Round 59 Part 2

Just a little warning for everybody: This little chapter contains a depiction of rape so please don't read this if that subject is triggering to you. I'm going to try and have this type of warning if its needed from now on.

As always, feedback is appreciated and requests are generally acted please feel free to PM me :)


Liam, Maddi and Cindi stayed frozen in the threshold of the door as their eyes struggled to adjust to the abject darkness of the room. If they thought the hallway was dim, the room itself was on a whole different level and only the faintest of outlines could be discerned. The sickening odor of raw sewage rushed to assault their noses as the trio struggled to discover its source. The faint beeping of the heart monitor and the buzzing of flies offered a clue about the layout of the room which appeared to be rather small.

A soft *click* and a dim light on the far end of the room illuminated. Maddi's eyes first focused on a young woman who was standing near the source of the light. She was dressed in a slutty nurse's costume which was coated in filth and dirt. Threads were fraying along her short skirt which was ripped straight up the middle, baring her vagina. She had a lacy pair of panties around her knees and she was dripping liquid from between her legs. Her body was marred by numerous cuts and marks of varying severity and age. Some were partially healed while others looked freshly inflicted. The bruising around her inner thighs, inner arms and around her neck appeared to be the most serious. Her dark hair was disheveled and greasy while her face was coated in a mixture of blood, dirt and semen. Her lips were pale white and she had an unsettling insanity in her eyes.

She gave the trio a deadly stare and swayed lightly from side to side.

The walls were a combination of mismatched sheet metal and cracked drywall with a low ceiling while the floor was even more broken and grimy than the linoleum in the hallway. There was a biting frigidness in the air which somehow felt [i]intentionally[/i] uncomfortable. Maddi shivered and wondered how the unsteady young woman was dealing with it in her skimpy outfit.

In the opposite corner was a rickety bedframe occupied by the skeletal husk of a person. It was a tremendously old, haggard, bald woman with sunken eyes and sallow cheeks. Her mouth hung open and a long trail of drool slid down her thin, cracked lips. She didn't have any teeth though her gums were bloated and discolored with angry, throbbing pustules. Her emaciated body was sparsely covered by a stained rag that may have been a hospital gown at some point. The bed didn't have a layer of padding or a mattress of any kind and the woman's exposed, wrinkled and jaundiced skin was in direct contact with a rusty box spring. Below the bed was a dark puddle of both liquid and solid material that was likely the source of the sewage smell. Tiny cockroaches crawled along the bed and on her body while a dozen or so flies buzzed around. She was either unable or unwilling to deal with the bugs. A pained gurgle escaped her mouth as she struggled to breath.

"What the fuck" Liam faintly muttered.

Maddi gulped as she turned from one scene of horror to the other. The young woman kept her listless stare on the trio while tears began streaking down her cheeks. She didn't even blink. The older woman released an agonized growl into the low ceiling. It was unlike any sound Maddi had ever heard from a human being- it sounded like a terrified, confused animal on the verge of death.

Liam, Cindi and Maddi stayed right where they were, unsure how they should proceed.

Cindi broke the silence with an uncomfortable stammer, "I d-don't want to b-be here."

Cindi began backpaddling towards the hallway with fear in her eyes. Her grip on Maddi tightened so they walked backwards together. Maddi certainly didn't disagree and followed Cindi's lead without any hesitation. Whoever these poor women were- they were beyond saving.

Liam seemed to agree with their consensus as he turned and retreated into the hallway. His eyes traced up towards the girls and opened wide with a mixture of terror and surprise as he looked beyond them. He stopped in his tracks and unconsciously adopted a defensive posture with his hands balled into fists and his body bladed away.

Maddi noticed his change in behavior and stopped backpaddling. Cindi tried to pull her further but Maddi resisted. If Maddi had any hairs on her neck they would have been standing straight up. She could feel that somebody was approaching in the darkness. Cindi seemed to feel it too because Maddi felt her body tense up.

Liam motioned for them to come back before issuing an order in a serious tone, "Get behind me girls!"

A primeval force overtook Maddi's brain as it flooded with adrenaline and switched to self preservation mode. She released Cindi and stumbled towards Liam instinctually. Maddi's brain was forcibly submitting to Liam's protection as her own safety was the only thing that mattered to her basic instincts. Her milky breasts slapped against his sinewy arms as she squeezed past him. She was suddenly keenly aware of Liam's deep breathing and the masculine richness of his cologne. She grabbed at his back and shoulder, anchoring herself to him.

Cindi didn't follow Maddi who had quickly scrambled behind Liam. Instead, she stood shoulder to shoulder with him and adopted a similarly defensive posture. The trio stared down the hallway as a shadowy figure advanced towards them.

The figure spoke with a nasally echo, "I see you've infiltrated my...little slice of heaven."

Doctor Grungot's grinning face was exposed to the light. He walked slowly down the hallway. Each time he passed a door along the wall, a frenzied scream, an agonized moan or some other horrible sound exploded from behind the closed doors. The Doctor appeared to relish the cacophony and his grin became wider and more sinister.

His voice was playfully menacing- almost mocking as it bounced along the walls, "This is where all my disappointments go to...atone for their transgressions."

By the time he neared the trio, a horrifying symphony of misery filled the narrow hallway with each door adding its own unique verse.

Liam and Cindi tightened together defensively when the Doctor finally stood before them. Maddi closed her eyes and tried to block the screams by slapping her hands over he ears- but she could still hear them. The sound penetrated into her brain and filled her exaggerated female body with dread. She started to sob and shake uncontrollably, unable to cope with so much negative stimulus. Liam and Cindi's own resolve was beginning to wane as the unimaginable human suffering surrounding them took its toll. It wasn't long before they too were covering their ears with their hands.

The doctor took a deep, satisfied breath. He looked down at the trio in front of him. Cindi and Liam were covering their ears and squinting their eyes shut. They were pressing their shoulders against one another, as if to comfort and reassure the other. Maddi was alone and rocking back and forth against the wall. She was bent slightly at the waist and the Doctor could see directly down her dress. He admired the bountiful view before raising his arm above his head with his fingers outstretched. He took one more second to enjoy the suffering of his enemies before balling his hand into a fist. The noises immediately ceased and relative silence filled the hall once again. Only the faint sound of a heart monitor, the light buzzing of insects and the miserable sobbing of an emotional, middle-aged woman could be heard.

Maddi sniffled as she slowly removed her hands from her ears. Relief washed over her heavily made-up face. She carefully wiped away her tears, thankful her makeup couldn't run. Whatever the Doctor had planned- anything was better than experiencing [b]that[/b] again. Liam and Cindi removed their hands as well. Their defiant attitudes seemed to have vanished completely and they looked nearly as scared and shaken up as Maddi.

Doctor Grungot smoothed out his long, white lab coat. He held his arms out to the side and began walking forward. The trio backed up as he pushed towards them, his arms were open and attempting to corral them back towards the door.

He mused through his toothy grin, "You've come to visit two of my favorite people! That's why they've got them in the VIP room!"

Maddi, Liam and Cindi returned back to the freezing cold room. The sewage stink once again filled their nostrils.

When the Doctor passed the threshold, the young woman immediately backed into the corner. Her face didn't react at all and her listless, tear-filled stare didn't waver. Her battered body, however, contorted and reoiled away from the Doctor as if he were a monster. She grasped at the wall as if trying to find something to hold on to. As she did that, the old woman simultaneously acknowledged the Doctor's presence by convulsing in the rusty bed. It dug into her back and Maddi could see bloody red scrapes forming along her wrinkles. The various bugs crawling and flying around the old woman kicked up their activity in the Doctor's presence. Not only were they more fervent, but Maddi could have sworn they were more numerous. The heart monitor beeped at an incredible rate. Surely, a woman of her advanced age wouldn't be able to handle a heartbeat that fast for long, would she?

The trio stared on, frozen in helpless terror. There was nothing they could do.

Doctor Grungot turned his attention to the young woman backed into the corner.

He spoke with a false sweetness in his voice, "Avery, my dear! It looks like you have even more suiters. What a popular, young star you are."

Avery stood up straight and blinked. She focused on the door and began moving her mouth, as if talking to somebody, though no sound came out. She pointed a shaky finger towards the door and it looked like she was yelling something. Maddi turned to look where Avery was pointing and talking. She was looking beyond anybody present in the room. No, Maddi knew there was something else she was seeing.

Avery's face became pleading and she was silently crying as her eyes darted back and forth. She appeared to be pleading with multiple entities at once.

Maddi looked over to Doctor Grungot whose eyes were also darting around. He then fixated on Avery and soundlessly mouthed something to her. She looked at him and fell to her knees, begging him. The Doctor soundlessly laughed in response and mouthed something short.

Avery was suddenly lifted in the air. She grabbed and pulled at her neck and appeared to be choking. Maddi could see Avery's neck was visibly being constricted. The bruising around her neck was growing even darker as well. She was slammed against the wall which caused the trio to collectively jump. Her frail body smacking against the sheet metal was the first sound they had heard so far.

Avery's panties were ripped from around her knees and thrown across the room by some invisible force. She was still clawing at her neck as her legs were forced open wide, exposing her naked pussy. She screamed and gagged silently while her labia were parted. Her body shook and convulsed rhythmically as if she were having sex. Meanwhile, her vagina was opening and closing in time with her convulsions.

After a minutes or so, Doctor Grungot mouthed something and Avery was slammed onto her back. She coughed and sputtered silently, finally gaining the ability to breath once again. There was now a horrible red bloating and swelling around her neck. Before she could recover, Avery's body was dragged away from the wall by her feet. Her legs were forced open again and the fucking resumed. She glanced to the left and suddenly her head snapped back to the right. She soundlessly screamed into the wall as a dark red hand print appeared on her left cheek. Her hair lifted and her head was pulled back to the left. Her mouth contorted into an "O" shape while her cheek bulged outward from an invisible cock. Her neck was lurched back and forth by an unseen entity ripping and pulling at her hair which was balled up into a messy fistful. Her right arm was lifted up and her hand began moving back and forth in a jerking, hand job motion.

Doctor Grungot pointed down a few times at Avery's body and mouthed something to an entity standing off to the side. A few seconds later, the central button of Avery's slutty nurse costume popped open. It was then ripped open completely, sending buttons flying in all directions and destroying the costume. Her medium sized tits were exposed and began bouncing in time with her rough fucking. One of them suddenly stopped bouncing and Avery silently screamed around an invisible cock stuffed down her throat as teeth marks dug into her nipple and it began to bleed.

Maddi turned her attention away. She felt shame welling up in her chest as a warm, sticky itch formed between her legs. She couldn't help herself- Avery's rough treatment was arousing to her. Maddi didn't want her mind to wander there, but some part of her, deep down, wanted her to take Avery's place. To be used and abused like some sex object...She shook her head and tried to snap herself out of it, but images of being held down and having her pussy fucked raw flashed through Maddi's head.

She could feel the Doctor's stare as she struggled with her arousal. She knew that the Doctor knew what she was thinking and she could feel his judgement, his [i]smug[/i] judgement.

Doctor Grungot shifted his attention to the older woman as Avery's assault continued.

"Now...Jennifer," He stated calmly, "Research shows that animals can help tremendously in the healing process. I can see your new cockroach friends aren't cutting it. That's okay, sometimes we just need to find the [b]right animal.[/b]"

Maddi, Cindi and Liam collectively gasped with surprise. The woman moaning in agony like an animal- covered in sores, wrinkles, dirt, insects and human excrement- was once the fiery redheaded Mistress Jennifer. Maddi wasn't sure how she felt seeing her former nemesis brought so low. There was nothing left of who she was.

The Doctor stepped towards her. Jennifer's cloudy eyes saw him approach and the heart monitor reflected her gaze with a further increase in frequency. Her body was shaking and the bed was creaking in response.

He stopped at the foot of Jennifer's bead and waved his hand over her. The bugs stopped moving and sprouted multiple long legs as they turned into large, black spiders.

The Doctor cackled, "Let's try something else!"

Jennifer's labored, rasping breaths came in shallow and fast as the colony of dark spiders skittered along her bony body.

She heaved and brought a knotted hand down at one of the spiders and smashed it against her tattered gown.

Doctor Grungot crossed his arms and spoke down with feigned disappointment, "Now that isn't very nice, Jennifer. I think your hands will need to be confiscated for killing one of your support animals."

Jennifer slammed her head back against the metal springs and whimpered as her hands dissapeared at the wrist. Her arms had become shortened stumps and the spiders scraped and bit along her body with impunity.

The Doctor craned his neck back at the trio who were standing in stunned, [i]terrified[/i] silence in the doorway. He stared them down with a mixture of anger and crazy in his eyes. Without breaking his stare, he pointed a finger at Avery who was still on the floor being abused. The sound was suddenly returned to her and she choked and gargled around an invisible penis stuffed down her throat. She sobbed miserably and yelped in fear as she was forced into yet another uncomfortable position. The Doctor then closed his fist and the sound ceased once again.

He spoke to the trio in a low, threatening growl, "There are fates much worse than death for any that oppose me." He took a little breath and grew a smile, his voice lightened up, "There's a reason I brought the three of you here. Some of you may think that little Anna will somehow lead you to salvation. I am here to tell you that that train of thought is folly. That little [i]whore[/i] belongs to me now. You all belong to [b]ME[/b]!"

Avery was thrown against the wall while the rusty bed shook and wobbled loudly alongside an agonized croak.

Cindi's glossy lips opened but Simon's confident voice sprang out, "I'm not afraid of you."

Liam shot Cindi a worried glance and gently shook his head while mouthing, "No".

Grungot turned and fully faced them with a soft chuckle, "Haha...So it seems Simon has surfaced once again. Welcome back, old friend."

Simon's pretty face was contorted in utter hatred as she continued in a high alto, "[b]Anderson[/b] is stuck under the influence of Anthony's penis. We'll save him and make you regret all of this...evil. You're pure [b]evil[/b]! You'll pay for every ounce of suffering you've caused."

The Doctor placed his hands behind his back and nodded his head slowly, "Perhaps I am evil. But perhaps I know some things you don't. I know that Anthony's...manhood, didn't change our dear Anna- It [i]revealed[/i] her. She's worse than I am and she'll throw you under a moving train to get whatever she wants."

Liam signed as he chimed in, "I don't believe that."

Grungot turned his gaze to Liam and grinned, "Even little Melody came out to play. This is a rare treat, isn't it? I don't suppose young Cassidy is in there as well? No, I posit that she's fully become Cindi, body and soul by now. hasn't she?"

Melody raised his eyes and stared defiantly at the Doctor alongside Simon. They ignored the scenes continuing to unfold in the background.

Doctor Grungot spoke to them, "Do you really believe things will improve under your little savior? Let's just pretend the impossible happens and she takes over the Extravaganza. Things would devolve into utter chaos! You think this place is bad? Try being suspended in eternal fire when you can't burn, suffocating underwater for eons when you can't drown- scenarios with no beginning or end, no structure, no purpose. If anybody else controlled this world...eternal suffering is all that awaits you."

Maddi sputtered out surprising everybody, including herself, "A-anything is better than this, [i]honey[/i]."

Doctor Grungot pointed at her, "And you," He started, "Your fat ass is starting to piss me off with your consistent defiance. If you deny me again I'll have you spend a few decades here to teach you some manners." His voice softened, "Things could be so very easy for you, Maddie. If you just submitted to me."

Maddi nervously fussed with her long, brunette hair and stared at the floor. She didn't understand most of what was going on, but this whole situation was messed up!

Doctor Grungot flicked his hand across his shoulder, nonchalantly brushing off a few flakes of dandruff.

"You know," He started, "I'm going to allow you to stay as Simon and Melody. I could force the issue, but we'll see how everything plays out." His voice became serious, "You can try to save your little champion, but I guarantee you won't be happy with the conclusion."

With that, Doctor Grungot gave them one final glance before disappearing. Avery was left on her back, resting on the floor. She was panting heavily. Her exposed body was covered in semen and a multitude of new marks and bruises. Her listless stare returned and her emotionless face stared up to the ceiling. The spiders on Jennifer's bony body turned back into tiny roaches and her knotted hands had returned. She slipped back into an almost comatose state with drool slipping from her mouth.

Simon and Melody hugged one another tightly. Melody put his manly hand on Maddi's shoulder and pulled her into it as well. They shared a short embrace before the punishment wing began to crumble and fall away.

Maddi's companions broke into a passionate kiss just before Maddi was fully swallowed up into the void.

Despite everything that had just happened, Maddi gulped and feared something else completely. The realization dawned on her as she remembered what was coming.

It was bonus round time.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Maddi Ellie Dawes


Kitten, Titty, Betty

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]

Just a hair under 5"00. Body shape is best described as "leggy" and "bottom heavy" with the legs and lower body comprising a high percentage of the total height and size.

[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

162 LBS






XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Unusually active mammery glands and heavy periods.


Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond mid back length.


High pitched with a noticible haughtiness.


Must wear heavy makeup at all times.

Calls people almost exclusively using pet names. Can only be kind, friendly and supportive when talking about somebody.

Cannot wear any type of bra.

Cannot tie up or otherwise restrict hair.


Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Slightly crooked, lightly yellowed teeth. Large, soft green eyes. Light, receded brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman. Wearing heavy makeup including foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Fully developed vagina with noticible pussy lips and a hairy bush.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Slightly saggy female arms with virtually no muscle. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Huge, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a DD cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are wide, dark and feminine. Unusually active mammery glands. Stomach is somewhat bloated with little muscle underneath. Stomach is pockmarked with stretch marks and contains a long, horizontal c-section scar. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have dark, stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, chubby feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth and extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Chubby, protruding ass with wide, motherly hips. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.



Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. Diamond earring studs in earlobes.


Heterosexual woman that only considers dating men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big penises and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humilation and debauchery - but only when very horny.


Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way.


Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners. Very knowlegeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Skilled in makeup application...of herself at least. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.


Bonus Round 6 Part 1


Round 59 Part 1