timbre and wide projection, "Maddi's right...I know it seems impossible but it's the truth."

The nurse exhaled an annoyed sigh as she fished into her pocket. She procured a small handheld device with a screen and pointed it toward Maddi's belly. Maddi was concerned something was going to shoot out of the device or light her on fire or explode or...something! But, she ultimately froze and waited. Surely the nurse wouldn't compromise the hospital like that. The nurse pressed a button and slowly lowered the device before stopping around Maddi's knee area. She then reached over and snatched Maddi's hand, quick as lightening. Before she could react, Maddi felt a small prick on her finger. The nurse then released her hand.

The nurse stared down at the screen with impatience for a few seconds. She looked like she was officially 'over this shit'. The machine beeped and she turned the screen towards Maddi and Toni. It was an x-ray.

The nurse pointed to various parts of Maddi's x-ray as she smugly instructed, "Here's the area your womb is and...[i]there[/i] is where your ovaries are. And, of course, [i]this[/i] is your vagina. It looks like your hip bones were broken [i]here[/i] and...[i]here[/i]. That would have been during childbirth I presume."

After another ding the nurse poked at the screen. A long list of blood analysis results piled up. She hit one line in particular and it expanded.


The nurse slid the device back into her pocket and shook her head, "Now, unless you're the first human with a womb, ovaries, a vagina and XX chromosomes to [b]ever[/b] sire a child...I suggest you tell me your real relationship to the patient and tell me who the real father is because it is a [i]biological certainty[/i] that it isn't you. I've seen hundreds, if not thousands of x-rays as a resident and you have textbook female anatomy."

Maddi's shoulders drooped as she capitulated and her breasts began to slowly lactate as if confirming the doctors analysis, "My son Andy he-"

The doctor interrupted and scribbled on the clipboard, "Okay, so your son Andy is the father. Was that so hard, [i]grandma[/i]? Thank you for finally telling me and congratulations!"

Maddi responded quickly, "N-no, [i]hun[/i] Andy isn't the father. He was the baby's original mother and-"

The doctor was clearly fed up with Maddi's explanations and interrupted with an angry shout, "I don't need to hear some crap about your son being the biological mother! I need to get things straight! You are the grandmother of this child correct?"

She stared down at Maddi with an intimidating glare. Maddi meekly responded, trying to give the doctor whatever she wanted, "Y-yes."

The doctor continued to shout, "Which makes Mona your daughter, correct?"

She stared at the floor, "C-correct."

Maddi gasped as the wind was suddenly knocked out of her. She clutched at her belly as age crept into her body. She felt 'looser' overall but, particularly, the fat on her arms was turning quickly to Jell-O. Her mild facial wrinkles deepened and the angle of her facial features sharpened. Her hair felt more brittle and her fingers more gnarled. The c-section scar on her belly darkened and her hips shifted as her body reacted to yet another prior pregnancy. A deep, constantly throbbing pain formed in her hips. It was manageable but undeniably present.

She turned her attention to the dark-skinned Toni, "How about you, miss? Now don't give me that husband crap! Are you her half-sister or something? Is the woman here your mother too?"

Toni shook her head before speaking in a deep voice, "No I'm- I'm her uh...wife?"

The doctor scoffed, "I seriously doubt that as she's been crying out for her husband all morning." She pointed at Toni's cameltoe, "Don't make me have to scan your vagina too, miss. If you aren't related you can wait here."

Toni crossed her hands between her legs defensively and glanced over to Maddi with contemplating eyes.

Maddi shook her head with wide eyes as she warned, "No, T-Toni- don't-"

"Yes, Maddi is my mother too." She muttered.

Maddi gasped as her body reacted to Toni's words and took on the consequences of another pregnancy and birth. The deep seated stretch marks on her belly grew longer and deeper while her vagina loosened and became a few centimeters wider. Her squishy belly pushed wider and began fusing with her pubic area, forming a loose little fupa. Her meaty nipples pressed into her shirt where obvious wet circles had formed.

Maddi's brain was flooded with new memories and images. She didn't bother trying to fight them anymore. She blinked a few times and turned towards her daughter who eyed her warily.

With a heavy sigh, Maddi thought about her ever-expanding family and recounted her children. Bree was the youngest, followed by Danielle, then her son Andy, then Toni and finally her oldest was Mona. She was the mother of five children and soon to be the grandmother of one!

With her assumptions confirmed, the smug doctor ushered Toni and Maddi through the door and led them to the delivery room. Upon entry, their statuses as 'father' and 'husband' were replaced with 'grandma' and 'aunt' via verbal announcement labelling them as such. A small group of doctors and nurses were working diligently but took a few seconds to visually confirm and acknowledge the incoming family. They were swarming around a single hospital bed occupied by a hyperventilating Mona deep within the throes of childbirth.

Toni wasted no time and rushed towards the bed to comfort her...

She stopped in her tracks.

Maddi watched her daughter freeze in the middle of the room.

Comfort her...sister?

Toni clutched her temples as her body began to convulse. She released a low groan and Maddi knew there was an internal struggle raging within her daughter.

Among the chaos surrounding the bed, a piercing howl erupted, "Anthony! Anthony!! Where are you, Anthony!?"

Mona's voice was filled with suffering. She wept between screams for her beloved husband.

Toni shook her head and took a labored, shaky step towards the bed.

"Anthony!" Mona screamed.

Toni took another step and raised her head. Her face was determined. She was nearly there! The battle within her was almost resolved!

"Anth-" Mona started before stopping abruptly.

The door to the hospital room opened quietly.

Toni froze once again, one of her hands returned to her temple.

"Anth-old." Mona sputtered quietly.

Maddi backed towards the wall with fear as Doctor Grungot swept into the room.

Mona's voice was a bit louder but still not quite a scream, "Anthrold."

Toni's shaking returned and she grunted in frustration. The battle had begun anew.

The Doctor took slow, methodical steps towards the bed with a maniacal grin on his face.

"An-an-arold!" Mona shrieked.

Maddi froze against the wall as Toni's grunt turned to a pained moan. Sweat dripped down Toni's body and Maddi could see her shoulders heaving with labored breaths. Doctor Grungot stopped at the conflicted Toni.

Mona paused for a second. When she opened her mouth again, the name that came out in her screams had changed, "H-Harold!"

The Doctor whispered into Toni's ear, "Go stand in the back with your mother, girl. I'll take care of your sister."

Each word from the Doctor struck Toni like a dagger and she winced away from him. She took a step back while her body wracked with convulsions.

Toni listlessly stared forward while muttering, "M-my sis-sister..."

The masculine wedding ring wrapped around Toni's left ring finger began to dissolve.

A dopey smile crossed Toni's face, "I-I'm going to be an aunt..."

"HAROLD!!" Mona screamed.

Doctor Grungot continued towards the bed and the swarm of doctors. Toni joined her mother near the far wall. They couldn't really see much with the activity surrounding their daughter/sister but that was okay, they were just happy to be in the room! The Doctor did wonders at the head of the bed, comforting Mona. She stopped screaming when he was finally next to her.

Toni stared down at her finger which was ring-less. There wasn't so much as an indent or a tan line. Why wouldn't it be ring-less? She hadn't found the right man yet! She grabbed her mother's tiny hand and admired the pretty polish. She hoped to find the right man soon.

Amongst the commotion, Maddi heard Toni's deep voice, "I'm excited to be an aunt."

She wrapped her middle daughter in a hug. Their soft bodies squished together and Maddi whispered, "You'll be a wonderful aunt, [i]honey[/i]."

The room began to collapse. As the darkness swallowed her up, Maddi released Toni and heard one of the doctor's proclaim, "It's a girl!"

She heard the baby's cry and her breasts responded by leaking even more.

Grandma Maddi floated in the void.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Maddi Ellie Dawes


Kitten, Titty, Betty, Em

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]

Just a hair under 5"00. Body shape is best described as "leggy" and "bottom heavy" with the legs and lower body comprising a high percentage of the total height and size.

[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

169 LBS






Bree: Age 8

Danielle: Age 16

Toni: Age 19

Andy: Age 21

Mona: Age 24


Rebecca: Age Newborn


XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Unusually active mammary glands and heavy periods.


Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond mid back length. Starting to become slightly brittle.


High pitched with a noticeable haughtiness.


Must wear heavy makeup at all times.

Calls people almost exclusively using pet names.

Can only be kind, friendly and supportive when talking about somebody.

Cannot wear any type of bra.

Cannot tie up or otherwise restrict hair.

Has a natural perfume smell.

Wears lots of rings and feminine accessories on the hands, especially gold and diamonds.

Must wear heels at all times.

Protective of her nails. Keeps them long and fake.


Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Slightly crooked, lightly yellowed teeth. Large, soft green eyes with light crows feet. Light, receded brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman. Wearing heavy makeup including foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Mature vagina with loose, floppy lips and surrounded by hair.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Slightly saggy female arms with virtually no muscle. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Huge, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a DD cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are wide, dark and feminine. Unusually active mammary glands. Stomach is bloated with very little muscle underneath. Stomach is also pockmarked with long, deep stretch marks from numerous pregnancies and contains a long, dark, horizontal c-section scar. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with long acrylic nails, jewelry and painted a gaudy pink.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, fat thunder thighs with very little muscle that constantly rub together. Feet are dainty, smooth and a reformed women's size 5.5. Widely flared, matronly hips indicative of a multi birth mother and protruding, chunky ass. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.



Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. Diamond earring studs in earlobes.


Heterosexual woman that only considers men for a sexual partner. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big penises and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humiliation and debauchery - but only when very horny.


Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking self confidence. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way. Matronly and protective of her children.


Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners. Very knowledgeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Skilled in makeup application...of herself at least. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems. Experienced mother.


Round 62


Bonus Round 6 Part 4