1950 Part 2

1950 Part 2

Nancy nervously followed Elmer's direction towards Dolores and the desk. Her wide hips rocked, her heavy chest shifted from side to side, her bobbed hair bounced and her movement looked more like a sashay than a walk. Beside Elmer's manly stomp her womanly prance felt extraordinarily feminine. Her heels clicked along the tiled floor and she held the notebook tightly against herself.

When she made it to the desk, the smiling Nancy and the smiling Dolores locked eyes. Dolores' stare was blank and lifeless. Upon closer inspection, Nancy was able to see the heavy makeup on Dolores' face covered more than just wrinkles. There were clearly bruises hidden beneath the surface.

Elmer's voice became stern, "Go ahead, Dotty, show little Nancy how a good secretary presents herself for inspection."

Dolores immediately stood from her chair and got beside the desk. The click of her heels sounded eerily similar to Nancy. She removed a belt around her midsection and placed it neatly on the desk before reaching under her arm and tugging a zipper down. Her loose white skin was exposed to the light and she shimmied the dress down her torso then to her hips then down to her legs where she stepped out of it completely. She folded the dress neatly and rested it atop the belt. Dolores was left standing in a black and white bra, a pair of sheer black panties, a sheer black garter belt, sheer black thigh highs and white heels.


Once in her underwear, Dolores spread her legs wider and raised her arms above her head before stacking her hands behind her blond updo. She then pulled her shoulders back and pushed her chest outward. Her blank eyes and smile remained and she froze in a submissive inspection position.

Nancy watched in horror. Was she going to have to do that, too!? The image of the telephone swirled in her mind. She willed it to ring. She needed Iris to save her!

But it was silent.

Elmer approached Dolores and beckoned for Arthur to join him. Arthur quickly jogged across the floor.

When they were standing side-by-side, Elmer spoke, "You see, It's imperative that your secretary wears sexy lingerie. Even if you don't normally see it, she has to wear it and [i]feel[/i] her femininity. She has to [i]feel[/i] her subservience to us at all times. The same goes for makeup and dresses and nail polish and everything in between. Her womanly appearance helps maintain the integrity of the social hierarchy. Each indicator of femininity reminds a woman that her purpose is to cater to men; to be an object of beauty for men; to be seen and not heard by men. Do you understand what I mean, Artie?"

Arthur nodded and answered carefully, "Yes, sir. I couldn't have said it better myself."

The butterflies in Nancy's stomach were fluttering rapidly. Every second that passed was one second closer to her turn. Her brain was buzzing with thoughts. She could run out the door and into the street. But, that would likely make her lose the challenge and change again. God knows what she'd become with another change! If Iris was telling the truth and she returned to the present day as she was, Nancy couldn't risk another transformation. It simply wasn't an option. She could try and sneak over to the phone and hope Iris was on the other end, but she knew her heels would give her away the second she took a step. A small act of defiance could make her fail whatever unknown challenge she was participating in. She probably shouldn't risk it. Either way, what would a conversation with Iris accomplish? Iris had never helped Nancy before. She next thought about trying and talk her way out of removing her clothing and humiliating herself, but, again, would that make her fail the challenge? She figured these guys weren't in a 'negotiating mood' when it came to a woman's opinion in the workplace. Nancy let out a tiny sigh. Nothing made sense besides submission. Did it really matter if she just...did what they expected? She already looked the part, how bad would it be to swallow her pride and submit? They all thought she was a female secretary, why not just go with the flow?

Elmer grinned, and spoke the moment-of-truth into existence, "Now, let's see your leadership skills in action, Artie. Assert your dominant position and reinforce Nancy's submissive position in the social hierarchy. Get her into place and I'll conduct a...[i]thorough inspection[/i]...to ensure she meets my expectations."

Arthur's expression hardened as he turned towards a resigned Nancy and whistled at her loudly before ordering sternly, "You heard him, Nancy! Get those clothes off and stand next to Dolores for inspection!"

His tone of voice along with the whistle made Arthur sound like he was scolding a disobedient dog. Nancy didn't like being talked down to, but she figured the only way to escape the situation unscathed was through total capitulation. Her lips were beginning to tire from fake-smiling but she maintained it regardless. She sashayed towards the leering men with a *click*. Elmer's wrinkled face looked like a horny hyena with a condescending, yellowed grin while Arthur wore the frown of a disciplinarian. Both men in their full suits were much taller and larger than the women and the imbalance of power between them and the lingerie clad secretary posed submissively behind them was beyond stark. A soul-crushing thought ran through Nancy's mind as she neared: She was about to join her!

Arthur clapped his hands together and grunted, "Let's go, Doll Face! Mr. Rondle doesn't have time to wait for a lazy woman like you!"

He was talking down to her once again! Nancy tried to ignore the humiliation that accompanied her silent acquiescence to his order, but as she offered no resistance whatsoever his words soaked into her psyche like water to a sponge. Her head felt fuzzy and her confidence and self-worth began to drain. As she pulled the zipper down on her pencil skirt, Nancy's brain felt more and more accepting of her role. She started to see herself as lesser and subordinate to the men. She took a long breath through her fake smile and resigned herself to her fate.

Nancy shimmied her hips and the skirt dropped to the floor. She stepped out of the skirt and bent at the waist to pick it up before neatly folding it and setting it next to Dolores' pile. Nancy tugged at her blouse and stopped to glance down at her lower body. She had black and red sheer panties below a black and red sheer garter belt with garters attached to sheer black thigh highs. Her wide hips and thick thighs swelled against the skimpy garments which hugged between her legs tightly and left no room for any external genitalia.


She finished lifting the pink blouse over her head and folding it atop the skirt. She wasn't sure what to do with her pearl necklace so she took it off and dropped it on the pile. She looked down and saw her sizeable breasts were encased in a lacy black bra which gave her a mountain of cleavage.


She was left standing next to Dolores in nothing but heels, panties, garters, thigh highs and a bra. Her updo was still held with a floral bandana and her ears had little pearls dangling from them.

Nancy's brain continued to swirl and churn with increasing inadequacy as she clicked her heels next to Dolores. She mimicked Dolores' submissive position by stacking her hands behind her head while pulling her shoulders back and pushing her chest forward. It bared her smooth underarms to the room and enhanced her bust even more. She finished the position by spreading her legs wider. With her thighs parted, Nancy's pussy lips were easily discernible in the sheer panties.

Delores and Nancy were now standing directly next to one another in identical, submissive positions wearing nothing but lingerie and blank smiles.

Nancy felt embarrassed and vulnerable but stayed completely still. She just had to hold on a little longer to secure her first win!

Elmer and Arthur approached and stood in front of Nancy.

"Even sexier than I imagined! Look at these jugs!" Elmer quipped.

Nancy could feel their scrutiny, their attraction, and their lust. Her body responded by becoming...hot? Her hazy brain was starting to associate male attention and her own objectification as positive and sexy. Her cheeks felt flush and a surge of arousal rushed between her legs.

Elmer continued, "And those lips were made for pleasing a man! I bet she's been on her knees under your desk quite a few times, huh Artie?"

Arhur nodded his head, "Yes sir. She's got a pillow for her knees stowed under there and everything."

"Good man!" Elmer responded with a chuckle and a back slap.

The image of Arthur's cock pointing towards her face in the darkness beneath his desk flashed through Nancy's memory. It was among dozens of other memories on the periphery of her hazy mind that were trying to wedge their way inside. Behind her smile was panic and confusion. Each passing second saw Nancy becoming more and more attracted to Arthur and men in general. Heterosexual female memories, thoughts and feelings took root and proliferated.

The moisture between her legs deepened as the association between her recent encounter with James in the alley and new memories of Arthur in his office linked and strengthened one another. The feeling of a hard dick sliding between her lips became an increasingly familiar sensation while the feeling of [i]HAVING[/i] a hard dick and balls hanging between her legs became and increasingly foreign sensation.

"I think it's time for the [i]hands on[/i] portion." Elmer stated while rubbing his hands together, "First and foremost," He said, "A good secretary doesn't wear a bandana in her hair like some common seamstress."

Elmer's hand reached into Nancy's hair and tugged out the bandana. Her long, brunette locks fell down her back and shoulders. She stayed motionless, trying her best to control the war raging in her head.

Elmer tossed the bandana to the desk and shook his head, "Unfortunately, that constitutes an automatic failure for Miss Nancy. But I'll finish the process so she can see what a full inspection looks like."

At his words, Nancy felt a numbness in her lower body. She stood still as her relatively flat ass gushed with fat. Her cheeks ballooned outward like two orbs of flesh until she had a proverbial shelf jutting out behind her. It was the kind of provocative bubble butt that would immediately draw any man's attention no matter what she wore; the kind that instantly filled any man's head with thoughts of sex. Her panties were gobbled leaving only a thin strip of sheer material wedged between her cheeks while her garters pulled a little tighter to compensate. Her new pornstar ass blended perfectly with her wide hips and thick thighs. It left her with a Venus-like lower body that screamed fertility.

Elmer crouched down and ran his scratchy fingers slowly up her hairless, stocking clad leg. A shiver crackled through her body and goosebumps formed beneath his touch. Foreign memories continued to assault her mind and alter her perception. Elmer's cologne and sweat evoked a new association with masculinity. The image of a strong, manly man in an army uniform staring at her through a black-and-white television screen sent a surge of arousal to her swampy groin. She felt so meek and womanly compared to a man at war. Elmer softly chuckled at her reaction to his touch just as his hand reached the top of her stockings.

His fingers curled around her flared hips and gave her ass a squeeze. Elmer's eyebrows rose in surprise as he craned his neck around to see what he was touching.

He nodded his head, "Wow, her tuchus is meatier than I gave it credit for. I'm sure she'll be nice and receptive to a good spanking."

Memories of Arthur's masculine presence looming behind her as she bent over his desk flashed in Nancy's mind. His strong hands kneading her flesh and smacking her cheeks with the perfect amount of force...Her breaths were coming in quick and shallow while her heart was pumping faster and faster. His scruffy lips pressing into hers, his muscular arms squeezing her tight...

Elmer's hand slipped between her splayed legs and he rubbed her sopping labia through the sheer panties.

He chortled, "Such a swampy mess between her gams! Seems like Nancy's little twat craves a man's touch."

Elmer raised his finger to his nose and closed his eyes before taking a deep sniff and letting out a soft, satisfied *hmm*. He appeared to be re-living fond memories through the odor of Nancy's horny vagina. It was probably an odor he was very familiar with.

Nancy's gaze flicked over to Arthur who was watching her intently. His dark eyes stared through her and the obvious tent in his slacks sent her body reeling. Memories of his war stories, his valor, his heroism, and his bravery filled her with longing. Heavy fog seeped into Nancy's brain just as a swooning attraction to masculine men coalesced around the image of Arthur. He was a soldier, a fighter, a killer, a winner and a man! In that moment he represented to Nancy everything she wasn't. She was determined to make him vice president and serve as his submissive, female secretary! She steeled herself and widened her smile while blankly staring ahead and keeping her tiny arms in place.

Elmer's hand traced up her taut, cinched-in tummy and curled into the cups of her bra. A memory of Arthur's lips sucking on her stiffening nipples flashed into her head. It was followed quickly by another memory in which his hard cock slid between her yielding tits. She remembered his sticky cum splashing against her upper chest and leaving her with a pearl necklace. He even bought her a real pearl necklace the following day as a memento! He was such a gentleman!

Elmer tugged the cups of Nancy's bra down and exposed her breasts to the room. He used his fingers to pinch one of her stiff nipples and relished in her wince as a new surge of horny energy arced through her. The stench of female arousal was no longer relegated to Elmer's finger as it wafted around her like a cloud. Elmer, Arthur and Dolores were all familiar with the smell and knew it meant Nancy was horny without even looking at her. It also further confirmed to everybody that the genitalia she had between her legs was the only kind capable of making such an odor. Another memory rushed from the periphery and Nancy suddenly recalled the musky stench of Arthur's sweaty dick as it swung towards her from within his underwear. The memory strengthened from her experience with James in the alley and it became something she was intimately familiar with. Being on her knees in front of a man's erection felt...normal? She felt like she was meant to be in that position.

Elmer hefted Nancy's fleshy tits and bounced them gently in his hands. He let them drop and took in a deep breath as he croaked, "I can't believe the good Lord saw fit to build such a sexually enticing woman. Bravo, Arthur. Bravo."

Elmer turned and dabbed his forehead with a handkerchief before tugging uncomfortably at his tie. He left Nancy's breasts out in the open and she did not move to cover them. He collapsed into a nearby chair and shook his head while continuing to dab his forehead.

When he spoke he sounded out of breath, "Arthur, my friend, she's quite the woman. I'll tell you what, that slippery cunt is primed for breeding and desperate for a Johnson. You have claimed that honeypot, right?"

Arthur gulped and responded, "Uh, no, sir, I was planning to celebrate my promotion to vice president by deflowering her properly."

Nancy felt weak at the knees at the prospect of having full on vaginal sex with Arthur. Her hazy brain had been overfilled with conflicting information and, at least at the moment, was elated at the thought of being fucked raw by his fat cock. The objectification of the men talking about her pussy as if it were a trophy to be won while her tits and body were on full display pushed her arousal further.

Elmer laughed, "Well who am I to get in the way of that? The type of man that can keep this little sex-pot satisfied is the type of man I want working for me. You've got the job!"

Arthur's voice was elated, "Thank you, sir! You won't regret this!" He turned his attention towards Nancy and ordered, "Get your clothes on Nancy, we have to get back to my office as soon as possible!"

Nancy's heart fluttered with happiness. He got the job! She was going to be the secretary of a vice president! A conflicting hodge-podge of thoughts and feelings undulated in her mind and churned out an action for her horny body to perform. Nancy's body wanted to be held and touched by her man! She lowered her arms and ran towards Arthur. Her heels clicked on the tile and her uncovered tits flopped back and forth alongside her loose, mid-back-length, brunette hair. She noticed her fattened ass jiggled lightly as she moved and rocked alongside her hips.

Arthur's eyes widened as Nancy neared him. She jumped into his chest and he caught her nearly naked body in his arms.

He easily held Nancy aloft as she wrapped her arms around his neck and cooed, "Congratulations, Mr. Vice President."

She pressed her head forward and their lips met in a passionate kiss.

Elmer scoffed and pointed to the closest door, "You know what, lovers, why don't you just take it to the side office? No need to drive all the way back to another office while the iron is hot."

Arthur broke off the kiss and turned towards the indicated door, carrying a flushed, panting Nancy in his powerful arms. She could feel his desperation and need was just as strong as hers was.

As they passed Elmer, his voice spoke towards Dolores, "Come on Dotty, I need your lips after that one."

Arthur struggled with the handle to the side office while maintaining his hold of Nancy. He growled in frustration which made Nancy giggle gleefully. He [i]REALLY[/i] wanted to get inside that door and inside [i]her[/i]!

When it was finally open, Arthur barreled inside with his prize. The "office" was nothing more than a desk in the middle of the room. Arthur slammed the door and dropped Nancy onto her fat ass. He ripped at his own belt just as Nancy heard a familiar crackling of energy in the air. His erect penis sprang from his underwear and twitched with a primordial imperative to breed the horny female before him. His body wanted to deposit a wad deep inside and fertilize her. He violently ripped Nancy's sopping wet panties to the side and exposed her engorged pussy. He'd been waiting for this for years! The crackling grew louder as she opened her stocking-clad legs wide. Her own primeval urge to envelope a virile, powerful male and coax out his sperm to [i]BE[/i] fertilized was completely overwhelming. He squeezed his hands around her hips and lined up his cock-head with her hot, gooey sex. She'd been waiting for this for years! The entirety of his girthy manhood was poised and ready to thrust.

Just as Arthur began pushing his hips forward, Nancy felt a violent sting in her chest and the room faded to black.





1950 Part 1