Part 9
Part 9:
Cedric moved quickly. He figured the faster he got this done, the faster he could go home and end his nightmare. He chose the woman who had boldly blocked his path with her legs just a few minutes prior.
She looked up at him with smug, knowing smile. She wore a black lingerie dress. It was really more of a shirt as it left her white lace panties mostly uncovered. She had a svelte body with barely any curves to speak of. Her dark hair had streaks of blonde and a small lip ring sparkled beneath her glossy lips.
Cedric peeked at the smirking girls wristband and saw her name was Kara. He unshackled her hands warily. He no longer felt totally in control and worried that if one of the girls decided to get combative with him he would have a very difficult time. Apprehension wasn't a feeling Cedric was very familiar with, though he managed to motion towards the property room with false stoicism. Kara rolled her eyes and nonchalantly plodded towards it. She wore short black heels that clopped along the floor as she moved.
When they made it to the door Cedric noticed that it seemed bigger than he remembered. He looked over his shoulder. It wasn't just the property room door, the whole waiting room looked bigger! Even Kara standing next to him seemed taller in comparison. He hiked up his uniform pants and focused on his task. He attempted to reassure himself that it was all in his mind but it was becoming a hard sell.
Once the door closed and locked with a familiar *click*, Cedric assumed his position defensively at the far end of the table.
"Take everything off, put them in the bag and leave." He ordered.
Kara didn't immediately move. She stared Cedric down and he shifted uncomfortably.
"Why are you so afraid?" She asked bluntly.
Cedric responded quickly, "Just do what I told you."
She slowly slipped her dress over her head while seemingly lost in thought. Cedric couldn't turn away like he had before, especially considering Kara seemed worryingly bold. No, he would have to watch her like a dangerous animal.
She stepped out of her panties and tossed them onto the table while kicking off her heels.
"Are you afraid of me?" She asked inquisitively while standing totally nude.
Cedric ignored Kara's question, "Please get dressed."
She took a naked step towards Cedric, "You are scared, aren't you?"
Cedric pointed to her shakily and adopted a defensive stance before croaking, "Stay over there and do what I'm telling you!"
She took another step towards him, "Why are you wearing those clothes? I've never seen a cop wear something like that before."
Cedric stepped counter to her around the table, keeping it between them while shouting, "Do what I tell you, you stupid bitch! I'm in charge here!"
Kara took a few more steps towards him with a mischievous grin. Cedric moved away from her at the same pace. It was very clear he was NOT in charge of this situation.
Kara's grin widened from ear to ear and she began running naked around the table towards him. Cedric turned and ran away as fast as his heavy boots would carry him. Kara's small breasts jiggled as her bare feet slapped along the floor and her blonde-streaked hair swayed back and forth. Cedric felt a jiggle on his own chest that he ignored. He tried to maintain the distance between them, but the combination of his changing body and ill fitting clothing slowed him down.
After one more revolution around the table, Cedric heard the pitter patter of Kara's bare feet directly behind him. As he rounded the corner, Kara snatched his winter hat clean off. Cedric felt the ball of hair hidden beneath the hat separate and fall down his head. He stopped and slipped a gloved hand through it. Something was very wrong! He frantically searched but he didn't feel the clips anywhere! The hair extensions had BECOME real! His hair now fell below his chin and swished around his fingers. It wasn't possible!
Kara stopped too. She stared wide eyed at Cedric while cradling his lavender colored winter hat between her fingers.
She chuckled, "I didn't know you were such a pretty boy, Sarge."
Cedric froze but felt his cheeks turning red. He was still catching his breath from running and felt himself sweating beneath the heavy coat. He wanted to take off his winter clothing but knew he couldn't. This had gotten totally out of hand! He had to get his hat back!
He turned and shot Kara an angry scowl. His hair fluttered gently into his face.
She smiled towards him, looking even taller than before, "You look so cute when you're angry, Sarge."
Cedric balled his hands into fists and took a threatening step towards Kara. His heavy leather boots clapped against the floor. He would have to beat it out of her.
Kara held her hands up, baring her naked body to Cedric as she spoke, "I'm not looking for trouble, I was just messing around with you. I won't tell anybody about your hair...if you do something for me."
Cedric stopped advancing. Even if he beat the hat out of this girl she would tell everybody what she saw. He had to keep her silent AND get his hat back. It was the only one in the lost and found box!
"Give me my hat back." He grunted.
She replied, "I'll give you the hat back and promise to stay quiet about this if you agree to leave me uncuffed in the waiting room."
Cedric shook his head and pleaded, "I can't do that! It's against the rules."
She looked at him incredulously, "You made me suck your cock last time and stuck it in my ass the time before that. The rules don't mean shit to you."
Cedric nodded, that was true.
After quick contemplation he agreed, "Alright, alright. I wont cuff you. Don't make me regret it. Now, give me my hat back."
Kara held the hat towards Cedric with a devilish grin. Her laminated wristband shone in the dim light.
Cedric snatched the hat away and stuffed it back on his head. He tucked his hair into the hat while Kara slipped on a jumpsuit and flops. She practically skipped out the door and back into the waiting room.
Cedric caught his breath as he placed Kara's belongings into a bag. He slipped her black hair tie onto his wrist without thinking.
He stopped for a quick second then shook his head and tossed the sealed bag into the nearby crate. Why the FUCK had he done that? He didn't even try to take the black band off his wrist, just above his gloves. It wasn't worth the frustration. Besides, it was just a little hair band and compared to the other items he had on it was pretty innocuous. Even still, he had to be more careful. His body seemed to be betray him if he stopped paying attention. It may have been a simple hair tie now, but next time, who knows what he might inadvertently slip on.
Cedric pulled up his pants once again and ensured his hat was secured. He took a breath and pressed open the door with his gloved hands, feeling his nails scrape along the metal.
That bitch had better stay quiet!