Part 6

Part 6

Glen and Michelle trailed behind Doctor Frank through the hallway of the clinic. It was a sanitized, clean, well lit and well stocked facility. They passed several patient rooms, waiting rooms, vending machines, reception desks and more. There weren't many people filling the spacious hallways, and the ones that were, as Doctor Frank described, were female nurses in their scrubs. They politely nodded, smiled or waved to the trio as they walked by. Glen felt self conscious about his breasts hanging within his t-shirt and the outline of his cock and balls in his tights. It suddenly felt like his breasts didn't fit with the rest of his body. On the other hand, he was sure that every nurse caught a glimpse of his new penis and testicles. He knew they were initially confused by his chest then reassured by his groin. It was a strange dichotomy that made him uncomfortable with both his overtly male and female parts.

As Michelle passed, she knew the nurses were silently judging her manly face, big feet, six foot frame and flat chest. She figured most of them believed she wasn't even a woman. Of course, it wasn't as if Michelle WANTED to feminize her masculine traits! She still wanted her original body back. She still wanted to turn back into Mike and find a way to transform the hulking man in front of her back into Giselle...But, she couldn't stop herself from feeling self-conscious. Michelle tried to ignore the stares and looks of disapproval, but it became too much after a dozen set of eyes. Her masculine parts felt like they were larger and more pronounced on her body which made her feel downright ugly. She had to do something! Michelle tactfully allowed her gown to open in the back as she moved. It permitted her lower body to poke out and split the gown. She was sure to pull her flowing blonde hair to the front of her shoulders to avoid obstructing the view. Michelle grinned and felt cool air on her mostly bare lower body. Her mind wandered. Lets see these judgemental bitches look at her fat assed, wide hipped, thong covered pussy and think she wasn't a real woman!

Further into the complex, Glen found himself subtly flexing his biceps and adjusting his gait. While he was self conscious about some of his parts, he took solace in his muscles. His movement was increasingly powerful and appeared more like a stomp than a step. Being surrounded by women that were substantially weaker than him only served to make Glen feel stronger. He felt like a big, dangerous man! Michelle noticed an aura of confidence and swagger in her husband's stomping, masculine gait. She didn't consciously change anything, but her body responded to him by adding distinctly feminine hip sway. Her loose hair jostled back and forth with each step as the way she moved subtly shifted. Michelle's minor hip sway turned to a full on hip rock when she thought she noticed a few of the nurses admiring her husband's biceps. She stepped in front of Glen and pulled the gown forward just enough to let her thong covered hips rock back and forth enticingly. Glen's eyes flicked to his wife's backside and Michelle felt satisfied with herself. Halfway through the journey, she stepped back and wrapped her hand into Glen's hand. She wanted onlookers to know he belonged to her and she belonged to him. His hand felt like a baseball glove as it enveloped hers completely. They walked together, hand-in-hand towards the family planning center with a harsh stomp and a rolling sway.

When they finally got to the end, Doctor Frank opened a small door with the multi colored words: FAMILY PLANNING CENTER above it. He held the door for Michelle as she reluctantly released her husband's hand to step inside. The door was strangely short and Michelle had to duck to get in. Glen followed behind with his bright blue eyes fixated on his wife's rump.

Doctor Frank follow them inside, but made sure to give the couple some direction before leaving, "The family planning coordinator will be with you shortly. In the meantime, feel free to look around."

Doctor Frank gave them a quick smile before leaving and closing the door behind him. Michelle and Glen glanced around the room. The walls were glossy, white brick and the room was well lit. It was a decently large space with three closed, wooden doors on the far wall which was opposite the door they had just entered from. There were windows on one side filtering in bright sunlight. A big, wooden desk and some chairs sat in the corner near the windows. The room had old-fashioned brown carpet and a colorful bookshelf in the far corner. A couch and a vestibule with brochures filled the rest of the space.

Glen sighed and paced around the room with his new stomp. Michelle stayed where she was and watched her husband. She stuck her hip out and placed a hand on it.

After a few seconds, Michelle broke the silence with her deep voice in a flat tone, "Are we going to talk about it?"

Glen shook his head and replied in a soft pitch, "I don't want to. We'll get our baby back. You'll see. I'll get my body back and I'll get him back inside, safe and sound. We just have to figure this out. He's- he's coming back. You'll see."

Michelle furrowed her brow and nodded, "Okay, Glen I-" She paused, then tried again, "Glen. You're Glen," She paused again and felt a familiar panic, "You're my husband, Glen. I'm Michelle, your wife." Michelle squealed, "Glen! I can't say you're not Glen, Glen!"

Glen turned towards Michelle and thought to himself. That was Mike. Mike was a husband. I am Mike's wife. I am Giselle.

"I am Glen." Glen said aloud. He cleared his throat, "You are Michelle, my wife. I am Glen, I. AM. GLEN!" He paused, "I'm- Damn, this is so weird!"

Michelle's panic subsided quickly. She resigned herself to being Michelle, the wife of Glen, for a little bit longer. After all, she was the one with the vagina (at least for the time being). Once they figured this out and their baby boy was safely back inside Giselle, they would set it right and she would be Mike once again. She'd even deal with having her last name changed to Olmsted until the time was right to change it back to her maiden name 'Baker'. Michelle shook her head and fought off a strange, intrusive thought. No, no, not her maiden name! She didn't have one of those! 'Baker' was her family name and when she was back to being Mike they would both have that last name once again.

Glen, similarly, felt resigned to being Glen for the time being. He was the one with the penis, after all. An unusual thought suddenly stuck in his head like a splinter. It was his responsibility to continue the Olmsted family name by marrying Michelle and filling her with children. He'd already made 'Baker' a maiden name, now it was time to start his 'Olmsted' legacy.

"Babe, I-" Glen started before clearing his throat. "Baby, I want-"

He gagged and felt a pressure in his neck.

Michelle gagged as well. It felt like something was stuck in her throat! She attempted to clear it multiple times by coughing and grunting. Her tiny fist banged on her flat chest a few times until finally she felt the object sliding down her gullet. It felt like she was swallowing a marble! When it was finally gone, Michelle's long nails traced along her completely smooth neck. Any trace of her Adam's apple was wiped away.

Glen gargled. The sound started as a high pitch then transitioned rapidly to a medium, androgynous pitch then to something much lower and deeper. He coughed deeply into his covid mask once more. A *pop* heralded the emergence of an Adam's apple jutting from his throat. It grew larger and pushed outward. When it was finished, Glen's new Adam's apple was very pronounced and hairy. It was yet another key indicator of male biology. It drew the eye of anybody looking at him and proclaimed to the world that he was biologically male.

Glen tested his new voice, "Michelle, baby, I think you're the best wife ever."

He repeated the phrase a few times, trying out different pitches. His voice was a deeper than Michelle's voice had been. It had the unmistakable baritone signaling it was a man's voice. Even when Glen tried to go up several registers and sound like a woman, he ended up sounding like a man pretending to sound like a woman.

Michelle took a deep breath and opened her mouth to test, "Glen, your shirt is ridiculous."

Her voice was higher that Glen's voice had ever been. It was sweet and soft and warm. It dripped with femininity. She attempted to lower her voice, like a man, and ended up sounding like a woman pretending to sound like a man. She didn't have the unmistakably masculine baritone that Glen now possessed.

"What do you mean, ridiculous?" He asked as he looked down.

The black shirt now said in big, bold letters:





Glen shrugged, "I think it's funny."

His manly voice reverberated around the room. It shook Michelle to her core and she fiddled with her wedding band as a flood of confusing desires gnawed at the peripheral of her brain. Was she the female body to be inspected? Did Glen...want that?

*Knock* *Knock*

A metallic *click* and the first of the three doors opened. Standing there with a smile and a clipboard was Doctor Frank.

"Michelle and Glendale Olmsted, I presume? I'm Doctor Frank. I'll be helping you with your family planning. It's a pleasure to meet you."



Part 7


Part 5