Round 24
[b]*Round Twenty Four*[/b]
Andi appeared in a dimly lit tavern. The high wooden tables filled most of the space except for the bar which was in the center. Andi was standing next to a pool table near the back wall. He remembered playing a lot of pool with his friends but didn't have the first clue how to actually play. Must have lost that knowlege to Danielle all those rounds ago. The room was cheaply carpeted and the walls had fixtures and props from various sports teams and alcohol brands. Next to him appeared Cindi. She gave him a warm smile as she looked around the room. Andi took a second to examine her. She had long silky blonde hair which hung loosely down her back. Her face was finely shaped and beautiful but her small eyes and thin, cracked lips detracted from her cuteness. The thick black-rimmed glasses didn't do her any service either. She wore a red dress that hugged her straight, curve-less figure. She had a slight potbelly that hung out and jiggled slightly as she moved around. Her large breasts were basically popping out of the dress and she teetered on tall red heels. Her large butt stuck out provocatively and stretched the dress to its limit. Her nails were painted deep red and she had on perfect makeup. The more Andi looked the more he realized the makeup was a bit TOO perfect.
The pair waited for a while with nothing happening.
"Not again..." Andi whispered.
Cindi looked at Andi and examined him. She spoke in her bubbly, high pitch, "Well so much for my big beef castle! I think you still look cute though." She looked towards the bar, "You want a drink?" She started towards the alcohol.
Andi shrugged his shoulder and followed her, taking a seat at the bar. Cindi walked around and got behind it. She bent over in front of Andi, baring her immense cleavage with her hair falling onto the polished wood of the bar. "What'll it be little guy? Are you even old enough to drink?"
"Ha. Ha." Andi sarcastically said. "Give me the strongest stuff you have."
Cindi reached down and grabbed two shot glasses and popped open a top shelf whisky. She poured it and slid one towards Andi. They both examined their tiny glasses in silence before Cindi chimed, "Here's to the biggest little idiot in the goddamn world." She smiled raised her glass to which Andi smiled and raised his. They both downed their shot in one swift motion. Andi squinted his eyes shut as the liquid burned down his throat. He felt a surge of confidence. For some reason, he didn't feel afraid to talk to Cindi.
"Can't you just let me win? You already lost enough of your...charms" Andi pointed to his thick lips and wide hips.
Cindi gently set her glass down and started pouring herself another as she released a small laugh and responded, "It's ain't that easy Anderson."
Anderson? That name sounded so familiar...yet so alien to Andi.
Andi put his glass out which Cindi promptly filled. "Why am I here?" He asked bluntly.
Cindi looked down at her filled glass as she thought. She looked up and whispered, "I don't know."
Andi threw back his shot, the alcohol burned his throat again. He choked out, "Why are you here?"
Cindi downed her shot and furrowed her nose as the alcohol went down. She licked her thin lips before responding, "I don't know that either."
Andi smashed his glass onto the bar breaking it into pieces as he yelled, "Tell me what the FUCK is going on. One second you're saying an ex-boyfriend forced you to change then you're saying you don't know what's happening. I don't understand anything that's going on! Help me Cindi!"
Cindi didn't flinch. She reached down and grabbed Andi another shot glass, brushing aside several beads of glass as she put it in front of him. She filled it up then filled her own. Andi huffed and puffed, struggling to control himself.
"Look, Anderson, when we're in limbo here I can be myself, but when the Doctor takes over...I'm somebody totally different. I don't know what's real and what isn't. All I know is that I have no control over the situation; so I choose..." She downed the shot and shakes her hair wildly as the alcohol enters her stomach, " drink." she finished. "Oh and call me Sandra."
Andi felt much calmer as the alcohol began to affect him. He gave Sandra an amused look as he, too, downed his third shot. Sandra wore a slight smile as she closed her eyes. She was clearly feeling the effects of the whisky.
"It's good to meet you Sandra."
Andi contemplated his next question in silence for a minute or so. He watched Sandra who kept her little eyes closed. She slowly started swaying to an unheard tune.
"If I die in here do I die out there?"
Sandra slowed her dancing and stopped. She opened her eyes and gained a very serious look.
"I don't even know if there is an 'out there'."
As soon as Sandra finished talking Andi felt his stomache drop and a strong feeling of dread filled him. The sound of shattering glass rang out through the tavern. Andi and Sandra both jumped and looked toward the noise. Inside a nearby window was a shadowy figure smashing its way through the glass. The dim lights of the tavern started to flicker in and out as the figure aggressively pummeled the window. Andi and Sandra stared at each other, their eyes filled with fear. Sandra ran around the bar and stood next to Andi. She wrapped her tiny arm around his. Andi felt much less capable of fighting somebody with his diminished strength but he would if he was forced to. Sandra and Andi ran to the opposite side of the tavern, as far from the shadow as possible. The figure started to slink through the destroyed window. Its body crawled through unnaturally, but Andi couldn't quite make out what it looked like. It's like its body appeared to be constantly swirling, shifting and changing.
The figure jumped to its feet and began to move quickly towards the pair who had grabbed onto each other and huddled together in the corner. Andi felt intense fear that left him paralyzed. He wrapped his arms around Cindi who did the same to him. This was different than last time. Last time he wasn't as afraid.
The figure let out a gutteral screech as it got within a few yards of them. Andi reached onto the wall next to him and grabbed a beer mug mounted on the wall. He threw it as hard as his thin arms would let him right at the figure which connected with the shadow's head!
"Get away from us!" Andi shouted.
The shadow screeched unnaturally but did not slow down. The lights continued to flicker on and off as it lunged towards them. Andi squeezed his eyes shut while Sandra latched harder onto Andi's arm and let out a high pitched scream. Suddenly, the screaming stopped. Andie sat with his eyes clenched shut for a few seconds before slowly opening them. The shadow stood in front of him with its arm outstretched. Its hand had long dark claws. It was pointing an outstretched, clawed finger at Andi. Andi looked at Sandra who was frozen in place with a looks of terror on her face and her mouth wide open in a scream. The lights were no longer flickering. The shadow continued to shift but remained still as if waiting for something. Andi stood up, shaking while he slowly moved away. The figure pivoted with its finger as Andi moved away.
Tears welled up in Andi's eyes as he screamed, "What do you want from me!?"
The figure spoke. It's voice sounded like multiple voices, all speaking at the same time.
"Join us."
As the scene began to collapse, the figure lowered its hand and time started again. Sandra's scream echoed through the tavern and the lights flickered wildly. Andi stared at the shadow who stared back at him.
"Who are you?" Andi whispered. The scene fully collapsed.
Andi was standing in a brightly lit tavern. The tavern had cheap red carpet and tall wooden tables throughout. It wasn't too big or too small, it felt just right. In the middle of the tavern was a large wooden bar. The surrounding walls were covered in various sports memorabilia and alcohol advertisements. Andi was standing next to a pool table.
He looked around and contemplated what had just happened as his breathing returned to normal. The room appeared the same except for the lighting. But the feeling of dread was gone. It just felt...normal. The room was spinning slightly as multiple shots in quick succession started taking their toll. Andi grabbed onto the pool table for support.
Sandra appeared and nearly fell over as she too held onto the table for support. She let out a giggle and swatted her long blonde hair out of her face. Andi looked into her eyes. They were glazed over and out of focus.
"My head feels so funny!" Her voice was bubbly and breathy. She bit her lip and closed her eyes as she started swaying slightly.
S.A.M. appeared on the table.
"Contestants will play one round of pool. Ms. Lane will shoot first."
A racked triangle of pool balls appeared on the table along with the cue ball. Both were already in perfect position. A pool stick appeared in the hand of each player.
Andi looked at the stick and had no clue what to do. He peered at Sandra who appeared to be lining up to shoot the cue ball.
Andi stumbled over to her and whispered, "What the hell's going on, Sandra?"
Sandra bent over, sticking her large ass out as she lined up her shot and released. The balls flew all over the table but none went into the pockets.
"Ummmmm I don't know what you're talking about Andi. My name is Cindi and I hope you like my butt because it'll be yours soon!"
Cindi wiggled her butt towards Andi provocatively while she giggled. Andi felt an intense sadness, it was like his only ally had been taken from him. But she was right in front of him. He wasn't sure if the Doctor knew about his meetings with Sandra or not but it was probably best to pretend like nothing was happening.
He quickly put on an angry facade and said, "We'll see about that!"
He walked up to the table, ignoring the gyrating Cindi, and held the stick in both hands like a spear. Andi aimed for the white cue ball and stabbed at it like a caveman. The ball barely moved an inch as he had almost completely missed it. It lightly tapped a solid ball before stopping.
"Wow that was adorable, Andi! My turn!"
Cindi tottered over to the cue ball, lined it up, and struck it. Andi watched her hand placement and technique. Several balls were knocked around during the shot. A orange striped ball and a solid black ball both fell into the pockets. Cindi's think lower lip jutted out and she started to pout as Andi walked up to the table and prepared to shoot. He tried to replicate Cindi's hand placement as he prepared.
Doctor Grungot's voice rang out, "Well that's just too bad, Ms. Lane! Mr. Johannson clearly didn't know what he was doing, this was an easy win!"
Cindi continued to pout as she chirped at Andi, "Next time you won't be so lucky you little cutie!"
Andi was thoroughly confused as he dropped the stick and the room collapsed.
HEIGHT: 5"10
AGE: 20
HAIR: Just shy of shoulder length, straight and brown in a loose style.
VOICE: Youthful, somewhat shy and quiet.
FACIAL HAIR: None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.
EYES: Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, SHORT EYELASHES
BUILD: Thin, wirey feminine frame; thin arms and legs; flat, boney chest and weak shoulders COVERED IN THICK BLACK HAIR; FLAT BUT MUSCULAR ASS; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach.
CHEST: FLAT, MUSCLED PECS COVERED IN THICK BLACK HAIR; Large and veinous feiminine nipples.
EXTREMITIES: LARGE CALLOUSED HANDS WITH SHORT, DIRTY NAILS; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, longer nails.
GENITALS: Thin, HAIRY PENIS. four inches when erect, One and a half inches while flaccid. tiny balls with tight sack.
OUTFIT: BLACK AND BLUE SKIN TIGHT SUIT. Short sleeves that leave the arms completely exposed. Short Shorts that leave the entire lower leg and parts of the thighs exposed. A medium 'V' in the neck area exposes part of the chest and a triangle on the stomach expose skin beneath. TIGHT IN THE CROTCH AREA SHOWING tiny penis nub. Shiny solid BLACK ATHLETIC SHOES with a slightly raised heel.
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Is not attracted to either sex, feels no sexual attraction. Prefers to be submissive in sexual encounters.
PERSONALITY: Submissive, self-conscious, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, Doesn't mind a mess or living in squalor, INNOVATIVE, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression.