Round 96

[b]*Round Ninety Six*[/b]

Annabella appeared in the barn and let out a screech as she fell forward onto her hands and knees. She shifted around in the dirty hay for a few seconds before realizing her heels were missing. The familiar barnyard smell wafted around her nose and she peered around the wooden structure from a new, lower, perspective. Luckily, her cow print chaps protected her legs but her poor little hands mucked around the filthy ground.

She tossed her cascading, golden pigtails behind her head and gently shook her bare chest, ringing the cowbell around her neck.

Abel appeared through the side door.

He approached Annabella's naked form and stared down at her with an amused expression.

Annabella innocently stared up and pleaded through brace covered teeth, "Help me up pwease."

Abel replied with a chuckle and a cold stare, "No, I don't think I will."

Annabella felt a pulling in her stomach. Abel may not be the kindly old man she thought he was.

Abel stared hungrily at Annabella's swinging tits and continued, "Besides, cows belong on the ground."

Annabella immediately felt an intense pressure in her nipples. Her breathing came in gasps and she looked down to see her already huge breasts grow before her eyes. The veins in her areola thickened and darkened. Her nipples poked out farther and farther, extending to well over an inch in length. She let out a pained moan, she hadn't felt such an intense pressure in her tits before. They were even more ridiculous now! The weight on her chest brought her even lower to the ground as she struggled to keep herself up. A drop of milk dripped out of each nipple, she absolutely needed to be milked. She was desperate for it. Her cheeks flushed and she shifted her gaze to a smirking Abel.

Through her thick, painted lips she pleaded, "Pwease, I need to be milwked."

Abel rubbed his chin and replied, "Now why should I do that? Let you use my equipment for free? What do I get out of it?"

The pressure was worsening by the second and Annabella let out a pained grunt as she replied with a breathy chirp, "What do you w-want? I'll do anyfing!"

Abel procured two items from his overalls. A cowprint headband complete with nose, ears and horns.

And a small butt black buttplug with a cowtail.

"You put these on and I'll let you use my machine."

Annabella barely took a second to think before exclaiming with pained tears welling up in her eyes, "Yes! Yes! Just wet me use da machine!"

Abel stepped forward and slid the headband into Annabella's hair. The giant cow nose was secured over her own. She felt a little silly, but she wasn't very concerned about that at the moment. Abel stepped over her legs til he was standing behind her. He bent over and roughly forced her legs apart. Annabella felt her asshole and damp pussy bared completely to Abel's lustful stare. Without any warning, Abel shoved the plug into Annabella's vagina. She released an aroused sigh while Abel rolled the plug around inside her.

He scoffed, "Using the pink to lube the stink. A classic."

Annabella grunted but offered no resistance as the dirty old man used her body however he liked. When the plug was properly soaked, and Annabella reeked of arousal, Abel removed the plug and plopped it into Annabella's tight asshole. It was air tight, Annabella found herself shifting her hips a bit, trying to stretch herself out a bit to better take the invading object.

"Now, my little pet, crawl to your pen!"

Annabella did as ordered, crawling through the dirt and straw towards the milking apparatus. Her progress was slow but steady. Abel walked beside her triumphantly while Annabella's cow print chaps kept her legs mostly protected. When she finally made it inside the pen, Annabella hurriedly positioned her aching breasts over the holes in the ground. Abel pressed a handheld machine against Annabella's temporary tattoo and the machine sprang to life. Annabella released a relieved sigh as she was milked dry. She found herself becoming quite aroused from a combination of Abel's foreplay, the plug pressing inside her and the constant pulling of her nipples.

When she was finished, the machine stopped and Abel stepped into the pen. Annabella didn't move as Abel examined the milk tanks.

"Hm, better, but still not quite where we need to be. But you'll get there in time, little cow. You'll get there."

Abel walked out of the pen, locking the door behind him. Annabella was left with her hands and knees in the dirt and filth while the stench of barnyard and arousal coupled and permeated around her.


Annabella appeared in a dark dungeon like room. She had been here several times. A stone square with a small window allowing a pillar of light to filter in. In the center of the room was an old school sewing machine. It was huge, with a long needle and a wooden base. There was a metal pedal below a plain wooden chair. A box of multiple colored fabrics sat next to the machine. Annabella first examined the machine, not having a single clue how to use it. She then checked herself.

She was relieved to find the plug inserted by Abel was gone and she was back on heels. Six inch, open toe and black to be exact. Her top was dark blue and surprisingly not see through like most of her recent outfits. It did, however, show a generous amount of underboob. No bra was present to keep her bountiful tits in line. Her extremely tiny stomach was exposed as were her weak arms. A black micro skirt tightly hugged her hips and showed most of her thighs. Annabella rubbed her thighs together, no panties; as she expected. Her blonde-pink hair was in long, silky pigtails with a pretty blue flower tied around each one. She reached for a sucker but found a piece of bubble gum instead. Annabella shrugged and began to chew, blowing a few bubbles through her braces as she absentmindedly glanced around the room and twirled a pigtail through her long nails. Suddenly, she felt a wet splash between her tits. She looked down to see a stream of semen oozing between her underboob. It stained her shirt and looked as if somebody had blown their load while receiving a tit job. The seed quickly dried and left a stain across her chest. A tight black collar cinched across her neck.

Appearing beside her was Avery. The comely older woman stood with a proud, powerful stance. She was clothed in a conservative, dignified manner. A long black pencil skirt and blue cardigan with smart black heels fit perfectly upon her feminine frame. It was like Annabella's outfit but for a woman with dignity. Slight wrinkles danced across Avery's face. Her eyes were striking and gleamed with clarity, confidence and intellect.

Even though her heels were lower, Avery still looked down at Annabella who stared up with frightened innocence. When Avery spoke, her tone sounded like an adult speaking to a child. She raised her eyebrows and inquired, "Hello, young lady. It's been a long time since I've seen you! You look...quite a bit different than I remember. I like your pigtails, they are very cute."

Annabella popped a bubble and smiled before answering, "Fank you! I wuv my new pigtails!"

Avery took a steady breath and peered over her shoulder at the sewing machine. "You don't want to do any hard work, do you?"

Annabella stared absentmindedly before shaking her head lazily. She mashed the gum in her mouth.

Avery continued, "I'd like to get you out of the mean old Doctor's games for one round at least. How about you agree to trade me something and you can call this one a win? You can even have a powerup!"

"W-what would I need to twade?"

"Well, young lady, I'd like to trade you something the with years ago. The single most powerful curse that landed me in the predicament you found me in when we first crossed paths. A predicament that I fear I would find myself in again...without its removal, of course. You see, the Doctor sought to remind me of my place by giving me the worst luck imaginable. Something completely out of my control that would push me down again and again. No matter the situation I would find myself with the worst possible outcomes. In his sick world bad luck is REAL...a real BITCH."

Annabella had lost interest and stared around the room with her mouth wide open. One hand rested on her jutting hip while the other swam under her top and swirled around her nipple. She was clearly thinking of something naughty, totally disinterested in the stuffy old lady's ramblings.

"Mrs. Johnson?" Avery stated.

"Hello, Earth to Mrs. Johnson!" She said louder.

Annabella ignored Avery, lost in a fantasy. The hand formerly resting on her hip was now making its way south to a certain hot, wet crevasse.

"ANNABELLE!" Avery shouted, grabbing Annabella.

Annabella furrowed her brow and swatted Avery's hands away, "Hey! Get off me, wady! My name's Annabewwa Swut, I don't know who you fink you're talking to!"

Avery drew back a bit. Her thoughtful eyes lingered on Annabella. Even Annabella, distracted, damaged and dumbed down though she was - knew the look Avery was giving her. It was pity. Avery saw the tiny, voluptuous, vapid, borderline retarded, horny teenager with a plethora of debilitating haibts, obsessions, kinks and addictions. The creature in front of her was so vulnerable.

Then Avery remembered...she was the cause of this. It was one thing to take somebody's strength or hair or...genitals. But Avery had stolen this girls intelligence. Many rounds ago she set Annabella onto the path that made her the way she is.

"I'm responsible..." Avery whispered as she slowly reached down and ran her hand along Annabella's cherubic face.

Annabella twitched but allowed Avery's gentle touch. They shared a moment where Annabella felt the brief and fleeting feeling of safety. A safety she had not felt in a long while.

Avery stared Annabella in the eye as she softly proposed, "I offer you your intelligence back. Perhaps with it you can defeat the Doctor and put an end to his games."

Annabella nodded and immediately felt a strong throbbing in her head. Both women clutched their temples and shut their eyes as knowledge flowed from one to the other. Memories flooded Annabella's head. She hadn't dropped out of high school, she finished against all odds. The adversity only made her push herself harder. She became resilient and quick witted; resourceful and adaptable. She went onto college and graduated with honors. She learned leadership and integrity.

Annabella recalled late nights that weren't filled with cocks and drugs but with books and test prep. Suddenly her whole body felt strange. She was taller! Her hair fell out of its pigtails and became a solid brown color. Annabella spit out her braces (which felt bizarre). Her face gained maturity as she grew older. Annabella was a college graduate again! She looked to be twenty four or twenty five.

Annabella was still on the short side, maybe 5"3 or 5"4. Her hair was shortened and dark. She was still incredibly voluptuous...but even that began to change. Because of her education and shift in life goals, Annabella was never pressured (or tricked) into augmenting her body. Memories of sketchy plastic surgery melted away. Annabella's breasts reduced in size as did her lips.

Knowlege of all kinds filled her brain and she felt tears streaking down her cheeks as so many awful experiences were washed away: like forgetting a horrible nightmare. She wasn't a teenage whore, she wasn't somebody's property anymore. The barcode on her wrist dissipated and the tight collar around her neck fell to the ground. Darius and Mr. Johnson became a distant memory. Annabella's clothes even began to change. Her cum stained, under boob shirt became black and stretched down, covering her entire belly. It was now a low cut tank top, but with her deflated chest it was much more conservative.

Annabella had never been pregnant, sold sex for money, gotten ridiculous tattoos or piercings. She was beautiful, confident and feminine. She had an IQ in the medium 130's now and looked like a normal person. She felt like one too! She didn't need a man to define herself, she was her own woman.

On the flip side, Avery's eyes glazed over. A look of fear overtook her as the world became way more complicated and frightening. Though she didn't understand much of anything anymore, she felt good inside. She knew she had done something right, whatever it was.

Annabella strode towards a quiverring Avery and clutched her tight. Annabella's voice was soft and sweet as she whispered, "Thank you, Avery. I hope I can put an end to this."

The last thing Annabella did was pull the pack of cigarettes from her shirt. She handed them to Avery who accepted them. Annabella didn't need cigarettes anymore because she never started smoking in the first place.

As the scene collapsed Annabella focused her attention on the next few rounds. What she did from here on would determine the outcome for everybody. She hoped nothing too crazy would happen before the end.

[b]NAME:[/b] Annabella [INVALID ENTRY]

























"What happened here? What the...Oh, my sly little pet...No matter, I'll make sure everything gets fixed. We'll try that again."

*whoosh sound*


"ANNABELLE!" Avery shouted, grabbing Annabella.

She immediately released Annabella and furrowed her brow - confused. Something was wrong here. Annabella had the same look of confusion. But Annabella's contemplation quickly passed and she was busy feeling herself up again.

Avery watched as Annabella's metal covered teeth bit into her giant pillow lips while one hand worked on her jiggling, sticky funbags and the other explored beneath her micro skirt. Her flashy, gaudy earrings and long blonde-pink pigtails bounced playfully.

Avery reached down as she had previously intended and grabbed Annabella's shoulder.

"Annabelle!" She shouted while shaking the masturbating teenager.

Annabella flicked her slippery finger at Avery's hand as she chirped, "Wook wady, I don't know who you fink you awe talkin' to, but my name is Annabewwa swut."

Avery examined her hand which was wet and stank of pussy juice with disgust. Such a vile young woman...she didn't even deserve luck!"

Avery put on a sweet voice and sealed the deal, "If you say yes I'll leave you alone."

Annabella understood that and gasped between labored breaths, "Y-yes whatevs - just weave me awone!"

Avery grew a huge smile and took a few deep breaths. Annabella's hardly noticed as a new tattoo appeared on the opposite wrist of her bar code.

Not only did Annabella have a plethora of awful traits and a body as weak and vulnerable as possible; she was now cursed to be extraordinarily unlucky.

"Thanks you dumb little skank I-"

Avery's gloating was completely drown out by Annabella's moaning as she rode her finger to climax.

The scene began collapsing while Annabella blew a few bubbles, basking in the afterglow of yet another orgasm and dreaming of a nice fat cock.

[b]NAME:[/b] Annabella Slut

[b]HEIGHT:[/b] 4"11

[b]WEIGHT:[/b] 107 LBS

[b]AGE:[/b] 18

[b]IQ:[/b] 72. Basic arithmatic and reading are somewhat difficult.

[b]POWERUPS:[/b] 1

[b]SEX / PHYSIOLOGY:[/b] Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia. Body produces above average levels of female hormones. Unusually fertile. Strong pheromones attracting men and giving her a sweet scent. Hormone altered bartholin and saliva glands that increase oral and vaginal enjoyment for all sexual partners. Perpetual hymen that grows back after every sexual encounter.

[b]PREGNANCY / CHILDREN:[/b] Unknown if pregnant. One child, Luscious Slut.

[b]HAIR:[/b] Long, silky and healthy. Naturally curled golden blond with pink highlights. Falling below mid back. Styled girlishly with loose, half pigtails.

[b]VOICE:[/b] Super high-pitched, seductive and breathy. Very simple vocabulary. Speaks in 'baby talk'. No gag reflex whatsoever.

[b]FACIAL HAIR:[/b] None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.

[b]EYES:[/b] Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long, fake eyelashes and thick dark eyeliner. Smokey, dark blue eye shadow causing the eyes to look constantly half lidded. Distinctly low quality makeup with shades that don't quite work together. Appears very amateur, like an inexperienced person applied it.

[b]FACIAL FEATURES:[/b] Rounded jaw with thin chin; high rounded cheekbones; small feminine ears; delicate, slightly upturned nose; weak, non-imposing brow; thin, highly angled eyebrows; thin smooth neck; incredibly thick, shiny, bee-stung lips that can hardly close; smooth, weak, flat forehead; layered pink blush covering cheeks and accenting their feminine shape; Mostly straight, white teeth with multi colered braces covering them; permanent makeup.

[b]BUILD:[/b] Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with virtually no muscle; huge breasts and cartoonishly weak shoulders ; Fat jiggling ass that sticks our provocatively; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips made slightly larger by birthing two children; Extremely tight, small stomach with six surgically removed ribs making it even smaller; thick milky thighs that rub together with each step. Skin is sexy sun-kissed bronze all the way around.

[b]CHEST:[/b] Huge Fake looking H cup breasts. Unnaturally gravity defying and circular. Thick and veinous, pierced, dark pink feminine nipples. Over-active mammary glands. Visible surgical scars.

[b]EXTREMITIES:[/b] Thin, delicate, soft hands with long pink, silvery sparkle nails extending over an inch past the finger; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, clear-pink painted, longer nails with shiny little gems on the big toe. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 6 inch high heels.

[b]GENITALS:[/b] Wide, deep, hairless, puffy, used vagina which can accommodate even the most well endowed. Intact hymen that grows back after every sexual encounter.

[b]TATTOOS:[/b] Black tribal tattoo in the shape of a womb just above her pubic area. Black tribal heart and star design on the lower back. A broken mirror with "13" beside it.

[b]PIERCINGS:[/b] Diamond studded gold ring and stud pierced clit. Large golden hoops hanging from ears with "BABY" in bold pink studded letters. Silver barbell studs in nipples, keeping them constantly erect.

[b]OUTFIT:[/b] An extremely short black micro skirt with no panties. A blue midriff baring under boob revealing top with a sticky trail of semen covering the middle of it. No bra with black 6 inch heels and a tight black slave collar.

[b]SEXUAL PREFERENCE:[/b] Is attracted exclusively to men. Will only be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido. Enjoys having cum on and in her body and clothing. Loves being humiliated sexually and verbally. Likes being locked in light bondage. Loves vaginal and anal sex. Prefers big penises and doesn't get much sexually out of anything less than six or seven inches. Enjoys exhibitionism and public sex. A bit of a masochist, likes being spanked.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Submissive, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, prefers living in squalor, Is annoyed easily. Often considered 'Bitchy'. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning. Doesn't know how to drive and is afraid to get behind the wheel. Acts like a stereotypical girly-girl including standing, sitting, walking, speaking, writing and holding things. Loves having long nails, is very protective of them. Addicted to sex and is overtly promiscuous with almost every man encountered especially if she hasn't done it in awhile. Has no issue with cheating on somebody in a relationship as long as she doesn't get caught. Incapable of wearing underwear, feels compelled to let others know, generally by showing them. Refuses to wear any clothing not considered slutty or sexy.

[b]ADDICTIONS:[/b] Nicotine and sex

[b]FAVORITE COLOR:[/b] bright pink.

[b]FINANCIAL / LIFE SITUATION:[/b] Has a negative bank balance and heavy debt. Terrible credit with no prospects or knowledge of the financial world. Difficulty with basic arithmetic. Owned completely and in every way by Darius Black. Legally unable to make any of her own decisions and considered property by all legal and governmental systems. Cannot own or buy anything without pre approval by Darius. Extremely unlucky.

[b]EXPERTISE:[/b] Vaginal sex, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick, seducing, dirty talk


Round 97


Bonus Round 19