Elves Win - One Year Later

[u]Elves Win: One Year Later:[/u]

Ashaya gracefully stepped across the battlefield flanked by her intrepid general and her most favored Ava. General Vranak held his long, silver sword which shimmered ominously with human blood. Ava Kantl's twin blades were similarly coated, but his weapons floated around him defensively; Ashaya's gifted magic keeping them aloft.

Dead soldiers were piled around her and the stench of decay hung heavily. Each living elf she passed, no matter how weary or injured they were, bowed low in her presence. Ashaya outwardly paid them no mind, but secretly relished their submission. She made her way to an encirclement of her elite, royal guards. These warriors were covered in gore and were quick to kneel as Ashaya approached.

Within the circle was a defeated mess of a man. Blood dripped down his dark, wily beard and onto his heavy, damaged, steel armor. He turned his dark eyes to Ashaya as the circle opened to allow her entry.

The man coughed deeply, then spit a bloody glob to the floor, before grunting in his guttural, human language, "Come to surrender?"

Ashaya reached her hands down to gently caress the dying man's strong jaw.

He violently jerked his head away and spat, "Don't defile me with your foul magic, [i]she witch[/i]! If you're here to kill me, just get it over with!"

Ashaya withdrew her hands and folded them below her belly before speaking in the clunky, human language, "Governor Orraj, I'm delighted to finally meet you face to face." She peered around the battlefield with her bright, innocent eyes, "Your men fought well."

He scoffed before looking up at her with contempt, "I used to think somebody would stop you. We all did, I suppose. Guess we were wrong." Governor Orraj sighed, "At least I got to see your famous tits before I died."

Ashaya giggled, then pulled her armor to the side revealing her magnificent breasts.

She pushed her chest forward before releasing a high-pitched, breathy sigh, "Well I would hate to disappoint!"

Governor Orraj held his breath as he stared, wide-eyed, at her heaving tits. He shifted as his manly bulge pressed uncomfortably into his greaves.

When she replaced her armor, the Governorlaughed, "Almost makes it all worth it." He stared up at her curiously, "So why DID you keep me alive? Do you plan to enact some sort of twisted revenge for my part in all this?"

Ashaya tossed her hair back and responded through full, painted lips, "Despite yourself, Governor, I was told by your former slaves that you know your way around the female body. I need to replenish my- well, let's just say I need to bed an [i]experienced[/i] man. If you impress me, I may even let you live."

A look of confusion crossed Governor Orraj's face, "You want ME to do something for YOU? First, you and your [i]ilk[/i] come to my land, uninvited and without provocation. Second, you proceed to slaughter my men, decimate my city and destroy my way of life. Then, finally, you have the GALL to ask ME for something? You can shove any request up your fat, whore ass. You may as well just kill me now, slave [i]bitch[/i]!"

Ashaya twirled her hand and her clothing melted away. Governorl Orraj's eyes ran up and down Ashaya's hyper-feminine proportions lustfully. She procured a worn, metal slave collar which she secured tightly around her smooth neck. She burned a common elven prostitute tattoo on her left shoulder. Ashaya sunk to her hands and knees. She crawled and slinked through the mud towards her aroused captive. Governor Orraj's armor disappeared and his erect, hairy cock stood at attention. He was lifted onto his feet and his body instantly became clean and clothed in expensive finery. Ashaya's naked body was coated in dirt and filth. She sat on her cushioned ass, in the cold muck, before the regal human. She opened her legs, exposing her puffy labia.

She bit her painted lip and squeaked while parting her pussy lips, "Please, Master, I need you to fuck my slutty, slave pussy!"

His eyes were wide as saucer's as he descended on Ashaya like a hungry dog. Ashaya's royal guard closed their ranks and shielded her from view. Her moans and screams echoed across the battlefield as the Governor's famous cock drilled her like an animal. He flipped her onto all fours and savagely fucked her doggystyle.

Power rippled through Ashaya as Governor Orraj withered away with each thrust. His muscles deflated while his brain turned to mush. He tried to stop himself, but it was far too late. He was little more than skin and bones when the light finally left his body and he went limp.

Ashaya drank in his vitality but stood up disappointed. The mud and dirt stuck to her body like glue. Governor Orraj had barely lasted more than a minute! He wasn't nearly as skilled as his former slaves reported! Ashaya cleaned her body and removed the slave markings with a flick of her wrist. She replaced her armor and sighed. Ashaya turned and began walking away from the shriveled corpse of the once proud Governor Orraj.

Goddess Ashaya floated across the battlefield, flanked by her royal guards, her most loyal general and her most favored Ava. She moved towards the last remaining human capital, determined to deliver the knockout blow. She was to lead the new world as an all powerful empress. There was nothing that the pitiful humans could do to stop her now. She just had to maintain a steady flow of male captives to keep her going.

Deep inside Ashaya's mind: a shy, tiny, elf whore named Twinkle and a stoic, human adventurer named Eadric silently and powerlessly watched as events unfolded before them. Empress Ashaya would never let their voices be heard again.

Empress Ashaya ruled her beautiful, new, elvish world with grace, poise and a terrible, unquestioned iron fist.


Elves Lose


Elves Win