Part 10
Part 10
Ava nearly doubled over as an intense pain erupted from her belly. She winced, and clutched her stomach. A small bump grew under her fingers and started to swell. The bump wasn't soft like fat, it was hard and firm. Ava backed up towards the wall and leaned against it, watching herself expanding in the mirror with a terrified expression. Ava stared down and groaned as the pressure increased. Her uterus was stretching to accommodate the rapidly developing fetus as she passed into the second trimester. She would still be able to cover her swollen belly with a loose blouse or a baggy dress, but the window for that was closing quickly.
Ava shivered. Soon, there would be no way to hide her pregnancy. The overt, in-your-face proof that she had been fucked by a man- that a man's [i]penis[/i] had cum inside of her [i]vagina[/i] during [i]heterosexual[/i] sex. Anybody looking at Ava, from any culture or any time period throughout human history, would see her protruding belly and know that she was a fertile, pregnant female. A pregnant female reproducing exactly as millions of years of evolution dictated she ought to.
The strain on Ava's back heightened. Her delicate hands followed the growth of her baby bump while she progressed to the third trimester. Her belly jutted out further and further, passing the threshold from 'maybe pregnant' to 'unmistakably pregnant'. Ava's center of gravity changed completely. She splayed her legs while simply standing still. She braced her hands on her lower back for support. As she did, her fat tits tingled and swelled up. Her wide, feminine nipples darkened and widened further. Ava looked down at herself.
She stood naked in front of the mirror and stared. She curled her long blonde hair behind her tiny ears and big, golden hoops. Ava couldn't believe it. She was a heavily pregnant woman! Her vaginal cleft peeked out beneath her hanging belly. She rubbed her hand along her firm stomach. This was some sort of trick...she wasn't really-
She took in a sharp breath as a kick pressed against her hand. She started feeling woozy. She couldn't possibly be pregnant [i]for real[/i]! She couldn't be a mother- she couldn't-
The cops voice snapped Ava out of her wooziness, "C'mon now, ma'am. It's time to come out. You've got two more minutes, then I'm coming in."
Ava searched the countertop. Her pregnant belly would definitely make the cop think twice, but she had to push it just a bit more. She still looked like herself, after all. Ava searched for anything she could use to change her appearance. She tugged off her giant hoop earrings and tossed them aside. Ava scoffed, of course they had changed into regular earrings; just like her heels had.
Ava tore through the cabinet and found a small, sparkly pink box. Inside were various cosmetics. They were in a different color and shade than what she was already wearing. Every minor detail could make the difference in disguising herself, she would have to change her makeup too. Ava grabbed the bag and began to replace what she had on. As she did so, her face subtly shifted and changed. She was replacing her relatively high quality makeup with cheap products more likely to be found in the bag of a teenage girl or a lower class woman.
The dark mascara, eye liner and eye-shadow widened her eyes and gave her a look of utmost innocence. The foundation and powder rounded her face and smoothed out any blemishes, making her look younger. The pink blush raised her cheekbones while her pink lip gloss plumped her lips even further, giving her perfect, dick sucking pillows.
While her face continued changing, Ava stared at herself in the mirror. She whispered to herself while staring into her eyes, trying to get into character, "Roger's my husband, Roger's my husband, Roger's my-" She blinked a few times and felt a tingling in her head. She shook it off before continuing in a cockney accent, "Roger's me 'ubby, Roger's me 'ubby. Roger's me 'ubby."
Ava glanced down at her hand which now sported the cheapest diamond ring she had ever seen. Her husband was such a cheap bastard!
Ava took one last look at herself in the mirror. She was naked. Her giant, milky tits sat above her late term, pregnant belly. Her wide hips, fat ass and thick thighs were below that. She was a very short girl. Without her heels she was only about five feet tall. Her long, blonde hair hung down to her waist and framed her cute, heavily made up young face. She had puffy dick sucking lips and innocent eyes. Her delicate hands had long, acrylic nails and she wore a cheap wedding band. She looked even younger than she did just minutes prior.
Ava ran her fingers through her long, messy blonde hair. She wished there were some clothes to wear out, but the only thing she had was her tattered, semen soaked rags that the cop chased her in. She sighed, ready or not, she was out of time.
Ava opened the door and felt two sets of male eyes immediately fixate on her.
She met the surprised officer's gaze and apologized in a warm soprano through her pillowy lips, "'m sorry, officer. 'Ben 'ard walkin' round me flat up de duff. 'Scuse me jubblies 'angin out, I din' 'spect no comp'ny."
Ava's 'fake' cockney accent sounded effortless and VERY natural. She ignored the butterflies in her chest and pushed out her big belly while keeping a straight face. The officer walked past Ava and entered the bathroom. He searched behind the door and in the shower. He took a deep, confused breath before exiting.
Ava and Roger exchanged glances. He spoke loud enough for the officer to hear, "Oi, woman, put on sum knickers an' at least cover yer fookin' minge while anotha' man is 'angin roun' th' flat!"
Ava started following Roger's order with burning red cheeks, but stopped as the cop stepped past her and into the bedroom. Ava covered her vagina and breasts demurely with her tiny hands, though her massive breasts weren't covered very well. The cop quickly began poking around while pinching his nose tightly.
When he exited back to the kitchen, the Officer addressed them both while scratching his head, "You folks should consider opening the window in that bedroom. I don't mean to judge what a married couple does in their own home but, uh, the smell of-'husband and wife play time' is overpowering in there. Just a thought. Anyway...Do you have your licenses? I just need to verify that you are who you say you are and I'll be out of here."
Roger piped up, "O' course, officer. I have me billfol' right 'ere. Me missus 'as her 'andbag on th' floor in th' bedroom if you can grab'bit. She ain't got no license 'm afraid. 'M sorry 'bout th' stink. Me wife 'as ben' randy cause'a dem preggo 'ormones dese las' few weeks. 'Er muff needs'a propa' shag two, 'free times a day. Can't get enuf' a' me todger in 'er needy little kitty ya know?"
Ava felt her cheeks burning red. Roger was telling the officer she was some sex crazed cock slut! But she had to keep a straight face and go along with it...for now...The officer chuckled, taking Ava's silence as admittance.
Ava waddled to the threshold of the bedroom while keeping her eyes glued to the floor. The officer passed her and went back into the bedroom to search for her purse. His dirty boots trampled on piles of laundry and garbage. Apparently, he didn't think enough of their bedroom to try and keep the dirt from his filthy boots from dropping everywhere. It still reeked of sex, and one of Ava's dildo's was directly in the middle of the mattress. There was also an obvious, crusty, white stain on the side of the bed. Ava's heart pounded as she pondered how low his opinion of her must be. The fact that she was still totally naked only gave him more of a reason to believe his low opinion must be true.
The cop snatched Ava's pink purse from the floor. He sifted through it quickly before handing it to her.
He laughed before stating, "Had to check in there first; safety precaution. Nothing dangerous in there, looks like a very typical female purse. Although...I don't think you need to carry all those tampons around. I can't imagine you're having many periods while carrying your husband's baby!"
He looked down his nose at Ava and she felt small, dirty and powerless. She knew he saw her as the type of gutter trash that married and reproduced with a low quality hoodlum like Roger and lived a life of perpetual filth. A foreign woman with so little self respect that she didn't bother dressing herself when unknown company was there. As Ava fished through her purse to locate her wallet, she realized that she was about to give this authority figure an ID that would confirm to him she was exactly what he thought she was. The fact that she was playing along with this whole charade so convincingly, and supposedly searching through her own, cheap purse, located on the floor of this perverted, biohazard of a room, was just feeding further into the stereotype. She stopped for a second and just gazed around. Was she even acting at this point? Or, was she starting to actually belong here? She was feeling more comfortable in squalor with each passing second. Nothing about the state of the flat really bothered Ava anymore.
She removed her glittering wallet and zipped it open. The officer waited with an outstretched hand and a judgmental stare.
Ava checked her ID which was now from the U.K. It showed that her address was in Lower Clapton which was in England. Her young face smiled excitedly from the laminated card.
Name: Ava Marie Davies (Née Bowen)
Age 18 Height: 5"0
Weight: 105 Hair: BLN
Eyes: BLU Sex: F
Ava was flabbergasted! She was only eighteen? Another ten years had been stripped away from her! Ava had never felt so small and insignificant. Roger was probably ten years older than her now! The card even listed her maiden name. She felt her cheeks becoming flush. The officer was about to see the card and confirm that not only was she a married woman that had taken her husband's last name, but that she was a decade younger than him. He'd probably figure Ava was some love struck young slut that fooled around with older men until one finally knocked her up- that she was in way over her head and living life as a low born slag with her drug dealing husband in a marriage that would almost certainly end with her as a destitute single mother.
On the bottom of the card, in small print, it was explicitly stated that this card was not a driver's license. She handed the cop her ID and searched the wallet for a license. But, just as Roger said, she didn't have one. Was she no longer trained to drive?
The cop quickly checked her ID before walking back with it to the kitchen. Ava found a pink and white frilled robe and secured it around her belly with a pink tie.
She waddled barefoot out to the kitchen and watched Roger hand over his license.
"Sorry 'bout the state o' the flat. Me wife don' clean de' place like it needs."
The cop looked down at Roger's license, "That's no problem Mr. Davies. It's bad, but, believe it or not, I've seen far worse. You may want to get your wife to driver's training. You never know when it'll come in handy."
Roger glanced over at Ava in her pink robe and shook his head, "Me wife? Nah, she ain't neva wanted te' learn. 'Is too easy fer 'er to make 'er 'ubby do all 'de drivin'!"
The cop turned to Ava, "Is that true, Mrs. Davies? You don't want to learn to drive? You want to have to rely on your husband to go anywhere?"
Ava rubbed her hands across her pink robed, pregnant belly and stared at the floor. She just had to play along a bit longer!
Her voice was soft, high pitched, and lacked confidence, "Rog' gets me evry'where I need'a go. Why I gotta' learn'a do sumfin dat me 'ubby can do fer me?"
Another tingle in her brain caused Ava's driving experience to instantly evaporate. She had only the most rudimentary knowlege of operating a vehicle in Britain. The streets, and the location of the steering wheel, outside of Britain, confused and frightened Ava. Also disappearing was a large chunk of her self reliance. She was becoming more dependent on Roger and content to be a follower.
Roger scoffed and shook his head, "Y'see, Officer? Me wife is th' type'a girl who wants'a man ta' do ev'ryfing for 'er!"
Ava averted her gaze and stayed quiet. Her head continued to tingle. She was feeling less and less contentious against Roger's statements.
The officer raised his eyebrows before shrugging his shoulders. His attention turned to Roger, "Well, she's a teenager, I can't really blame her if she doesn't have much experience."
Roger nodded, "Trus' me, Officer, she acts like a bratty girl a lot o' th' time. Ain't all bad, she shags like a fookin' rabbit in 'eat an' sucks me knob like'a fookin' 'oover."
Ava felt a tiny rush of arousal between her legs, and a burning in her cheeks. The men were talking about her like she wasn't in the room, like she couldn't hear them. Or...they didn't care if she heard them. Like her opinion, thoughts and feelings didn't matter at all. Like she was just an object that they could evaluate with a few simple words. Her nipples hardened and were clearly visible, poking into the pink robe. Ava continued to listen and stay quiet.
The officer smiled, "I'm sure she does, I'm sure she does..." He pointed to Ava's belly, "Well, there's at least one thing she can do that you can't!"
Roger shrugged, "Yeah, 'er body was built fer shaggin' an' gettin' knocked up. I tell 'er tha' all th' time. 'M sure she'll push 'em out wifout any fuss an' feed em' like'a fookin' cow. Makes fer' a perfect 'ousewife an' mum I 'spose."
Ava's cheeks continued to flush. Was she just a breeding cow for Roger? ...Is that what she wanted to be for him? Her arousal continued to build and she rubbed her sticky thighs together.
The officer sighed before turning towards the door, " That being said, Mr. Davies, I owe you and your wife an apology. I accused you of something you had nothing to do with."
He handed both ID cards to Roger while Roger responded, "It's no problem at'all. Mistakes come fer' all of us evry' now 'n again." Roger looked towards Ava and scoffed derisively, "Me wife can tell ye, she makes more stupid mistakes den anyone I eva' met!"
Ava tried to ignore Roger's comment. It was strange...she scratched her head and suddenly felt like she was used to being talked down to by Roger. Memories of rude, disparaging comments, directed at her by Roger, peppered Ava's history. Her self confidence and self worth shrank. She pondered it. Maybe Roger had a point: Maybe she was only good for being a housewife...a housewife only good for opening her legs...
Roger continued, "Would ye like ta stay fer a spot o' tea, Officer..."
The policeman turned his head to Ava, then back to Roger. He was thinking about something more than just tea. He nodded as he answered, "Officer Edwards, but you can call me Tom. I'd like that, thanks for the offer. Authentic British tea with an authentic British couple!"
Ava gulped.