1971 Part 1

1971 Part 1

Nicole opened her eyes and took a sharp breath. She shivered despite the warm air that clung to her skin while a multitude of emotions washed over her like a tidal wave. She felt intense relief that she was no longer trapped by the brute to the point that tears welled in her eyes and she was on the verge of sobbing. The fear and the powerlessness she experienced would linger with her for quite awhile.

She shifted her hips and lamented the emptiness between her legs. She hoped beyond hope that the cameltoe she had seen there was some sort of optical illusion or temporary change. But, as she rubbed her thighs together and felt nothing dangling or impeding their contact, she knew her penis was long gone and replaced by something much less imposing. Nicole pondered the significant implications of becoming the opposite sex. Crossing her legs tightly wouldn't be a problem but standing to pee would, prostate exams would be replaced with mammograms, ejaculation with periods, sperm with eggs.

She gulped and reached her hand down to her flat belly. Did she [i]REALLY[/i] have the capabilities to be..pregnant? Did she have eggs longing to be fertilized? Did her new genitals yearn to be penetrated and creampied?

Her thoughts then shifted to the various surgeries she would need to undergo to regain some semblance of her original self. Was it a pipe-dream at this point? Was she living in some sort of fantasy where such a thing was even possible? Why had she changed again? She'd kissed a man just like Iris told her! If Iris wasn't going to play fair then why should she continue trying?

She momentarily ignored the tumult in her reeling brain to examine her surroundings. She was standing on the street-corner of a relatively busy intersection. There were people coming to and fro in clothing that went well beyond old fashioned. They paid Nicole little mind though there were a few that shot her the occasional glance. They were probably wondering why she was stumbling around looking dazed and confused. Cars driving by were noisy, clunky, they emitted trails of black smoke- They didn't even have seatbelts! She looked down the street and saw tightly packed shops lining the sidewalks on both sides. Something about the entire scene felt dirty and disorderly. Trash and dirt lined the street and people just stepped over it.


She looked down and saw a newspaper that read July 24th 1971. Her grandparents would have been young at this time!

Nicole checked her outfit. She wore a dangerously short, orange colored Jupiter dress with a floral pattern. The dress didn't even reach the middle of her thigh and the neckline plunged between her small breasts. The dress had long slit-sleeves that hung down to her sides. A gold colored necklace hung around her neck and her mid back length brunette hair fell loosely. A pair of brown, leather boots with short heels covered just below the knee. She could see she wasn't wearing a bra and knew she wasn't wearing underwear of any kind.


Nicole felt a whole new level of vulnerability with her new female parts mere inches from being exposed to everybody. It was almost as if she could feel ambient air rising inside her dress and seeping into the hole between her legs. An empty hole just...waiting there, threatening to be inexplicably filled with [i]something[/i] at any moment. She tightened her thighs together and stood in a feminine fashion. It felt like she was safer and better protected when she stood like that. It was a stance that any man with a penis would find uncomfortable and it only added to her womanly appearance.

Also affecting her appearance was the return of makeup. This time, Nicole could feel it layered onto her face. She had foundation, powder, eye makeup of all descriptions including heavy, false lashes, and pastel pink lipstick with gloss. The makeup heavily feminized her androgynous features and entrenched her staunchly into a socially acceptable and obviously female appearance. But really, she simply looked like a girl with a so-so face trying to cake on the makeup to compensate.

Nicole considered clearing the makeup away but made a quick pros and cons list before, ultimately, deciding against it. There really weren't any reasons besides 'So gay' and 'Mildly uncomfortable' to get rid of it. On the other hand, 'Bringing attention to myself', 'Making a huge mess and compromising the challenge', 'Getting makeup all over my sleeve', and 'Pissing off Iris' topped the list for keeping it on. Nicole hated to admit it, but some part of her brain was starting to enjoy wearing makeup and she found 'Genuinely enjoying wearing makeup' on her list for keeping it as well.   

A grinding ringing sound caught Nicole's attention and she turned to face it. She saw a rotary dial pay phone hanging on the wall behind her. Nobody seemed to be paying it any attention.


She stepped vigorously towards the wall. Her heeled boots clacked against the dilapidated concrete, her long sleeves and hair fluttered behind her and her transformed body moved with an unconscious sway. She dodged a group of businessmen and ignored how they leered at her lustfully as they passed. She lifted the phone and put it to her ear. She was determined to get some answers.

"I want some answers!" Nicole's low alto shouted into the receiver.

"Okay, shoot." Iris stated plainly.

Nicole hesitated, surprised by Iris' response. Hearing Iris' calm lack of emotion tamped down her anger, but she did her best to project intensity.

"I kissed that dick-head exactly like you said to and you still changed me! Even worse, I liked-" She caught herself before trying again, "I mean, you tricked my brain into [i]thinking[/i] I liked it! You made me a fucking homo, didn't you? Is this what gets you off, you freak?"

Iris responded, "You were challenged to [i]get kissed[/i], not initiate the kiss yourself. It's not my fault you don't listen. And, besides, if you're really concerned about it, a woman like you kissing a man isn't really gay, is it?"

Nicole tightened her legs together, feeling the absence of her former genitalia and the vulnerability of her new one. She'd lost on a technicality!? She'd have to be more careful and listen to Iris' specific wording in the future.

Ignoring the explanation of her loss, Nicole spoke defiantly, "I'm [i]NOT[/i] female and I'm [i]NOT[/i] a woman no matter what you do to me!"

Iris laughed, "Not female? I think the [i]ovaries[/i] inside your [i]vagina[/i] would disagree with that. As far as 'woman' 'is concerned, I'll leave that up to society to determine that based on how you present yourself...Whatever society you happen to be living in at the time."

"O-Ovaries?" Nicole asked incredulously.

"Oh yes," Iris answered, "You can deny it all you want but the biology between your legs doesn't lie. You're [i]fully functional[/i]. And you know what else?"

"What?" Nicole asked breathlessly.

"Everybody knows it."

Nicole's nervous eyes shifted to a man and woman navigating the sidewalk. They were holding hands and moving at a leisurely pace. The woman wore a similar dress to Nicole while the man wore a button down shirt and slacks. Both sets of eyes looked her up and down as they passed. What did they see when they looked at her? Did they assume a strong gust of wind could reveal the slit of female anatomy beneath her floral print dress? Did the woman see her as competition, did the man see her as a potential sexual partner? The realization struck Nicole that she, herself, assumed the woman had a vagina and tits beneath her dress while the man had a penis and balls just based on their appearance alone.

Nicole turned away from the sidewalk and towards the wall. Her makeup covered cheeks felt hot and tears were welling in her eyes. Anger and frustration turned to self-pity and sadness.

"W-Why are you still doing this to me? You made your p-point. I'll never look down on women again! Just change me back and let me go home! I won't tell anybody!" Nicole pleaded.

Iris spoke with mock sympathy, "Poor, poor wittle Nicole! Mean 'ol Iwis is so unweasonable! Give me a break! Remember when you harassed a girl so badly for suggesting Serena Williams was the greatest tennis player of all time that she ran out crying and dropped the class? Or how about the time you stood outside the building holding a sign that said, 'Women are inferior to men change my mind'. Remember how you spoke in circles and insulted anybody who dared to stand up to you for hours? Remember when you finally got what you wanted after calling a woman 'worthless' and she punched you? You didn't feel bad when she lost her scholarship and got kicked out of school, did you? In fact, you posted it online and she got death and rape threats, didn't she? Did you feel bad then? No, Nicole, no. You thought it was funny. You bragged about it. You're finally getting what you deserve: To go through life as the thing you detest the most: A woman."

Nicole whined, "But those were just words, this is real!"

Iris responded coldly, "Well let me offer you some more words then! As soon as I hang up the phone, a protest is going to walk along the street behind you. Your challenge is to join the protest and participate in it fully. Once you get to the end of the protest route you'll have passed. Go ahead and grab the cardboard sign below the phone and display it proudly."

Nicole peered down and saw a large piece of cardboard resting against the wall that she'd figured was trash. She turned the cardboard around and read it. In big bold letters were three phrases on top of one another:




Iris expected her to display a sign referencing the beauty of her vagina!?

A loud clanging sounded in Nicole's ear. It seemed like Iris had slammed the phone hard when she hung up.

A commotion up the road drew Nicole's attention. A huge crowd of people came around the corner. They were walking up the street and blocking almost everything. There must have been hundreds if not thousands of protestors! The crowd was filled with a majority of young women, but there were some young men sprinkled here and there. They were screaming, chanting and holding signs. Fashion and style varied wildly but Nicole knew she would easily fit right in. People on the sidewalk stopped to watch with resentment. An older man wearing a suit and smoking a cigarette stood next to Nicole and shook his head angrily.

The man stared over at Nicole and read the sign in her hands. His wrinkled face twisted in disgust as he rasped, "I hope you get raped in that 'beautiful vagina' you disgusting slut."

Nicole tightened the grip on her sign and took a step back. She was afraid and insulted. What an awful thing to say! What was this guys problem? He was really angry for something as harmless as a girl holding a cardboard sign. The old man took an aggressive step forward and grabbed her sign and pulled. He was trying to rip it from her hands.

"Give me that sign, whore!" He ordered.

She had to hold on, losing the sign might mean she loses the challenge! Nicole gripped it as tightly as she could, but it was clear the man was stronger than she was. He managed to quickly wrest it free from her grasp and throw it against the wall. It was cardboard, so it just bounced off, but his point had been made. When he turned back to face her, a torrent of voices sounded from the crowd.

"Get away from her!", "Stop it!", Get out of here!", "Get back!", "Don't touch her!"

A group of protestors swarmed onto the sidewalk and two young men pushed the old man away while a gaggle of young women flanked Nicole and crowded around her defensively. Now that he had been challenged by somebody stronger, the old man relented and stomped away while grumbling something under his breath about Nicole's sexual promiscuity.

With the threat eliminated, the women around Nicole ensured she was fine before dispersing and rejoining the rest of the protest. They believed she was one of them without any convincing needed. The thought flashed through Nicole's mind that the old man would have been questioned and looked at funny if he tried to join with the exact same sign while she received no scrutiny or second glances whatsoever.

One of the young men that pushed the troublemaker away retrieved the fallen sign and brought it back to Nicole. He had shaggy black hair and a piercing gaze. On his muscular upper body was a white tank top and on his legs were black jeans. He was very handsome and Nicole was dumbfounded by how attracted she was to him.


He read the sign and nodded his head in approval. He shot her a warm smile that made her weak at the knees. Was he correlating the sign to her and imagining her 'beautiful vagina'?

He held the cardboard towards Nicole and spoke with a pleasant, reverberating tenor, "That's a groovy slogan you have there, baby."

"Th-thanks..." Nicole stammered as she accepted the sign.

She could feel her cheeks blazing red. Her eyes flicked up to meet his for a quick second before returning to the floor. Why was she so nervous? Why was he so handsome? Why did he call her baby!?

He continued, "I'm James. I don't think I've seen you at any of the marches before. I definitely would have remembered someone as pretty as you. What's your name?"

Nicole couldn't help but smile. He thought she was pretty! She felt her heart rate increasing and a flush of tingling arousal rushing between her legs.

"Nicole Hughes." She answered shyly.

"Well, Nikki Hughes," James started while offering up his hand, "Would you do me the honor of being my beautiful date for the rest of the day?"

Nicole felt more fluttering in her chest and another flush of warmth between her legs as James called her beautiful. She looked down at his outstretched hand. An internal war within her head was becoming very one sided with very little keeping her from taking his offer. He'd helped defend her from that horrible old man and he seemed nice and attractive...She grinned, fluttered her heavy eyelashes and intertwined her fingers into his hand. His skin was soft but strong. His larger hand squeezed around hers and they made there way into the thick of the crowd. Many people in the crowd watched as she and James approached, but nobody batted an eye. The memory of the couple holding hands on the sidewalk flashed in Nikki's mind. She was now on the female end of the heterosexual couple dynamic! The crowd saw her and James holding hands just as she had seen the couple holding hands earlier. She tried to convince herself this was all an act to win the challenge, but Nikki found herself giggling like a love-struck schoolgirl while displaying her sex and vagina sign and holding James' hand.

Nikki spent the next half hour within the crowd. She learned the chants and worked on learning the protest songs. Women's liberation didn't seem to mean what Nikki thought it meant. It wasn't as if the women wanted to control or dominate men or destroy society, they just wanted a fair shot. She noticed disapproving looks from people not involved in the protest, but she managed to ignore it and raise her voice even louder. She held onto James' hand the entire time, even when it became sweaty and her fingers cramped. Every smile and look of approval from him sent a new flutter vibrating in her chest and a new wave of arousal between her legs.

Sometime during the protest, Nikki watched a rowdy group of young women remove their tops and bare their breasts while screaming for "Sexual liberation".


Nikki found herself cheering for them and their bravery, but, strangely, didn't feel any sort of sexual attraction to them. Their tits bounced and jiggled around her, but she felt nothing. She chalked it up to all the commotion distracting her before another squeeze from James' hand sent a new shiver down her spine. She was definitely NOT gay and she loved looking at tits but...right now she'd just keep holding James' hand to...to better complete the challenge, of course!

James suddenly released Nikki's hand and ripped off his tank top. Nikki's mouth watered as she marveled at his chiseled, muscular pecs. James swung his shirt in a big arc around his head which earned him a round of applause. As he seemed to be enjoying the attention from the surrounding women and catching an eyeful of bare breasts, Nikki felt an icy jealousy blooming in her chest. She wasn't about to let these women steal her boyfr- COMPANION away! Without further thought or consideration, she dropped her cardboard sign, pulled the top of her dress open and maneuvered her arms and shoulders free. The dress bunched around her hips and left the entirety of her pale upper body exposed. Nikki's small breasts hung lightly on her chest while her long, silky, brunette hair framed around them. She notices her areola were a bit bigger and her thicker nipples poked outwards. Overall they were tiny, but definitely female breasts. They bounced gently on her chest as she moved.


James gave Nikki a thumbs up and a smile but something about his expression seemed...disappointed? The icy bloom within her grew larger as she waited for him to hold her hand again. He didn't do it. He seemed distracted and distant. More and more, it appeared to Nikki that she and James were just walking next to each other instead of walking together. She felt embarrassed! Was her chest really that small? She glanced around and saw that she was definitely on the smaller side of the size spectrum.

When she had finally had enough, Nikki asked as sweetly as she could, "Is everything okay, James?"

He sighed and looked down at her before grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the sidewalk. Nikki allowed herself to be pulled while enjoying the view of James' sweat touched musculature. She knew she needed to finish the protest march, but there was a long line of people and she figured it would be fine to take a minute and talk it out with James.

They passed a middle aged woman holding the hand of a young boy. When the woman spotted Nikki, she covered her sons eyes and scowled at Nikki while hissing, "Cover yourself up, hippie slut!"

Embarrassed, Nikki dropped her cardboard sign to the sidewalk and used her free arm to cover her breasts as she and James passed. As she struggled to make herself decent, Nikki realized that James still had his chest uncovered and the woman wasn't paying him any mind. It seemed that the woman, and the overarching society she represented, viewed Nikki and James' naked bodies much differently.

When they reached the edge of the sidewalk, James tugged Nikki into a secluded alley. The alley was filthy. There was graffiti all over the walls, dirt and grime all over the ground and the stench of hot trash filled the air from overflowing bins arranged nearby.


James stopped and turned towards Nikki who stared up at him with a hopeful smile. He was the first man she trusted in any of these bygone eras and she was determined to keep him around. After the brute from the gym, Nikki knew she needed to lean on good men that treated her right and James made her feel safe.

He spoke to her matter-of-factly, "Listen, Nikki, you're a groovy chick and all, but I don't think you and I are gonna work out. I just don't think you're my type, you dig?"

Nikki felt an immediate panic rising within her. After all the bad things that happened to her, she wasn't ready to lose this one sliver of good.

She pleaded in a warbly alto, "James I- I know I don't have the biggest, um- [i]assets[/i], but I think we get along so well and you make me feel happy. Can't we at least finish the rest of the march together?"

James scratched his shaggy hair, "I don't know, Nikki. There are a lot of girls out there that I think I'd jive with better. Girls that'd do more for me, you know? You're groovy and all but, yeah, I think it's for the best that we part ways."

Dejected, Nikki spoke through rapidly forming tears, "Is there anything I can do to change your mind?"

James looked over his shoulder towards the street before turning back and speaking in a low voice, "I mean, I could think of something things you could do for me."

He jostled his package within his jeans while starting at Nikki expectantly.

Her eyes widened as the realization struck her. He'd pulled her into the alley for a blowjob!



1971 Part 2
