Part 15

Part 15:

Kevin proceeded to take Daisy into the property room first while telling her, "Come on, Daisy, let's get this done."

He unlocked Daisy's handcuffs and she stood. She smoothed out her pink skirt and shot Kourtnee one more glance before turning towards the door.

"I have so many funny stories about Kourtnee if you'd like to hear them, Sir." Daisy told Kevin as they walked.

"I'm sure you do, Daisy." Kevin responded while laughing.

Kourtnee's anger bubbled beneath the surface but she stayed quiet. There was nothing to gain from another outburst. She had to strategize how she could convince Kevin during their one on one interaction in the property room.

The door to the property room closed behind Kevin and Daisy with her last words being, "Like, there was this one time that-"

The room was silent for a few seconds until Kourtnee whispered towards Mildred while struggling around her new tongue stud, "Why? Why Milth- Milthreth? What dith I ever do to you that wasth so badth?"

Mildred upturned her nose and chirped, "You're a fucking rapist piece of shit, Sarge. You may look like a pretty, young girl now, but you'll always be a rapist piece of shit."

Kourtnee's hips pushed outwards as she argued back, "I'm noth a rapithst you sthupid lying sthlut!"

Mildred let out a *hmf* as she retorted, "The only slut here is you, [i]Kourtnee[/i]."

Kourtnee sat back in her chair as a memory burned into her brain. She had just finished her second set for the night. A mixture of sweat and body glitter coated her tits as she walked away from the stage. The bills in her g-string were disappointingly light. Her scantily clad stage partner Daisy approached Kourtnee with a grin and offered her a huge opportunity for a big payday. Kourtnee remembered reluctantly agreeing and following Daisy to the dimly lit backroom where she had her first experience with prostitution. It felt like she was on her knees with that rich man's cock in her throat for ages- but she didn't know what she was doing at that point!

Kourtnee returned back to reality in confusion. Where were these memories coming from? She couldn't tell what was real anymore! Kourtnee's eyes shot to the property room as she realized what was happening. That whore Daisy must have been telling stories about her to Kevin! Stories that were becoming true!

Kourtnee's thighs fattened as she pleaded once again to everyone, "Girlths, girlths you hafth to understhand! I get it now! I've learned my lessthon! Pltheasthe!"

Kourtnee's newly expanded hips and thighs stretched her belt-like skirt to its limits. She shimmied her hips but felt no relief as her body was squeezed like toothpaste. She flicked her tongue around, trying to get used to her new piercing.

One of the regular girls, a red-head with a noticible facial scar, spoke up, "Maybe Sarge is right...He deserves to be punished, but this could be going too far."

Kourtnee nodded her head, feeling her heavy golden hoops and hair bouncing as she did. They weren't ALL against her!

Another memory drilled its way into Kourtnee's head. She was exiting from the private room at the strip club for the third time that night. She had lines of cum plastered across her face and a heavy wad of bills in her hand. She licked her salty lips while passing a few other girls who sniggered and made disparaging comments and jokes at her disposal. She passed Daisy who was just stepping off the stage. Daisy was covered in sweat and pissed off! Next to her was the skeevy club manager who looked equally angry. It wasn't Kourtnee's fault that she was too preoccupied with the back room and she'd forgotten her shift on stage! She was just trying to make the customers happy! Either way, Daisy and the boss were both admanat that she needed to go.

Kourtnee winced as she returned to reality. It was Daisy again! Kourtnee knew the memory wasn't real but she REMEMBERED it happening. Whether she liked it or not, Daisy's manufactured experiences for Kourtnee were BECOMING Kourtnee.

A new girl on the other side of the room piped up, "He never did anything to me. I don't want to be part of this."

Kara spat, her loud voice was filled with hate, "You think he wouldn't have [i]raped[/i] you if he had the chance tonight? Why do you think he was alone? He would have [i]raped the shit out of you[/i] without hesitating! Whatever is happening to him is a fucking miracle and he deserves every bit of it!"

Kourtnee's ass was next to expand as she lifted further off the cold bench, stretching her skirt even further. An ominous *RIP* split Kourntee's skirt into two pieces which were quickly sewn together on the sides with black string. The skirt became shiny latex and though the ties were tight, the ripping of the skirt allowed her expanded lower body some much needed breathing room.

Kourtnee's crotch-less pink panties scrunched within the latex skirt lost much of its material. They thinned and transformed into a delicate pink string that framed her hairless, pierced pussy.

Kourtnee hissed, "You're a bithch Kara!"

The door to the property room swung opened, and stepping back into the waiting area was a green jumpsuited Daisy. She smiled devilishly at Kourtnee. Did she know her stories were becoming memories?

She approached Kourtnee who attempted to ignore the smirking young woman. If she didn't already know her stories were becoming real, Kourtnee definitely didn't want to give her any indication it was happening.

Daisy stood over Kourtnee with her hand on her hip as she scoffed, "Nice tits, [i]Kourtnee[/i]."

Kourtnee felt an immediate shifting around her breasts. She looked down and watched as her skimpy white and pink bikini top turned fully pink then expanded across her whole chest. She was actually gaining some cover back! The pink top wrapped around her shoulders and down her pitiful biceps before stopping at her elbows. She was left in a pink belly shirt with a modest neckline. Her nipple piercings poked out of the top which did not contain a bra. She turned her attention back up at Daisy who had returned to her spot on the bench. Before she could open her mouth to say thank you, Kourtnee felt a chill tickling at her nipples. She looked back down and watched as her solid pink belly shirt began ripping to shreds. Holes formed in the top and multiplied until she was left with hot pink mesh that completely bared her fat tits to the whole room.

Kourtnee sat on the cold metal bench in her pink mesh top; shiny, ripped black latex skirt; tall, black stiletto heels; ass length blonde hair; and makeup covered, girly face. Her nipple and naval piercings were on full display as was her gaudy, jingling gold hoops.

Kevin entered the room a minute after Daisy and secured her to the bench. Kevin then stepped in front of Kourtnee. She could feel his eyes directly on her mesh covered breasts which fattened slowly beneath his stare. Kourtnee could sense his lust building and felt his masculinity washing over her. His rough, manly hand wrapped around Kourtnee's delicate, smooth wrists as he unlocked her Venus etched cuffs. She felt her breath catching in her throat and her loins stirring as Kevin controlled her movements with absolute authority. Once the cuffs clanged to the bench, Kevin released her wrist and beckoned her towards the property room.

"Come on, Kourtnee, let's get this over with." Kevin offered.

Kourtnee stood. She felt her bodily proportions had shifted and were affecting her stance. The bottom part of Kourtnee's ass cheeks sagged beneath the latex skirt which tightly cinched her ever thinning midsection. The soft pink of her crotch-less, string panties were just barely visible on each side of her widening hips. Her breasts were bigger and heavier than ever and were hanging freely in the mesh top. The belly button piercing in her navel shone in the holding room light and she felt her ass length blonde hair tickling the top of her skirt. Kourtnee's eyes found Kevin's hard, muscled arms and she unconsciously licked her glossy, pillowy lips.

"Let's go." Kevin ordered a little louder while pointing to the property room.

Kourtnee wasn't cuffed. She could have fought, she could have run, but she knew it would be a waste of time. Kevin had weapons, size, strength and police training. Kourtnee only had experience stripping and whoring while her "equipment" was a tiny pink purse and a skirt that was fixing to burst with any sudden moves. It wasn't as if her fat, unsupported tits, high heels, long hair, long nails and lack of muscle would have helped her in a fight either. As she had no other choice, Kourtnee followed Kevin's stern order with butterflies in her chest and heat between her legs. She felt her gait had completely changed since she sat down. Her hips rocked sensually and her chest jiggled enticingly. She felt herself moving like...well, like a stripper would. She tried to stop herself, but it was like...THAT was the way she moved. It was her default, it was her comfort zone. It was what she knew.

Kevin took a position behind her and she knew he was watching her lustfully. The room around Kourtnee grew bigger as she clicked along the floor. When the room stopped growing, Kourtnee was left as one of the shortest women in the group. Even with her six inch heels she would be forever resigned to looking UP to most people, especially men. She stopped before the door and turned to see Kevin who was easily over a foot taller than she was. Kourtnee looked up at him with a stroke of fear. She was a tiny, insignificant girl next to a masculine mountain of a man. Her decreased size didn't seem to apply to her assets which now looked even bigger on her body in comparison.

Kevin produced his ring of keys and opened the door. This was her last chance to get Kevin on her side. She gulped as she spied the property room. It looked bigger and darker than she remembered. Kourtnee felt her body trembling uncontrollably. She was afraid of the room now. She hadn't been touched or assaulted here like some of the others, but she felt herself empathizing with the women that had. She stepped inside with the big body of Kevin looming behind her.

The door slammed shut and the electronic lock engaged with a *click*. Kourtnee turned towards Kevin with her heavy, makeup coated eyelids fluttering. He assumed a position next to the metal island table that looked so much higher than she remembered.

He pointed to the table, "Start stripping down, Ms. Baxton."

Kourtnee took a deep breath, feeling her nipples becoming hard with a mix of fear, arousal and cold. She tossed her long hair and stepped forward before making her pitch. This was it.


Part 16


Part 14