Bonus Round 19
[b]*Round Ninety Five*[/b]
Annabella carefully stepped through the strangely familiar bedroom floating ominously in the void. Carefully avoiding contact with any objects strewn along the hard wood floor, she drew open the door looming on the far wall. It opened slowly with complete silence. She stepped through the threshold.
Annabella glanced around in Doctor Grungot's office. The gray haze slowly drew back and she could see the Doctor was seated and busy fussing over a stack of papers. He looked like his normal self. Older, with balding gray hair, a lightly wrinkled face, and a weak body sporting a sweeping lab coat. His desk was wide and his chair was imposing, like a throne of dark leather.
The Doctor turned his forearm and peered at his watch. He pressed onto his desk and coolly commanded in his nasily voice, "Send him in."
The Doctor returned to his papers for a few seconds before the door to his office creaked open and his attention shifted upwards.
Through the door stepped an older gentleman. He walked slowly with a wooden cane and a slightly pained limp. He was dressed in a smart black suit and, despite his mobility issues, gave off an air of calm and confidence. He had a drooping, wrinkled face and sported thick, wire rimmed glasses. His most striking quality, however, was his size. He was a very large man. He looked like a former athlete as his shoulders and arms were bulky and his chest was proudly puffed out. He was tall, but clearly past his prime with much of his bulk sagging. Annabella imagined he was quite a force back in the day. His brown eyes calmly stared Doctor Grungot down through his thick spectacles. The and stopped in front of the desk. A seated Doctor Grungot stared upwards with a smile. The old man towered over the grinning Doctor.
Doctor Grungot motioned to the tiny chair in front of his desk, "Have a seat."
The man rested against his cane and continued to stare down as he responded with a deep, powerful baritone, "I would prefer to stand."
The Doctor shrugged, his smile unwavering. He sat back in his giant chair and sighed, "I have to admit, when I heard you were interested in coming on the show I didn't believe it at first."
The old man scoffed as he looked around the room, "'Coming on the show', that's rich. What is it you want exactly?"
The Doctor stuck his lower lip out and sarcastically responded, "Oh, what? Two old friends can't get together and catch up?"
A moment of awkward silence hung in the room. A palpable tension permeated the space and Annabella felt something was definitely about to happen.
Suddenly, the calm demeanor of the old man shattered as he raised and lowered his cane directly onto Doctor Grungot's desk, quick as lightning, with a powerful blow. It crashed as wood meet wood. The cane splintered into countless pieces, and a whopping *CRACK* echoed across the room. Doctor Grungot jumped up in surprise but the old man wasn't finished, he rushed forward and shoved his hands under Doctor Grungot's desk. With an angry grunt he flipped the heavy desk forward towards the Doctor who fell backwards out of his chair. His eyes were filled with fear. The old man aggressively stepped over the overturned desk, his brown eyes were unblinking and filled with rage. Doctor Grungot frantically shuffled to the back wall while the old man clenched his fists and followed. His hulking, suited form dwarfed the retreating Doctor. The old man wasted no time, grabbing his cowering quarry by the front of his coat. Grungot attempted to talk into his watch, hurriedly begging for help, but the old man reached up with his off-hand and crushed the Doctor's hand and wrist. The Doctor let out a pained screech and Annabella cringed at the sound of cracking bones.
"What if I Just killed you now?" The old man bellowed as he barred his teeth at a gasping Grungot.
"T-then you would nev-never see your daughter again!" The Doctor sputtered out through labored breath.
The dark suited man grunted. His grip let up a bit as he contemplated the Doctor's words. He sighed heavily then dropped the Doctor who landed softly. Grungot took a second to catch his breath and replace his displaced clothing.
"How long?" The old man started, suddenly sounding choked up, "How long did you plan this? You couldn't trick or convince my daughter to come on this 'show' unless she was coming to save that idiot boyfriend of hers. But to get him here you had to get somebody for him to save...somebody he was willing to risk himself for. And so on and so on. So how long? All just to get me here? And for what? Revenge? All those years ago, you still couldn't let it go."
The Doctor snarled as he spat, "You laughed at me! You and your...your...cronies. I was about to revolutionize science: to perfect humanity! And me a laughing stock! Threw me out in my prime, took away everything." He paused and took a few deep breaths, "But now it's I who will take away everything."
"But don't you see, Harold," The old man pleaded, "this is why your research was stopped. Look at yourself, look what you're doing. This is a fantasy, a farce. It's exactly as I feared! This isn't reality, Harold."
Doctor Grungot turned away, facing the wall. He shook his head slowly, and spoke even slower, "You...stopped my research because you were jealous of me. Jealous of my vision, of what I was creating."
The large man regained his composure and smooth confidence, "You leave me no choice. I will put a stop to you, Harold. Once and for all."
Doctor Grungot turned back around, a manic twinkle sparkled in his eye, "Then sign the paper and prove it to me. I'll even put you back into your forties to give you the best chances. I will, of course, temporarily wipe your memory of your old life and the identity of your daughter and all friends..."
The old man snatched the papers from Doctor Grungot's hands. He took a few minutes to read them in silence before clicking a pen and signing:
Anderson Larry Johannson
Doctor Grungot received the signed papers and smiled widely. He closed his eyes, appearing to savor the moment.
"I've waited so long for this..." He took a few deep breaths, "But fear not, Mr. Johannson, I will give you a fair chance. But I will so enjoy this. I'm sure Melody will be oh so excited to see her loving father again!"
Doctor Grungot chuckled maniacally to himself as Anderson cracked his knuckles and adjusted his glasses, appearing lost in thought. He hobbled over to the fallen desk and recovered his broken cane. The scene collapsed and Annabella was left wondering what it all meant.
Annabella was met with the ever more familiar smell of barnyard. It wasn't so bad, in fact she wasn't really bothered by the smell anymore. The sunlight poured through the large wooden windows casting an invigorating warmth along the straw. The sound of farm animals were all around her. Annabella touched the cowbell tightly around her neck. As usual, she was nude save for the cow print heels. Her pink-blond hair was in cute half pigtails.
Annabella felt a sudden craving for a cigarette. Normally when she wanted one, it would appear between her fingers while the lighter was in the other. This time, however, she was clutching a heart shaped sucker. She twirled it between her delicate fingers before shrugging and popping it into her mouth. It rattled sweetly around her braces and she felt the craving for nicotine dissipate. This was no ordinary sucker.
While enjoying her sugary treat, Annabella rang the cowbell around her neck and soon Abel was walking towards her. It was a good thing too, her pendulous tits were heavy and she felt a strong pressure on her nipples which were erect and sensitive. The veins on her areola were popping out and demanding attention.
Abel's kind voice started as he neared, "Well howdy there, young lady."
Annabella blushed, Abel wasn't lying, she looked younger and more innocent than ever. She emphasized it by twirling her pink-blonde twin tail with her finger and smiling at Abel with her multi colored braces.
He continued, "Now I know our hand pump had an accident last time, so I've been thinking. I think it's time we upgraded you. You're little girl is getting bigger and needs more milk and I think, " He looked down at her straining tits, "your udders are more than ready to produce. Follow me."
He walked towards the sound of the animals. Annabella followed, what choice did she really have? Abel stopped before an open animal pen. When Annabella looked inside she saw the pen was filled with dirty straw. In the middle was a wooden square with four metal circles in it. Near the door of the pen was a small video camera aimed at the square. Annabella looked from the object at the middle in the room to Abel with confusion.
He smiled at her, "This is the machine we use to milk the cows."
He walked away for a second and returned with a large glass cylinder on wheels. He pulled the object into the pen and lined it up next to the square. He pulled a clear hose from the floor and attached it to the glass cylinder.
"See? Your udders go in these holes and the milk gets stored in this tank here. It'll be much more efficient, I promise you. Though, you gotta get on your hands and knees to get your teets in the hole."
Abel reached behind a hay pile and procured a pair of cow print leather chaps.
"I suggest you put these on, wouldn't want to scuff up your knees too bad."
He handed the chaps to Annabella who accepted and put them on without question. They were more form fitting than Annabella was expecting and tightly hugged her thick thighs. They flared around her wide hips and her ass stuck out provocatively. Her slightly damp cunt was framed nicely.
"Oh, and one more thing. That camera," Abel pointed towards the door to the pen, "reads the RFID bar-code branded on every cow before the pump will activate."
Annabella pulled out her little sucker before chirping in her high pitched, breathy voice, "But I don't wanna be bwanded."
Abel laughed, "Don't worry, Child, I'll give you a temporary tattoo. Just so the RFID reader can scan you!"
Abel motioned for Annabella to get down on the floor. She did so apprehensively. She was careful not to dig too deeply into the disgusting straw with her clean hands. The chaps did well in keeping her legs protected. When she was on her hands and knees, with her pussy and butt facing Abel, he stepped forward and slapped her ass aggressively. Annabella let out a shriek as her flesh jiggled. She looked over her shoulder and examined the black RFID bar-code gleaming on her right butt cheek.
"Put your udders in the circles." Abel commanded, his voice losing its warmth.
Annabella did as she was told and bent down low, her ass pushing further into the air. Her tits dangled over the hole and were swallowed up by it. When she was in position, Abel moved out of the camera's line of sight and it released a small *beep*.
The square sprang to life and Annabella felt an intense pulling on her nipples. She groaned as her engorged tits were milked. Each mechanical pull yielded another stream which she watched climb up the clear tubing and into the glass tank. It lasted for a few minutes. The pulling was so intense that Annabella was not deriving much pleasure from it, though she had to admit it was very efficient. When the stream from her breasts began to slow, Abel approached Annabella. He stood over her and watched as she grunted and moaned. He dropped to one knee and cupped Annabella's right breast. He tugged on it and withdrew from the machine with a soft *pop*. He did the same with the left. Her nipples were red and tingly, a small dribble of milk still dribbled out. She sat onto her butt in the filthy straw, catching her breath and wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead. At least her tits were pressure free!
Abel examined the tanks contents. It was roughly a quarter full.
Abel croaked, "You'll have to do better next time, Cow." He seemed angry. His normally nice and friendly face was now harsh and unsettling.
"S-sowwy..." Annabella whispered with a weak gasp. She stared at the straw floor. She wanted to rub her tingling breasts but refrained from moving at all in case Abel became even more upset with her. She hated feeling like a disappointment!
Abel stormed out of the pen as the scene collapsed.
Annabella appeared in a classroom. It was pretty average looking if a little outdated. The front wall was covered side to side with a green chalkboard. Old school wooden desks were placed in rows stretching to the back of the room. Annabella estimated there were thirty or so. A wooden door on the east wall probably led to the rest of the school while the west wall had long windows spanning its length with cabinets situated beneath them. On the cabinets rested supplies and equipment you would expect in a classroom setting. Directly in front of the chalk board was a wooden lectern and a long teacher's desk.
Light filtered through the windows and Annabella used it to examine herself. She wore an extremely short pleated skirt with a hot pink and white plaid design. It barely hugged her upper thigh and Annabella imagined how easily visible her bare pussy would be if she made any movement that lifted her skirt even a little. Her thick, smooth, tanned legs were encased in sheer white stockings and shiny, tall black mary janes. Around her neck was a white lace choker. Her tiny midriff was uncovered while her jiggling tits were barely contained in a pink tube top. Her braless tits defied gravity and her thick, pierced nipples poked against the thin pink top, clearly visible. Suddenly, she felt a wet *splat* across her tits. A load of semen deposited itself between her tits and dried, leaving an obvious trail across her breasts. She looked down and shrugged, par for the course really.
She twirled her long, sparkly fingernails through her pink-blonde pigtails and looked over he shoulder to see her tramp stamp proudly sat over the skirt. She licked her impossibly fat, protruding lips which, like the rest of her face, was covered in thick but professional makeup. She also ran her tongue along the braces filling her teeth. She admired her gaudy, flashy earrings and overall felt incredibly sexy.
S.A.M. appeared on the teacher's desk. He wore a little cap and gown.
"Ms. Slut will teach an impromptu lesson as a substitute teacher. She must remain in control of the class and effectively convey the information. Ms. Slut chose the topic she would be teaching during intermission. Her memory was wiped of this so as to prevent preparation of any kind."
Annabella furrowed her brow, she definitely didn't remember picking anything, but as long as she knew a lot about the subject she was ready to try. But what was she an expert in?
As she pondered, the front few rows filled with students. They were older, probably mid to late high school. There were an assortment of both boys and girls. The girls wore an outfit identical to Annabella's except their skirts were longer and their tops actually covered their bodies. She could tell almost all of them were wearing bras as well. It was still a strange looking schoolgirl outfit as it was hot pink but without Annabella's extreme proportions and noticeable lack of fabric, it was at least decent and somewhat normal. The boys wore a blue blazer over white button ups and ties with dark blue pants. The second they appeared, it was clear the boys were ogling Annabella. Many stared with open mouths. Some were even drooling! She caught a few of the girls sneaking peeks at her near nakedness. Annabella blushed but felt her pussy becoming slick at their objectifying, judgmental stares.
She rubbed her moist thighs together and savored the rush of arousal. She turned and examined the board. Annabella carefully grabbed a piece of chalk and began to write. Though, with her diminished height, she only made it halfway up the board.
In girly, bubbly cursive she wrote: Ms. Slut
Appearing above her name, in her own curvy script: How to expertly milk a cock
The class burst into laughter and Annabella's cheeks blazed red. She turned to face them with her huge doe eyes open wide. That's what she was an expert in?
"What the fuck is this?" One girl shouted, clearly fed up.
"Is she a new student or something? She's fucking smoking hot!" A boy near the back chortled, multiple grinning faces around him nodded in agreement.
Annabella's shoulders were slumped and she conveyed insecurity and weakness with her body language. Her eyes stared at the floor. She tried to meet the gaze of the students but couldn't muster the courage. Annabella chimed in with a breathy, shaky squeak, "Pwease settle down c-cwass, I have a wesson pwan to teach."
Her child like lisp sent another roar of derision through the students.
"Is she in a grade below us or something?" One student asked.
"No way, her tits are too fucking huge!" A boy shouted in response.
A girl with long auburn hair spat, "She's such a skank, I bet they're fake."
"I-is that...cum on her tits?"
"Is this a prank? 'Milking a cock'? What are we in a porno?"
Annabella felt her chest heaving as her breathing came in quick bursts, "Cwass pwease stop, I am the teacherw."
Despite her best attempts, not a single member of the class was listening to her. The noise was beginning to overwhelm Annabella and she did the only thing she could think of. She grabbed the botton of her crop top and heaved it above her head. Her bountiful breasts jiggled out along with her perky nipples. She shook her chest back and forth and actually garnered the desired effect. The males in the class instantly quieted and stared at her, hypnotized by tit flesh. The females looked on with either jealousy or complete disbelief in what was happening.
Annabella smiled and sighed with relief while she cupped her hands around her jiggling melons. It felt so natural to her. She was using her strongest assets, her feminine wiles, to take control of the situation and it was invigorating! She hardly noticed the door to the hallway creak open and a stuffy older gentleman in a dark suit shuffle in.
His exasperated voice echoed through the room and instantly snapped everybody, including Annabella, out of the hypnosis, "Young Lady! What is the meaning of this?"
Annabella's metal smile faded and her innocent ocean blue eyes filled with fear. She stopped shaking her breasts and stared into the ground. She felt so weak and tiny. She nervously unwrapped a fresh pink sucker and shoved it into her mouth, furiously sucking it.
They stood in silence for a few seconds before Annabella whispered while staring down, "I'm the pwofessor...I'm teaching..."
The man aggressively stepped towards Annabella and towered over her. She began to tremble slightly. He was just so intimidating! "I take it you're Annabella Slut? The new student? I heard you would be coming. I also heard you were a trouble maker and an overly promiscuous young lady. Tell me, 'Professor' Slut, did you drive your car here today? I didn't see it in the lot. Surely a professor would have their own transportation?"
Annabella chirped out, "I d-don't know how to dwive, I was nevew twained."
He spoke again, his tone dripping with sarcasm, "Oh i'm sure you're a professor then. Not 'twained' to drive, multicolored braces, pink pigtails, semen stained crop top, just like all my normal professors. Yep, you're even wearing the normal uniform for professionals, an extremely slutty version of our girl's uniform. And I see you were going to 'teach' something completely inappropriate and not at all in the school curriculum. Yep, everything checks out here."
Annabella's face was burning red as the man belittled her. She realized her impossibly perky tits were pushed up and perfectly on display for the man who was staring at them hungrily. She was too intimidated to cover up or move.
"I think it's time you started looking more your age, young lady. Take off your skirt."
Annabella obeyed without hesitating. Her tiny little skirt pooled onto the floor and all her feminine assets were bare before both the man and the class. She continued to stare into the floor but felt a drop of slick feminine lubricant dripping down her inner thigh. The man reached down, past the gaze of a frozen Annabella and roughly slipped a large, dirty finger into her drooling cunt. She moaned and shook as he finger fucked her aggressively. Annabella's legs splayed open a bit and began feeling very weak. When he abruptly stopped, Annabella watched his shiny finger longingly as he pulled it away.
"Just as I suspected, wide and accommodating, like a used whore. So young and already used goods! I know what will keep you innocent forever. I'll replace your hymen, effectively making you a virgin again. Also, it'll grow back every time after having sex, all your partners who fuck you will think he's your first. They'll feel so special!"
His fingers returned to Annabella's pussy and he parted her lips, She gave him no resistance as he manipulated her intimate parts. He procured a small mirror and positioned it so Annabella could see inside her spread cunt. Annabella peered over her protruding nipples and saw a layer of skin forming between the man's wet digits. When it was finished, she had a tiny opening inside the new hymen formed in her vagina. Though the overall shape of her gash was still thick and wide; she was visibly a virgin.
Annabella could smell her pheromones wafting through the air, absorbed by the man's senses. He shook his head, licked his lips and spoke again, "Second, I think something is off about your makeup. It's far too professional and expensive looking. A young lady like you does the best with what she has: limited skill and limited budget."
Annabella's face tingled for a second as the permanent makeup adorning her face shifted slightly. She couldn't see it, but the products now covering her were no longer professionally applied or high quality at all. It looked like a early high schooler tried her best with items from the bargain bin. The glittery lipstick didn't quite match her blush and the foundation was just a tad off colored. The eyeliner wasn't perfect and her lashes were a bit over done. Overall she looked very pretty but even more innocent. The man raised his hand mirror and put it directly into Annabella's gaze. She drew a sharp breath. The lack of professional, adult makeup took another apparent year off her face. The imperfect, low quality look detracted even further, making her look sixteen at most. She couldn't believe how young she looked with her hair in pigtails and braces covering her teeth. Though she was fully developed and eighteen, you wouldn't be able to tell from her face alone.
She looked up shyly at the smug old man holding the mirror, her cheeks burning red. He ordered in a condescending tone, "Now sit down and follow along with the lesson, young lady. I expect you to be in a proper uniform tomorrow."
Annabellla turned and slowly clicked towards the students. She walked through the aisle, being sure to avoid any eye contact from the sniggering students though every single one tracked her as she traveled. As she passed the last occupied row, one of the boys who had commented on her appearance earlier quickly flicked his leg out in front of her. Annabella's heeled foot caught his outstretched shoe and she tumbled forward with a high pitched grunt. She managed to catch herself with her hands and knees, however, he short skirt flicked up, baring her pierced, dripping pussy to the entire class. It was nestled between her thick thighs like an overflowing pot of honey. As the class laughed, Annabella remained frozen, burying her face into the floor, totally defeated; her long pigtails falling into her face. When she finally lifted her head, the scene began to collapse and she was left in the void sucking greedily on a heart shaped sucker.
[b]NAME:[/b] Annabella Slut
[b]HEIGHT:[/b] 4"11
[b]WEIGHT:[/b] 107 LBS
[b]AGE:[/b] 18
[b]IQ:[/b] 72. Basic arithmatic and reading are somewhat difficult.
[b]POWERUPS:[/b] 0
[b]SEX / PHYSIOLOGY:[/b] Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia. Body produces above average levels of female hormones. Unusually fertile. Strong pheromones attracting men and giving her a sweet scent. Hormone altered bartholin and saliva glands that increase oral and vaginal enjoyment for all sexual partners. Perpetual hymen that grows back after every sexual encounter.
[b]PREGNANCY / CHILDREN:[/b] Unknown if pregnant. One child, Luscious Slut.
[b]HAIR:[/b] Long, silky and healthy. Naturally curled golden blond with pink highlights. Falling below mid back. Styled girlishly with loose, half pigtails.
[b]VOICE:[/b] Super high-pitched, seductive and breathy. Very simple vocabulary. Speaks in 'baby talk'. No gag reflex whatsoever.
[b]FACIAL HAIR:[/b] None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.
[b]EYES:[/b] Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long, fake eyelashes and thick dark eyeliner. Smokey, dark blue eye shadow causing the eyes to look constantly half lidded. Distinctly low quality makeup with shades that don't quite work together. Appears very amateur, like an inexperienced person applied it.
[b]FACIAL FEATURES:[/b] Rounded jaw with thin chin; high rounded cheekbones; small feminine ears; delicate, slightly upturned nose; weak, non-imposing brow; thin, highly angled eyebrows; thin smooth neck; incredibly thick, shiny, bee-stung lips that can hardly close; smooth, weak, flat forehead; layered pink blush covering cheeks and accenting their feminine shape; Mostly straight, white teeth with multi colered braces covering them; permanent makeup.
[b]BUILD:[/b] Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with virtually no muscle; huge breasts and cartoonishly weak shoulders ; Fat jiggling ass that sticks our provocatively; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips made slightly larger by birthing two children; Extremely tight, small stomach with six surgically removed ribs making it even smaller; thick milky thighs that rub together with each step. Skin is sexy sun-kissed bronze all the way around.
[b]CHEST:[/b] Huge Fake looking H cup breasts. Unnaturally gravity defying and circular. Thick and veinous, pierced, dark pink feminine nipples. Over-active mammary glands. Visible surgical scars.
[b]EXTREMITIES:[/b] Thin, delicate, soft hands with long pink, silvery sparkle nails extending over an inch past the finger; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, clear-pink painted, longer nails with shiny little gems on the big toe. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 6 inch high heels.
[b]GENITALS:[/b] Wide, deep, hairless, puffy, used vagina which can accommodate even the most well endowed. Intact hymen that grows back after every sexual encounter.
[b]TATTOOS:[/b] Black tribal tattoo in the shape of a womb just above her pubic area. Black tribal heart and star design on the lower back.
[b]PIERCINGS:[/b] Diamond studded gold ring and stud pierced clit. Large golden hoops hanging from ears with "BABY" in bold pink studded letters. Silver barbell studs in nipples, keeping them constantly erect.
[b]OUTFIT:[/b] An extremely short pleated skirt with a hot pink and white plaid design. Barely hugging her upper thigh. Sheer white stockings and shiny, tall black mary janes. White lace choker tightly around neck. Uncovered midriff with jiggling tits barely contained in a pink tube top with an obvious semen stain.
[b]SEXUAL PREFERENCE:[/b] Is attracted exclusively to men. Will only be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido. Enjoys having cum on and in her body and clothing. Loves being humiliated sexually and verbally. Likes being locked in light bondage. Loves vaginal and anal sex. Prefers big penises and doesn't get much sexually out of anything less than six or seven inches. Enjoys exhibitionism and public sex. A bit of a masochist, likes being spanked.
[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Submissive, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, prefers living in squalor, Is annoyed easily. Often considered 'Bitchy'. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning. Doesn't know how to drive and is afraid to get behind the wheel. Acts like a stereotypical girly-girl including standing, sitting, walking, speaking, writing and holding things. Loves having long nails, is very protective of them. Addicted to sex and is overtly promiscuous with almost every man encountered especially if she hasn't done it in awhile. Has no issue with cheating on somebody in a relationship as long as she doesn't get caught. Incapable of wearing underwear, feels compelled to let others know, generally by showing them. Refuses to wear any clothing not considered slutty or sexy. Writes in extremely girly, bubbly cursive.
[b]ADDICTIONS:[/b] Nicotine and sex
[b]FAVORITE COLOR:[/b] bright pink.
[b]FINANCIAL / LIFE SITUATION:[/b] Has a negative bank balance and heavy debt. Terrible credit with no prospects or knowledge of the financial world. Difficulty with basic arithmatic. Owned completely and in every way by Darius Black. Legally unable to make any of her own decisions and considered property by all legal and governmental systems. Cannot own or buy anything without pre approval by Darius.
[b]EXPERTISE:[/b] Vaginal sex, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick, seducing, dirty talk