Bonus Round 6 Part 3
[b]Part Three:[/b]
Maddi turned and tried fleeing back through the door- but it was gone! She grunted with frustration and pounded her fist into the brick.
Tonya's hot breath and soft voice suddenly brushed the back of Maddi's neck causing her to jump, "I told you we busty girls have to stick together."
Maddi turned and faced Tonya who wore her red sweatshirt and black yoga pants. Tonya's enormous breasts were near Maddi's eye level and her thick lips were pursed.
"You back here wantin' bigger curves?" Tonya assured, "I got'chu girl, ain't gon' be no problem."
Maddi gulped and shook her head nervously, "N-no...I-I just ne-need to-" Her voice fizzled out and she held aloft her tampon.
Tonya put her hands on her hips and nodded, "I got you, I got you. Do yo' business, girlfriend. I can wait."
She took a step back and stared down at Maddi who shrank against the wall. They shared an awkward moment. Maddi's intense pain gnawed and pulled in and around her uterus but she stayed still.
"Well?" Tonya asked in an irritated tone, "You gon' stuff that shit in yo' pussy or just stand there bleedin'?"
Tonya clearly wasn't interested in allowing any privacy. Maddi sighed and reached one hand up her skirt. She tugged her pantyhose down and bunched them around her knees. She then opened the package, revealing a cotton tampon surrounded by a thick plastic applicator.
Beneath Tonya's watchful eyes, Maddi situated the applicator up her skirt, between her thighs and inside her labia. She inserted the tube and pressed the cotton inside. Maddi felt the tampon enter her and occupy space. She then removed the applicator and tested the hanging string with a light tug. Satisfied, she replaced her pantyhose and smoothed out her skirt. As expected, the agony in her lower abdomen lessened almost immediately and only a dull, manageable pain remained.
"Like I said, there ain't no shame in that, girl. A bleedin' pussy mean you still young!"
Maddi crossed her arms beneath her own enormous breasts and nodded shyly.
Tonya clapped her hands together and grinned, "Now, ima make you better! You a mama right?"
Maddi hesitated but nodded. Tonya adopted a thinking pose with her hand beneath her chin as she analyzed the middle aged woman in front of her.
Tonya craned her head to the side as she spoke, "I can kinda see it. But, I mean, you barely got any curves 'sides them tits. Ain't a mom s'posed to have, like, wide hips or somethin'?"
Maddi glanced over her shoulder and examined her lower body. Her fat butt protruded behind her like two squishy melons and her hips were pretty damn wide. Her body stretched her skirt tightly- how much bigger could she realistically get?
Pushing concerns for her own body aside, Maddi's mind raced- she had to get this business with Tonya over with as quickly as possible. Maddi's only concern was her son- she needed to get back and save him from Veronica's clutches. There's no telling what Veronica was doing to him!
Maddi cleared her throat, "You're right, Tonya, mom's usually do have wider hips."
Tonya pointed and nodded as she explained, "Yeah cuz I heard they break open and shit when them babies is pushed out."
Maddi responded sweetly, "Right again, Tonya! Mine are actually pretty wide as far as hips go and they fit my body so well. I wouldn't want to-"
"Let me see 'em." Tonya demanded.
Maddi shook her head, "Tonya I- I don't think that's something we need to-"
Tonya interrupted by shouting, "Either you take that fuckin' skirt off and show me them hips or I do somethin' worse. I wanna see the evidence that yo' vajayjay been producin'. Don't forget you in [b]my[/b] bathroom, bitch."
Maddi froze and stared at the floor. She wanted to comply and get out as soon as possible, but she was afraid.
Tonya waited for a few moments before charging forward with a growl. She grabbed Maddi's wrist and held it tightly. Maddi struggled and pushed but Tonya was much bigger, younger and stronger. She easily handled the thrashing mother of three and managed to swiftly secure her other wrist as well.
"Stop strugglin', bitch!" Tonya growled.
Maddi screamed, her terrified, high pitched voice echoed along the walls, "Let me go!"
Tonya pulled Maddi's wrists towards her and stared down at her painted nails. Maddi's continued struggle did little to change Tonya's course of action.
Tonya grunted, "They cute, they cute. But we ain't in the business of bein' cute, we in the business of bein' goddesses."
As Tonya's words concluded, Maddi felt her hands beginning to change. She watched her nails extend past her fingertips. She desperately pulled her hands but they didn't budge in Tonya's iron grip. Maddi's soft arms were becoming fatigued which diminished her pathetic fighting capability even further. Her nails pushed further and further past her before stopping and turning a gaudy hot pink. She quickly realized they were acrylic nails as they sat on top of her natural nails in an overtly unnatural way. As she watched, rings and accessories appeared on her fingers and her diamond wedding band grew marginally in size. When Tonya finally released her wrists, Maddi examined her delicate hands which were now even more feminine. They looked like the hands of a middle aged housewife who never concerned herself with physical labor.
As she prepared to remove the rings, Maddi stopped and her brain felt momentarily fuzzy. When it became clear once more, she looked back down at her nails and decided against removing anything. So what if her hands looked a bit gaudy? She thought they were sexy and fit her body perfectly! She was definitely a fan of long acrylic nails!
While Maddi was distracted by her new hands, Tonya took the opportunity to hike Maddi's skirt up and around her belly. Maddi stopped trying to fight Tonya as the power disparity between them was insurmountable and she figured acting passively would get her back to her son faster.
Tonya poked at her pudgy, stretch marked belly.
She released a puff of disappointed air, "I knew it! You had the baby cut out and them hips didn' develop like they s'posed to."
She spun Maddi around and bent her against the wall with a forceful push. Maddi didn't resist being moved and caught herself on the cold brick. Tonya yanked Maddi's pantyhose down around her knees while keeping her skirt hiked up. She stared at her ass and gave it a probing smack.
Tonya's hands cupped Maddi's jiggly cheeks and squeezed. She did the same to Maddi's thighs. Tonya then transitioned up to Maddi's flared hips and traced along her curves.
After examining Maddi's lower body, Tonya offered her findings, "You got a little junk- it frames your pussy good too. I'll give you that much. But These hips and thighs ain't gon' do."
Tonya's hands dug into the side of Maddi's hips and upper thighs once again. A warmth spread from her fingers and danced across Maddis' skin. With her face pressed against the cold wall, Maddi felt her hips beginning to widen while her thighs fattened. After a few seconds of steady expansion, a noticeable *CRACK* echoed in the room and Maddi nearly toppled over as her hips jutted outwards.
"Now you look'n like you should." Tonya remarked, "But, just [i]because I can[/i]..."
Her fingers dug a little deeper and Maddi's lower body ballooned a tiny bit more. Tonya removed her hands and admired her work. Maddi stood still against the wall, tentatively putting weight on her heeled feet and making sure she could remain upright. Tonya returned Maddi forward facing and admired her work with a wide smirk.
Tonya moved to the side and allowed Maddi to walk to the mirror to see herself. Maddi gingerly stepped forward, keeping her pantyhose around her knees and her skirt pulled up. As she walked, she noticed that her body's natural gait had been significantly altered. Her thighs used to only touch and rub at specific points in her stride. Now, they constantly rubbed at multiple points and felt [b]heavy[/b]. Before the change, her movements were feminine but generally only because Maddi herself was feminine. It was a decision to sensually sway as she walked. Now her body fully controlled how she moved, it wasn't a decision she could make. Her impossibly wide hips and fat thighs forced her sway to be exaggerated, inadvertent and infinitely noticeable.
She stood in front of the mirror and stared at her lower body.
Maddi gasped. The only familiar parts of her lower body that remained were her chubby belly which pooched out above her c-section scar and her hairy vagina which had a little white string hanging out. Despite the fat surrounding every part of her lower body, Maddi's hips and pelvic bones were prominent enough to be visibly flared and obviously discernible. She placed her newly altered hands atop her massive hips. It was like she had a shelf on each side. She glanced form one hand to the other in awe at the sheer size of her hip bones and pictured what they must have looked like on an x-ray.
Maddi's thighs were inflated to such a degree that she had to consciously open her legs just to stand still. She shook her thighs and watched the fat jiggle. They felt a bit loose and saggy, but Maddi was surprised to find that they were relatively cellulite free.
Tonya approached and pointed towards her while complimenting, "Now THAT looks like the body of a woman that popped some babies out her coochie!"
Maddi grimaced at herself while slowly rubbing her long, acrylic nails across her flesh. She had to agree with Tonya, her body was approaching 'fertility sculpture' or 'broodmother' status. Any obstetrician on the planet would see Maddi's lower body and immediately assume she had given birth multiple times. Maddi slid the pantyhose up her legs and noticed how tightly they squeezed her thighs. She then folded her skit back into place. Unfortunately, her expanded hips wouldn't allow the skirt to rest nearly as low as before and her mid-thigh skirt had become an upper-thigh one.
Maddi shimmied her way towards the door which had predictably reappeared. Her heels echoed along the walls.
Tonya got her final words out with a giggle as Maddi passed the threshold, "Flaunt it queen!"