Part 11

Eadric awoke. He sat up fervently and glanced around the room. Ox and Gus snored loudly in opposite corners while Twinkle sat slumped against the wall. The central fire flickered softly.

Twinkle was asleep. That rat! He was supposed to be on watch!

Eadric grumbled. He knew Twinkle couldn't be trusted. He just needed to show his friends that. The first thing Eadric had to do was get back into the good graces of the party by proving his worth. He peered one more time at his sleeping companions as he collected his dagger and took a quick bite of some dried fruit. He was heading to the next level, by himself, to defeat whatever trial it possessed.

Eadric pulled up his boots, trying to ignore that they were even tinier than the night before. The heel on them was a little bit taller as well. He tiptoed around the fire and secured one of the extinguished torches. Eadric lit it in the central fire before descending the dark staircase. He slowly negotiated the stair while holding his dagger and torch aloft. The torch felt much larger in his girly hands which he just noticed had long, clean nails! Now his hands were clean, soft and dainty. His hands didn't just look like they'd never swung a sword, they looked like they'd never done any type of manual labor whatsoever.

Eadric pressed on until he noticed a doorway open up below him. He took a deep breath before passing the threshold. Whatever awaited him ahead...he had to face it confidently!

His torch illuminated a small square room with a stone bowl in the middle. In a circle, around the bowl, was elven script that Eadric, thankfully, still couldn't read. Although, it would certainly have been helpful for him to know what needed to be done. Eadric examined the bowl closer. It was just a plain stone bowl, there was no discernable information Eadric could glean from it.

"You won't be able to activate the room without everybody here." Twinkle's voice squeaked through the darkness, causing Eadric's heart to leap with surprise.

Eadric turned to face Twinkle. His slight, elven facial features were mostly hidden by his beard which had become rather thick. His round, human ears and short, blonde hair framed his face well. Light from Eadric's torch flickered along Twinkle's masculine, hairy and muscled body. His slave tattoos were still uncovered on his shoulder while his hands and feet were large and hairy. He was taller than Eadric even with Eadric wearing heeled shoes!

Twinkle looked like an average human man with few irregularities.

"How would you know that?" Eadric hissed, trying to keep his voice down.

"The temple knows we have four members in our party. It won't let us advance without everybody." Twinkle replied. He walked towards Eadric who took a step back.

Eadric raised his dagger threateningly towards Twinkle, "You aren't from the guild, are you [i]elf[/i]?"

Twinkle stopped and shook his head, "I managed to intercept your guild slave before he reached the temple. While the mission is guild approved, I am not."

Eadric kept the dagger raised and pointed to his ears as he yelled, "Why are you doing this to me?"

Twinkle shushed Eadric and glanced over his shoulder before whispering, "Keep your voice down, we don't want those two [i]oafs[/i] overhearing us. [b]I[/b] was supposed to be the one to transform...but for some reason the goddess has chosen you."

Eadric's arm was shaking, fatigued from holding the light dagger aloft. A bead of sweat trailed down his neck. He brushed his long hair from his face.

"You'd better start explaining yourself now or I'll wake up Ox and Gus and tell them everything." Eadric threatened, keeping his voice low.

Twinkle sighed, "Not that you could convince those two racists of anything at this point, but I believe it's time I let you know what's really going on. The artifact your human guild has tasked you with contains the soul of the goddess Ashaya. Her spirit lives within these walls. As we speak, the temple is working to turn your body into a vessel for her power."

Eadric's dagger faltered, his face twitched beneath his mask, "What would the guild want with something like that?"

Twinkle responded, "The goddesses power is vast. Your human guild seeks to snuff it out. They're afraid that humanity's reign of terror will be in jeopardy if Ashaya's avatar is unleashed."

Eadric lowered his weapon, "A-Ashaya's avatar?"

"You." Twinkle replied.

"Oh what," Eadric scoffed, "You expect me to become some elven goddess and rid the world of slavery?"


"Why would you even care at this point? Anybody looking at you would think you're a human yourself." Eadric asked skeptically.

Twinkle's gaze lowered, "I will admit," He started, "I've had some...worrying thoughts and feelings that have only strengthened and intensified with each change..."

His eyes glazed over and he froze for a few seconds. Twinkle shook his head, prompting his clarity to return.

He continued with panic in his voice, "The growing humanity in me is beginning to take over like a disease- infecting my body with hatred and lust for control. Each change is like another injection. What i'm saying is...should I lose my need to carry on yourself- to become Ashaya's avatar and use her power to reorganize the world."

Eadric sheathed his dagger and took a deep, panicked breath. Twinkle gave him a second to collect his thoughts.

"I can't do this." Eadric muttered.

"You must." Twinkle replied.

Twinkle pulled at item from a small bag he carried. It was some sort of jeweled tiara. It looked ancient and beautiful; dark red gems and gold gleamed in the light of the torch.

Twinkle's eyes lit up and he cradled the headdress like a baby, "The crown of the goddess Ashaya. Don this and you'll gain the Goddesses wisdom."

Eadric hesitated.

Twinkle stepped forward slowly while raising the glimmering headdress aloft, "Allow me to assist you, Goddess."

Eadric felt awkward and cringed at being called 'Goddess', but he didn't move as Twinkle neared. Perhaps the wisdom of a god would be beneficial to possess. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? Twinkle turns out to be as crazy as he sounds? At least Eadric would get an expensive looking piece of treasure in that case.

Twinkle lowered the headdress over Eadric's hair and secured it around his long, elven ears. The large, red jewel hung on Eadric's forehead.

Twinkle stepped back and watched with wide eyes.

The headdress began to glow softly with faint, red light. Eadric expected to feel a tingle in his head with a rush of ancient wisdom. He closed his eyes, preparing for and influx of knowledge.

Instead, a sucking, undulating knot formed between Eadric's legs.

"W-what did you do?" Eadric managed to gasp out while pulling at the glowing headdress.

"You wouldn't have agreed to it otherwise, Goddess, I'm sorry." Twinkle replied while stepping back.

The headdress wouldn't budge as Eadric ripped at it frantically. It was as if the gold and jewels were a second layer of skin. The glow intensified. The sucking knot pulled even tighter. Eadric grunted and desperately reached under his dress, certain that there would be some sort of open, gushing wound or a distended, gruesome deformity. He pinched his tiny cock between two fingers and felt it receding up into his pelvis.

"N-no! Please!" Eadric shouted as the realization of what was happening struck him.

Eadric's cock slipped from between his fingers and disappeared into their body. Directly after, the shriveled remains of their balls followed suit. The light from the headdress increased in intensity once more. The room was bathed in shining red light. The sucking in Eadric's groin became almost unbearable and they slouched against the nearby wall. Their fingers pulled at their smooth flesh, trying to find any remnants of their lost appendage.

Their probing fingers stopped on a long, fleshy slit which had suddenly opened. It was situated below the area her penis had once hung and her new genitals were much closer to her asshole now. Eadric's fingers rubbed against her blossoming feminine folds as her vagina deepened. Her labia formed and thickened while a fleshy pearl coalesced and nestled itself above the opening. The undulating mass above her new genitals split into three distinct knots. Two of the knots tightened into egg-filled ovaries which situated themselves opposite one another, above her pelvis. The central knot widened and expanded into her uterus.

Eadric's womanly fingers explored her new vaginal walls. She was still searching in vain for a manly rod that clearly no longer existed. There was no sign of masculinity between her moist, warm lips. At this point, the only way she would ever find a penis or balls between her legs was if a man put his there himself.

The light from the headdress faded. It rusted and crumbled to the floor, breaking into hundreds of pieces.

Twinkle grunted, shut his eyes and displaced his loincloth. HIs medium, hairy cock started to lengthen and thicken. When Twinkle opened his eyes again, they were glazed over. He grew a smug grin and stared at Eadric with lust. Eadric seemed unaware. Her hand was busy searching and exploring the new slit beneath her dress.

Twinkle spoke while crudely jostling his junk. His squeaky tone was aggressive and mocking, "Hey, [i]elf cunt[/i], save some of that slave pussy for my big, human cock!"

Twinkle surged towards Eadric and grabbed her roughly by the shoulders. Eadric gasped in surprise and tried to push him away. She was quickly and savagely overpowered by Twinkle's vastly superior strength.

Twinkle's eyes suddenly cleared and he released Eadric. His body was shaking and his expression became fearful.

"I-I'm sorry, Goddess." Twinkle sputtered.

Eadric dropped her dress back down and made a bee-line for the stairs. Her heeled boots clicked along the stone floor. She had to get away from this lunatic! There was no jiggling or jostling between her legs anymore and her thighs rubbed together strangely. She sprinted up the stairs, fighting against her dress, until she was safely back in camp. She panted heavily and turned to face the dark staircase.


Part 12


Part 10