Part 5
Part 5
Doctor Frank squinted his eyes and moved them back and forth between Mike and Giselle as he asked, "Now...which of you is my patient today?"
His first option was Mike whose hairless legs and thighs were visible beneath the pink patient gown and supple with feminine fat. He was just over six feet tall with virtually no muscle mass. His wide hips weren't visible, but his jutting ass was an unmistakable protrusion against the gown. His blonde hair was silky, curly and down to his ass while his face was hairless and masculine. Some parts of his body were masculine like his hands and feet, while others were the opposite.
His second option was Giselle. She was a short, hairy, body builder, rippling with muscle. While her biceps were far too big for any natural woman. her pregnant belly, medium breasts and cameltoe told a different story.
Mike and Giselle both froze, not sure if they should run, attack or cooperate. Each looked like an assorted hodge-podge of male and female. Fortunately, despite her many masculine features, Giselle's obvious pregnancy and the outline of female genitalia in her tights went a long way in settling the dilemma.
Doctor Frank looked back down at his clipboard.
Time seemed to slow down and the world appeared to dim as Doctor Frank's next words escaped his dry lips, "Which of you needs a pre-conception consultation?"
Giselle immediately doubled over and staggered back to the wall. A horrified screech burst from her lips and into her black covid mask. She slammed her shoulder into the wall with a powerful *THUD* and wrapped her arms around her belly. Her screeching progressed to a full blown scream which reverberated and hung in the air like an aura. A sucking, gnawing void pulled greedily from within her and grew stronger by the second. Every ounce of maternal instinct Giselle had cultivated over 8 months was in full blown panic mode, sensing something was beyond wrong in her womb. It felt like a black hole was collapsing inside her!
At the same time, a similar gnawing sensation began between Mike's legs. An internal pulling tightened and he winced as his penis hardened. He grunted and bent over before falling against the nearby bed. His eyes darted all over the room until he managed to focus them on Giselle. He was much more concerned about his wife and child than his own suffering. He braced against the bed as his hips began violently shaking. They were completely out of his control and Mike barely managed to stay on his feet. His worried, agonized gaze remained on Giselle who was uselessly slamming her beefy arms against the wall and sobbing uncontrollably.
As Mike trembled and watched, Giselle's crying and screaming suddenly ceased. Her eyes glazed over and she silently turned towards the inside of the room. She arched her back and pressed her pregnant belly forward. Mike completely forgot the pain in his groin and his view narrowed when he saw his wife's belly begin to deflate. He pushed off from the bed and gritted his teeth as he forced his feet to move towards her. The life in Giselle's eyes returned and a deep, animalistic moan exploded from her throat while tears streaked down her hairy face. Her hands uselessly clawed at her deflating stomach as it shrank away, inch-by-inch. Mike reached his wife, but there was nothing he could do. His hands uselessly grabbed at her deflating baby bump as well. The gnawing sensation in his groin began to burn and Mike felt themself doubling over. They placed a hand on Giselle's shoulder and wept alongside her.
Doctor Frank stood in the door frame, looking at his notes. He was seemingly oblivious to the scene unfolding before him.
The burning intensified and Mike gritted their teeth while doubling over. They braced against the wall and twisted their face in agony. The burning within their groin was too intense. It was too much! They cupped their hand beneath the gown to check on their penis which was surely on fire or melted or covered in lava or...something! Instead, Mike found...nothing. There was nothing. Their hand brushed smooth skin and nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. No penis, no testicles, no hair. There was trembling and intense heat...but beyond that was only skin. Mike's brain was firing with fear. What happened to their penis? Would they ever have sex again? Would he ever be able to jack off again? His stomach dropped. WHAT IF HE NEEDED TO PEE???
Giselle's stretch marks dissipated and the last remnants of her baby bump were sucked into her body. She was left with flat, well-defined, washboard abs. She poked a shaky, painted fingernail into her hard stomach before pulling her hand back quickly. It didn't look like she was ever even pregnant! In fact, her abs looked harder and hairier than Mike's had ever been. This was a man's stomach! Nobody would ever look at her muscular abs and think she was even remotely capable of swelling with pregnancy!
Giselle hardly had time to process what had happened before a new sensation of intense pressure bubbled between her legs. She looked down her flat stomach and saw a twitching in the final bastion of her femaleness; her cameltoe. The pressure grew and she clutched at her head and groaned into the ceiling. Her fingers squeezed against the stubble of her hair as she struggled to cope with the discomfort.
Mike held their own head as well; but their pained groans were directed to the floor. Mike's fingers scratched their scalp through their long, blonde hair, trying to cope with the intensity of the burn. The smooth, flat area of skin between their legs began to soften and change.
The pressure in Giselle's groin reached a breaking point and they couldn't take much more. Similarly, the burning in Mike's groin reached a breaking point and they couldn't take much more either.
Giselle thrust their hips forward and a strong *pop* was followed by a lazy *plop* *plop*.
Mike pulled their hips back and a soft *rip* was followed by a wet *schlick* *schlick*
The pressure in him, and burning in her, immediately ceased.
Giselle's tights now revealed the outline of a much different genitalia. Where once the puffy lips of a vagina were defined, now a thick, fleshy penis was visibly snaked down his thigh. His testicles were also discernible like two golf balls pressing into the fabric. Giselle felt the weight of his new parts and shifted his narrow hips to find a more comfortable position. He had never had anything dangling there and the feeling was totally alien. He reached a tiny, shaky hand down to his new appendage and touched it gingerly. He tugged at the waistline of his tights and his new dick sprang forward. It was bigger and thicker than Mikes had been! A musky male scent rose from his cock like a fog. It was hard, thick and veiny with a wiry jungle of dark pubic hair. He felt dangerous with this weapon in his pants. He felt like a stud, like a warrior. Combined with his straight hips, muscular thighs, compact ass and carpet of hair, Giselle's lower body was incredibly masculine.
Mike felt a strange twitch between her legs. A set of muscles she had never been equipped with were suddenly active. She swiveled her hips and expected the sensation of something moving, of her genitalia touching something, but it didn't happen. The absence of feeling was somehow more shocking. She lifted her gown and noticed her men's boxers had transformed into a pair of black boy shorts which stretched across her wide hips and fat ass. It also hugged her nethers tightly, just as it was designed to do. Mike gulped as the realization really hit home. The underwear she was wearing was created and made specifically to tighten around female genitalia. There was no bulge, no hint of external parts between her legs, just like the designers of this underwear expected. No balls, no cock, just smooth and tight. However, before her eyes, the boy shorts tightened even further and transitioned from black to pink. They gained a frilly trim and lost a lot of material until they had become a thong. The underwear wedged into her ass and hugged her vagina closely. Before the change, there was only smooth tightness, but now there was an obvious cleft, and obvious outline of a very female vulva. With its lack of material, Mike knew her old equipment would NEVER have fit in the thong. It would have been embarrassing for her cock and balls to stick out and hang out of the underwear; but now? Now the very same underwear nestled against her pussy just like it was supposed to. Nothing poking or prodding, hanging, dangling or pointing; there was only softness and yielding, open flesh. She tugged the frilly thong to the side and her labia gushed out. Somehow, her labia were even more welcoming and pronounced than Giselle's had ever been. It gave her a deeper, more succulent cameltoe that begged to be touched. She noticed a bead of flesh nestled at the top of her new vagina which was just visible enough to let the world know 'this is my clitoris, this is for MY pleasure'. A tangy, fermented, female odor wafted from her pussy like a dew as Mike exposed herself. Her lips were inviting, warm and slick with no hair to speak of. She felt vulnerable with this hole between her legs. She felt like a mare, like a victim. Combined with her motherly hips, ghetto ass, hairless skin and thick thighs, Mike's lower body was incredibly feminine.
Doctor Frank nodded his head towards Mike, "Well, I can't say I've had any patients this...forward with their vagina, but I'll take the slit between your legs and the twig and berries between his legs to mean you're Michelle, then."
Michelle gulped and replaced her panties before dropping the gown back down.
"W-what did you call me?" She asked in a deep voice.
Doctor Frank looked at his clipboard, "Are you not Michelle and Glendale Olmsted?
Glen secured his hairy trouser snake back into his tights and collected himself. The feeling of the tights constricting him would definitely take some time to get used to. He sniffed, pushed away any nagging emotion, wiped his tears and jumped into action. He felt strangely invigorated and determined. He had endured one of the most draining, horrific experiences of his life, but Michelle needed him more than ever and he was prepared to do whatever she needed. Glen approached his stunned wife, feeling his new male parts rubbing against the tight material. He put his arm around Michelle's waist. His medium tits looked out of place on his torso, his small hands had long, painted nails, his delicate feet were encased in the grey athletic shoes, and he was much shorter than she was; but the fat bulge in his pants and the rest of his masculine body were unmistakable.
"Yeah, that's us, Doctor." Glen said in his high pitched, feminine voice.
As Glen finished agreeing, both Michelle and Glen clenched their fists as their hands began to change. The tiny, feminine fingers wrapped around Michelle's waist grew heavier, hairier and thicker. The red acrylics on Glen's nails disintegrated. Dirt situated beneath the nails that remained while callouses from weightlifting and manual labor scattered all over. Glen's ring finger grew longer than his pointer finger which gave him a more stereotypically male hand shape. Finally, a black, tungsten wedding ring formed around Glen's extended, left ring finger. These hands fit the rest of his arms and upper body much better than before. The boring, manly wedding ring went a long way in masculinizing Glen's hands and it clearly marked him as a married man.
Michelle, on the other hand, had the opposite happen. Her hands were at her sides as they started to tingle. Each of her fingers thinned and shortened while her nails grew longer and healthier. All callous and dirt was cleaned away leaving her skin creamy and smooth. Her cuticles became immaculate and her ring finger shortened even further, giving her a stereotypically female hand shape. Michelle's nails gained very long, hot pink acrylics which were almost a full half inch longer than Glen's nails had been. A size 4, white gold, filigree engagement ring and wedding band appeared on her shortened, left ring finger. Michelle glanced down at her hands. They were so tiny and her nails were so long! The intricate, diamond rings adorning her tiny finger went a long way in feminizing Michelle's hands. They showed she was a woman that had been proposed to with an engagement ring and married with a wedding band. They were flashy and demanded attention. How was she supposed to accomplish anything with these tiny little hands!?
Glen ignored the change and continued speaking into his mask, "I think we're going to call it, Doctor. Mrs. Olmsted told me she's not feeling ready for this step, so we'll be on our way."
Doctor Frank's shoulders drooped but he nodded and smiled hopefully. "I completely understand. There's a lot of considerations to make before jumping into parenting. At least check out the family planning section of the clinic before you go."
Glen pulled Michelle tighter, his high-pitched voice tinged with annoyance, "We'll do that. Right baby?"
Michelle hesitated before nodding her head and agreeing, "Y-yeah."
Doctor Frank opened the door, and spoke excitedly, "Well then, follow me and I'll show you the room!"
Glen looked up at his wife and shook his head, "Uh, no, no, we couldn't bother you with that. Besides, Michelle doesn't have her clothes back on yet. Don't worry, we'll head over there when we are ready."
Doctor Frank looked around and disregarded the male blue jeans and shoes near the bed, not even registering that they could have belonged to Michelle, "Well...where are her clothes? Oh my goodness," He slapped his forehead, "Don't tell me they moved your room and didn't let you grab your clothes! You know what? It really won't be a problem. It's just a bunch of women in the clinic right now. Mr. Olmsted and I are the only men here. I'm sure nobody will mind if you walk around as you are. You are a patient, after all, what's the big deal if you walk around wearing a patient's gown?"
After a few more awkward moments of hesitation, and when it was clear he wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer, Glen reluctantly nodded his head, "Okay, doc, you've convinced us. We'll follow you over there."
Doctor Frank grinned before exiting and holding the door open. When the couple made it to the hallway, Michelle whispered, "What the fuck are you doing?" to which Glen responded softy through his mask, "What choice do we have? We have to get our son and our bodies back. It's the only way and you know it."
Michelle sighed and brushed her curly blonde hair behind her narrow shoulders. She knew he was right. If they wanted to get their son and their bodies back, they would have to play along for now. They would have to deal with whatever this 'family planning center' thing was.
They followed Doctor Frank down the hallway. Both Michelle and Glen struggled with the strangeness of their new bodies and were forced to adjust in various ways. Michelle felt the thong wedged between her cheeks and pussy while her legs rubbed together in a way that would have previously disturbed her penis. She was learning to adjust her walk and the way her body naturally moved and functioned as they went along. On the other hand, Glen learned how sensitive his new equipment was. Through trial and error, he adjusted his steps to be more open and heavy to account for his new penis. Each step separated them from their former gender and entrenched them in their new one. In other words, each step pushed Michelle to be more feminine and Glen to be more masculine.
As they followed the Doctor, both Glen and Michelle figured their changes were pretty much done. There wasn't much more to change, right...?