Part 12

Part 12:

Cedric's breathing came in quickly and he was seeing red. His eyes located Kara with her blonde-streaked, brunette hair. She was sitting on the far end of the room whispering in the ear of a giggling young girl Cedric didn't recognize. The girl wore a black tank top with ample cleavage. She also wore white short shorts and tall black stilettos.

Based on the laughter and murmuring around him, Cedric figured Kara hadn't kept up her promised vow of silence. She was taking advantage of him! What a mistake it had been to trust her!

He stomped towards Kara with an angry scowl across his face and a jiggle in his chest. His ill-fitting clothing fought against him, but he didn't care; he was out for blood!

"Hey, BITCH!" He shouted as he approached.

Kara pulled away from the unknown blonde and lowered her shoulders while asking in an annoyed tone, "What?"

Cedric growled and made a bee-lined towards her, "We had a fucking deal!"

Once Cedric was directly in front of Kara she sat back in her chair and crossed her green jump-suited arms across her chest. Her body language made it clear she was not longer intimidated by Cedric.

She spoke up at him with a matter-of-fact tone, "I'm just telling everybody the truth about you, [i]sissy.[/i]"

Cedric's eyes darted around, he needed to reestablish dominance! This was his final chance to reset the power dynamic. It didn't matter what he was wearing or what had happened, he could set everything right! He reached down with gloved hands and used the handcuff key in his uniform shirt to unlock the the girl seated next to Kara. She pressed back into her chair with wide, fearful eyes. While Kara may not have been intimidated, this girl clearly was. It was apparent that the girl didn't want to get involved.

"I'll show all of you the fucking 'truth'!" Cedric boomed.

He grabbed the blond girl by the back of the head before pulling her towards the ground. As it happened quickly, and the girl wasn't expecting it, she fell forward with hardly any resistance.

"What the fuck!" Kara yelled from the adjacent seat.

The sound of discontent among the females rose like thunder, but Cedric didn't care. He was going to prove a point, one way or another. He held the struggling girl down, though she was much stronger than he anticipated. He'd picked her specifically because she looked weak, how was she providing him such stiff resistance?

Nonetheless, Cedric managed to hold her down and shout so the whole room could hear, "I want everybody to watch this and learn who the real alpha dog in the room is!" He turned his attention downwards, "Kiss my boot, [i]whore![/i]"

Cedric grunted and held the girl down by her neck, directly next to his leather boots. After a few seconds she stopped struggling and her cries of pain turned to a puckering *kiss* noise. She was doing it! She was obeying his command!

Cedric grinned. The dirty, steel-toed, leather boots were his ultimate symbol of authority. No matter how crazy his outfit became; so long as he wore his trusty boots he had all the respect he could ever need!

"That's right, clean 'em up with that filthy [i]slut[/i] mouth! That's what happens to girls that fuck with me!" He announced.

Once his point had been made, Cedric pushed her back onto the metal bench. She had dirt pressed onto her lips and tears streaking down her cheeks. She coughed and struggled to catch her breath.

In that moment Cedric felt immensely powerful once again. He nodded his head while wearing an intimidating scowl. He wanted to let the women drink in what he had done. He noticed the women surrounding him were watching with disgust. But, ultimately, some were averting their gaze! Some of them were afraid of him again! It was working! He had to keep it going!

Cedric turned triumphantly towards the property room with his head held high and a strength in his chest, "Now, some of you may have the idea that-"

Cedric was interrupted as he took a step forward and tripped on his own feet. He tumbled forward, landing on his hands and knees. He looked at his feet and immediately felt an uncomfortable restriction. He was wearing shiny black stilettos!

The crying blonde girl now sported his leather boots! They had swapped shoes! He was surrounded by the legs of the seated arrestees. Cedric grunted and grabbed onto the metal bench for support. His gloved hands pulled at the straps of the heels while his nails clawed against them. Cedric growled with frustration as the heels refused to budge. He noticed his toenails were painted the same color as his hands! His feet were looking smaller and smoother as well.

"Goddammit!" He screeched.

While he was struggling with his new shoes, Cedric failed to notice Kara sneaking towards him. She caught him completely unaware and hopped onto his back. Her weight pressed down against Cedric and knocked the air out of his lungs.

She wrapped her limbs tightly around his midsection.

"Now!" She screamed.

Suddenly, and seemingly out of nowhere, multiple women swarmed onto Cedric. Kara, Joy, Tiara, Sarah, all in their jumpsuits, were grabbing and holding Cedric down. Had he really forgotten to lock all four of them back up!? Cedric howled as he fought tooth and nail against their attempts to hold him down. He held out for a dozen or so seconds before his strength began faltering. He knew he couldn't continue to fight against four opponents simultaneously so he had to do something fast. He had to get up!

Cedric reached his arm forward and touched an object in front of him. He grunted and glanced up to see his hand touching a pink purse beneath the metal bench. He ignored the bag and grabbed onto the leg of the bench. Unfortunately, his gloved hands were slippery and he couldn't get a strong enough grip. He shook wildly to momentarily break away from the girls and used short window of time to peel his gloves off.

Cedric's hands looked completely wrong! His red painted nails were long and shiny. His fingers were slim and his hands were smooth and delicate! These weren't his hands!

He didn't have time to stare at them so he launched his hand forward again and wrapped it around the leg of the metal bench. This time he was able to hang on without slipping. He groaned and pulled himself forward, nearly dragging the entire pile with him. Cedric was now directly next to the purse.

He reached the long, painted fingernails of his right hand over to the purse, hoping to use it as a weapon. He turned his head to the left, watching two girls struggle with his left arm. When he turned his attention back forward, Cedric's right hand flew to his mouth and began smearing lipstick all over his lips! His hand had fished into the purse when he wasn't paying attention!

Cedric coughed and tossed the tube across the floor. He felt the thick layer of lipstick coating his lips and immediately knew it was changing his face.

Cedric grunted savagely with a noticeably higher pitched voice and pushed his body with one final burst of strength. Kara slipped off his back and fell to the side, somehow managing to hold tightly to his coat. He surged forward and broke the hold Tiara and Sarah had on his arm. Only Kara and Joy's desperate grip of Cedric's coat continued holding him back. When his forward progress was stopped, Cedric made the split second decision to slip out of the coat and crawl forward. He left the women laying a pile and holding the sweaty fur coat.

He crawled forward and pulled himself to his feet. As he did so, one of the nearby arrestees shackled hands managed to snatch the hat off his head.

Cedric made it upright onto his heels. He scampered along the floor towards the hallway door. His long, dirty blonde hair swayed into his vision.

Cedric used his long nails to swipe the hair out of his eyes. He had to get out of here! These bitches were out of control! He sprinted towards the clear door to the hallway with a loud *clack clack clack*, barely able to stay upright with his heels. He slid his new pink purse over his diminished shoulder. Wait, when did he pick up the purse!? It didn't matter! He was almost home free! He couldn't wait to point and laugh at the little whores from behind the glass! He would make them feel like the CAGED ANIMALS THAT THEY WERE!!

He stopped before the clear door and reached down to his Sam Browne belt to procure the keys to the door. His hand brushed against a thin leather belt looped into his extremely baggy uniform pants. His Sam Browne belt was gone! Joy's belt was the only thing that remained. Cedric's stomach dropped. Joy's belt must have swapped with his when he was stuffing her belongings into the property bag. He would have to go and swap them back and-

He couldn't get into the property room without the keys

The electronic lock was engaged

He remembered hearing it click as he exited the property room in a rage

He was trapped in the waiting room

Between two locked doors

Without his weapons

Facing off against four pissed off whores

Cedric looked down, noticing that without the fur coat his chest puffed out against his uniform top which he was absolutely swimming in. His pants were so long and baggy around his legs that they nearly covered his stiletto heels. He found that the pants were tight against his hips and ass which were noticeably larger than he remembered. He swept his hair out of his eyes and winced. He saw that all four of his assailants were getting to their feet and preparing to charge at him.

Kara tossed Cedric's fur coat to the floor and cracked her knuckles, "Not so tough without all your weapons, huh, [i]skank[/i]? It's about time YOU felt powerless and afraid!"

Cedric gulped. He DID feel powerless. He DID feel afraid. He was tired, trapped and trying to catch his breath. Nonetheless, Cedric adopted a defensive stance and balled his long, painted fingernails into fists. He would beat these weak little girls to a pulp if he had to!

As they moved in on him, however, Cedric's assailants suddenly stopped and backed off. They seemed to be staring past him to the glass doors. He laughed between gasps of air. Maybe they still respected his uniform? No matter how many changes happened to his body he still had his uniform to fall back on. He still had the respect of the position. The clear door to the hallway opened. Cedric turned to see a familiar face.

Kevin walked in with a look of utmost confusion.

"What in the actual FUCK is going on here?" He shouted.


Part 13


Part 11