Part 9

Part 9

Ava's heels clicked on the concrete sidewalk and her wide hips swayed womanishly. She ignored her uncovered snatch which was still dripping wet with a torrent of sexual fluids. She turned the corner and looked down at her hands as she walked. How was this going to work? Would she suddenly start changing back into Adam? She stared at her long, acrylic, grey fingernails and waited for them to retract, or change color, or- or something!

While focusing on her hands, Ava walked directly into somebody standing on the sidewalk. The person was much bigger than Ava and she nearly toppled over, as if she hit a solid wall. She looked up and began muttering an apology but stopped short.

The policeman stared daggers down at Ava. He was at least a full foot taller than her, even with the heels on. Ava's gaze trailed back down to the sidewalk and she slowly backpedaled.

His voice was commanding and stern, "Ma'am, you can't be out in public like this. It's indecent, and I can see your- Wait, what is that coming out of you?"

Ava continued backing up, while stuttering and nervously twirling her long hair, "I-I have to...go...."

The officer spoke again, while motioning to his squad car parked in the street, "No, you're coming with me. Come on, let's go."

Ava turned and sprinted back around the corner, her pink heels clicking wildly. What would happen to her if she got caught and arrested for indecent exposure? She would never convince anybody she was Adam! She didn't even have her purse to provide the cop with ID. She would never survive like this in jail! She needed to get back to the apartment and find some clothes that covered her properly. She also needed to get away from the cop!

The policeman casually walked around the corner and called out, "Come on now, ma'am, why are you running? You don't want another charge, do you?"

Ava opened a fair distance between her and the officer, mostly because he wasn't trying very hard to catch her. When she was about halfway back to the apartment building, however, Ava suddenly felt something pressing against her stomach; in the waistband of her tattered pants. She didn't remember putting anything there. It was a small object but it dug into her skin and pricked her with each step. While continuing to run, Ava fished into her waistband to withdraw the obstruction. She flicked her eyes down and saw a plastic baggie with something in it.

Without a second thought, She tossed the bag into an alley as she passed.

The cop yelled, this time with more urgency and authority, "Hey! What did you just toss in that alley? I'm not playing around anymore. [b]Get over here![/b]"

Ava could hear the cop begin sprinting after her. His heavy boots crashed like thunder on the decrepit sidewalk.

Ava's mind raced. Had she just ditched drugs in an alley? In front of a cop? She contemplated stopping and explaining that she had never seen the drugs before and that they weren't hers. Maybe the officer would listen? Ava quickly decided against it. He'd probably heard that excuse a million times before, and would never believe her. Fuck, with the way she looked and the way she was acting, Ava wouldn't blame him!

She clenched her fists and pushed herself to move faster. Her legs were fatigued and her breath was coming in gulps. The gap between them was quickly closing. Luckily, Ava had a wide enough lead that she reached the door to her building.

Ava threw open the squeaky door.

The hallways which had once sent a small chill up Adam's spine now terrified Ava.

Ava nearly slipped and fell as she desperately negotiated the stairs. Sweat was, again, forming on her forehead and dripping down her back. The sexual fluids between her legs were becoming a cold, sticky mess. When she reached the second floor, Ava heard the officer crash through the entrance. Her eyes found the building manager who was standing directly next to the apartment door. The manager's hands were folded in front of her and she wore a grin.

Ava didn't have time to slow down and talk to the manager. She tried the knob. It was locked! Damn that Roger!

The manager opened her folded hands and revealed "Ava's key". Ava snatched it up and let herself into the apartment. She slammed the door behind her and flicked the lock.

Roger was sitting on the couch, in his gray sweat suit, flipping mindlessly through channels and inhaling from a tall, glass bong. He released a cloud of smoke as he asked, "Oi, luv, whas' got you all 'ot an' bovered? Yer fanny want more'a me little Roger?"

Ava was out of breath so she sputtered out, "Police- *gasp* chasing- *gasp* drugs-"

Outside the door, the police officer was talking to the building manager.

Roger placed his bong onto the floor and stood up from the couch. He shuffled over to Ava who was pacing around in a panic.

She turned to Roger, hot tears rolling down her cheeks, and pleaded, "I can't go to jail!"

The conversation outside the door was quickly turning sour, based on the rising volume of the officer's voice.

Roger looked at the door, then turned his attention to Ava. He procured a small, plastic stick from his pocket, "Take 'dis to the bafroom 'n pee on it."

Ava looked down at the object.

Ava took the test and wiped her tears away before asking incredulously, "A fucking [i]pregnancy test?[/i] Are you kidding me, Roger?"


The officer boomed into the door, "[b]Police! Open the fucking door![/b]"

Roger pushed Ava towards the bathroom, "Look, e's comin' in 'ere whever we want 'im to or not. I'll tell 'im you's me wife 'an you're usin' the loo. Jes' piss on it. Clean you'self up, change up yo' 'air, an' lose dem clothes! You jus' need'a trust me!" Roger yelled towards the door, "Be der in a second, officer, I jus' needa find me trousers!"

He nodded his head towards the bathroom door. Ava hesitated, but followed his nod and closed the door behind her.

She ripped off her shirt and the remnants of her pants. Her heavy tits jiggled out. Ava tugged at her heels and they slipped off. She was momentarily confused: they had a clasp now? She shook her head. No time to speculate. She tossed the clothes into the back of the cabinet under the sink; simply adding to the mess already there. Ava wiped between her legs with a damp washcloth, being sure to collect every drop of fluid. She checked herself in the mirror. Her makeup was still thick and perfect, but she was dripping with sweat. She wiped her face using the same cloth and found the durable makeup was coming off. Some luck at last! When she was finished, Ava realized she had used the same washcloth on both her genitals and face. She'd accidentally smeared watered-down semen and pussy juice across her face, but it would have to do. She collected her hair and tried smoothing it out by running her fingers through it; serving only to make it messier and dirtier.

"Alright, alright, I foun' me trousers, I'm comin' officer!"

She didn't have much time! Ava squatted on the toilet and looked down at the pregnancy test. Why would Roger tell her to pee on it? Could she really just pretend to be his wife and somehow get away with it? Simply tossing her clothes under the sink and wiping her face wouldn't make the officer unable to recognize her. Ava sighed. she was really out of options. She didn't fully trust Roger, but it was either his way or the cop's way.

Ava lowered the test under her vagina and pushed. She had never urinated using her new female equipment. Nothing came out, she was too nervous!

The door to the apartment slammed open.

The officer yelled, "[b]Where is she?[/b]"

"Who you talkin' 'bout?"

"Don't 'Who you talkin' 'bout' me you little hood rat, the woman that came in here!"

"'De only woman in 'ere is me wife an' she's 'aving a piss."

The cop pounded on the bathroom door, *BANG* *BANG* *BANG*, his voice was stern and frightening, "[b]Ma'am, I need you to step out with your hands up.[/b]"

Ava froze with the pregnancy test in her hand. She was committed to Roger's plan now, so she tried adopting her best cockney accent, "Rog, is dat you 'oney? Be out in a jiff."

The officer laughed through the door, "Ma'am, I know you aren't going anywhere so I'll let you finish before taking you into custody. Also, your fake British accent needs work."

Ava stared between her legs and pushed harder. This time, a golden stream rushed out and coated the test. She noticed that the sound of female peeing was different. Instead of a precise, targeted stream, it came out like a shotgun blast, with a distinctive *FRUSH* sound.

Ava heard the cop talking to Roger, "Well, I guess she really did have to piss, I can hear her stream through the door."

Roger answered, "Aye, since she ben' up de duff she ben pissin' like 'er life depend on it."

Once her stream slowed and she was finished, Ava wiped her crotch and flushed.

"'Up the duff,' I'm not familiar with the expression. Does that mean she's smoking dope or pregnant or something? She didn't look pregnant to me. I mean, at least she wasn't showing."

Ava stood up from the toilet and looked down at the test.

She was...pregnant?

"Wut you talkin' 'bout, officer? Me wife is 'uge, an' almos' ready ta pop."

Ava's stomach gurgled ominously.


Part 10


Part 8