Nicole opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a calendar on the nearby wall which displayed AUGUST 1983. This was close to when his parents were born! He widened his gaze and saw he was in a gym. The smell of sweat and leather wafted through a large open space. Apart from the entrance and front desk, the gym was roughly split into two sides. The first was packed with weights and machines. The equipment looked clunky and uncomfortable. It was a far cry from the sleek, modern gym Nicole was used to. The other half was an empty space. A large mirror ran along the wall but it was otherwise empty.


The people working out were wearing the most bizarre clothing. The women wore colorful, pastel unitards and leg warmers while the men had the tiniest short-shorts, tank tops, and multitudes of unnecessary sweatbands. Nicole's eyes lingered for a little longer than he intended on a particularly muscular man as he walked by. His eyes shot away in embarrassment when he realized he was admiring the man physique. He rationalized that he stared because he was envious of the man's impressive, rippling biceps.

Nicole looked down at himself and gasped. He was dressed just like the women! He had a skin tight yellow unitard with built-in pink leggings. A turquoise strip surrounded his midsection and turquoise leg warmers covered his shins. His shoes were simple, white, women's sneakers and he had pink sweatbands on his wrists. His increasingly feminine body was hugged tightly and displayed without leaving anything to the imagination.


Nicole's silky brunette hair was secured in a high ponytail which hung off to the side. He could feel the lip gloss had returned to his lips and he used his sweatband to wipe it off. He still wasn't going to wear makeup, no matter how girly his body became! He wasn't a chick!

His stomach dropped as he glanced between his legs and noticed how tight the unitard hugged him. It was clear that his underwear was thin, small and even tighter than the spandex. Nicole gulped and looked around before subtly snaking his hand towards his crotch. He felt the tiny nub of his penis still struggling to survive. It was so tiny that even against the skin-tight spandex it was almost invisible.

Nicole glanced at a nearby mirror and saw himself standing by the front desk. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He hated to admit it, but with the clothes and altered body, there was very little about him that remained even remotely masculine. He was nearly indistinguishable from the various women all around the gym and there wasn't a single other man wearing an outfit like his. He ran his hands up his curvy body and shook his head. This was going to take some serious surgery to correct! His vision trailed up to his face and could also see his androgynous features had shifted further towards femininity, particularly because of the makeup around his cheeks and eyes. It wasn't just lip gloss, he now had eye liner, mascara, heavy eye shadow and blush to contend with! He quickly rubbed the blush away with his sweatbands, but figured he would have to leave his eyes alone as rubbing them would likely cause a mess. He couldn't risk doing something that caused him to lose the challenge. He had to focus on winning!

"Excuse me miss?" A young man's voice asked from behind the front desk.

Nicole turned towards the voice and saw the young man was looking directly at him. The boy was sixteen or seventeen and wore a yellow t-shirt. Nicole didn't like responding to 'miss' but the man was clearly trying to get his attention and, considering his girly appearance, he couldn't exactly blame the guy for thinking he was a woman.

"Yes?" Nicole responded. His alto voice worked to reinforce his perceived femininity.

"Are you Nicole? Your sister's on the line. Described you to a T."

The man slid a telephone across the desk. It had a creme colored plastic base with a chord trailing behind the desk. The receiver was attached to the base.


Nicole sighed, then thanked the young man and brought the receiver to his ear.

Iris' mocking voice sounded, "How's my favorite little sis? Sorry your speech didn't go well, I really thought you'd nail it."

Nicole's eyes lingered on an attractive man's ass while his lips formed a retort, "Yeah right, you knew I didn't know SHIT about how the internet worked."

"Hey, you're the one that always bragged about your 'vast knowledge of computers', you can't blame me on that one." Iris responded.

"Whatever," Nicole said coldly, "I'm not messing around anymore. Let's hear it."

He knew Iris was right: boasting about his knowledge of computers had come back to bite him. It didn't matter now. He was ready to do whatever necessary for victory.

Iris laughed, "Right down to business then! I'll give you two options for this one. The first option: Participate and complete the imminent aerobics class. You have to adequately complete all the exercises. The second option is to convince one of the men in this building to initiate a kiss with you and go through with it."

Nicole scoffed and tore his eyes away from the attractive man-ass to answer, "Well, I'm definitely not kissing another guy like a fag so I'll do the aerobics class. Isn't that just easy cross-fit for skinny chicks?"

Iris snorted, "Yeah, something like that. Good luck!"

Nicole was left with a dial tone. He hung the receiver and slid the telephone back across the desk. The women around the gym seemed to be collecting in the empty, open area. Nicole sighed heavily before moving to join them. He may have been on the taller side, but he had the clothing, the makeup and the general body shape to fit in seamlessly. He couldn't believe how far he'd fallen!

He followed suit with the women as they warmed up and stretched. Nicole was disappointed to find that his new body was only marginally more flexible. He avoided eye contact and kept to himself while the women around him gossiped and got to know one another. He wasn't interested in being 'one of the girls'. But, it really was [i]all[/i] girls. Not a single man besides Nicole had come to the empty floor. As he stretched, he casually peered around and saw a group of twenty-something guys, dressed in ridiculous outfits, leering towards the women.


The men were pointing to various girls and appeared to be making lewd comments amongst themselves. This went on for a minute or two during which Nicole becoming increasingly annoyed. The girls were just trying to stretch and get ready for the class, they weren't looking for a group of losers to perv on them! He felt disgusted by the other members of his gender. Surely, he wasn't the only one in the room seeing the guys staring. Did the women not care at all?

Nicole's annoyance changed when, from the corner of his eye, he could have sworn one of the men was pointing at him. His muscles froze, his stomach dropped and his heart rate spiked. Why were they looking at him? He wasn't even a woman, he had nothing to offer them! The remaining shreds of his masculine pride lamented his current predicament. He should have been one of the guys checking the girls out!

He was initially too mortified to look directly at them but, eventually, his curiosity became too strong and his eyes flicked over. His gaze rested onto the biggest man in the group and their eyes met. The man was middle aged and wearing a skimpy lifting tank on his torso. He was ridiculously buff and Nicole couldn't help but admit he was attractive. Not that- not that Nicole was homosexual or anything, but he couldn't stop himself from feeling that way. The man's tight short-shorts left little to the imagination and Nicole noticed an impressive bulge that was barely contained.


The man's thick mustache curled into a lustful smile. He brought his fingers up to his mouth in a 'V' formation and pressed it against his lips as he flicked his tongue between them. Nicole's cheeks blazed red and he tore his eyes away.

Before he could collect himself, a young woman dressed in the standard unitard, leg warmers, tights and sweatbands jogged to the front of the class and put on a big smile. She laid onto her side and lifted her leg into the air.


The women followed suit. Apparently, the class had started. Nicole scrambled to follow along and assumed the position. She could somehow feel the stares of the men whose numbers had swelled. Apparently, the women weren't the only ones waiting for the class to begin.

The first couple of exercises weren't difficult, but Nicole quickly found himself struggling. Sweat was dripping down his back as exercise after exercise was completed. His new body moved differently than his old one and he was not proficient enough to conserve energy. Aerobics seemed like the hardest parts of Pilates mixed with the most exhausting parts of cheer-leading. Before long, Nicole found himself falling behind. He was taking huge gulps of air while his body shook due to the strain. Incredibly, none of the other students seemed to be missing a beat and Nicole knew he stuck out like a sore thumb. He didn't even want to think about how runny his heavy eye makeup was and he made a point to avoid looking at himself in the big mirror. He had no doubt that the shitty men in the audience were getting a kick out of his display. When the instructor went into another set of lunges, Nicole's body simply refused to follow. His sore legs screamed with fatigue and he took a shaky step backwards.

He felt familiar heat beginning to form in his body. Thinking in a panic, Nicole bolted across the floor and directly towards the muscular man he had locked eyes with. The man was sitting on a weight bench but he sat upright in surprise as Nicole approached him. Without warning, Nicole pulled the man by his lifting top and pressed their lips together. The man responded by keeping the kiss and rising to his feet. He was a few inches taller than Nicole and absolutely dwarfed him in physical mass. The man reached his arm around Nicole's ass and pulled him closer.

The kiss continued and Nicole found himself enjoying it despite parts of his brain pleading with him to break it off. The man was an aggressive kisser and he pressed his thick, manly mustache against Nicole who accepted his initiative. Nicole's body was hot and sweaty and he could smell his own odor mixing with the masculine scent from his partner. The man's heavy hand was now cupping his pink spandex-clad ass.

Changing heat surged through Nicole's body but he was too busy paying attention to the kiss and the distracting feeling of the muscular man dictating his movements. Nicole unconsciously grinded his hips and crotch against the man's impressive bulge while the heat concentrated in his groin. He felt the tent in the man's shorts growing against his movements just as the man's tongue surged into his mouth. Tingling exploded throughout Nicole's body and his mouth submitted to the intrusion. The cock poking between Nicole's legs sawed in and out as the man took initiative and grinded his groin against him. Nicole felt a change occurring at the dictation of the man's penis. As it sawed him, his tiny nub contracted and pulled into his body.

Nicole's body shuttered as they realized they had taken a simple kiss too far. Clearly, something was wrong with their strategy as their body was still changing. They attempted to pull away, but found the man's hand was waiting to stop them. Nicole felt bewildered. What was wrong with this guy, was he gay or something!? Could he not take a hint or see that Nicole was a dude!?

Nonetheless, the man kneaded Nicole's mediocre ass and pulled them back into an even tighter kiss by the back of their head. The man then ripped Nicole's ponytail free and ran his rough hands through their silky, shoulder length hair just as it began growing longer. The man squeezed a handful causing Nicole to yelp and a confused, arousing shiver to cascade down their spine. Their hair finally stopped growing around mid-back leaving quite a handful for the man to hold.

The changes weren’t finished however, as Nicole found themself craning their neck more and more to maintain the (now sloppy) kiss. They were slowly shrinking beneath their increasingly comparatively-larger partner. When it was done, Nicole was around the size of an average woman, 5"6 or 5"7. It shifted the power dynamic even more between the two and Nicole felt weak and tiny.

The man's hips continue to hump as their make-out intensified. Nicole couldn't explain their sexual attraction for the brute, but whatever the reason; urges and dirty thoughts spread through their brain like a spider web. They couldn't deny the heat, the yearning or the urges any longer. The man's boner sawed between Nicole's legs and they pressed back against it until a sudden tightness formed. They gasped and their legs trembled in anticipation as the man slid his hand from their butt and across their thighs. His calloused finger slipped between their legs and probed directly onto the epicenter of the tightness.

Breaking Nicole out of their trance was a burst of willpower from somewhere deep inside. The male pride inside them flailed wildly, fighting desperately for continued existence. Nicole pushed the man away more forcefully this time and he let them separate. The man's tongue slipped from Nicole's mouth and they took a gasping breath. Nicole could feel mixed saliva dripping down their chin, likely joining their makeup which was almost certainly running like a marathon. Their long, silky, brunette hair fell loosely down their back. It felt strange to have hair this long and heavy!

"What's the matter, dudette? You came onto me, remember? Shaking your ass for me from across the room, I knew you were showing off!" The Brute said in a deep, sexy hum.

Nicole braced their arms against the man's broad shoulders to keep themself away. His muscles felt like fleshy, hairy rocks! While their upper halves was separated, the man's finger was still rubbing the tight spot between Nicole's legs.

"N-no, I was- I was just w-working out." Nicole mewled through their arousal.

He chuckled, "Yeah, I'm sure you put on that little outfit and makeup for yourself, right?" He grunted in frustration, "Now if I could just find your..."

Nicole moaned lightly as the tightness folded in on itself and their yielding flesh gushed around the man's finger. He pressed into Nicole as the skin around his finger thickened and opened.

"Oh, there she is, right where she's supposed to be." He muttered.

The heat and arousal Nicole had been feeling rushed between her legs and became slick against the man's finger. She bit her lip and took shallow breaths, losing the battle to the fog of arousal once again. A numb throbbing formed in her head, lowering her defenses against the fog and helping her notice the man's more...attractive features.

But as she was about to go off the deep end, her deep, male pride flailed once again, even harder and more desperate than before. Nicole jumped away from the man, surprising him and escaping his grasp completely. She looked between her breasts and between her legs. Her unitard dug into a fat cameltoe! Not just that, but a fat [i]WET[/i] cameltoe. Where had her panties gone!? Her mind couldn't get a handle around what she was seeing. She couldn't have a vagina! How would she get back to her former self now!?

The man sniffed his slick finger and smiled. His voice seemed suddenly threatening and sinister, "I sure liked watching you show off, honey-girl."

Nicole took a step back. She felt small. She felt frail. She felt vulnerable. She felt afraid. He was so much bigger than her, he could do anything he wanted and there was nothing she could do to stop him.

She managed to croak out, "I'm not a girl. I'm a man like you."

The man grinned and pointed his shiny finger between her legs, "Sure feels like a penis-fly-trap between those gams, honey-girl." He sniffed his finger again, "Smells like one too."

Nicole turned quickly and began walking back to the front desk. She had to get away from this creep! Her hair whooshed behind her and she made a mental note to cut it asap. It made her look too womanly!

Before she made it more than a few steps, she felt an overwhelming grip on her shoulder. She was whirled around. The meat-head looked almost psychotic. His face was twisted in anger and his grip on her shoulder was like iron. Nicole froze with fear. She saw several men standing nearby. She pleaded to them with her eyes but they looked away and ignored her. It seems that none of them wanted to mess with the behemoth.

He growled, "Now look, [i]bitch[/i] I don't like being lead on by some cock-teasing prude! It doesn't matter to me that you've got an ugly face, I'll still make you feel good. You wanted this, right?"

His grip tightened and Nicole winced in pain. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Fear completely overwhelmed Nicole's senses.

"[i]RIGHT[/i]?" He shouted angrily.

The crackle of lightning heralded a spike of pain and the approach of sweet, sweet darkness.



1971 Part 1
