Bonus Round 5
[b]*BRoundus TwentFyIVE*[/b]
Andi appeared in a dimly lit restaurant. Mr. Johnson was standing behind a white, cushioned, leather seat which he slowly pulled out; offering it to Andi. His eyes were fixed on Andi who hesitated. Mr. Johnson was wearing a tuxedo and smelled strongly of cologne. His slightly wrinkled face held a warm smile as he continued to hold the seat out. Andi looked around the room. It was a large but strangely personal space. The carpet was deep red and the tables bore white table clothes. There were well dressed, upscale patrons at nearly every table sipping wine and chatting. The wonderful smell of prime rib wafted through the room. Shimmering chandelier's cast dim light around the place and each table had a flickering candle. Andi realized he hadn't eaten anything since this game began. He didn't feel hungry though.
Andi's gaze fixed onto Mr. Johnson who was still standing with the seat outstretched. His face had grown rather angry as he hissed, "Sit yo' little white ass down. You embarassin' me, bitch."
Andi hurriedly shifted his way to the table and sat in the chair as Mr. Johnson pushed it under him. The cold leather chilled his partially exposed thighs and Andi released an involuntary shiver. Mr. Johnson dipped down and kissed Andi wetly on the cheek with a big *smack*. Andi sat frozen, totally overpowered by Mr. Johnson's enormous presence. The cologne smell was incredibly potent as Mr. Johnson stood back up and walked to his chair on the other side of the square table. He flicked his coattails as he sat down with a creak.
Mr. Johnson folded his hands together and smiled as he watched Andi wipe his cheek with his hand. A familiar man in a nice black button down shirt approached the table.
The man's androgynous voice sounded as he smiled and spoke to the pair, "Good evening Lady and Gentleman, my name is Stan and i'll be your waiter for this evening. May I start you with something to drink or would you like to order something right away?"
Stan appeared to be in his late thirties or early forties and had a brown crew cut. His nose was rather bulbous and his ears looked tiny. It gave him a most unusual look. But his eyes were kind and his smile seemed genuine. Andi was slightly bothered by being called 'Lady' but he figured he looked like a very ugly, masculine woman at this point.
As Andi was about to speak, Mr. Johnson butted in and spoke confidently, "We will have a bottle of your house wine and waters. I will be having a 20oz prime rib cooked medium-rare and my beautiful fiancee will have a side salad. "
Andi looked down at his thick masculine fingers. On his left ring finger was a cheap looking diamond engagement ring with one small stone in a silver setting. His breath quickened and his mouth hung open as he stared at his outstretched hand.
"Very good, i'll return with the drinks shortly." Stan turned and walked towards the kitchen.
Mr. Johnson reached and grabbed Andi's outstretched hand and held it tightly.
"Soon it'll be just you an' me, Angel." His voice was deep and smooth.
Andi felt shell shocked as he muttered out, "Isn't this sup-supposed to be a bonus challenge? W-where is the audience?"
Mr. Johnson, still clutching Andi's hand tightly, spoke sternly, "I put an end to that, at least fo' now. I don't want yo' skank ass sucking or fucking anybody else you hear? You belong to me now. The only dick you pleasure is Daddy's, you understand that ho?"
Andi felt his cheeks burn red. He hesitated and averted his gaze as he tried to pull his hand back. Mr. Johnson's grip tightened considerably. It started to hurt Andi who continued to try and pull away; but it was to no avail. Mr. Johnson was just so much stronger.
His gaze intensified and he spoke even louder and angrier, enunciating every word; disturbing nearby tables, "Do. You. Understand. Me. Ho!?"
Andi whispered weakly, "Y-yes I understand."
"I understand..." Mr. Johnson asked, expecting something else. His grip tightened again, causing Andi to wince in pain.
Andi's voice was slightly louder and quicker, obviously affected by pain, 'Y-yes I understand, D-Daddy."
Mr. Johnson smiled and released his grip. Andi's hand fell to the table with a thud. He pulled it back and caressed it. It pulsed in pain.
The couple sat in silence for a few minutes. Mr. Johnson stared at Andi with a predatory smile while Andi awkwardly stared into the table cloth.
Stan appeared before long with a bottle of red wine which Mr. Johnson poured into two glasses. Andi quickly took several large gulps before returning to his awkward stare-off with the table cloth.
After a few more long minutes of silence, Mr. Johnson piped up, "We gotta enjoy this while we can, once the kids start comin' we ain't gon' be able to go out as much."
Andi began to choke on a sip of wine he had been drinking. He coughed loudly causing most of the nearby tables to stop their conversations to see what the commotion was. Andi pounded on his chest as the coughing started to subside. Andi wanted so badly to tell Mr. Johnson off; to say it would never happen, that he wouldn't even want to be on the same airplane as this guy let alone have kids with him. But he was afraid to speak up. He just slowly nodded his head with a sullen look and watched the shadows from the candle dance along the table.
A waitor unfamiliar with Andi walked up to their table with the food. He was shorter with a medium build, black hair and a goatee. "Alright, so who had the side salad?"
"Who do you think, young man?" Mr. Johnson asked with a jovial look.
The waitor smiled as he placed the tiny salad in front of a blushing Andi, "I'll assume the lady ordered that. Which means this steak must be for the gentleman." He set the large slab of meat in front of Mr. Johnson. "Please enjoy, folks. We'll be around if you need anything."
Mr. Johnson dug into his steak and devoured it quickly. Andi poked at the tiny salad. It was definitely a high quality salad, but he just didn't feel at all hungry.
"You enjoying yo' salad, Sugar? You glad Daddy took you out on the town tonight?"
Andi's gaze was fixed on his salad which he continued to poke at as he resonded, "Yes..." Mr. Johnson stared with an expectant expression as Andi added, "...Daddy."
Once Mr. Johnson had finished his giant prime rib he looked over at Andi's plate which still had a fair amount of his meal left.
"My little lady can't even finish a little salad, that's why you stayin' so petite and fine fo' me! That's a good girl."
Andi just sat, waiting for this ordeal to just end.
"Hey Doctor?" Mr. Johnson spoke into the ceiling. Andi heard static, like an open wire pulsing in the sky.
A few seconds later Doctor Grungot's voice started speaking but he was so grainy, like a bad reception. For the first few seconds he was not discernible but the signal seemed to get better and soon he could be understood. "-not sure who you think you are, Gregory, but you can't just do whatever you want like that!" Doctor Grungot was pissed.
"Ah shutup Harry, we'll discuss this later. Just wanted to take my little cupcake out on the town. Please contact Avery Miller and get her on the phone for me."
Doctor Grungot sounded annoyed as he responded in his nasally voice, "You pull this shit and expect me to do you a favor? ...Okay fine, but you have some explaining to do."
Andi remembered Avery Miller from before, she had taken his drive and given him laziness.
A blue projection of Avery appeared in the middle of the restaurant. None of the patrons paid her any attention as they continued about their meals. Avery looked a little better put together, her hair wasn't as much of a mess and her clothes looked a little better.
Her raspy voice sounded as she puffed a cigarette, "Yeah what'cha want?"
Doctor Grungot asked, "Good evening Ms. Miller. How have you been since the last time we spoke?"
"Can't complain, lifes gotten a bit better. House is a lot cleaner, still struggling to find a job but at least I want to now."
"Well I think Mr. Johnson would like to help you with that, if you're willing."
Avery sounded excited as she rasped, "Hell yeah, give me some more of that life changing shit. I'm still living in hell over here."
Andi felt a tingle in his head. He closed his eyes and waited for the feeling to pass. He wasn't quite sure what had changed as the tingling stopped and he opened his eyes.
"What the fuck changed?" Avery spoke as she looked around and down at herself.
Mr. Johnson spoke confidently, "Your extensive criminal record has been swapped with Andi's. Also your total disregard for the law has been traded too. You'll find yourself actively trying NOT to break the law now."
Avery rasped, "Alright, should make finding a job a lot easier. Thanks a lot! Hope to see you again!"
"Oh i'm sure we will, good luck to you Ma'am." Mr. Johnson looked down at Andi, 'Tsk, tsk, tsk you little troublemaker. Multiple felonies and midemeanors for all sorts of crimes. Larceny, drug use,'ve been a really bad girl! Also there's this-"
Mr. Johnson stood up and ushered Andi to come with him. But they hadn't paid there bill! Normally this would have bothered Andi and he would have done anything to make up for not having enough money to pay. He never would have considered dine and dashing. But now...he didn't really care. He shrugged his shoulders and followed Mr. Johnson outside. Criminal activity was much more familiar to him and bothered him much less. Mr. Johnson grabbed Andi's hand as they walked down a well lit street.
As the scene started to collapse, Mr. Johnson bent down and kissed Andi whispering, "I love you little troublemaker."
Andi didn't respond as he was left floating in the void.
HEIGHT: 5"10
AGE: 20
HAIR: Just shy of shoulder length, straight and brown in a loose style.
VOICE: Youthful, somewhat shy and quiet.
FACIAL HAIR: None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.
EYES: Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, SHORT EYELASHES
BUILD: Thin, wirey feminine frame; thin arms and legs; flat, boney chest and weak shoulders COVERED IN THICK BLACK HAIR; FLAT BUT MUSCULAR ASS; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach.
CHEST: FLAT, MUSCLED PECS COVERED IN THICK BLACK HAIR; Large and veinous feiminine nipples.
EXTREMITIES: LARGE CALLOUSED HANDS WITH SHORT, DIRTY NAILS; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, longer nails.
GENITALS: Thin, HAIRY PENIS. four inches when erect, One and a half inches while flaccid. tiny balls with tight sack.
OUTFIT: BLACK AND BLUE SKIN TIGHT SUIT. Short sleeves that leave the arms completely exposed. Short Shorts that leave the entire lower leg and parts of the thighs exposed. A medium 'V' in the neck area exposes part of the chest and a triangle on the stomach expose skin beneath. TIGHT IN THE CROTCH AREA SHOWING tiny penis nub. Shiny solid BLACK ATHLETIC SHOES with a slightly raised heel. Cheap diamond engagement right on left hand.
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Is not attracted to either sex, feels no sexual attraction. Prefers to be submissive in sexual encounters.
PERSONALITY: Submissive, self-conscious, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, Doesn't mind a mess or living in squalor, INNOVATIVE, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges.