Nancy regained consciousness standing on a grassy hill overlooking a meadow. Shadows were just beginning to grow long as the sun neared the far end of the sky.


She drew a long, relieved breath and stared into her outstretched hands. Her arousal was gone and her mind was her own again. She had completely lost control of herself around Arthur! Nancy took a mental inventory and determined that she was hopelessly attracted to manly men. Even the mildest of thoughts about hairy abs, beefy biceps or swinging dicks quickened her heartbeat and flushed her cheeks. She HAD to minimize contact with any and all men until this ordeal was over! She would get some conversion therapy or hypnotism or...something to get her sexual orientation back to normal! She wasn't some horny woman that dreamed about dirty, sweaty, manly muscles...or throbbing, veiny cocks...or assertive, dominant men putting her in her place...

Nancy shook her head vigorously and fanned her face with her hand. She forced her brain to focus on her surroundings instead of on her lust for all things masculine.

She glanced down at herself and saw she was dressed in some sort of blue, long sleeved cotton dress that covered all the way down to her ankles. Over-top the dress was a white apron tied tightly around her waist and an armband around her arm. On her feet were faded, tan boots. Her long brown hair was covered with a white hat that flowed down her back and covered her hair almost like a nun's habit. She saw a red cross stitched onto her chest and another on her armband.


Nancy's curvy body was tightly encased in the dress and apron. The dress did a lot of work to flatten and smooth out her exaggerated curves. Specifically, her chest was tightly constricted by some sort of binding as were her hips and ass. Despite the bindings, it was still clear to any onlooker that she was woman with healthy proportions.

Nancy felt sparse makeup on her eyes, lips and cheeks but it felt strangely sticky and crude, almost as if it were made with different ingredients than she was used to. Her fingernails were no longer painted but were clean and well maintained.

A soft *pop* sounded and another woman appeared standing next to Nancy. Her eyes were closed and she wore a similar outfit.

It was Iris.

Without her modern clothing and makeup she looked quite a bit different, but it was definitely her! Iris opened her eyes.


Her eyes widened and her head swiveled around wildly.

"No! No! No!" She screamed.

Nancy watched Iris cautiously as she spun in a circle with terror spread across her face. Her eyes darted along the field and wood-line as she turned. Her dress and apron billowed outward around her.

She pleaded into the sky with tears forming in her eyes, "This isn't- This isn't supposed to- You tricked me!"

Iris began to sob pitifully into her sleeve. Nancy hesitated to intervene. Iris was supposed to be her enemy! She hadn't even bothered to inform Nancy about the last challenge! Nancy's contemplation was short lived, however, as a powerful sense of empathy bloomed inside her and the overwhelming urge to provide comfort and soothe sadness forced her hand.

When Nancy's finger touched Iris' shoulder, she recoiled away and sputtered, "D-Don't touch me, bitch! I don't know you!"

Nancy cocked her head to the side and folded her hands in front of her apron as she stated plainly, "Iris? It's me, Nancy."

Iris sniffled and squinted her bleary eyes, "N-Nancy?" The realization struck her, "Oh god, no!"

Iris frantically ripped off the apron and dress while staggering away, leaving her in a knee length chemise and a lace corset. It gave Nancy a little insight on what she was wearing beneath her own dress.


Iris tossed the dress and apron to the grass and fell to her knees. The tears continued to flow.

Nancy gently stepped towards a sobbing Iris and asked softly, "What's going on, Iris? What are you doing here?"

Iris sniffled into her hands and responded ominously, "She told me I could teach you a lesson...th-that I could change you...that I could make you pay..."

Nancy crouched next to Iris and gulped, almost too afraid to ask her next question, "Who told you that?"

Iris didn't answer. Soft sobs were the only sound she could make.

"Iris, who told you that?" Nancy repeated.

Awkward silence hung between the two women. A light wind blew through the trees and the gentle sounds of nature were all around.

They sat quietly for a minute or more before Iris whispered, "I don't know."

Another nearby *pop* drew their attention to a patch of dead grass. A wood and brass candlestick-style telephone rested in the darkest of the late-afternoon shadows.


The craftsmanship and polished features of the telephone contrasted starkly to its rustic surroundings. Both Iris and Nancy stiffened when they laid eyes on the object. An unshakeable sense of foreboding oozed from it like dirty oil and sent chills cascading across their petite bodies.

They shared a gaze, silently daring the other to investigate further. After a tenuous few seconds, Iris answered the challenge by getting to her feet, wiping her tears, and cautiously approaching the waiting telephone. Nancy stood from her crouch and watched Iris from a distance. The wind seemed to pick up causing Nancy's dress and Iris' chemise to sway in the breeze.

Iris retrieved the telephone unit and lifted the receiver to her ear. There was no chord attached to the base so by all accounts the unit should not have been operational. Nonetheless, Nancy heard the unmistakable hum of an unknown voice speaking into Iris' ear.

Iris waited for a break before whining into the base, "But what am I doing here?" She swiveled her head and examined her surroundings, "I never agreed to this! I'm wearing a fucking dress for godsake!"

The voice responded.

"No! You told me- you told me- no! That is NOT true!" She argued with increasing nervousness and fear in her voice, "Just let me go home and I'll- I'll forget the whole thing ever happened!"

Nancy warily moved to join Iris. Her faded boots crunched along the grass. The wind was howling and she held tightly onto her hat which threatened to fly away. Dark rain clouds had seemingly formed out of nowhere and threatened to unleash a torrent upon the parched field.

"Let me go home!" Iris wailed pitifully into the base, "Please, please, please!"

The voice was harsher and more authoritative in Iris' ear. She sobbed as she listened for a few seconds before muttering, "O-Okay...I- I will..."

She turned to face Nancy with bloodshot, bleary eyes and a look of abject dejection.

"She w-wants to t-talk to you." Iris sobbed.

She held the telephone towards Nancy. It was heavier than it looked and cold to the touch. The weather had really taken a turn and a flash of lightning was followed by booming thunder. Iris swept past Nancy with her head down. She retrieved her discarded dress and worked to return it back onto her body.

Nancy took a deep breath and raised the receiver to her ear before speaking into the brass transmitter with her medium alto, "Who is this?"

The eerily stilted voice of an older woman answered, "That's not important, [i]Ms. Hughes[/i]. I have SO, enjoyed the game you and [i]Ms. Campbell[/i] have been playing.

Nancy ignored the fearful trembling of her hands as she asked, "Are you the one behind all this? What happened to Iris? Why are you still doing this to us?"

The woman took her time responding, "My dear [i]Iris[/i]. So blinded by disdain for you. She did not see the true power she wielded. Now you will both play."

Iris returned next to Nancy wearing her full uniform. She held her white hat firmly on her head as the wind gusted around them. Her face was simultaneously puffy from sobbing and completely drained of color.

Nancy growled into the transmitter, "Let us out of here!"

"Soldiers nearby. Be a good nurse. Make them feel...taken care of. Tend to their...needs..."

Another flash of lightening. A heavy, damp chill permeated the air.

"We aren't playing this game! Let us go or-or else!" Nancy pleaded.

The woman snorted derisively before speaking, "Empty threats and false confidence will get you nowhere. Storm is coming, [i]Ms. Hughes[/i], don't disappoint me."

A downpour started almost immediately as the woman hung up. Iris sprinted into the meadow and Nancy followed behind, dropping the telephone into the grass. The wind whipped their dresses wildly as they dashed together. Nancy had no idea if Iris knew where she was going, but she moved with purpose. Before long, they were both soaking wet and chilled to the bone. Nancy struggled to follow as her legs were shorter and she was much curvier. Her tight undergarments were the only thing keeping her contained and giving her a fighting chance to keep up.

Bursting through a thicket of bushes brought Iris and Nancy to a muddy road. Beside the road was a berm dug into the side of a hill. The rain slowed but continued lightly as they surveyed the area. Canvas tents of various shapes and sizes were arranged in a row and butted up to the berm. Gruff, dirty men filled in around the tents. Many of them wore green uniforms with metal helmets, though there were others in various states of undress. Activities were all over the place including: eating, playing cards, sleeping, shaving, organizing, cooking and talking. One man was even playing a violin. Almost all of them were within arms reach of long rifles fitted with bayonets. Even the men wearing only underwear or less still had their rifles nearby.   


Nancy panicked internally. Why did it have to be soldiers? She knew she couldn't control herself around men of action! She had to focus on keeping herself under control no matter what!

Nancy and Iris shared a glance and wordlessly resigned themselves to approaching the camp. They didn't have much of a choice. Their boots squished into the soft road while the hems of their dresses scraped against the mud. As they neared the tents they noticed that nearly every man they passed stopped what he was doing to stare at them. Many of the filthy men had lust in their eyes. It looked like they hadn't seen a woman in a long while. The girls pressed together defensively when a grinning, shirtless, young man blew a loud wolf whistle in their direction.

He shouted, "Look alive, boys! Couple of floozie's on the make!"

The sounds of excited chatter rose in the camp as more men exited from the tents and lined up to catch a glimpse of the passing nurses. Lewd comments and additional wolf whistles were directed towards them. Iris squished against Nancy fearfully while Nancy found herself enjoying the attention. She hated to admit it, but the toothy smile growing on her face and flushed cheeks left no doubt that male attention was something she relished in. There was no helping it, being surrounded by manly men was too much for her brain to overcome.

Nancy's eyes fixated on several sufficiently masculine specimens in the growing crowd and she felt a familiar fluttering in her chest.

She turned back and flirted to the soldiers while striking a cute pose, "Well, hello, boys! Be sure to come see me if you need a woman's touch!"

Iris whipped Nancy back around and shout-whispered, "What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you trying to get us raped? We're defenseless women in a camp full of horny killers!"

Nancy scoffed, "Oh come on, Iris, I don't think they-"

Her voice cut off as a firm hand squeezed her shoulder. She turned to see a twenty-something man with a thousand-yard-stare. The group of soldiers had tightened around them and Nancy's heart quickened with fear.


"Hey pretty lady, have you ever ridden in a Tin Lizzy before?"

Another hand pulled at her apron.

"I have something that needs attention, nurse."

Iris was dealing with the same thing. She pushed against a handsy soldier and shouted, "Get away from me!"

The crush of humanity around them tightened further. Nancy could smell their unwashed, dirty bodies. Her body froze with fear. The excitement and flirty nature of the situation had completely evaporated. She had never felt so helpless and endangered.

A hand pawed at her breast, "You sure are keen! I bet you're hiding some real big ones under there."

Nancy stuttered weakly, "Please, please don't hurt us."

A smack was delivered to her bum and a lingering hand remained to knead her flesh.

"We ain't gonna hurt ya, nurse! We just wanna get ta know ya!"

Iris screamed in a piercing, high-pitch as a man cinched his hand around her neck. Nancy lost sight of Iris in the sea of men and felt her dress being lifted up to her waist. A thick finger curled between her legs and caressed her slit through her underwear. She tried to struggle against them, but each individual man was stronger than her. Working as a group left Nancy virtually no chance for even the mildest of resistances.

She squeaked, "No, no!"

The original wolf-whistler came into Nancy's vision still wearing his mocking grin. He pulled at the belt of his uniform pants just as Nancy's knees buckled from an unknown force striking the back of her legs. Her knees squished into the wet mud and her vision became nothing but legs. A man behind her palmed the top of her head and flipped it back until the drizzling rain speckled into her bleary eyes. She saw a dozen blurry faces surrounding her, but Nancy was sure she'd be seeing a lot more than just their faces in a matter of seconds.

[b]"ATTEN-TION!!" [/b]

The bodies and hands surrounding and touching Nancy immediately pulled away as the men snapped to attention.

"What is the goddamn [b]HELL[/b] is going on here?" A strict, male voice boomed.

The men were completely silent though Nancy could hear Iris sobbing somewhere nearby. Breaking through the wall of still men was an older looking man in a clean uniform. His face was stoic and displeased though his expression softened when he laid eyes on Nancy who was on her knees, shivering in the cold.


He held his hand down to her and spoke with a softer tone, "Let me help you up, young lady."

Nancy took the man's hand and he yanked her to her feet. She kept her gaze down and shakily smoothed out her filthy dress, not wanting to make eye contact with any of the surrounding soldiers. She saw softening peckers peeking from the uniform pants of the nearby men. She followed the older man slowly through the crowd until they came across Iris who was similarly surrounded. Iris was hugging herself tightly in the fetal position and sobbing into the mud. The top of her dress was torn completely off. The older man crouched down and lifted Iris carefully by her shoulders. Her shoulders and upper arms were exposed to the drizzle as she held the remaining rags of her outfit tightly against her chest.

The man kept his arms around Iris and assisted her towards the tents. Nancy followed behind, glancing back over her shoulder to see a silent forest of motionless men. They were split into two circles that were each several layers deep.

"As you were!" The older man shouted over his shoulder.

The men returned to life and released a communal groan of disappointment. Nancy watched them stare longingly at her rocking hips and bouncing butt as she slinked away. Despite her fear, despite the dreary conditions, Nancy couldn't help but pout with disappointment. She could have serviced a sea of manly soldier cock AND followed what the creepy old broad on the phone wanted her to do!? It would have been her first win!

Nancy shook her head to try and snap herself out of it. She was acting like a wanton whore! That wasn't who she was! She wasn't some gutter slut!

An oscillating tingle formed in her brain. Nancy clutched at her temple as she followed behind Iris and the older man. She squeezed her eyes shut and moaned softly. No siree! Being raped by a squad of men wasn't a fantasy she had at all! No, definitely not! Definitely not a fantasy she couldn't get out of her head. The tingle intensified. Nope, she definitely wasn't considering going back to the group and having every hole she possessed stuffed with desperate, horny erections. Nuh uh! She was a proper lady! The tingle intensified again. A proper lady that preferred degrading, exhibitionist gang-bangs where she cosplays as a cum-rag! The idea of a circle of hungry cocks closing in on her and putting her in her place sent a flare of arousal surging between her legs. She grew a dopey smile as the tingle in her head rewired her sexual preferences and fetishes. Women did nothing for Nancy anymore, she needed men- the nastiest, kinkiest, dirtiest, domineering, masculine, abusive men she could find.

As the tingling slowed, and Nancy's brain tried putting her pieces back together, Iris stopped and started to groan. The older man looked down at her with concern as she clutched at her stomach.

"It-It hurts!" She screamed.

The rags of Iris' dress and apron fell as her focus shifted to her stomach. The top half of her clothing dropped to her waist and bared her corset to the rain. It covered all the way from her waist to her breasts. She desperately pulled at the corset while wincing in pain. Her struggle was unsuccessful and the pain only appeared to be intensifying. She screamed once again and wailed into the sky, pulling listlessly at her tight corset.

She screamed, "Help me! I can't take it anymore!"

Recognizing the problem, the older man procured a knife from a large pocket on his uniform jacket. He cut into the corset and slid his knife down the side until it snapped off. Iris took a heavy breath as the destroyed corset dropped to the ground. Her tits gushed out alongside a heavily pregnant belly. Her eyes widened with surprise and fear as her hands shakily investigated her protruding belly.


"What the-" She gasped.

The man spoke gruffly as he returned the knife to his pocket, "You two should know better than to walk alone through camp like that," He nodded towards Iris, "Especially given your condition, miss."

Nancy wasn't listening to the man as her mind was back with the soldiers. Every kinky scenario she could dream up ran through her mind like an exhibitionist, gang-bang porno playlist. Her soaking wet, frozen body had become hot and highly aroused. She squirmed with horny energy and considered ripping her dress off and running back. Iris, meanwhile, was completely frozen with shock at her pregnant body. She didn't even move to cover herself as she stood half-naked in the camp.

The man sighed and spoke towards Nancy, "There's a reason you women are required to stay in the nursing tent. I better not catch you wandering in the camp and riling up the men again. If you do, I'll let them do whatever they want and you'll end up knocked up like your friend here."

Nancy's sexual fantasies twisted with thoughts of creampies and impregnation. She giggled and squirmed once again as a new wave of energy rushed through her. Meanwhile, Iris' fingers caressed her belly as fresh tears streaked down her cheeks.

The man shook his head and muttered to himself as he walked away, "Crazy broads...Can't even vote, shouldn't be here to begin with. Too dumb and emotional..."

Energy crackled in the air and struck both women, heralding darkness.



1841 Part 1


1950 Part 2