Part 8

Part 8:

The property room door closed behind Cedric with a *click* as he began moving towards the door to the hallway on the far side. He kept his head down and ignored the stares and whispers of the women as he passed. He even heard a few stifled sniggers at his expense. It didn't matter, he had to get out of here!

He fought against his clothing which was worryingly baggy. HIs gloved hands held up his pant legs which dragged along the floor. They were tight against his hips so he didn't worry about falling completely, but for some reason they were too long and baggy on his legs. The women's coat on his upper body was even beginning to feel big and baggy whereas before it was a little too small. The tank top and bra were not as restrictive and tight as they once were, but his uniform shirt felt like it was several sizes too big. Meanwhile, the knot of fake hair that he'd stuffed beneath the winter hat was starting to hurt.

Cedric approached the transparent door leading to the hallway. He lifted his head and stopped in his tracks. The door opened with a *click*. Cedric's stomach dropped, walking into the room was his commanding officer!

Lieutenant Robert's eyes centered on Cedric and his confusion was palpable.

"Baxter, what the hell is going on in here?" He asked exasperated.

Cedric's eyes were wide with surprise and fear. He stuttered a few times but nothing coherent came out.

The door closed behind the Lieutenant and locked with the *click* of the electronic lock. The Lieutenant took a quick scan of the room. The women had gone back to being totally silent.

"Why have you only changed out a handful of prisoners? We have another wave coming in less than an hour! I understand that our staffing is tight right now, but I expect better out of you." His voice turned to a whisper, "And I thought we had an understanding here, Cedric."

Cedric's mind was racing as he thought up an excuse.

He stammered, "I- I'm sorry, LT. I've- uh- I've been...I'm really sick. Yeah I've barely been able to keep it together tonight. I REALLY need to go home."

Lieutenant Roberts looked Cedric over once more, his voice softened, "I can see that Cedric. I know you're not the kind of officer to disrespect the uniform, and you must be pretty sick to wear all those layers. I know how much you enjoy your job on nights like this so if you're trying to get home you must not be faking it."

Cedric's chest fluttered but he kept a somber expression on his face. This just might work!

The Lieutenant thought for a second before he continued, "Tell you what: If you finish this group of females I'll move some people around and get somebody to take the rest of the shift. Does that sound okay to you?"

Cedric hesitated. He didn't feel like he could say no, but he desperately wanted to. He nodded his head, resigning himself to his duty.

The Lieutenant approached Cedric and put his hand on his shoulder.

Lieutenant Roberts cocked his head to the side and furrowed his brow, "You're feeling tiny, Sarge, did you stop exercising or something? Is old age finally catching up to you?"

Cedric tried to puff out his chest and make himself bigger as he forced a laugh, "Yeah, I guess you got me there, LT. Doesn't help that I'm sick, too."

Seemingly satisfied, the Lieutenant turned to the women and spoke loudly, "Ladies, I apologize for the delay, the sergeant here will expedite the process and get you where you need to be."

With a nod, the Lieutenant retrieved his ring of keys and unlocked the clear door, making his way back to the hallway. The door closed and the electronic lock engaged while he strolled further into the complex.

Cedric took a deep breath and met the stares of the arrestees. They didn't have a look of fear like they had before. Many of them looked curious or downright devious. He had assaulted several of them in the past and always felt extremely powerful and in control as he did so. Right now, however, he was fearful of them. It was as if they knew something he didn't. He just had to keep going and be extra careful. If Cedric played his cards right, he'd be sitting in his recliner with a beer in his hand in no time.

The Lieutenant was right, he had to just finish this room and be on his way. He'd done this a thousand times before! He just had to prevent them from touching him!

He rubbed his bloated chest and shifted his uncomfortable hips. Who would he choose next?


Part 9


Part 7