Part 13

Part 13:

Cedric swiped his shoulder length, dirty blonde hair from his face as he turned towards the girls with a smirk. He placed his delicate hands on his widened hips and nodded his head. The room had gone completely silent. Now that he had a partner, these bitches didn't stand a chance!

"Ma'am," Kevin asked, "Why are you wearing the sergeant's uniform?"

Cedric stared his adversaries down while wearing a triumphant smirk before realizing Kevin was talking to him. He turned his head to see Kevin's eyebrows raised towards him expectantly.

Cedric cocked his head to the side, "Excuse me? It's me, Kevin. I'm Cedric Baxter!"

Cedric noticed his voice felt strange in his throat. It had gotten several pitches higher; likely the result of the cursed lipstick smeared across his lips. He clutched the pink purse at his side nervously, not really noticing its presence anymore.

Kevin looked annoyed and rubbed his forehead with his hand.

Cedric noticed Kevin was several inches taller that him even though he was wearing six inch stilettos! Since when was he so tall!?

Kevin whispered to himself, "That asshole leaves me with a giant fucking mess..." He then spoke louder towards Cedric, "Why did that perverted wierdo leave you with his uniform shirt and pants? Did he walk out of here in his underwear or something?"

Cedric looked down at his comically ill-fitting corrections uniform. Everything about it looked and felt completely wrong. His swollen chest puffed the shirt out in a way that strained against the buttons while he was practically swimming in fabric around his shoulders and mid section. Cedric felt more like a little boy wearing his father's suit jacket than a well put together police officer.

He spoke in his higher pitch through red, puffy lips, "You don't recognize me, Kevin? It's me! These little [i]sluts[/i] cursed me or something!"

Kevin sighed heavily, "Look, lady, I don't know what kind of girl drama you prostitutes have between yourselves and I don't really care. Give me the sergeant's uniform, please."

Cedric took a step back with a *click* of his heels. His overly long uniform pants brushed against the floor. He blinked several times, feeling his eyelashes getting heavier as the makeup spread and subtly transformed his face.

He stammered, "I- I don't- I'm not a prostitute."

Kevin advanced towards Cedric with his hand outstretched, "I don't give a damn what you call yourselves. Strip down, let's go."

Cedric glanced around the room at dozens of staring, unfriendly eyes and felt himself beginning to panic.

He gasped, "This can't- this can't be happening to me. I must be dreaming!"

Kevin loudly ordered, "Get out of that fucking uniform RIGHT NOW and sit back down, [i]whore[/i]!"

His voice was so powerful and frightening that Cedric felt his body trembling. What was he supposed to do? How could he convince Kevin of the truth? He took one final look at his 'partner' who was clearly preparing to go 'hands on' with him. Cedric knew that once force needed to be used there wasn't a thing in the world he could say that Kevin would listen to. Maybe if he were separated from the uniform Kevin would calm down and listen to reason?

All Cedric could do was mumble under his breath as he began executing Kevin's command. Cedric figured that once his uniform was off, Kevin would see that his hairy, manly body CLEARLY didn't belong with these [i]females[/i].

Cedric slowly unbuttoned his pants and slipped them down his smooth legs. Wait, smooth legs! These weren't his legs!

His leg hair was completely gone and his muscles were practically non-existent! Cedric shook one of his thighs and watched as it jiggled with feminine fat. Not only were his thighs fatter, but the bottom part of his legs were noticeably thinner. Cedric's smooth, womanly legs looked perfectly natural in a short leather skirt and tall stilettos. Even his feet somehow looked smaller in his new shoes.

Cedric noticed the skirt he'd inherited from Mildred was no longer the one he wore. Additionally, Joy's belt was nowhere to be seen. The tiny bolt of leather now wrapping his hips and upper thighs was significantly shorter and tighter. It seemed like Joy's belt and Mildred's skirt had somehow fused together making his skirt little more than a glorified belt!

Cedric felt very self conscious and exposed with barely any fabric left to cover him. He put his hands on his hips and noticed how they flared outward in a very unmanly fashion. There was nothing about his legs that would help convince Kevin that he was really Cedric. In fact, each inch that he uncovered simply further confirmed to Kevin that Cedric WASN'T who he said he was.

Cedric's hands were shaking while he unbuttoned the uniform shirt. He took a second to look at his patches, his nameplate and his badge. He had a strange feeling that he would never wear a police uniform again once this one was removed. Despite his shock and fear, Cedric proceeded with the unbuttoning process until he pulled the uniform shirt open and slipped it off his body. He gasped as he looked down.

Gone was the lacy white bra of Ada. Gone was the pink tank top of Erin. Instead, Cedric wore a combination white/pink bikini top which barely contained two gigantic, fat [b]TITS[/b] hanging off his chest. The bikini top was little more than two triangles of fabric tied together with pink strings.

Barbell nipple studs could just barely be seen poking through the bikini top. Cedric gently shook his shoulders and watched his chest bounce hypnotically back and forth. He felt their weight pushing and pulling him off balance. Cedric noticed his gut had evaporated and his stomach pulled inward. It gave him an hourglass figure when combined with his flared hips. His shoulders were diminished significantly and his arms were hairless, thin and void of virtually all muscle. Cedric raised his arms and saw that even his underarms were smooth and cleanly shaven.

How had his uniform shirt and fur coat hidden his changing body so well!? Sure, he could feel some parts of himself expanding and contracting- but not like this! He was unrecognizable!

Kevin approached and snatched the uniform from Cedric's hands. Once the uniform was out of Cedric's control, the gravity of the situation hit him like a ton of bricks. He was wearing a short skirt and a bikini! He felt more vulnerable than he'd ever felt in his life. His power had been completely taken from him. Though he was only, physically, a few inches away from his uniform, Cedric felt as though there were millions of miles between them.

Kevin bunched up the uniform before resting his eyes back on Cedric, "There, now you're in your PROPER [i]whore[/i] uniform. I don't know what kind of perverted sexual shit you had to do for the sergeant to give you his uniform and I don't want to know."

Cedric felt his cheeks blaze. Kevin was speaking down to him as if he were just another prostitute. That hypocrite! Kevin had always judged Cedric for the way he treated the girls. Now here he was saying the same abusive shit! Cedric clutched his pink purse and felt his body continuing to change. A slight sting in his ear indicated something was different. He reached his nails up and brushed against a tiny earring stud.

A light dusting of powder brushed across Cedric's face. He knew he had to do something quickly before he was completely unrecognizable! He had to convince Kevin that he wasn't a prostitute before it was too late!

"Kevin." Cedric started, feeling his lips inflating as he spoke, "I need you to listen to me. I know it's crazy, but I AM Sergeant Baxter! I don't belong here! Look, I'm not wearing a wristband, am I?"

Cedric raised his arm and his eyes opened wide with fear as he spied a familiar looking laminated wristband wrapped around his wrist. The black hair tie had transformed!

Kevin scoffed and grabbed Cedric's wrist. His hands were like heavy sandpaper! Cedric tried to pull his wrist away but Kevin's grip was overpowering.

Kevin read the name on the band and spoke down to Cedric, "Looks like a wristband to me, [i]Ms. Kourtnee Baxton[/i]. It's close to the sergeant's last name, I'll give you that!"

Cedric pulled his arm away when Kevin released it. He felt his hair creeping down his back and becoming a lighter shade. The wristband made his case so much harder to argue as there was virtually nothing separating him from any of the other girls. Only arrestees wore wristbands and he was wearing one.

"I- I can prove it to you!" Cedric shouted as his hail Mary play came to fruition, "I still have a penis!"

Kevin folded his arms across his chest, "If that's true, Kourtnee, then I'll have to escort you to the male holding area with all the other males."

Cedric gulped and shrank at the prospect.

Kevin chuckled, "Just say the word, [i]Mr. Cedric Baxter[/i] and I'll get you where you belong! If you're truly the big, bad, manly-man sergeant you should be able to easily handle yourself with a couple of low-life male arrestees. I'm sure they'll be [i]SO[/i] excited to have you there to...keep them in line."

Frightening thoughts rapidly shifted through Cedric's mind. He'd known male inmates that would fuck almost anything remotely resembling a female. His nipples expanded and grew thin, blue veins beneath the triangles of his bikini top while he contemplated how horribly he would be treated if he went to the male side in his current state. He glanced at his heavy, pierced tits and relented.

"N-nevermind." Cedric whispered.

Kevin bent down, as Cedric shrank another half inch, and asked him directly, "Is your name [b]Cedric Mark Baxter[/b] or [b]Kourtnee Mae Baxton[/b]?"

Cedric hesitated as his painted nails extended and his delicate fingers thinned, "K-Kourtnee Mae Baxton."

Kevin sniffed and asked in a little voice, "And do you, [b]Kourtnee Mae Baxton[/b], belong with the male or the female inmates? Is there an 'M' or an 'F' on that wristband of yours?"

Kourtnee gulped and stared down at Kevin's leather boots as his ass gushed with feminine fat, "I b-belong with the f-females. Th-there's an 'F' on my wristband... "

Kourtnee's body burned momentarily as their DNA was rewritten, turning their chromosomes from XY to XX. Their bones shifted in their body as their physiology morphed to that of a typical female. Testosterone transitioned to estrogen until her body was positively gushing with it.

Kevin got very close to Kourtnee's makeup coated face just as blush sprinkled onto their cheeks, "And do you, [b]Kourtnee Mae Baxton[/b], have a hard penis beneath that [i]slutty little skirt[/i] or a wet vagina?"

"I have a w-wet va-vagina." Kourtnee muttered quietly, their voice raising in pitch once again.

Kourtnee exhaled sharply as a fuzziness in their pelvis caused them to double over. Their internal organs shifted rapidly beneath their skirt. Their diminished testes pulled into their body and settled high into the pelvis before transitioning molecule by molecule into ovaries. Sperm production was dismantled piece by piece and transformed into a storage area and processing center for eggs. Their vas deferens widened and lengthened to form fallopian tubes. Kourtnee's penis inverted and slowly dug into her guts and widened. Her cervix, womb and vagina opened and nestled exactly where they were biologically programmed to. Kourtnee's labia and external sexual organs, including her clitoris, formed around her new vaginal opening which was situated between her legs and much closer to her anus than her penis had ever been.

With her genitals fully feminized, there wasn't a geneticist, biologist, anthropologist, scientific textbook, anatomical chart or random ass person that could see Kourtnee's puffy vagina and classify her as anything but female.

Kevin stood up straight and smiled, "I'm glad we could straighten that out, Kourtnee! Oh, and one more thing, what do you, Kourtnee Mae Baxton, do for a living? Are you a senator? A football star? A scientist?"

Kourtnee hesitated and peered around the room. It looked so much bigger now that she had shrunk! The seated women were silently watching Kourtnee dig her own identity grave. As she continued giving Kevin the answers he already believed to be true, Kourtnee was only further cementing her status and confirming to Kevin that his observations were spot on. She didn't want to say it, but what choice did she have? He already believed she was something and if she didn't say it, Kevin would think she was a liar. She wouldn't be able to convince him in the furture if he thought she was a liar! With her body, clothes, and current circumstances the way they were, Kourtnee had to give Kevin the only answer he would believe.

"I'm a- I'm a-" She sputtered.

"Say it, [i]bitch[/i], say it!" Kevin ordered.

"I'm a whore!" Kourtnee exclaimed with her high pitched voice echoing along the walls.

Kourtnee's brain instantly became fuzzy. Neural connections were severing one by one leaving her unable to recall and utilize information and skills she once possessed. Dozens of traditionally manly skills and knowledge she had accrued over a lifetime evaporated with each passing second, connection by connection. One second she could tell you the names of every M.A.S.H character and the next she had barely heard of the show. One second she knew the hand and arm mechanics to throw a perfect spiral, and the next she barely knew how to hold a ball.

But as the neural connection to her manly skills and knowledge disconnected and dulled, new, feminine, skills took their place. Connections to football, fishing and power lifting were severed while flowers, fashion and birthstones were plugged in and powered up.

Separate from her general knowledge, Kourtnee's various career related skills were systematically unplugged: her knowledge of the laws and the legal system, court decorum, pistol fundamentals, defensive tactics, high speed driving, interviewing, officer safety, patrols, handcuffing procedure - each one was unplugged and turned off like a light switch.

Before the change, Cedric was a pistol expert and a defensive tactics instructor. He could shoot a target center mass from almost any distance without breaking a sweat and explain and demonstrate ten different ways to take an opponent down. But now, Kourtnee couldn't reliably shoot in the right direction, let alone hit a target, and wouldn't be able to explain and [i]especially[/i] demonstrate the procedure for a single take down.

Taking the place of her police knowledge and skills were a completely new set of talents. Years of fist aid training were gone in an instant, but years of seduction were there to take its place. Kourtnee was no longer able to explain and demonstrate how a traffic stop was conducted to completion, but she could explain and demonstrate how to expertly suck a cock to completion. Selling a ticket became selling her body, talking shop became talking dirty, canine handling became cock handling; the list of skills gained and lost was more extensive with each passing second.

The last few brain related changes struck once nearly all Kourtnee's law enforcement knowledge had been replaced with whoring knowledge. There was much more to being a woman than simply having knowledge about traditionally feminine things and limited knowledge about traditionally masculine things. Kourtnee's brain started learning [i]how to be a woman[/i] and forgetting [i]how to be a man[/i]. Aiming the male pee stream and knowing how to properly wash your penis was dulled and forgotten, replaced by controlling the female pee shotgun and techniques for washing your vagina. Knowing how to discretely shift your pants to avoid showing an obvious erection changed to knowing the proper lighting and material to avoid showing a visible panty line. Running stance to avoid your penis rubbing uncomfortably became running stance to avoid your breasts jiggling uncomfortably. A male could never experience the feeling of slipping a tampon into their vagina just like a female could never experience the feeling of slipping a condom onto their penis. There were thousands of microscopic, deep seated bits of conscious and unconscious behaviors and experiences that made somebody truly act and understand themselves and others as 'man' and 'woman'. It was a set of behaviors that only an individual born, raised and socialized completely and utterly into a role could understand and demonstrate. These microscopic bits of behavior and knowledge were systematically hardwired into Kourtnee's head.

When it was finally finished, and Kourtnee's brain started to clear, she no longer had the ability to convincingly act male. There was just too many tiny giveaways that she was pretending. She wouldn't know the unstated nuance of male group dynamics or relationships. A single wayward look, expression or gesture would immediately reveal her femininity and she would be utterly unable to avoid doing so. Piloting the male body was a completely foreign concept to Kourtnee now. On the opposite side, Kourtnee had intimate knowledge and deeply rooted habits allowing her to fit in seamlessly as a woman. She was perfectly socialized and naturally acted how she was expected to, down to the most minute details.

Kourtnee adopted a more feminine stance as she looked up at Kevin who wore a satisfied, smug grin.

"That's right, Kourtnee, you are a little [i]whore.[/i]" He spoke down at her with false sweetness.

Kourtnee placed a hand on her temple while furrowing her brow. Everything in her head seemed...different. She was feeling so very strange, like she was seeing the world in a totally different way.

Kourtnee's comfortable cotton panties started to change as Kevin ordered her to sit back down on the metal bench. She stepped towards the closest empty seat in a daze, trying to figure out why everything felt weird. A hot-pink g-string crawled its way up both sides of Kourtnee's waist and nestled above the curve of her hips. It pulled and pulled until the string was taut which gave her a slutty, visible hot pink g-string. She felt very used to clothing like this and it didn't really bother her at all. The g-string wedging into her ass felt perfectly normal just as exposing most of her body felt perfectly normal. The panties split in the crotch allowing her labia to poke between her new crotch-less panties.

Kourtnee crossed her legs and sat on the uncomfortable bench, feeling the cold metal press against her exposed, soft skin. Kevin quickly rounded up the wayward arrestees and locked everybody back down. The last person to be locked up was Kourtnee who was still lost in a daze. Kevin grabbed each of her wrists and clicked the cuffs around them. The metal cuffs connected her directly to the bench. She held her hands up and examined the cuffs: they were designed specifically for detaining female wrists like hers. In fact, the male cuffs would probably be too big for her delicate wrists. As if to illustrate the point, there was a small Venus symbol etched into the cuffs.

She examined her laminated wristband. Her name was listed as Kourtnee Mae Baxton. Her birthday put her at age twenty five. She had lost almost thirty years of age! Her sex was listed as female and her address showed that she lived in the ghetto part of town where many of the other prostitutes likely lived. Even her social security number had changed!

Kourtnee focused on breathing. She couldn't begin to process everything that was going on. She just had to...She just had to wait for her opportunity to escape from this hell. That was all- just...just wait for the right opportunity. Kourtnee felt her makeup thickening even further as her lips puffed up and became glossy. Her face slowly feminized beneath the makeup. Her features rounded, her cheekbones and eyebrows rose. Her eyes widened, her chin and jaw shortened and thinned while her nose became smaller.

She tried to avoid eye contact or interaction with the women around her. She knew that to the outside eye she fit in perfectly with the whores in every conceivable way, but everybody with a vagina in the room knew who she really was.

Kevin opened the clear door to the hallway and stepped through. It locked behind him with a *click*. While he was gone Kourtnee noticed several women staring at her curiously. She sat back in the chair as comfortably as she could with her hands remaining shackled in the venus etched cuffs and folded across her skirt.

Kourtnee looked around. She knew she should feel like the odd-one-out, but she no longer felt that way. It was the strangest thing, she knew she wasn't really female. She knew she wasn't really a prostitute, and she remembered that she was Cedric Baxter the male corrections officer...But in the moment it felt [i]right[/i] to be sitting on the bench shackled and wearing a laminated wristband just like the others.

Kourtnee shook her head and tried to fight off the crazy feeling. What was this place doing to her!? SHE NEEDED TO GET OUT OF HERE! If she could have slapped herself, she would have. It felt as if there was a war going on in her very soul. A renewed vigor to resist her changes and find a way back to being Cedric grew within her, but her unconscious feminine behavior betrayed her desire to be a man.

A sting on Kourtnee's belly button made her wince. She pressed her bare belly forward and looked down past her tits. She saw she had a pierced navel beneath her pink and white bikini top.

The piercing shone in the light and Kourtnee couldn't help but admire how pretty and sexy it looked! She quickly snapped herself out of it. There was NOTHING about her transformations that was pretty or sexy! She had to fight!

Kevin stepped back into the room through the clear door. He held an odd looking camera and a small remote control. Kourtnee didn't know what they were for.

Kevin announced to the room, "It looks like that lazy son-of-a-bitch didn't fingerprint or take mug shots any of you, so I'll have to do THAT now, too."

Kevin went down the line fingerprinting and taking mug shots of each woman until he stood before Kourtnee. She looked up at him as her eye makeup became heavier. She could [i]feel[/i] him staring directly at her tits. Kourtnee gave him an expertly flirty smile and batted her eyelashes while her body language was shy but inviting. She wasn't trying to act that way, it was just her bodies natural behavior now!

Kourtnee noticed that Kevin was actually fairly handsome. She'd never noticed it before!

"Put out your hands please, Kourtnee." Kevin requested professionally, seeming to either not notice or completely ignore Kourtnee's unconscious advances.

Kourtnee sighed but did as instructed, noticing how incredibly feminine her hands had become. Kevin pressed each finger into his machine until it beeped.

"Have you really never been arrested before? Well, now your prints are forever in our system, congratulations." Kevin stated as he plugged something into the handheld machine.

Kourtnee looked at her fingers. These prints were in the system as Kourtnee now! Cedric's fingerprints were already in the system as all police officers had to register their prints. Kourtnee had half hoped the machine would recognize her as Cedric, but now it only further cemented her as Kourtnee.

"Smile." Kevin suggested while raising a camera in front of Kourtnee's face.

After a flash, Kevin turned the camera to Kourtnee and she was able to see how her face had transformed. She felt her breath leaving her body. The woman in the picture was gorgeous!

Kourtnee stared at the picture. The creature in the frame was definitely a woman. She was the type of woman that Cedric would have drooled over just hours prior. She was THAT type of woman now!

Kevin pushed a few buttons on his camera. Now her picture was in the arrestee database as twenty-five year old prostitute, Kourtnee Mae Baxton! Her mug shot and fingerprints were associated with a completely different identity. She was a criminal- a [i]female[/i] criminal as far as the system was concerned.

Kevin ensured Kourtnee's picture had been saved before continuing to the next arrestee. Kourtnee watched him walk away and felt a strange stirring between her legs as she admired Kevin's strong arms. She shook her head, feeling her hair slip down another inch, tickling her back. She wasn't attracted to men!



Part 14


Part 12