Part 12
Ox awoke to the sound of clacking heels and panting breaths. He sprang out of his bedroll and reflexively hefted [i]Tempest[/i], pointing it towards the threat. Standing in a blaze of torch light was Eadric. Ox lowered his axe and watched the elf with curiosity. She scurried across the floor, to her corner of the room, and began packing her items. Ox couldn't see her face because of her mask, but he could see she was shaking. Something had frightened her.
"Are you okay, Eadric?" Ox called, his deep voice echoing in the small, stone room.
Eadric stopped her furious packing and stared at him. Ox still couldn't believe this lithe elf in a dress was once his fearless leader.
"E-Everything is...o-okay..." She stammered before shifting her attention away.
And what was she supposed to say to her former ally? 'Oh hey, Ox, ol' buddy ol' pal! Just by the way: your new friend, T, is actually an elven zealot that used a shiny hat to turn me into a woman; and now he's trying to transform me into an ancient goddess! No biggie!'
Ox would NEVER believe a word she said, especially if it was something so outlandish. She would have to find a way out of this mess without her party's knowledge. As there was no going back, Eadric knew she would have to face whatever remained in this place. She checked down at her body. It wasn't as if the temple could really change her much more, right?
Breaking her concentration was Twinkle who emerged stomping from the threshold. His bright eyes and elven features were twisted in a scowl.
"Where did you go?" Gus asked in a gruff yawn as he roused from his bedroll. His cat-like eyes shined in the dimly lit room.
Twinkle swept his manly hands through his short, blonde hair and offered a squeaky reply, "I thought I heard something down below so I went to check it out. I came back when I heard a commotion here at the camp." Twinkle turned his attention to Eadric, who averted her gaze, before continuing, "I'll assume the ruckus was from the frightened, elven maiden here?"
"Indeed it was." Ox said nodding his head, "I don't like being woken up by elven [b]sluts[/b], but it's about time we moved out anyway."
Eadric's shoulders sagged and she felt tears welling in her eyes as her former friend insulted her like she wasn't standing there. She finished loading her pack and pulled it around her shoulders. She could hardly stay on her feet with the heavy gear weighing her down, but she was determined to make it to the finish line.
Eadric noticed something on her finger.
Not again!
The pink gemstone ring glowed brightly and Eadric's hands shot up to her head. A thumping pain quivered inside her skull and sent waves of dull agony surging through the rest of her body. Through bleary eyes, she glanced over at Twinkle who was in visible pain as well. He took measured breaths and clutched at his temples. Luckily, Gus and Ox were too preoccupied with their packing that they didn't notice Twinkle and Eadric were in pain.
Eadric took a deep, relieved breath as the pain began to subside. The mysterious pink gemstone ring dissipated once again. She looked around the room and saw Twinkle was doing the same. Eadric didn't notice anything physically different about either herself or Eadric. She was not naïve enough to believe the ring hadn't changed anything, but could not immediately diagnose it.
Gus and Ox seemed satisfied with Twinkle's description of his absence and prepared to leave. The boys chit chatted with one another but it was clear they were ready to move on. The party made for the staircase and descended. Eadric trailed behind with her head down, playing the subservient elf for the time being.
When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Eadric saw the room was the same as before. The stone bowl sat in the center of the small room and a tiny pile of rusted debris was stacked next to it. A circle of elven script surrounded the bowl.
Ox bent down to examine the bowl before asking, "What does it say, T?"
Twinkle stepped forward and looked down at the runes. He rubbed his eyes and looked again.
"I have no idea." He squeaked.
Gus groaned, "What do you mean 'I have no idea'?"
Twinkle put his palms in the air and sounded frustrated, "Do I look like a fucking elf to you?"
The party stopped. All three turned their attention to Eadric who was standing off to the side, focused almost entirely on remaining upright with the heavy weight on her shoulders. She shifted uncomfortably on her heeled boots.
Ox barked at her, "Come here."
Eadric bowed her head and obeyed. She shuffled forward and looked down at the script surrounding the bowl, hoping the exercise would be futile. No self respecting human could ever read that! But as she examined the letters, the frilly script was immediately recognizable.
A sinking feeling gnawed at her stomach and the color drained from her face. While she wasn't surprised at her new ability, the realization that she was truly transforming into a worthless, savage [b]elf[/b] was difficult to swallow.
The fur clad warrior towered over the young maiden and his voice was a deep, cold and rumbling command, "Translate it."
Eadric fidgeted with her dress. She had never been in this position before. She was no longer the one making demands and she no longer intimidated others with size and strength. Now she was the one being intimidated. She was the person being bullied, pushed around and pressured. She was the quivering female too afraid to say 'no'.
Eadric couldn't possibly stand up to Ox who was directly in her personal space. His strong, powerful aura pushed down on her like a palpable force. She hunched over the circle and shifted her head around the bowl, silently reading the words.
"Well?" Gus chimed in.
Eadric sighed as she reported in her ill-fitting, deep voice, "Each shall describe the characteristic of a sexual partner they most enjoy. The flames will do the rest."
Ox bellowed while stepping forward, "I'll start! I like a bitch with a tiny waist, a giant ass, and hips that were made for birthin'. She needs to have a figure that lets you know she's all woman and she knows it!"
Within the stone bowl a red flame appeared. It expanded and filled the bowl without any kindling or fuel. Each companion shifted away from the flame nervously. They were unsure exactly what was about to happen.
The fire swirled around itself then shot out of the bowl like a bullet towards Eadric. The red flame wrapped like a hot cord around her waist. The pack on Eadric's shoulders crashed to the floor and she let out a frightened yelp.
She tried desperately to pull the cord away only to find the swirling fire held tightened significantly and wouldn't budge.
"H-help me!" Eadric pleaded to her companions as warmth seeped into her lower body.
Gus began stepping towards her with a concerned look but he was stopped short by both Ox and Twinkle.
They weren't going to do anything!
Eadric looked down to see the lower part of her dress had burnt up in the flame. While the fire mostly concealed her pussy, she was sure glimpses of it were being flashed to the boys. If Ox and Gus didn't already know she was a woman, they sure did now!
The cord latched to the skin of Eadric's lower body and she could feel the heat shifting and changing the structure of her body. She was being modelled like clay! The first major change occurred in her stomach which cinched inward significantly. She took a sharp breath while her ribcage shortened and thinned. Her guts also diminished and shifted slightly to fit inside their smaller container. The result was a very thin waist with no muscle definition whatsoever. Her skin was also perfectly smooth and hairless!
In response to the reduction in her waist, Eadrics hips shifted and jutted outwards. Her pubic bone was visible, wide and reformed to become oval shaped. Layers of fat gushed into her hips, ass and thighs. Her miniscule waist made her hips and butt even more prounced. The fire faded as the finishing touches applied and her already broad hips took one more opportunity to widen. She slapped her delicate hands down and felt her new, meaty lower body. These motherly hips with their oval shape and overall size were made for one thing only and anybody that laid eyes on her would probably guess she'd birthed at least a few babies.
Nestled beneath her hips and newly thickened thighs was her hairless slit which perfectly completed the picture.
Eadric adjusted her mask with one hand and covered her sex with the other. She was relieved that her embarrassed face was covered by the mask. Her halfway burned dress was still obscuring her upper body as well. The hand on her vagina, however, did very little to keep her creamy hips and ass from prying eyes.
"What the fuck! I thought you were just a girly dude! I didn't know you had an actual [b]cunt[/b]!" Ox yelled exasperated, "I call first dibs on that tight cock-holster!"
Eadric felt her cheeks beginning to flush. She had become frozen in place and didn't know what do do! Should she run back up the stairs? Should she withdraw her dagger and threaten Ox to change her back?
While Eadric collected her thoughts, Gus stared at her and yelled, "I like big, fat tits. The kind of milkers you can bury your face or cock in with thick nipples you can suck on for hours! I'm talking boobs so gigantic that they jiggle with even the smallest movement but somehow stay perky and high on the chest. So heavy and cumbersome that the bitch wearing them can't help but complain about back pain and can't do even the most mundane physical task without annoyance and struggle."
"No- Gus- Please!" Eadric pleaded as the red flame began growing in the bowl once more.
Eadric reached down to grab her fallen pack and she struggled to hoist it up onto her shoulders. Maybe she just needed to get back up the stairs and the boys would realize they didn't need to-
The fire wrapped around Eadric's chest and she dropped the pack once again. Flame engulfed the top of her dress and it disintegrated into ash leaving her slim upper body uncovered. The blazing cord went to work on Eadric's chest. A hot, pulling sensation began to slowly draw out her skin. As the skin was pulled forward, the area behind it filled with fat. Her areola expanded as her tits pushed out. Every passing second saw the weight on her back increasing and Eadric soon found herself straining against the weight of her own breasts. Her areola continued to thicken until it was clear that her nipples were anything but masculine. Just her juicy nipples alone screamed 'female', but the size and visible heft of her tits left no doubt.
No matter how many layers of clothing she tried to cover these puppies with, there was no way to hide them! They were huge and extremely heavy! Eadric shifted her shoulders ever-so-slightly and saw her heaving tits begin to jiggle and sway. She couldn't imagine trying to run or even walk with these specimens of femininity attached to her!
The only clothing Eadric had left was her mask and her heeled boots which had become even smaller and higher heeled! Her feet were petite, dainty and strapped into high heels.
Even with the heels, she was significantly tinier than Ox who was now the shortest of the three.
Eadric placed one hand over her vagina and one over her nipples. She turned away from the party who were each staring at her with lust in their eyes. She knew her naked, bubble butt was facing them, but somehow facing away felt less embarrassing!
Ox chuckled and shouted over to Eadric, "Hey, shake your titties for us, slut!"
Gus and Twinkle both offered an excited endorsement. Eadric kept her back turned and wished she could disappear. Her dense, supple tit flesh squished beneath her arm and she peered over to the staircase. She could make a break for it. She just. Had. To. Move! But she couldn't budge, Her body was too mortified!
Twinkle cleared his throat and squeaked, "I would have said breasts, but since they're already perfect...I lust for a slut with a face of pure elven innocence. She has to have all the typical features of an elvish slave: long, shiny hair; kissable lips; high-pitched, squeaky voice and bright, naive eyes. Of course, makeup would be a must as she'd want to look sexy for her human masters!"
Eadric made a break for the staircase and immediately fell to the stone floor. The combination of the heels and her new, unfamiliar proportions threw her center of balance completely out of whack. She landed on soft breast tissue and her nipples rubbed against the cold floor. She pushed herself to her hands and knees with her bare pussy and asshole facing the boys. She jerked her head backwards to ensure the party was keeping a distance. The jerking motion sent her tits shaking back and forth enticingly while her nipples hardened and poked out.
Her face began to feel hot as a red flame wrapped around. Her executioners mask caught fire and burned to ash before her eyes. The final piece of her former identity was gone. There was nothing about her anymore that told the world she was Eadric Strongfellow. Her face was exposed for the first time in years! The encircling flame extended a tendril to Twinkle. It wrapped around his head and there was an undulating cord of heat connecting them.
Eadric knew her face was shifting and changing. She couldn't see what was happening, but certainly noticed when her hair lengthened. It tickled her naked body as it dipped farther and farther. Not only that, it lightened to a shiny blonde! It had a natural curliness and snaked to her mid back.
An irritation in Eadric eyes caused her to reach up and rub them with her delicate fingers. She looked down at her hand and saw her nails were long and fake! They were the kind of nails worn by a woman seeking male attention.
Was it possible that her hands were even daintier? Certainly the nails made them look fragile and weak. These hands were beyond the concept of 'never having done manual labor'; these hands looked like they were proficient and useful in cock handling only. Anything else would probably be too much for them to handle.
She could feel her face shifting and changing under the heat of the flame. One tendril surrounded her neck and absorbed her Adam's apple as it rewired her voice box. It tightened again and her neck slimmed down. When it was finally over and the fire dissipated, Eadric looked over her shoulder towards Twinkle.
She tossed her silky, blonde hair to the side and gasped. Twinkle's face was completely changed! His blond hair had become dark. His bright, elven eyes had dulled, darkened and glazed over. His thin, slight, rounded elven facial features had widened, squared off and calloused over. His Adam's apple was prominent beneath his beard and his nose was wide. He had become a mountain of a man with heavy muscle and an intimidating bulk. He hefted a long, two handed sword.
Then he pulled down a black executioners mask.