Part 5
[b]Part 5[/b]
Dennis pushed the door open and winced. The bathroom had changed again! The expensive wooden floor and walls were replaced with ceramic tile and painted drywall. It looked like an airport bathroom!
The sweet scent he expected did not come. Instead, Dennis' nose was met with the muted stench of urine.
It smelled like a bathroom.
He ran to the closest mirror and gasped.
He looked like an androgynous teenager! His masculine facial features had all seemingly smoothed out and gotten smaller. His lips had plumped up and his chin length, dirty blonde hair framed his face in a rather unmanly fashion. Apart from his eyes, Dennis would not have been able to recognize himself. The real concern was that he didn't recall looking this androgynous when he was a teenager.
As Dennis was staring at himself with exasperation, the door to the closest stall clicked open and a man stepped out. He was wearing khaki pants and a polo shirt. His eyes found Dennis and he stopped. The man furrowed his brow and the wheels began turning in his head. He was trying to decide if Dennis was in the proper restroom! Dennis caught the man's gaze from the corner of his eye but tried to pretend he wasn't looking. After making up his mind, the man shuffled awkwardly towards the door without washing his hands or acknowledging Dennis' existence.
Once he was gone, Dennis unbuttoned his chef jacket. He could feel his body had changed beneath the jacket and he was apprehensive about opening it. He knew what he looked like as a teenager...but if his androgynous face was any indication he didn't want to see what the jacket was hiding. Nonetheless, he took a deep breath ripped the jacket from his torso. He dropped it onto the counter then tore off his undershirt like a band-aid.
He reluctantly looked in the mirror and winced. He was scrawny and totally hairless! It was no wonder the man was unsure about Dennis' gender. Thankfully, despite his androgynous face and diminished size, Dennis' body was still somewhat masculine. His muscles were hard and fit while pronounced veins ran the length of his arms.
Dennis stared aghast at his physique. He turned his body in the mirror and marveled at how it moved. He was momentarily transfixed and was only broken out of his daze when his upper body began to quake. He watched in horror as his hard, flat pecs squished outward. It was an insignificant amount of breast tissue but it had a significant inclination. His stomach simultaneously pulled inward as his entire upper body receded and lost mass. Dennis' arms became less muscular and his pronounced veins sank back into his skin. He clawed at the mirror but there was nothing he could do. He was powerless to stop whatever was happening.
He staggered backwards and felt the slightest jiggle in his chest. Dennis watched his horrified face in the mirror as his features changed before his eyes. His jaw weakened and his brows raised. His cheekbones rose as well giving his face a rounder overall appearance. His lips plumped and his nose thinned. He had definitely slipped from androgynous to feminine! Dennis' hair then lengthened down to his shoulders and his hairline shifted.
He felt himself on the verge of frustrated tears. He looked like a woman! Why was this happening to him? How was this even possible!? Dennis' mind raced. He had to get out of here, something was changing him!
He grabbed for his undershirt and his hand clasped around a bra.
He tore his hand away in fear. The soft, frilly garment sat on the counter innocently. Dennis slapped it to the side and reached for his chef jacket. It had morphed into a white button up! The buttons were on the wrong side!
It was a women's shirt!
He felt the urge to run out of the restroom and leave the cursed clothing behind. He checked himself in the mirror and hesitated. If he left now people would see him like this! He couldn't possibly bear the embarrassment!
No, no that wasn't an option. He reluctantly slipped into the women's shirt while momentarily struggling with the backwards buttons. It fit on his torso like a glove! He started tucking his shirt into his waistband when his hand brushed against a frilly pair of panties! He froze in place before forcing himself to look up. His nipples were poking against the shirt!
He grabbed for a piece of paper towel to cover his nipples but found the dispensers were empty. How could his staff let the paper towel dispenser run dry? He darted for the closest stall to collect some toilet paper. He ignored the awful stench left behind by the confused man and made it back to the mirror. He looked at himself. Was he really about to stuff his shirt with toilet paper like a prepubescent girl?
Dennis shook off the embarrassment and folded a few squares on each nipple. He then carefully buttoned up his shirt. He saw the paper gave him more...volume than he would have liked, but it also smoothed out his nipples. It prevented him from having to wear the bra, at least. He turned his attention back to his pants which he could already see were fitting much differently than before. They were tight on his rear and hips. He reached around and touched his butt which felt distinctly unmanly in his hands. There was a squishiness and heft to it that Dennis immediately knew wasn't right. He noticed his pants had the clasp on the wrong side and the pockets felt laughably shallow.
These were women's slacks.
He turned in the mirror, lifted his shirt and examined his ass. Dennis noticed his hips even flared outwards a bit too much.
Dennis stopped and his heart sank in his chest as a horrible fear rushed into his mind. He slowly fished his hand into his waistband and felt the panties. It wasn't even the panties he was concerned about- but what was inside the panties...or NOT inside them... He bravely snaked his hand down and found his penis remained, but it was significantly diminished. It was an inch or two at most!
Just then, the door to the restaurant swung open and a man in blue jeans and a t-shirt (blue jeans and a t-shirt, seriously? How informal were things going to get???) strolled inside. He took one look at Dennis and stopped. Dennis couldn't react fast enough so he froze in place and stared at the man with wide eyes. The astonished man saw what he thought was a young woman with shoulder length blonde hair stuffing her hands down her panties.
After a painfully long and awkward moment, Dennis swallowed hard and prepared to offer an explanation. As he did, however, a heavy lump suddenly stuck in his throat. His fingers shot up to his neck and he felt the unknown blockage protruding outwards. He pushed on the lump until he felt it dislodge and slide down his gullet.
Dennis coughed before squeaking out, "It- It isn't what is looks like."
His squeaky, teenage boy voice had shifted and become decidedly feminine.
The man grew a knowing smirk as he chuckled, "Yeah...sure it isn't. I'll come back in a few minutes, miss."
With that, the man turned and exited to the dining room while chuckling to himself. Dennis winced with embarrassment. He tucked his shirt and noticed his new pants were rather high waisted which further diminished his torso and lengthened his legs. He even looked down at his feet and saw his shoes had even changed. He still wore black tennis shoes, but he could see they were smaller. Dennis flipped the lip of his Sketchers and saw it was a women's size 10. He didn't know the conversion from mens to womens, but Dennis knew his feet had gotten smaller considering he had always worn a men's size 12.
He took one final look at himself in the mirror and noticed what the lump had been. His once proud Adams apple was now sitting in his stomach. He rubbed his smaller fingers against his smooth neck.
He HAD to get out of the restaurant and figure out how to wake up from this nightmare!
Dennis took a deep breath, adjusted his tissue-covered nipples and curled his hair behind his ears before pushing the door to the dining room.