Part 16
Part 16:
"Kevin." Kourtnee chirped.
"Kourtnee." He replied while collecting his paperwork.
"What would it thake for you to believe that I'm Thedric Baxthter?" She asked with a lisp and unconcsious feminine inflection in her voice.
Kevin released an annoyed sigh as he placed his pen onto the metal table.
Kourtnee's hands rested on her hips as she continued, "You havth to believthe me! What can I do to convinthce you?"
Kevin walked next to Kourntee and ran his eyes up and down her body. It felt natural being evaluated by a man.
Kevin spoke while gesturing towards her, "Look at you, Kourtnee, you literally couldn't be further from the sergeant. Every single thing about you is the opposite of him."
"Askth me anything. Askth me something only the sthergeant would know." She pleaded.
Kevin rolled his eyes and shook his head.
She gently touched his arm and spoke quietly, "Pleasthe Kevin, you havth to give me one more chanthce. Without those [i]bithches[/i] lying to you I can prove it."
Kevin held Kourtnee's hand and sighed once again, "Okay, fine. I'll ask you a few police related questions."
Kourtnee felt a fluttering in her chest and a smile cross her lips. There's no way she could get these questions wrong! She had almost three decades of professional policing experience. This was the turning point!
"But," Kevin continued, "For each question you get wrong, you have to remove or put on a piece of clothing until you end up where you belong - in the proper jumpsuit and flops. Deal?"
Kourtnee's eyes darted to the crate beneath the table containing green female jumpsuits. She wouldn't need to worry about that.
"Deal!" She chirped.
Kourtnee tossed her pink clutch onto the table and prepared herself for the first question. Kevin looked down at his clipboard and began working on the intake paperwork. He lifted Kourtnee's hand and examined her wristband.
His brow furrowed, "That's strange, it doesn't say the name of the officer that booked you in."
Kourtnee nodded her head, "You sthee! I told you! Askth me a qwesthion."
Kevin released her hand and put his pen down. His eyes narrowed and he appeared to be staring at her with curiosity.
He asked, "The 'objective reasonableness standard' was adopted as the standard operating procedure in American policing based on which court case? As a defensive tactics instructor, the REAL Sergeant Baxter knows this case like the back of his hand."
Kourtnee's smile faltered as she pushed her brain to recall information that had been completely disconnected. She could remember reading multiple essays and opinions on that specific case. She could even remember arguing the case and teaching it to other police officers...But these memories were blank screens and wordless sentences. The memories of the events themselves were there, but all the information had been drained out.
"Uh- uhm..." Kourtnee stuttered while her eyes darted around the room, searching for an answer.
Kevin scoffed and turned back to his paperwork, "I'm waiting, [i]Ms. Baxton[/i]. It's something every police officer knows."
Kourtnee bit her lower lip while racking her brain for any shred of an answer. How was this possible? She was a veteran police officer; she should know this!
Kourtnee felt her lips plumping up with each panicked second that passed. They expanded in in a way that felt different than before. Kourtnee raised her red fingernails to her lips and touched them. They were fat, squishy and undoubtedly FAKE! Her glossy, pouted lips gushed with fillers and injections!
Kourtnee ran her pierced tongue along her lips. They gave her a constant puckered 'duck face'. Nobody would every take her seriously with lips like these!
"I'll take your stammering and lip licking as a sign that you don't have an answer, [i]Ms. Baxton[/i]." Kevin stated while writing on his paper, "I think your shoes are the first to go."
Kourtnee hung her head and bent down to remove her stilettos. She was surprised when they actually came off. She half expected them to stick to her like they had before. She raised them up to the table.
She raised them [b]UP[/b] to the table.
Kourtnee turned to look at Kevin. He was a giant! The surrounding room felt MASSIVE as well. Without her heels on, Kourtnee's diminished stature was even more noticeable. She must have been a few inches shy of five feet. She was short even for a female!
Kourtnee's tiny feet rested flat on the cold floor. She looked down at them and wriggled her red painted toes. They were the smallest, cutest feet she had ever seen. She had to get the next question right!
Kourtnee spoke, struggling with her new lips in tandem with her piercing, "Askth me anotherw qwesthion."
"What's the name of the last rookie officer that Sergeant Baxter taught?" Kevin asked.
The image of the annoying rookie officer floated through Kourtnee's mind.
She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. She didn't know that idiot's name!
"I don't know that idiot'sth name!" She complained.
Kevin pointed to Kourtnee's legs, "Your skirt then, [i]Ms. Baxton[/i]."
Kourtnee sighed before turned away from Kevin and untying the pieces of her latex skirt. She couldn't help but slink out of the skirt in a sexy fashion by slipping the string slowly through the loops and rocking her hips sensually. It was the only way she knew how to undress and it felt totally natural. When the skirt dropped to the floor, Kourtnee bent at the waist to pick it up, giving Kevin a comprehensive view of her fully female lower body. It looked like her crotch-less string panties had disappeared as well.
She felt Kevin's lustful eyes glued between her legs. She shimmied her hips and gave him a real show; presenting her pussy towards him like a bitch in heat. Kourtnee wanted to stop herself- she wanted to stand up straight and take the questions seriously, but her body was on autopilot and she was showing her true self. She snapped her head over her shoulder and gave Kevin a sexy pout while allowing her long blonde hair to fall partially into her vision.
Kourtnee could see Kevin's erection tenting his uniform pants. She smirked and bent down to the floor to retrieve her fallen skirt. She slowly arched her back until she was standing straight once again. She pressed her legs together in a feminine stance. The void between her legs was infinitely noticeable and Kourtnee couldn't imagine something hanging there. Kevin's eyes definitely noticed the void and she could feel his lust. She tossed the skirt to the table, feeling a new, sexual power coursing through her veins.
Kourtnee basked in her newfound power for a few moments before shaking her head. She was losing herself! She was losing the battle for her soul!
"Let me see that tattoo, Kourtnee." Kevin ordered while staring at her back, "I have to put it on your sheet."
Kourtnee craned her neck to look at what Kevin was referring to and gasped as she traced down her back. She had a butterfly tramp stamp!
The ink was centered in the middle of her hourglass figure. It sat just above her flared hips and demanded attention with an eye catching blue. It was trashy, girly and slutty all at the same time. Kourtnee didn't know a single man that had a tattoo like this!
Kevin stepped towards Kourtnee and bent over to look at her ass. His hands reached down and held onto the tops of her hips, securing her in place. Kourtnee drew a sharp breath as Kevin manhandled her naked lower body. She felt comfortable. She had been in this position many times. Her exposed slit became hot and moist purely out of habit. One of Kevin's hands traced down and cupped her fat ass cheek. He gave it a quick squeeze and moved away. Kourtnee's aroused, pierced pussy wafted [i]eau de sex[/i] all around her. Kourtnee wasn't sure if Kevin could smell her arousal, but she certainly could smell it herself. Her lustful aroma was one that the body of a male could never make. Kevin turned and began jotting a description of her butterfly tramp stamp onto the sheet which would further cement her as Kourtnee.
"Givth me anotherw qwesthion." Kourtnee demanded.
Kevin sighed, "Really, Kourtnee? Why don't you just admit the truth and get changed out? None of the other women had any problems with it."
"You pwomisthed!" Kourtnee pleaded.
"Alright, alright." Kevin stated before turning to her.
Kourtnee had her hands on her hips. Her pierced breasts were pressed towards Kevin in the mesh top and her wet, puffy labia were visible between her heavy thighs. She tossed her hair to the side, causing her gaudy hoops to clink against her makeup coated cheeks. Kevin's eyes were full of lust as the scent of Kourtnee's arousal hit his nose. The barriers of his professionalism were slowly-but-surely crumbling.
"What kind of pistols do we use as a department? Sergeant Baxter was a gun expert so I reckon he would know." Kevin stated.
Kourtnee licked her lips and clenched her eyes shut. What did she know about guns? She remembered hundreds of trips to the range and thousands of dollars burned on ammo alone. She spent an untold amount of time researching and practicing to shoot...right? She remembered the range and...and remembered leaving the range. She was on the computer and reading about...
The screen was blank.
Kourtnee groaned in frustration and banged her little fist onto the metal table.
"Hey, Kourtnee, knock that off or we aren't playing anymore." Kevin snapped with a commanding order.
She pulled her hand away from the table fearfully. Her heart was beating quickly and her eyes opened wide. Kevin's sudden aggression put her slightly on edge but it didn't stop her arousal from building in the slightest.
"I'll give you a hint." Kevin offered while pushing the gun on his hip forward, "I'm wearing it right now."
Though he was trying to push JUST his hip forward, Kevin ended up thrusting his whole lower body towards Kourtnee. Her eyes traced down and focused squarely on his erection. Her brain totally ignored the gun. She bit her bloated lower lip and felt her mouth watering. Her breathing was beginning to come in faster and faster. Her mind wandered and fantasized about what his cock looked like under his uniform pants.
"No answer? Then this is mine." Kevin grunted while reaching out and aggressively pulling at Kourtnee's mesh top.
Kourtnee's legs felt like jell-o as Kevin savagely ripped the top off her body. There was a shifting in her breasts and Kourtnee reached up to check. Her tits hung unnaturally on her chest and felt almost...hard? She gave them a squeeze and immediately knew they were breast implants. Low quality breast implants at that!
Kourtnee shook her shoulders and watched her breasts shake but not really jiggle. Her barbell studs shone in the dim light and a chill caused her nipples to harden.
Kevin slammed the tatters of the mesh top to the table and his eyes darted to Kourtnee's chest.
He spoke slyly, "That top almost made them look real! But those are CLEARLY fake, right?"
Kevin gave Kourtnee's left tit a *SMACK* and watched it flop around as she yelped in surprise. He was getting more aggressive! Kourtnee could see Kevin's control was slipping away. She needed to stop arousing him. Maybe putting on the jumpsuit and covering her highly feminine body could get him back under control. It would be really easy to just slip it on over her body...but then the game would be over and she'll have failed!
She decided she had to stick it out and hope that Kevin could stay professional. Kourtnee was now totally naked except for her earrings.
"Can I get the nexsth qwesthion?" Kourtnee asked plainly, trying to ignore her own growing arosual.
"Nah." Kevin said while shrugging, "You have to tell me if your tits are fake or not first."
She glanced down at her heavy, unnaturally hanging tits. She had to give him an answer to keep going.
"Of coursthe they're fake." Kourtnee admitted with downcast eyes.
A memory wedged into her brain. She was having rotten luck on the street corner. It didn't happen often, but every once in awhile she just couldn't find a client. 'Rotten luck' never seemed to be a problem for that fake slut, [i]Sabrina[/i]. All she had to do was flash her fake tits to the nearest Cadillac or Benz to get picked up and treated like a queen! Kourtnee had to admit that Sabrina's chest looked pretty damn real in appearance and movement. So much so that most of the men didn't even know they were fake. She must have known the right surgeon! It wasn't as if Kourtnee hadn't thought about it once or twice but...would she really alter her body like that? Just to get more male attention? She may not have had the biggest rack in the world, but shouldn't she stay natural?
But on this particular 'rotten luck' kind of day, Kourtnee was finally fed up. She drummed up the courage to ask Sabrina about her procedure. Kourtnee couldn't believe how kind and candid Sabrina was about everything. The best part was that the cost was only $500! Sabrina gave Kourtnee an address and told her that she would set up the appointment. She seemed so least at the time.
Kourtnee's apprehension was palpable when she followed Sabrina's directions into a sketchy back alley. A cracked-out doctor greeted her in broken English and ushered her inside a graffiti covered door. She entered and saw two silicone mounds piled next to an operating table. The doctor directed her to lay down and Kourtnee followed. She kept her faith in Sabrina and handed the doctor a wad of cash. He put a mask over her mouth and she was out cold in a matter of seconds.
When she came to, Kourtnee realized she was back in her shitty apartment with bandages wrapped around her chest. It wasn't until a few days later, when she removed the bandages, that she realized her augmented chest was nothing like Sabrina's. Where Sabrina's breasts were natural in look and feel, Kourtnee's were stiff and spherical. It wasn't completely botched, but her breasts were obviously fake and gave her the appearance of a cheap prostitute. From then on, Kourtnee didn't have 'rotten luck' kind of days, but her clientele became poorer, grimier, more perverted men who just wanted the full 'banging a cheap slut' experience.
Coming back to reality, Kourtnee kept her gaze lowered. She figured that avoiding eye contact might help reduce her building arousal. She felt a strong urge to squeeze her breasts together to give Kevin a sexy show- but she managed to refrain from doing so with a conscious effort. What really worried her was the feeling that if she hadn't forced herself to stop, it would've probably happened automatically. Her body was almost out of control. She HAD to fight to stay in control!
"I figured they were fake." Kevin chuckled to himself while nodding, "Alright, another question: What are the three types of bleeding control techniques taught to all corrections officers?"
Kourtnee pouted, "Thisth isn't fair! Askth me sthomething I would know!"
Kevin unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up. His sinewy arms pulsed with veins. He tugged at his collar and his dark eyes flicked between Kourtnee's wet slit, bare chest and cute face. Her sexual scent continued wafting steadily around the room.
"I'll give you a hint, [i]slut[/i]." He stated harshly with strong emphasis on 'slut', "Baxter and I just had our first aid refresher course last week."
She repeated while crossing her arms under her chest, "Askth me sthomething I would know."
Kevin pointed at her and commanded, "Take off your [i]whore[/i] earrings."
Kourtnee's body trembled as she immediately moved to obey. She carefully removed her earrings all while Kevin maintained his lustful stare. A momentary burning in Kourtnee's eyes disoriented her and she used the table for balance. She dropped her gaudy hoops and studs onto the table and blinked a few times, thankful as the burning ceased. She felt a change in her eyes. She looked down at the mirrored surface of the metal table and saw what had happened.
Her dark, lively brown eyes had turned to a pale green. She now wore false lashes and her eyes were constantly half-lidded. She was able to force them open, but watched as they returned to a naturally half-lidded state when she wasn't consciously forcing them. There was something about her pale green eyes that seemed...vacant. She had an air-headed, lifeless, come-hither stare like some sort of sex doll. These new eyes made her look horny and easy at the same time.
Kourtnee's half-lidded eyes shot to Kevin. He noticed her gaze almost immediately. His hand pulled at the front of his uniform pants and he shifted his hips. His erection was causing quite a bit of discomfort. Kourtnee watched Kevin fondle his penis and felt a pang of jealousy in her chest. [i]SHE[/i] wanted to fondle his penis! Her exposed pussy was hot and slippery and she was barely staying in control of herself.
She had to abort the mission! If she kept pushing they were going to end up fucking right here on the property room floor! She would have to figure something else out. She decided to give in for now and put on the jumpsuit before it was too late!