Round 94
[b]*Round Ninety Four*[/b]
Annabella appeared in the barn. The barnyard stench of animals and animal feces in the hot sun crawled up her nostrils. She furrowed her nose slightly, but found the scent didn't bother her as much as usual. Her delicate feet were clad, as normal, in the cow print heels. The cowbell given to her by Abel rested below her neck. She reached up and felt the constricting leather band closed around her neck. There was no clasp on it! Annabella felt a slight flare of fear but it quickly subsided, Abel was a trustworthy, kind old man. She had nothing to worry about.
She let out a small moan as she felt her breasts, heaving back and forth, filled with milk. Her dark, veinous nipples stood straight out; thick as her thumb and begging to be milked. She quickly shook the cowbell with her glittery fingers. The deep chiming sound echoed through the barn. A nearby wooden door opened and a smiling Abel stepped through.
Annabella felt relieved as she saw the small pump in his hands.
His voice was calm and warm as he handed her the device, "Here you are, my little milk maid. Enjoy!"
Annabella waited for him to walk away as he normally did, but he remained watching her. A few awkward moments passed where only the sound of nearby animals broke the silence. Annabella's tits couldn't wait anymore so she shrugged her shoulders and carefully squished her sensitive nipple into the machine. She squeezed the pump for a long while. She pumped and pumped until her hand started to get tired. When she was visibly slowing down, Abel stepped forward and gently took the pump from her hand.
"Here, I'll help you finish."
Annabella was apprehensive, but gave Abel the benefit of the doubt. She puffed her chest forward a big, giving the kindly old farmer access to her jiggling udders. He squeezed the pump faster than she ever had. She gasped and felt her cheeks flush as the milk ceased flowing in her first tit. Abel started on her other boob and Annabella's crotch began to moisten. She bent over at the waist slightly to give Abel even more control of her chest.
As Abel was finishing up, and Annabella was continuing to enjoy herself, he squeezed the pump extra hard and the air tube began to sputter! Annabella broke from her lustful daydream and looked down. The pump was basically in two pieces! Abel had torn the pump almost completely in two. A small stream of milk dripped to the dirty, straw covered floor.
Abel spoke, clearly apologetic, "Ah, darn it! Sorry about that little milk maid, must have gotten a bit carried away."
Annabella pressed her tits together slightly, at least her boobs were empty and pain free for now.
He continued, "Don't worry, I have a backup. I'll get it ready for you next time."
Abel bent down to collect pieces that had fallen to the floor. His head slowly raised and stopped near Annabella's dripping pussy. She distinctly heard Abel sniff before standing upright. Annabella was off-put but stayed quiet. As she watched him turn and go, Annabella looked at the bottles she had produced. At least her daughter would have plenty of mother's milk to keep her full. She hoped to see her daughter soon.
The room collapsed.
Annabella appeared at a carnival. It was near dark with the sun just cresting over the horizon. The whirling and flashing of lights shimmered all around. She stood in front of an empty game stall complete with a rough wooden counter.
Annabella looked down at herself. Over her hips were short black pants. They reached to her mid thigh and dug into her legs. Her top was a midriff baring white blouse. It was tied in the middle and nearly transparent. She was not wearing a bra and her stiff nipples poked out. Her long pink-blonde curls cascaded down her back. She stood on six inch black heels and a simple black slave collar was tight around her neck. As she finished examining herself, Annabella felt a wet splatter cover her ass. She looked over her shoulder and saw a few spurts of semen cover her black shorts. It dried and left an obvious cum stain, as if somebody was fucking her from behind and pulled out just before finishing.
Seconds later, a tall, hulking man appeared. It was Anderson, the man Annabella had...encountered a while back. But something was definitely different. His hair was in long brown pigtails and his face was hairless and rounded. He sported small breasts and wore a glittery pink shirt and sparkling capri pants. He also wore pink sneakers that lit up as he walked. His hairy legs were in stark contrast to his pants which looked like they belonged to a young girl. Overall, the man looked to be in his mid twenties but dressed like a little girl. He was definitely much younger than their last encounter. Annabella found herself staring at his crotch area, hoping his impressive cock was still there.
Anderson wouldn't meet her gaze, something was definitely wrong. S.A.M. appeared as Annabella lit up a cigarette. He held a little sparkler that twinkled brightly.
Annabella puffed the sweet smoke as S.A.M. spoke in his robotic voice, "Contestants will take turns throwing rings towards sticks. The first to land three rings in the winner. Rings must be thrown from behind the counter. Ms. Slut was randomly selected to throw first."
Pink rings approximately six inches wide appeared in Annabella's hand. They were light and thin; she counted ten of them. She glanced over and saw blue rings appear in Anderson's hands. He looked down shyly. His fingers, which clutched the rings, looked androgynous and maybe borderline feminine.
Lights sputtered to life, illuminating the dark, empty space. A row of tall wooden sticks sprang from the ground behind the counter, filling the area. They ranged from ten to twenty feet away. Annabella stepped up to the counter with her rings.
She practiced throwing a few times but realized she wouldn't know how they flew until trying it for real. She lined up the shot at the nearest stick and flicked her wrist. The ring lazily spun forward and contacted the stick. The pink ring fell into place. She had actually scored on her first shot!
Her face lit up and she smiled to Anderson. She heard him gulp as he stepped to the counter. He was clearly uncomfortable in the tight, sparkly clothing and his walk reflected as such. Anderson lined up his shot and took a deep breath before loosing his ring. It glided much more aggressively than Annabella's. The ring quickly *Thwacked* against the closest wooden post and fell into place. Anderson breathed a sigh of relief. Annabella threw her next ring at the closest target. It fell well short of the stick and skidded into the ground. Anderson immediately threw his second one, it arced beautifully and landed perfectly on the far stake. He only had one more to go!
Annabella took a second to light up a second cigarette. She drew on it deeply and exhaled, focusing on her target intently. She winded up and tossed the ring. Her barely supported tits followed through with her and jiggled mightily. The ring tapered to the right and missed the targets by a mile. She pouted and side-eyed Anderson who was brimming with confidence. He wasted no time, sending the blue object whizzing through the air. Much to Annabella's chagrin, the ring connected with the post and fell into place. He shot perfectly.
Anderson smiled widely, his teeth had...braces? Colorful metal braces dotted his teeth.
"That was wike, weawwy fun!" Anderson lisped. Annabella was taken aback, despite his deep, resonating tone, his lisp and inability to pronounce certain syllables made him sound like a child or an adult trying to sound like a child. Anderson used his right hand to twirl his brown pigtail in his fingers before quickly catching himself. A look of horror spread across his face but his finger kept on twirling.
Doctor Grungot's voice rang out from the heavens, "Nice tossing, Mr. Johannson. You know what? I'm going to give you a treat! I'll let you swap something with Ms. Slut. Any recent...acquisitions you wish to unload, now is the time."
"Wowwie, fanks Doctow! I wanna twade my speech and mouwf wif her. Could I get wid of the widdle girl tend- tendencies? Also I wanna get my years back, I don't wanna wook dis young anymowe."
"Well, Mr. Johannson, that's a lot of requests. I can grant most of them, however I can only give you a small amount of her years, I need to keep this show legal, after all. might get more than you bargained for with Ms. Slut's teeth..."
Annabella's whole mouth became numb when Doctor Grungot stopped talking. She couldn't really feel what was going on but knew something was changing. A distinct pulling sensation forced her mouth forward and back, forward and back. The back of her throat was numb as well and she reached up to feel it, ensuring she was still in once piece. Annabella's long fingernails scratched along her smooth neck. When the numbness subsided it began again in her face. She looked on to Anderson whose smooth baby face took on a few more angles as he gained a few years. He smiled, his braces were completely gone and his teeth looked perfect. She also saw Anderson's rough fingers rub along his Adams apple.
All at once, Annabella felt a click in her brain as her clothing and hair shifted. Her white, tied, midriff baring became even smaller somehow. It was basically nothing more than a nearly transparent lingerie bra. Pink plaid tassels appeared where her nipples were and decorated the top. A tiny, pink, plaid necktie wrapped loosely around her neck. Her navel was left exposed. Her nipples poked into the fabric and were visible beneath the tassels which brought attention to them. The short black pants fused and puffed out forming a pink pleated skirt. It was still extremely short, barely covering her pussy. If she bent over even a bit, whoever was looking would have front row seats. It was pink plaid, matching her necktie. Her long, curly hair pulled into a cute half pigtail style.
Her heels remained the same height but became sparkly pink with a white bow tied on the front.
Around her back a shiny schoolgirl's backpack appeared. Anybody who saw it would never be able to think the wearer was anything but a student.
Annabella touched her teeth and felt the braces that now covered them. If they were anything like Anderson's they were multi colored and eye catching. They pulled tightly on her teeth and Annabella hoped she would get used to them soon.
Finally, Annabella's simple leather collar changed into a sparkly pink one that said, "Baby Girl"\
When she was finished examining herself, she felt a wet splatter inside her skirt. She took a second to flip it up, exposing her wet cunt completely, to see a dry cumstain inside the front of the skirt. She replaced it and shrugged.
Annabella looked over to Anderson whose clothes had become masculine once again. His tight, sparkly pants were loose and cut for a man. His shirt had become a blue polo and his glowing shoes were black dress hoes. His long brown hair was now in a single ponytail.
He opened his mouth and spoke tentatively, his voice was deep, "Testing, testing. Ah shit, sounds so much betta. Little bit of an 'urban' accent ain't shit, much better than what you dealin' with now, girl."
He stared at Annabella expectantly. She shyly wrapped her arms around her midsection. She was 18 but gave the appearance of being in high school. Her face had shifted slightly gaining even more youth than before. The braces and style alone shaved a few years off. It wasn't like she had any post high school knowledge either. In fact, she would probably be one of the dumbest kids in high school. There was no way she could convince anybody she wasn't either in, or fresh out of grade school. Though, she was definitely an extremely developed young woman. She moved to take a puff off her cigarette and, instead, found a lollipop resting between her fingers.
Anderson stepped next to Annabella. He was a giant! He was also much older than her now. She shifted uncomfortably, not just knowing but FEELING the power dynamic was so completely stacked against her. He spoke down at her, using a cute voice as if speaking to a child, "Now don't be suckin' on too many lollipops, young lady. They ain't good for yo' braces. Y'all wanna have nice teeth when you grow up, right?"
When Annabella stared at the ground shyly, not responding, Anderson reached down and pulled her chin up so she was looking him in the eyes. "Yes...I wouldn't want to huwt my teef wiff a wowwypop...Her voice sounded so weak and juvenile. No matter how she tried to picture the words and say them properly, what would spew out past her metal teeth could never be taken seriously.
Anderson grabbed the lollipop and pushed it into her mouth. Annabella didn't dare break eye contact, she could feel him DEMANDING her attention.
His deep voice was smug as he continued to hold her chin up, "I think one little pop wouldn't do too much damage. Enjoy suckin' on that girl."
"F-fank you..." She responded meekly. Her huge doe eyes and heavily made up face drank in Anderson's masculinity and it began making her feel a bit hot, actually. To be so completely at somebody's mercy...
Anderson grabbed her collar and read it, chuckling to himself. He stared down into her immense cleavage before releasing her chin. Annabella felt like an object of lust and loved every second of it. He turned to walk away. The scene began to collapse and Annabella sucked on the heart shaped lollipop, watching Anderson walk away and fantasizing about their next encounter, until finally drifting into the void.
[b]NAME:[/b] Annabella Slut
[b]HEIGHT:[/b] 4"11
[b]WEIGHT:[/b] 107 LBS
[b]AGE:[/b] 18
[b]IQ:[/b] 72. Basic arithmatic and reading are somewhat difficult.
[b]POWERUPS:[/b] 0
[b]SEX / PHYSIOLOGY:[/b] Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia. Body produces above average levels of female hormones. Unusually fertile. Strong pheromones attracting men and giving her a sweet scent. Hormone altered bartholin and saliva glands that increase oral and vaginal enjoyment for all sexual partners.
[b]PREGNANCY / CHILDREN:[/b] Unknown if pregnant. One child, Luscious Slut.
[b]HAIR:[/b] Long, silky and healthy. Naturally curled golden blond with pink highlights. Falling below mid back. Styled girlishly with loose, half pigtails.
[b]VOICE:[/b] Super high-pitched, seductive and breathy. Very simple vocabulary. Speaks in 'baby talk'. No gag reflex whatsoever.
[b]FACIAL HAIR:[/b] None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.
[b]EYES:[/b] Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long, fake eyelashes and thick dark eyeliner. Smokey, dark blue eye shadow causing the eyes to look constantly half lidded.
[b]FACIAL FEATURES:[/b] Rounded jaw with thin chin; high rounded cheekbones; small feminine ears; delicate, slightly upturned nose; weak, non-imposing brow; thin, highly angled eyebrows; thin smooth neck; incredibly thick, shiny, bee-stung lips that can hardly close; smooth, weak, flat forehead; layered pink blush covering cheeks and accenting their feminine shape; Mostly straight, white teeth with multi colered braces covering them; permanent makeup.
[b]BUILD:[/b] Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with virtually no muscle; huge breasts and cartoonishly weak shoulders ; Fat jiggling ass that sticks our provocatively; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips made slightly larger by birthing two children; Extremely tight, small stomach with six surgically removed ribs making it even smaller; thick milky thighs that rub together with each step. Skin is sexy sun-kissed bronze all the way around.
[b]CHEST:[/b] Huge Fake looking H cup breasts. Unnaturally gravity defying and circular. Thick and veinous, pierced, dark pink feminine nipples. Over-active mammary glands. Visible surgical scars.
[b]EXTREMITIES:[/b] Thin, delicate, soft hands with long pink, silvery sparkle nails extending over an inch past the finger; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, clear-pink painted, longer nails with shiny little gems on the big toe. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 6 inch high heels.
[b]GENITALS:[/b] Wide, deep, hairless, puffy, used vagina which can accommodate even the most well endowed. Dripping with semen from an unknown bondage slave.
[b]TATTOOS:[/b] Black tribal tattoo in the shape of a womb just above her pubic area. Black tribal heart and star design on the lower back.
[b]PIERCINGS:[/b] Diamond studded gold ring and stud pierced clit. Large golden hoops hanging from ears with "BABY" in bold pink studded letters. Silver barbell studs in nipples, keeping them constantly erect.
[b]OUTFIT:[/b] Nearly transparent white "schoolgirl" top which acts more like a lingerie bra. Pink plaid tassells decorate the top denoting where her nipple poke throught the outfit. Extremely short pink plaid skirt with a cumstain on the inside. Tall six inch pink shiny heels with a white ribbon in the front. Sporting a pink, girls backpack. pink slave collar with "Baby Girl" in shiny letters around the neck.
[b]SEXUAL PREFERENCE:[/b] Is attracted exclusively to men. Will only be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido. Enjoys having cum on and in her body and clothing. Loves being humiliated sexually and verbally. Likes being locked in light bondage. Loves vaginal and anal sex. Prefers big penises and doesn't get much sexually out of anything less than six or seven inches. Enjoys exhibitionism and public sex. A bit of a masochist, likes being spanked.
[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Submissive, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, prefers living in squalor, Is annoyed easily. Often considered 'Bitchy'. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning. Doesn't know how to drive and is afraid to get behind the wheel. Acts like a stereotypical girly-girl including standing, sitting, walking, speaking, writing and holding things. Loves having long nails, is very protective of them. Addicted to sex and is overtly promiscuous with almost every man encountered especially if she hasn't done it in awhile. Has no issue with cheating on somebody in a relationship as long as she doesn't get caught. Incapable of wearing underwear, feels compelled to let others know, generally by showing them. Refuses to wear any clothing not considered slutty or sexy.
[b]ADDICTIONS:[/b] Smoking and sex
[b]FAVORITE COLOR:[/b] bright pink.
[b]FINANCIAL / LIFE SITUATION:[/b] Has a negative bank balance and heavy debt. Terrible credit with no prospects or knowledge of the financial world. Difficulty with basic arithmatic. Owned completely and in every way by Darius Black. Legally unable to make any of her own decisions and considered property by all legal and governmental systems. Cannot own or buy anything without pre approval by Darius.
[b]EXPERTISE:[/b] Vaginal sex, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick, seducing, dirty talk