Elves Lose

[u]Elves Lose:[/u]

Twinkle crept into the room and heard a deep, wet coughing sound. She saw her companions standing next to one another near a glowing, stone altar. Blood trickled from wounds along their bodies. Gus was leaning heavily against the wall with his greatbow dangling weakly from his hand. Ox rested on [i]Tempest[/i] which dripped a river of crimson. Eadric stood proudly in front of the glowing altar. He took deep, labored breaths and his long, muscled arms held [i]Blightsteel[/i] aloft. His thick beard had lengthened considerably and was now a proper, respectable length.

Dozens of dismembered, arrow riddled elven corpses were strewn all over and dark blood dripped along the walls. Twinkle was relieved women weren't expect to fight, the battle must have been extremely fierce!

She felt like singing; they had won! Twinkle KNEW they were the best warriors ever! Her careful, silent steps quickened into an gleeful, shuffle-like jog. She was sure to avoid stepping on any undead as she moved. Her huge, feminine assets jiggled uncontrollably, and prevented her from running gracefully. Her motherly hips swayed sensually and her long, braided, cum-stained hair whipped back and forth. Twinkle's painted lips opened into a grin as her bare feet slapped lightly towards her masters.

She approached the altar and stopped. The smile on her face faltered as Eadric stepped in front of her. She could see his dark, glazed over eyes stare at her with contempt. Ox and Gus barely stirred but Twinkle could hear their heavy breathing.

Eadric dropped his sword with a loud *clang* and clutched at his temples. He clenched his eyes shut and shook his head as if trying to clear out cobwebs. Ox stood upright, with a pained grunt, and lifted his eyes to check on his leader. it was unlike Eadric to drop his sword. Ox's gaze found Twinkle and he shot her a disdainful sneer.

Eadric's clenched eyes flared open. They were dark but clear. He turned towards the altar and stomped towards it fervently. His heavy armor clanged around him with each quick step. Gus turned his curious attention to Eadric, but he made no attempt to impede his leaders movements. Eadric reached down and collected a lightly glowing tiara from the altar.

Twinkle felt power emanating from the trinket. It was beautiful and looked like it would fit her head perfectly. She fidgeted with her slave collar and sighed, she would never be allowed to wear something expensive like that!

Eadric cradled the trinket and stared at it with wide, caring eyes.

He took a few steps towards Twinkle before stopping in his tracks when Ox addressed him in a deep rumble, "You good, [b]Boss[/b]? We found what the guild wanted us to, now let's get the fuck out of here!"

Eadric shut his eyes and shook his head. He took quick, gasping breaths. It looked like he was having trouble forcing himself to step forward.

"Yeah, [b]Boss.[/b]" Gus stated while stepping away from the wall, "I'm ready to collect the reward and never come back to this god forsaken shit-hole."

Eadric winced. Something about being called "boss" bothered him for some reason. Twinkle stood just a few feet away and watched as Eadric's strong jaw became wider and even more chiseled beneath his mask. His neck thickened and his shoulders broadened. Meanwhile, Twinkle's eyes fluttered as layers of makeup applied to her face. Her lashes grew long and thick, her puffy lips shined and her cheeks were artificially rosy. She could physically feel the makeup laying on her face. A small tingle in her brain made her comfortable with thick makeup and changed her preferences so she always painted herself like a slut. A momentary stinging in her ears prompted her to reach up with her hand. She touched a series of tradtional silver rings that now decorated her pointy ears. These were generally worn by elven prostitutes to help bring attention to themselves and attract a male gaze.

Eadric opened his dark eyes and looked down at Twinkle. She watched them slowly glaze over.

His contemptful stare returned and he shoved the tiara into an opening in his armor. There were no traces of the original elf remaining. He grew a sly smile.

"Turn around and grab your ankles, whore." Eadric ordered.

Twinkle immediately did as instructed. She turned and bent at the waist, grabbing her ankles with surprising flexibility. She stuck her ass and pussy towards the party. Eadric approached and removed his gauntlets.

"Can't this wait until we're out of here?" Gus asked.

Eadric shook his head, "No, she has to pay for her pathetic ancestors [b]NOW[/b]. I counted forty 'warriors', and I use that word lightly. Forty spanks ought to educate our sap-sucking mule about human superiority."

Ox declared with an excited grin, "I agree, beat that slut's fat ass, Boss!"

Twinkle gulped but didn't dare move a muscle. Eadric's gauntlets dropped to the floor with a loud *Thud*. He stood perpendicular to Twinkle and fished into her long, blonde hair. He grabbed the back of her slave collar tightly. He held it in place with an iron grip. The collar dug into her smooth neck and constricted her wind pipe.

Eadric gently caressed Twinkle's presented ass and gave her a few playful swats. His light touch quickly turned to perverted fondling and his calloused fingers squeezed and dug into her soft fat. His coarse, dominating aggression was perfectly contrary to her smooth, submissive passiveness. Twinkle's pussy twitched with growing arousal at Eadric's touch. Her body craved and responded positively to male attention. She'd been taught since birth that male approval was all that mattered and achieving it was her ultimate purpose in life. Every minute of every day, every lesson, life experience and memory she could recall cemented her identity as a sexual object that human men could manipulate and abuse as they willed. She was a commodity whose self worth was derived entirely from the opinion of her abusers.

Twinkle's massive jugs swung heavily towards the floor and her nipples hardened like pink diamonds. Eadric's probing hand delivered the first spank which echoed along the walls with a reverberating, fleshy *SMACK*. Twinkle winced and sputtered around the collar which still choked her. Her tits flopped around as a second hard *SMACK* burst from her jiggling flesh. The twitching in her horny slit increased and turned to cool wetness nestled between her thighs.

Eadric proceeded to deliver a steady stream of firm, open hand blows to Twinkle's plump, naked rear. Her skin turned red and a stinging pain increased in intensity with each echoing *SMACK*.

Halfway through, Twinkle's legs were shaking and her kitty dripped like a waterfall. She was breathing heavily and choked out a moan each time Eadric struck her. The combination of choking and corporal punishment from a domineering, male abuser were pushing Twinkle's buttons.

He suddenly stopped spanking. Twinkle shook her hips enticingly and craned her neck to shoot Eadric a begging glance. Her heavily made-up, innocent, rounded, elven face found Eadric's glazed over, dark eyes. As soon as they made eye contact, Eadric ripped Twinkle to the ground by her collar. She sputtered a guttural choking sound as she landed hard on her gargantuan breasts. He descended onto her instantly and delivered several hard blows in quick succession. Twinkle screamed in her squeaky, high pitch as the stinging pain in her ass increased.

"P-please Master!" Twinkle screamed into the stone, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!"

Eadric ceased and looked down at her beat red behind. While Twinkle sobbed into the floor, Eadric could see her dripping snatch showed no signs of slowing down. The bitch was in heat!

He traced his finger gently across Twinkle's sopping labia. Her legs shook uncontrollably and Eadric watched her vagina tighten and relax over and over as if she were doing a series of Kegels. Eadirc's cock began to stir at the sight of Twinkle's hungry womanhood. She was craving a good, hard fuck!

Eadric spoke down, "I think you've learned your lesson, girl. Why don't you beg for my cock like the horny slave you are?"

Twinkle shook her hips once again and pushed her moist, throbbing slit towards the party as she squeaked out a heavy moan, "Oooh, Master! I'm just a ditzy slave girl! I NEED your big, human cock to tame my savage elven cunt! Please, Master, domesticate me!!"

As she begged, more of Twinkle's past altered and changed. Years of positive reinforcement of femininity built upon years of harsh, painful and negative reinforcement of masculinity. She recalled one instance where she was punished severely for "Sitting like a boy" with her legs open. Since that painful lesson, Twinkle was quick to adopt the proper, womanly way to sit with her legs crossed. Another time she was tricked by a young man into believing it was acceptable to stand while urinating. She found it was a little messy, but better than having to crouch. When her master discovered what she was doing, he threw her into the latrine and made her stay there for almost a full day. Afterwards, he threatened to keep her there unless she started acting "properly". It was burned into Twinkle's psyche how she "Ought to act". Every aspect of Twinkle's intrinsic thought process and baseline behavior morphed into the mold of a hyperfeminine girly girl. Her swaying walk, overly gesticulated hand movements, submissive conversational patterns, comfort level around other women and their similar, shared experiences, her inability and difficulty relating to men and their dissimilar experiences, and much more overwhelmed her brain and burrowed deep.

"One messy creampie coming right up!" Eadric joked. He glanced over his shoulder and addressed his companions, "Just paint her up again, boys, I want her looking exactly like she should when we meet with the guild representative."

Excitedly, Ox and Gus surged forward, their injuries seemingly forgotten. It appeared like the party's enhanced manliness gave them impeccable recovery time.

Twinkle squealed with glee when Eadric slapped his hands onto her hips and she felt his hard manhood probing her snatch.

When his first thrust penetrated her, and she moaned into the stone, Twinkle's already large tits fattened up yet again. They were impossible to miss and absolutely dominated her small frame. They were the first thing anybody would notice about her. Nobody would ever take her seriously with the mountains of flesh hanging from her chest!

Eadric picked up the pace. Twinkle bounced onto her newly enhanced bust, squealing girlishly at the rough hammering her sloshing cunt was receiving.

The other sweaty, bloody, dirty companions quickly descended on her and began fucking her with virtually no respect or concern for her well-being. They clearly didn't give a shit about Twinkle's pleasure and it showed.

Eadric's rough hands dug painfully into her hips, Gus' grip tightened around her collared neck and Ox smacked, squeezed and kneaded her gargantuan tits like a madman.

A dopey grin stretched across Twinkle's face. She was finally beginning to feel like a contributing member of the party! She wasn't smart or strong or heroic like the boys; and, sure, maybe she didn't possess any talent for adventuring, fighting or generally being a hero like the boys...but, she was an eager cock holster and the only living being in the temple with the warm, wet folds of a vagina. If the REAL heroes could use and abuse her slutty body for sexual relief she would happily open her legs wide and BEG them to use and abuse away.

As her aroused moans echoed through the room, and across the bodies of her dead ancestors, It struck Twinkle that her life would be like this forever: on the filthy floor, crushed under the weight and stinking genitals of a lustful group of human men. The happy realization sent a shiver down her spine and she opened her mouth, once again, to moan gleefully. She gagged when Ox's fat dick found the back of her throat.

She giggled around Ox's manhood, she wouldn't dream of having it any other way!


Elves Win - One Year Later