Week 1 Part 1
Chris returned home and barely had the front door closed before he heard the slam of a car door coming from his driveway. He made his way outside and was met by the piercing stare of a woman.
She wore a sports bra, tennis shoes, and yoga pants, which showed off her athletic body. She appeared to be in her mid thirties and rested her hands above her tight hips. Her long brunette hair was in a ponytail down her back, and her beautiful face was contorted in a calculating frown.
Her voice was a haughty alto that cut Chris like a knife. “Mr. Evans? I’m Miss Valentine. I’ll be training you for the next few months.” She looked Chris up and down, her expression remaining cold, before issuing an order, “Take all your clothes off so I can see what I’m working with.”
Chris’ eyebrows rose with surprise, and he scoffed, “Uh, nice to meet you, Miss Valentine. Please come inside, and we can get to...know each other better.”
Her expression darkened. “If you can’t follow a simple direction, then I’m just going to leave. This will be impossible with that attitude and disgusting male ego.”
“Woah, woah, woah, I didn’t mean it like that! I just didn’t want to take my clothes off on my driveway.” Chris reasoned, “But nobody could see me standing here anyway, and I'd hate to leave a sexy woman who wants to see me naked disappointed, so—”
Chris kicked off his shoes, removed his shirt and pants, and tossed them to the concrete, leaving him in just boxers. He tried to flex and puff himself up heroically, but something about Miss Valentine’s evaluating stare made him feel exposed in a bad way—in a way that made him feel vulnerable. His confidence floundered, and he fidgeted uncomfortably despite having been nude dozens of times on various movie sets.
She folded her arms. “I said all.”
He'd already gone this far, Chris reasoned; he may as well get it over with. He nodded his head and slipped his boxers down his muscular legs. His confused boner sprang forward, causing his cheeks to redden with embarrassment.
She let out a hmm before shaking her head in disappointment.
“So much to do.” She muttered.
Miss Valentine flipped open a bag on the ground next to her leg and produced a water bottle filled with pink liquid and a paper cup containing a pile of pills.
Chris stood butt naked, unsure if he should put his clothing back on as she walked over to him. She dumped the pills into her hand and held them forward.
Chris hesitated and asked, “What are these exactly?”
Seemingly annoyed by his question, Miss Valentine responded curtly, “Diet and supplement pills. You’ll be on a severe calorie deficit, so these will fill in the gaps and keep you out of the hospital.”
She shoved the water bottle into his hard, bare chest and dropped the pills into his hand. Chris examined the pills and noticed they didn’t have any markings. He was no stranger to supplements, but the sheer amount was a little overwhelming.
“Take them.” She ordered.
Chris’ exposed hard-on didn’t abate, but Miss Valentine paid it absolutely no mind. Being ordered to do something by a beautiful woman was something Chris was not used to. He swallowed the pills, using the pink water to wash them down. The water was incredibly sweet. It wasn’t unpleasant, but Chris would have preferred regular water.
With that done, Miss Valentine gave Chris a slight smile, which was a big change from her normal scowl. Chris grew a huge grin of his own. Making Miss Valentine happy made him feel happy!
Her smile disappeared after a few seconds, and she motioned to Chris' discarded clothing. He took the hint and began to dress.
She instructed, “Make sure you take your morning and nighttime pills every day. Those were your morning pills. I’ll be here at 7:00 to begin your training every day, except Sunday, until the production begins. We have a long, hard journey ahead of us, so I need your full cooperation. I’ll be providing you with every meal. You may drink as much water as you want, but everything else that goes into your body will be dictated by me. The pink water supplement should also be added to your drinking water as well. Again, these supplements and pills are important for keeping you healthy and out of the hospital.”
Chris nodded along, now fully clothed. He definitely wanted to avoid a hospital trip. He had bulked up several times for different roles but never tried to significantly slim down. He was staunchly outside his area of expertise.
She continued, “No social media posting about the project or your training. If you have any health concerns, let me know immediately, and I can address them. Do you understand all that, Mr. Evans?”
“Yes, Miss Valentine.” Chris responded.
With that, Chris and Miss Valentine entered the mansion, and he gave her the grand tour. She asked very few questions, but Chris could see she was highly interested in what she saw. Chris enjoyed showing off his little kingdom and paid particular attention to his basement gym, which was the crown jewel. When they were finished, they returned to the kitchen. Chris’ erection was still going strong. Something about Miss Valentine’s muscular but still feminine body set him off.
From her bag, Miss Valentine procured a plate covered with aluminum foil, another paper cup with even more pills, and a clear plastic baggie filled with pink powder. She placed the items on the counter and slid them towards Chris.
She got close to him, and her voice softened. “Here is dinner, your nighttime pills, and more water supplements. Be sure to take all the pills just before you go to sleep.”
Her hand suddenly rubbed the tent in Chris's khakis. He tensed up and felt his erection throbbing with his heartbeat.
She whispered, “There will be plenty of time for...that, Mr. Evans.” She grew a sly little smile and paused before continuing in a louder tone, “I’ll see you tomorrow, bright and early for your first session.”
Chris watched her pert bum bounce out the door. He was left alone with a befuddled hard-on. Did she want him to pursue her or not? First, she talked down to him about his ‘male ego’ and then pulled some legendary cock-teasing like that? There was a noticeable spot of sticky pre-cum wetting the front of Chris’ pants as he contemplated his first interaction with Miss Valentine. He was certainly excited to get to know her MUCH more intimately!
He checked his dinner and saw the portion was sparse, as he expected, but the food looked decent enough. It was a steak salad with jalapeños, lettuce, tomatoes, and a side of pita.
He shook the water bottle filled with pink liquid, still in his hand, before taking a large gulp. The sweetness was more tolerable this time.
With his sexy trainer, decent food, and all the supplements he could ever need, perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad! It might even end in an Oscar! Chris was even feeling excited. He glanced at his phone, half expecting a missed call or text from Sal, but there was nothing. He contemplated reaching out to his agent but relented. He wasn’t about to give the old geezer the satisfaction. Chris was still pissed that Sal had talked down to him and figured he would come groveling back eventually.
Chris finished his meal and took another swig of sweet water before heading up to his bedroom. He had to take care of this boner before he lost his mind! He pushed his bedroom door open and dove onto the bed. Before he hit the covers, he already had his khakis down to his knees. His rock-hard, throbbing manhood felt virile and strong. His mind swam with fantasies of 'ice queen' Miss Valentine submitting to him. He pictured her pretty lips wrapped around his member, her tight little outfit being ripped to shreds, exposing her gushing vagina. His breaths were coming in quickly as he crested the height of his arousal. Next flashed the image of his pumping cock splitting her pussy and imagining her tightness hugging every inch as he plunged into her again and again. He grunted deeply into the ceiling and bucked his hips, sending a stream of semen all over his hairy groin. He rode the orgasm as long as he could and then laughed at the mess he’d made. Nothing a quick towel shower couldn’t fix! After cleaning himself up and brushing his teeth, Chris downed his supplements and slid under the covers in his underwear. Before calling it a night, he blew a kiss to an imaginary Miss Valentine in the ceiling. She would be his!