Bonus Round 6 Part 2
[b]Part Two:[/b]
Maddi watched Andy's powerful, confident strides as he quickly moved across the bar. She scrambled out from the booth, determined to stop him. Her heels clicked along the floor and her body swayed and jiggled as she hurried. But before she made it, the entrance to the restaurant opened and a young blonde girl sprinted across the room towards Maddi.
She wrapped Maddi in a hug. The girl's head rested right between Maddi's breasts and her short arms were tight around Maddi's butt. Though she was confused, Maddi reflexively returned the girl's hug.
When they broke apart, the girl looked up and Maddi recognized her as an even younger version of Bree! She wore a cute black dress and tennis shoes. She couldn't have been more than ten or eleven. The last time they were together was at the high school and Maddi could hardly believe how quickly her age was regressing.
"Hi mommy!" Bree shouted happily.
"H-hey there, [i]pumpkin[/i]." Maddi replied.
The door opened again. This time, it was being held open by a middle aged man with an intense stare. It was Samuel. Maddi's...husband.
He wore a checker patterned, long sleeved button up shirt and jeans with a solid gold ring on his left hand. He LOOKED every bit of 'dad' and 'husband'.
As Bree grabbed her mother's hand and held it, Maddi realized that if Samuel looked THIS much like a dad and husband...she must have looked just as much like a wife and mother; especially while the child holding her hand called her 'mommy'!
Through the threshold, and past Samuel's open door, stepped a teenage girl staring down at her cell phone. Her silky brunette hair cascaded down her shoulders and framed her tall, lithe body. She wore a black and white striped shirt and black jeans with flats. She was utterly enthralled with her phone and appeared to be somewhere between 15 and 17. As she neared, Maddi recognized the teenager as Danielle. Her age had definitely regressed just like Bree.
Danielle stood next to Maddi and Bree, furiously typing away on her screen. Samuel followed behind her. He stopped in front of Maddi and nervously lifted his gaze. His eyes found Maddi's hard nipples and lingered there. The sound of flirting could be heard from the bar, but Maddi couldn't pay attention to anything besides Samuel's stare which was...doing things for her.
Though there was some societal hang-ups giving Maddi an initial apprehension at Samuel's lustful male gaze, there was a safety and familiarity that quickly placated it. [b]HIS[/b] stare didn't make her uncomfortable- [b]HIS[/b] stare did quite the opposite and Maddi found herself positively glowing beneath the scrutiny of Samuel's lust. It made her feel desired, it made her feel sexy. She dipped her shoulders down and caught his eyes, flashing him a crooked smile.
"My eyes are up here, [i]mister[/i]." She joked.
Samuel grinned, realizing he had zoned out and been caught red handed. He surged forward, pulling Maddi into a hug. His masculine body pressing against her felt...electric. Samuel wore a manly cologne that filled Maddi's nostrils and sent her body into a fit of tingles. She couldn't help but enjoy the warm feeling of being held by her husband. As she returned his embrace, a floral, feminine perfume wafted from Maddi as it applied itself sparingly.
"Sorry we're late, Em." Samuel whispered into her ear with a medium tenor. His voice felt intensely intimate and chills erupted down Maddi's back.
He dipped down planted a kiss on her cheek. Chills turned to rapid butterfly's in her chest and Maddi felt her temperature rising.
Samuel released his floral scented wife and glanced over to Andy who was casually resting on the bar, engrossed in a conversation with the 'fascinated' bartender. Andy nonchalantly scratched his ass before lifting his leg slightly to let out a fart; all without skipping a beat in the conversation. It appeared his mannerisms were swiftly becoming overtly masculine, just like his body.
He noted, "Looks like Andy is...making a new friend."
Maddi's fluttering stomach dropped as she watched her son acting like a slob from across the room. Did Samuel know who Veronica was? Did he know who she worked for? Did he know how much danger their son was in!? Maddi still had time to go over there and stop whatever was about to happen! Her brain plotted a course of action. She could still save Andy, she could-
Bree squeezed and pulled Maddi's hand while whining, "Mommy, I'm hungry! I want chicken fingers!"
Maddi turned to Bree who looked up at her expectantly. She felt a strong maternal urge at the young girls request and satisfied it by using her free hand to comb through Bree's hair in an act of motherly grooming.
Maddi's high pitched, haughty, 'mom' voice reassured, "Of course, [i]pumpkin[/i], you can have whatever you want."
Bree grew a toothy grin. Her teeth were full of braces which made her look even younger.
"Hello [i]mother[/i]." Danielle muttered, not lifting her eyes from her phone for even a second.
Maddi responded warmly, "Well hello, [i]young lady[/i], I see your father couldn't get you off that device today either."
Danielle scoffed and responded coldly, "He's not my father."
A surge of anger erupted in Maddi's chest. She pointed a painted nail at the disinterested teenager while scolding, "Danielle! That's an awful thing to say! You had better apologize [b]right now![/b]"
"Whatever." She responded.
Danielle walked towards the booth after spotting Maddi's purse.
Maddi relented and watched Danielle walk away as she analyzed her strong, momentary anger. She legitimately felt [i]anger[/i] at Danielle's comment. In that moment it wasn't an act, it wasn't fake, she wasn't playing a role. In that moment Maddi truly felt the urge to defend her husband and scold her daughter! She wasn't Danielle's actual mother, she wasn't Samuel's actual wife- but, nonetheless, there had been a few flashes of emotion and action lately where Maddi felt like she was. It was as if these...instincts...were helping her fill a role. Were the others feeling these as well? Certainly Bree was acting strangely, but Maddi was no longer sure if it was an act. She remembered the [i]literal script[/i] in her head during the last bonus round. This didn't feel like that- not exactly. This was more sinister and subtle. She looked down at the excited girl who was holding her hand and bouncing from one foot to the other while beaming her brace filled smile around the room.
Samuel smiled weakly and broke Maddi's concentrations, "Don't worry about it, Em, she's just in one of her moods today."
Samuel directed Maddi towards the booth and she turned with Bree still holding her hand. She felt Samuel's presence behind her as they made their way across the floor. Samuel had a strong, masculine gait that complimented her rolling, feminine one. The sound of Andy's conversation faded as she walked away.
They reached the booth and Bree released her mother's hand. She jumped onto the seat and crawled across the bench like a child. Danielle was busy texting directly across from her half-sister (A younger half-sister that was once her mother!).
Bree reached the end of the bench and pulled Maddi's purse onto the table with a *Thwack*.
Danielle glanced up and shook her head while muttering under her breath, "Such a little twerp."
Bree stuck her tongue out towards her sister while Maddi smoothed out her skirt and scooched in next to Bree. Samuel slid in next to Danielle. Maddi retrieved her lipstick-stained wine glass and sipped it gingerly.
Samuel sighed before grabbing Andy's beer and taking a big gulp.
Danielle's phone lightly hit the table before she turned her head and sighed, "I didn't mean what I said. I'm sorry. You're a...good dad...""
Samuel's face lit up. He used his sleeve to wipe a bit of beer from his lips before leaning towards Danielle and kissing the top of her head while warmly telling her, "It's okay, kiddo. You're a good daughter."
Yet another strong feeling suddenly filled Maddi's body. This time, it was a swell of happiness and pride. She sniffled and felt tears welling up at the reconciliation between her husband and daughter.
Danielle rolled her eyes and groaned, "Oh, come on mom, seriously?"
Maddi put one hand over her mouth while the other gestured towards her purse. She closed her eyes as the powerful emotion intensified and a tear rolled down her heavily made-up face.
Maddi sniffled, "I'm just so proud of you, [i]sweetie[/i]."
Samuel chuckled to himself as he followed his wife's direction. He fished through her purse and procured a tissue. He placed it into Maddi's waiting hand. Their hands briefly touched and the electricity coursed through Maddi once again.
He used a stoic 'dad' voice to tell the girls, "Your mother is a very emotional woman, especially when it comes to you kids."
While one hand blotted her eyes, the other rested lovingly on Samuel's folded hands. Their wedding rings touched and a flood of memories and emotions leaked into Maddi's brain.
When her eyes were dry, Maddi tapped Samuel's hand lovingly and folded the tissue, placing it neatly on the table. Her focus trailed across the bar towards Andy. The warmth in her body faded when she remembered what was happening over there. She saw Veronica was now sitting in the barstool next to Andy and rubbing his bicep while they talked. Maddi felt a jolt of panic and began sliding out of the booth to intervene. No more distractions!
As she stood and turned away, a loud *CRASH* from the booth caused Maddi to jump. She turned back and saw Bree had overturned her purse into the middle of the table. Its contents tumbled everywhere.
"Oops" Bree stated plainly.
Maddi put her hands on her hips and shouted, "Bree Jaclyn Grungot! I expect better behavior from you, [i]young lady[/i]!"
Bree shrank into the corner of the booth and pulled her knees up to her chest. She looked afraid.
Danielle raised her eyebrows at the commotion but paid it no further mind as her fingers flew across the keyboard. Samuel had immediately begun tossing items back into the bag.
He stopped to look at his wife with a reassuring smile to assuage her, "Relax, Em, It's not a big deal. I'll get it cleaned up." He then turned to Bree and his expression hardened, "Bree, you should treat other peoples belongings with more respect, especially your mothers."
Bree stared down at her knees and nodded her head slowly. She whimpered quietly in a shaky voice, "I j-just wanted to see mommy's cool stuff. I didn't mean for that to happen. I'm sorry mommy..."
Maddi's anger lessened significantly and she slid into the booth once again. She exchanged a glance with Samuel who gave her a tiny shrug.
Maddi spoke sweetly down to her pouting daughter, "Aw, don't be sad [i]pumpkin[/i], I could never stay mad at you. If you wanted to see my purse you just need to ask. Okay?"
Bree nodded and flashed her braces once again with a grin. She sat up excitedly and surveyed the scattered items on the table. She grabbed Maddi's wallet.
"What's in here?" She asked innocently.
Maddi zipped open the wallet and displayed her various cards to Bree while explaining the function of a wallet.
Bree slipped out her mother's license and stared at it before reading aloud, "Maddi Ellie Kleiner." She glanced up with wide-eyed excitement, "That's you, Mommy!" She glanced back down and read, "Sex F. What does Sex F mean?"
Maddi lightly pulled her license from her daughters tiny hand and slid it back into the wallet as she explained brightly, "It means I'm a girl just like you, [i]pumpkin[/i]."
Bree's face darkened and became almost sinister. A devilish, crooked smile grew. She raised her arm and coiled her little fingers around an ultra flow tampon. Her voice was slower and sarcastically sweet, "And this [i]mommy[/i]? You need this [i]right now[/i] because you're a girl, [i]don't you[/i]?"
Maddi felt an immediate tightening in her lower abdomen as her uterus contracted. She clutched at her pubic area, released a soft groan nearly doubled over and as the pain steadily increased. Samuel looked on with concern. His eyes signaled to Maddi that he clearly understood what was happening to her. Whether he knew what Bree had done or if he just recognized Maddi was about to have an accelerated period, she didn't know.
Maddi winced as she reached her open hand forward. A smug grin crossed Bree's face as she dropped the ultra flow tampon into her mother's hand.
"Do you want me to come with you so you can teach me how it works, [i]mommy[/i]?" Bree chirped.
Samuel sighed and spoke to Bree in a low, hushed tone, "C'mon, Bree...You got what you wanted; lay off her." He shot Maddi a weak smile, "Go ahead and take care of it. I'll get the table cleaned up and order us something to eat."
Maddi reluctantly slid from the booth and stood. She shuddered as pain radiated from her reproductive system. She could hardly stand upright and found the situation becoming more dire by the second. She gave the table one final glance.
Danielle stared at her quizzically, Bree appeared to be on the verge of maniacal laughter and Samuel busied himself with the table. She clenched the tampon tightly, knowing that in Grungot's twisted game using the tampon would probably either eliminate or severely lessen the pain.
She stumbled across the room with an awkward waddle where she simultaneously squeezed her thighs together and spread her feet apart. Unfortunately, this meant that her most comfortable walking position made it look like she desperately needed to take a shit. It didn't help that 'Oh my god, I need the bathroom' was written all over her anguished face.
As she rounded the bar, Maddi stopped momentarily to check on Andy. He was deeply enthralled in an intimate conversation with Veronica which included intense eye contact and googly eyes. Veronica's hand was resting dangerously high on Andy's thigh and the impressive tent in his tight pants indicated he didn't mind. They broke off their conversation and turned towards Maddi as she approached.
"Everything *BURP* okay, ma?" Andy asked with concern in his voice and the beginnings of a 5 o'clock shadow on his chin.
Maddi crinkled the tampon in her hand and clutched her abdomen as she gasped, "Bathroom...!"
Veronica noticed what Maddi was carrying and nodded her head towards the wall, "Ladies room is over there."
Maddi nodded and mouthed 'thanks' as she waddled towards the indicated wall.
Veronica called after her, "Please don't flush any feminine hygiene products!"
Ignoring Veronica, Maddi moved to the wall and passed a threshold leading to a hallway. She wanted to help Andy- she did- but she had to get her immediate problem solved first. There was no way she was saving anybody if she couldn't think straight! There were two doors in the hallway: One said 'Mars' in blue and the other said 'Venus' in pink. As if that wasn't obvious enough, the doors also contained the Mars and Venus symbols.
Maddi wasted no time barging through the 'Venus' door. It closed behind her softly.
She took a sharp breath as she noticed the bathroom was all too familiar.
A voice echoed from the stall that chilled Maddi to her core, "I figured yo' skinny ass would be back in [i]my bathroom[/i]."