Bonus Round 6 Part 1
Hello! So this chapter ended up being far too long for a single entry so it'll be split into multiple parts and I'll be posting them over the next week or so.
Thanks for reading :)
[b]Bonus Round Six: Part 1[/b]
Maddi appeared in a sports bar. There were televisions hanging around the room and above the central bar area. Leather booths dotted the perimeter and were typically occupied by groups and families.
Maddi's hands rested above her hips as she admired her outfit. She had a pastel purple, long-sleeved blouse with a dangerously deep, plunging neckline covering her torso. Her heavy breasts dragged towards her belly like fleshy anchors and sported a long line of cleavage. The blouse wrapped around each breast independently and left virtually nothing to the imagination. Anybody looking at Maddi knew exactly what her tits looked like; this included her nipples which prominently poked through. Around her lower body was a pink skirt covering to the mid thigh and dark pantyhose. Despite having 'panty' in their name, Maddi's pantyhose didn't actually cover any panties because only her bare vagina and hairy bush was visible beneath them. Her long, brunette hair crawled down her back and on her feet were dark heels. Maddi also wore a few pieces of loose jewelry. She had a silver bracelet on one wrist and a women's wristwatch on the other. Dangling around her neck was a necklace with large, rather gaudy components.
The soft, pastel colors of the outfit combined with the brazen display of Maddi's feminine body left her feeling exceedingly...[i]womanly[/i]. Her dainty accessories, flowing hair, tall heels, demure body language- every facet of Maddi screamed 'born-and-raised' woman. She glanced around quickly before focusing her attention between her legs and tugging at her pantyhose which were becoming hopelessly wedged inside her vagina. Maddi's fingers brushed against her pubic mound as she attempted to de-cameltoe herself. Her mind flashed with memories and feelings associated with piloting the female reproductive system and Maddi casually wondered when her next period would occur. The combination of physically touching her fleshy labia and contemplating her biological fertility made Maddi [b]feel[/b] female. So as she stared down between her milky cleavage, towards her dainty hand fishing up between her pink skirt, Maddi felt like an [b]exceedingly[/b] womanly female. She could also taste the thick lipstick on her lips and feel layers of makeup coating her girly face which served only to further cement the association.
"Mom what the fuck are you doing?"
Maddi's eyes shot to the corner booth where Andy was sitting with a mix of disgust and confusion on his face. Maddi felt her own face burning red with embarrassment as she swiftly pulled her painted fingers from between her legs. How had she overlooked her son sitting there!?
Maddi stuttered with a high pitch, but her voice quickly trailed off, "I-I'm sorry [i]honey[/i], I was just-"
Andy flashed her a smile and chuckled to himself as he stood up from the booth. His face still obviously belonged to him, but it had subtly changed since Maddi last saw him. In particular, his brow was decidedly heavy and masculine. It pushed him closer to the manly side of androgyny though his smooth neck proved otherwise. His body shape was all over the place. Andy was well over six feet tall and heavily muscled but still sported small/medium sized breasts. He had a prominent butt, hips and thighs but his shoulders and hands were too wide and too large to belong to a woman. His clothing consisted of a black tank top and yoga pants which would have been a traditionally feminine outfit, but between his legs was the outline of his thick cock and his rippling muscles were on full display. He was drenched in sweat and held a jug of water. His chin length blonde hair was in a small ponytail. Disregarding the obvious penis between his legs, Andy looked like either a female bodybuilder that was juicing and/or transitioning or a male bodybuilder that was...juicing and/or transitioning.
His thick but dry, cracked lips curled into a smile and his androgynous voice spilled across the room, "No need to apologize, mom, I'm guessing you were dealing with a 'front butt' situation. I'm sure you didn't know I was here anyway. Truth be told, I'm usually pretty quiet after a hard workout- and today was a real bitch."
He beckoned Maddi to come to his booth and she began to oblige with a feminine sway. Her heels clicked on the wooden floor and her cheeks continued blazing red. Unfortunately, at the halfway point, Maddi felt her pantyhose digging into her crotch once again. She elected to ignore it and met her sons beautiful, white smile with her own slightly yellowed, crooked one.
When Maddi was directly in front of Andy she stared up at him and felt a palpable power inequality. This power differential hung in the air like a looming threat. Maddi wasn't afraid Andy would hurt her or attack her or anything...but there was, nonetheless, a constant feeling of danger. Maddi knew Andy could rip her to shreds with barely any effort. His imposing figure dwarfed Maddi by almost a full foot, even with her tall heels. His 'breasts' looked more like muscled pecs prominently puffed out on his chest and directly in front of Maddi's view; Maddi, on the other hand, was working with flopping [b]milkers[/b] weighing her down heavily. Andy's veiny, sinewy arms shone with sweat from a hard workout that Maddi's jiggly, weak arms could never dream of completing.
Andy wrapped his arms down and around Maddi's back and secured her in a hug. His skin was hot and he felt solid as a rock. He held her for a few beats and Maddi knew she couldn't get out of his grip even if she wanted to. That being said, Maddi felt a surge of happiness in her chest as Andy embraced her. The smile on her face became genuine as her maternal pride swelled.
As he released her, Andy looked down and shook his head, "Ma, we talked about wearing a bra. I mean...look at those things- are you cold or something?."
Maddi looked away shamefully while futilely attempting to close her blouse with one hand. It instantly popped back open when she released it.
She responded quietly, "You know I want to [i]hun[/i], but it's just so uncomfortable."
Andy shrugged his shoulders and slipped back into the booth as he told her, "I know dad told you he liked it and all but...we're in public is all I'm saying."
"Your...father..." Maddi wistfully stated as her memories were assaulted.
She glanced down at her finger and saw a beautiful diamond ring on her left ring finger.
Once again she struggled to tell what was real and what wasn't. Was she a married mother or was she...was she a school teacher or something? Maddi's head swam as her confusion deepened.
"C'mon ma, sit down. I need a drink." Andy beckoned.
Maddi sat on the opposite side of the padded booth. She was short enough and her chest was large enough that her girls practically rested on the table. She was still foggy and somewhat lost in the noise of her changing brain. She folded her hands, conscious of the feminine symbol shining prominently on her finger.
The sound of clanking glass alerted both Maddi and Andy who turned towards the bar.
Standing behind the wooden bar was a punk looking Asian woman with dyed red hair.
She wore a cool smirk as her eyes found mother and son. Veronica wore her high waisted jeans and leather bra. Tattoos danced around her pale skin and her platform shoes raised her height to an intimidating level. Her dark, almond shaped eyes were intensely fixated on Andy.
"Can I get you folks anything?" Veronica asked in a confident alto.
Andy quickly glanced to Maddi before turning back to the bar and answering, "I'll have whatever's on draft and she'll have a glass of red wine." His head swiveled back to Maddi, "That okay, mom?"
Maddi averted her gaze and answered meekly, "Y-yes [i]sweet pea[/i] that's fine."
Veronica nodded her head and acknowledged their order, but her gaze lingered on Andy. He returned her gaze and they locked eyes. Maddi felt palpable electricity between them. Did Andy know who Veronica was, who she worked for? Veronica shifted her gaze down, giggled girlishly, then nervously curled her red hair behind her ears. Andy responded by smirking and crossing his arms across his chest. Was he flexing?
As Veronica turned to retrieve their drinks, Maddi lowered her head and whispered, "I don't mean to pry [i]honey[/i], but I thought you were only interested in dating men?"
Andy threw his head back and groaned before responding with an annoyed, hushed tone, "You know mom, every time I have a human interaction with somebody my own age you don't have to give me a pop quiz about my love life."
Maddi's shoulders drooped and she placed her delicate hand on his burly one. Her big diamond shone in the light.
She offered a warm smile, "I just want what's best for you, [i]dear[/i]."
Andy returned her smile and nodded his head before speaking, "Thanks mom, I know that. It's just-" He sat back and placed his hands behind his head, "I've just been feeling really good about my body lately and- I don't know...I've really been noticing [i]women[/i] lately, you know? You and dad talk about grand kids all the time so...I was thinking about, maybe, trying it with a girl."
Maddi stiffened up. Andy didn't appear to know who Veronica was at all. He seemed to be fishing for Maddi's approval. She reluctantly obliged him by nodding and maintaining her smile. Veronica was clearly flirting with Andy which meant she had some sort of sinister motivation.
Maddi had to stop whatever Veronica had planned, but she knew she couldn't just outright tell Andy the truth. Directly informing Andy about Veronica's employment would 'ruin' the doctor's game. The chilling memory of Avery and Jennifer's punishment was still all too fresh in Maddi's brain and she was not too keen about joining them. The Doctor had even warned her several times lately about angering him. She would have to stop Veronica tactfully.
"[i]Honey[/i], you know I support you no matter who you date. Maybe you could find a nice girl at the gym?"
Before Andy could answer, Veronica approached the table and placed a tall beer in front of Andy and a glass of red wine in front of Maddi.
Veronica cooed towards Andy, laying it on thick, "Can I see your I.D, handsome?" She then turned to Maddi and added, "And yours too, ma'am."
Andy nodded and fished into his pocket while Maddi giggled to herself, playing the part of the flattered, middle-aged mother. She opened her purse which was definitely not there just seconds prior.
Veronica collected Andy's ID first and looked down at it. She bit her lower lip and remarked softly with a slight moan, "Hmmm, 6"4 is the perfect size for a man- and twenty one to boot! Here you go, [i]stud[/i]."
Maddi glanced up from her purse and saw Andy suddenly looked a few years older. His jaw was slightly more angular and his hair was shorter. He reached to collect his ID and touched Veronica's hand. She clearly intended for it to happen but played it off like it was an accident before squeaking out, "oops!" and dropping it to the floor. She bent down at the waist to pick it up, giving Andy a look straight down her bra. He took the bait hook, line and sinker. Maddi could practically feel her sons arousal from across the table.
Maddi shook her head and dug around her purse trying to locate her license. She pushed around some receipts, tampons, tissues, snacks and keys until finally retrieving her wallet. She removed her license and looked at it. Her name was listed as Maddi Ellie Kleiner, her sex was female and her age was thirty six. But, as she watched, her birthdate changed and Maddi was suddenly thirty eight. She felt a rumbling in her body as she aged two years. Her skin loosened and the wrinkles on her face deepened. Her already heavy makeup thickened just a bit more to compensate. The change was not overall significant, but Maddi could feel each year as it was piled on. She lifted her license which Veronica barely glanced at before returning it.
"Thank you, ma'am." Veronica remarked.
She turned and sashayed away before glancing over her shoulder and casually telling them, "If you need anything I'll be right over there. My name is Veronica."
Maddi watched Andy stare at Veronica's ass as she flaunted her femininity and swayed back to the bar.
"Wow!" Andy exhaled while taking a large swig of beer. "That's the kind of girl I'm talking about."
Maddi returned her wallet to her purse and placed it next to her on the bench. She hoisted up her wine glass and took a little sip, leaving a lipstick stain on the rim.
"The waitress?" Maddi asked, "She's pretty, but the tattoos?"
It was the best Maddi could get away with as she couldn't directly insult anybody anymore.
Andy scoffed, "Look who's talking! I've been to the pool with you ma, don't you have a tramp stamp?"
Maddi tossed her hair behind her head and took another sip before answering with in an offended tone, "It's a lower back tattoo, [i]sweetie[/i]. Your father got it for me on our wedding anniversary before you were born."
Another stream of memories flooded Maddi's brain and she was powerless to stop the flow. She remembered being a newlywed and following her husband while blindfolded. He was 'surprising her' with a one year anniversary gift. She remembered picking the tribal tramp stamp even though her husband wasn't so sure. She regretted it now, but felt so damn SEXY at the time.
Andy shook his head, "Who do you think you're fooling? I'm twenty one and you've been married to dad for fifteen years. You got it with my biological father, didn't you?"
A dull buzzing coursed through Maddi's head as the memory twisted and changed. She was being led by her boyfriend somewhere while blindfolded. He was 'surprising her' after the pregnancy test came back positive. She remembered following his direction and getting the tribal tramp stamp. He was her baby daddy and she was just a teenager so...she had to make him happy! She regretted it now, but felt so damn SEXY at the time.
Maddi sipped from her glass and answered wistfully, "That was a long time ago, [i]sweetheart[/i]."
Andy nodded and took a hearty swig, opting not to press her any further. They sat in awkward silence for a few moments.
"So anyway," He stated, breaking the silence, "This bartender. I'm going for it."
"[i]Honey[/i], I'm not so sure that-"
Andy interrupted her by standing and stretching out his arms. He smoothed his short hair and ensured his tight outfit was in order before whispering, "Wish me luck" and stepping away.