Part 6
[b]part 6[/b]
The sound of loud conversation washed over Dennis like a tidal wave. His eyes scanned the room which had, once again, changed for the worse. This time was significant! Gone was any semblence of fine dining and Michelin quality. The dreaded booths had multiplied and threatened to take over the whole restaurant. There were kitschy signs on the walls alongside terrible dollar store art. There was a bar in the center of the room and a number of TV's scattered on the walls.
Was it even possible to sink lower than plastering TV's on the walls?
Ignoring the changes to the restaurant, Dennis turned his attention to the new clientele. The restaurant was full of families including...CHILDREN!? A child sprinted past Dennis, almost knocking him over. The customers had completely lost their minds and were dressed in normal street clothes. Tables were left stacked with dishes, the floor was dirty, the windows were dingy and the food was bottom-of-the-barrel trash! It was a mad house!
Dennis watched Jennifer pace by. Her dark hair was draped across her shoulders. She wore a black apron atop a white, button up shirt and black slacks...A shirt and slacks just like Dennis wore.
When Jennifer spotted Dennis, she shuffled towards him with an annoyed scowl, "There you are, Denise. I've got a four top family for you next to the bar."
Denise shook his head, "N-no, I've got to go home, Jennifer."
Jennifer scoffed, "What do you mean? You're one of my only waitresses and we're busy as shit."
Denise felt the walls closing in on him again as he responded feverishly, "I have to leave! Let me go!"
Jennifer sighed, "What are you on your fucking period or something? Jesus, talk about dramatic. Fine, fine, you can go, but just do this one table first. I'm sure you can handle a single table, right?
Wait on a single table? Denise knew he could handle waiting on any number of tables. Waiting tables was the easiest job in the restaurant by a long shot. He was almost insulted at the question.
"Yeah, yeah, I can handle it." Denise stated confidently. Focusing on a challenge did wonders to calm him down.
"Perfect!" Jennifer chimed as she surged towards Denise and, quick as a flash, secured a short apron around his hips.
Denise looked down at himself. He was dressed exactly like Jennifer. He looked like a server-a [i]female[/i] server!
Jennifer handed a short stack of menus to Denise. Denise rifled through and saw the whole thing was chock full of pictures and low quality options. There was even menu. The restaurant was apparently called [i]'Michael's Family Restaurant'[/i] now. Denise felt his blood begin to boil. That snake! He must have had something to do with all this! He would fire that back stabbing worm before the night was out!
Jennifer motioned for Denise to move out but stopped him at the last second and spoke with a quiet voice, "Hey Denise, just a friendly suggestion from one girl to another- you might want to think about wearing on a bra. You don't want to give off the [i]wrong impression[/i]."
Denise looked down. The tissues he'd placed on his breasts had, apparently, turned directly from regular tissue into breast tissue! His expanded tits were outlined perfectly as the tight women's shirt hugged his torso like a second skin. No matter how he shifted the shirt around, the unmistakable beads of his hard nipples pressed against it. The simple bra sitting on the bathroom counter didn't seem like such a bad idea and Denise found himself wishing he had swallowed his pride and put it on.
Denise hugged the menus and walked down the row of tables nervously. His whole center of gravity seemed off. He could feel his expanded chest bouncing with each step and his long hair swished in time with his movements. He could also feel the eyes of people on him as he walked by. Denise had never felt such a power imbalance in all his life. None of them knew he was the owner and executive chef. They simply saw him as some random waitress, wearing the standard uniform like a good worker bee. There was no doubt the adult patrons were particularly conscious of Denise's chest. He could see disapproving looks from some and lustful stares from others.
He approached the table indicated by Jennifer and froze. Seated there was the man that had walked in on Denise when he had his hand shoved down his pants in the bathroom! He was sitting with what must have been his wife and kids. The man focused on Denise and grew a knowing smirk.
Denise stepped in front of the table with flushed cheeks and a fake smile. He had never shied away from a tough situation...but he found himself focusing squarely on the wife, not wanting to face the man. Unfortunately, he wasn't met with a friendly demeanor as the wife's expression quickly soured when she saw the disposition of Denise's top.
"H-Hello folks, welcome to-" Denise quickly looked at the front of the menu, "[i]Michael's Family Restaurant[/i]. I'm Denise and I'll be taking care of you today. Can I get you started with some drinks?"
The man looked at Denise quizzically, "I'm sorry, miss, I'm hard of hearing. Are you our server?"
Denise sighed, "...Yes sir."
He cupped his hand behind his ear, "I'm sorry, one more time."
Denise cleared his throat and spoke loudly, "Yes, I am your sever!"
The surrounding tables turned their heads to see what the yelling was. Their eyes looked for the source of 'Yes, I am your server' and, logically, found Denise. He was in the uniform, matched the voice and expected age of a 'server'. He was standing at the front of the table with his little apron and notepad as expected as well. Denise felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment.
The man smiled, "Okay, thank you. I think we are ready to order our food actually. The boys here need to get to a late soccer game."
Denise glanced down and saw the indicated children crawling all over the table in little soccer uniforms. They paid Denise absolutely no mind.
Denise forced a smile, "Yes, of course, Sir. Go ahead."
Denise wrote down the order as the family went through what they wanted. Denise could feel the man's eyes directly on his chest the entire time. He wrote crudely on his note pad in a barely readable script.
A beer and a well done (seriously?) steak
A Caesar salad and an iced tea,
Two orders of kids chicken fingers and cokes.
"I'll go ahead and put that order in for you." Denise explained.
"What's that?" The man said as he cupped his hand behind his ear again.
Denise shouted, "I'll go ahead and put that order in for you!"
Once again, the surrounding tables stared and Denise felt himself further cemented as a common server. The man knowingly grinned. Was he power tripping at a fucking family restaurant? What an ass!
Denise turned with the menus in hand and stepped towards the kitchen. He walked briskly, trying to ignore the strangeness of his body and the judgemental eyes of the patrons. He placed the menus on the servers table near the kitchen door when he noticed his hands had changed again! He examined them closely. His skin was soft and smooth and his fingernails were either exceptionally clean or coated with something. Denise also noticed his fingers had thinned down even further and it looked like his pointer finger and ring finger were now the same size.
There was nothing masculine about these dainty little things! The realization that he was still changing reminded Denis that he had to get out of here ASAP. He had to get to the kitchen and put the order in quick!