Part 19
[b]Part 19[/b]
Foxy shambled from the bathroom. Not only were her hips and pussy still sore, but her fattened, expanded body changed the entire mechanism of her movement. Each step was a swaying plop with plenty of jiggle. The crusty pink panties stretched dangerously tight over her crotch while her dark skin shined with a mixture of sweat and grime. Noticeable fat rolls on her stomach and back joined her husky arms and cellulite dotted thighs to give her body a mature, matronly appearance. A hint of the sewer stench from the bathroom seemed to cling to her skin and follow her into the main area.
Foxy noticed most of the sleazy men skulking around the room paid her less attention than before. There were still some horny stares, but she could that she she was not considered an attractive, young outlier like before. In their eyes she was just another middle-aged, trashy, ghetto slut selling her used-up holes for money. Her gigantic silicone tits sagged to her flabby, stretch-marked belly and she used her long acrylic nails to fuss with her afro as she realized they had a point; she looked like she truly belonged in 'The Boner Garage'. In fact, there was nothing about Foxy that appeared remotely out of place.
Foxy scanned around, keeping an eye out for the old woman. She was relieved to see the woman appeared to be gone once again. While she was distracted, an open hand suddenly struck Foxy's panty covered ass with a loud *SMACK* causing her to yelp in surprise. She turned to see an old man wearing a toothless grin and ratty clothes. One hand held a cigarette while the other caressed Foxy's flabby, tingling butt cheek.
The noise drew the attention of the surrounding men. They focused on Foxy and her toothless companion. Everybody immediately knew the social status of each involved party based on their physical appearance. The man was a clothed, white, male customer while Foxy was a naked, black, female whore. They also knew the sound of spanking must have come from white hand to black ass. Nobody batted an eye as the behavior was expected between two people with their statuses.
Foxy saw a few smirks. They enjoyed seeing her reminded of her place. She focused on the toothless man touching her and knew his name was 'Tadpole'. It was a street name, but it was how everybody knew him. She had vague memories of interacting with him on a social and...personal level. The memories became clearer the longer his hand caressed her. He was a...regular. Over the years he'd grown more handsy and demanding as she accepted more and more of his money. It started with a kiss, then a fingering, then a hand job and so on. Foxy recalled their last encounter where she rode him hard and screamed like a banshee as he nutted inside. Tadpole was a little aggressive, and she always had a sore orifice after having sex with him, but he wasn't too bad overall. He'd always treated her relatively well. She smiled up at him enthusiastically and felt genuinely excited to see him.
Foxy crossed her fattened arms below her tits and adopted a sassy, jutting posture as she cooed with feigned anger, "Why is you scarin' a ho like that Mistuh Tadpole? I 'bout had a heart attack."
He gave her tight, stained panties a pat as he rasped, "You know I can't help myself around you, Miss Foxy, I'm sorry."
Foxy contorted her body to push her ass further into his hands as she huffed, "I 'spose I can look the otha way, but you on thin ice Mistuh Tadpole!"
He rubbed her cheeks and proclaimed loudly, "Thank you Miss Foxy! Is your ass ready for my cock again or is your little pussy feeling hungry today, my dear?"
She slowly turned to face Tadple and his finger traced around until it was pressed against her vagina in the straining panties. She knew the smirks were more numerous as the nearby eavesdroppers saw and heard exactly what they expected to. She was filling her role without skipping a beat.
Foxy thrust her hips forward and slid her hot groin against him while giggling, "I think she lookin' fo' a friend."
His cigarette breath bloomed out like exhaust as he chuckled.
Tadpole slowly rubbed her damp mound through the panties and asked, "Is Mama's foxhole ready for Daddy's tadpole?"
Foxy's heartbeat quickened and she bit her lower lip as she responded, "Hmm...I gots the hole if you gots the cash, Daddy."
His hand dipped into the waistband of her faded underwear and his finger hooked into her vagina. Foxy gasped and drew sharp breaths as Tadpole's dirty finger explored her. She wasn't sure if she was acting or being genuine anymore.
He spoke confidently, "I have the money this time, baby, I promise. I told you that was a one time thing. You know this hairy coochie's been missing her favorite toy."
The confirmation that there had been previous encounters between Foxy and Tadpole seemed to further entrench her status with everybody around as a long time working girl. Foxy remembered her last sexual encounter with Tadpole once again. He had cum inside her and she had genuinely orgasmed herself. Afterwards, she laid on her back with his white seed oozing from her freshly fucked black cunt while he slipped out the door without paying. She said she'd never forgive him for that. But then...customers have been tough to come by lately...
Foxy gently pulled Tadpole's hand from between her legs. His finger gleamed with feminine fluid as she curled her fingers around his and held him tight.
She flashed him a crooked, yellowed smile, "Then ima follow you an' we can make up how boyz n' girlz is 'spose'd to, [i]Daddy[/i]."
He grinned and used his free hand to smack Foxy's butt with a loud *SPANK* and push her towards the private rooms. She yelped and moved at his direction as her ass and tits expanded with a new layer of fat. The patrons around watched with approval as the deal was struck. They knew that both the male and female party had agreed to sex and they were moving to act on it. They were well aware that Foxy was the female portion of that equation and that she was about to get fucked.
She began by leading Tadpole through the club but fell behind as her body's growing proportions were beginning to seriously hinder her movement. Not only that, but the dull pain in her groin alongside the itching was steadily getting worse. She'd gotten into the habit of openly scratching her crotch as she moved. All these factors forced her to walk with an awkward, fat-girl waddle that shook her lower body wildly with every step. She wasn't just curvy or womanly or matronly- she was becoming [i]fat[/i]. The poor panties covering her muff were stretched even further and were dangerously close to tearing.
Tadpole lead Foxy past men that were immediately aware of where the pair was going and what they were about to do. Foxy felt naughty and submissive beneath their stares and her groin flared with heat as she was pulled along.
As they neared, Tadpole suddenly stopped. Standing before them were two women that blocked their path. The first was Darlene who Foxy had previously known as Darcy. Foxy struggled to recollect the fuzzy, distant memory of the original bright-eyed, happy-go-lucky young blonde named Darcy.
Foxy then struggled a bit less when remembering the tired, jaded blonde named Darcy flirting with a group of men from across the room.
Darlene now stood before Tadpole and Foxy with a body that had clearly gotten older and gained a fair bit of weight. Her blonde hair was stringy and worn while her face was haggard, marred with nasty open sores and void of any hope whatsoever. She had a loose flab of belly fat and a stubbly pubic mound. She wore an extremely short lace 'skirt' that failed to properly cover a faded c-section scar.
Darlene dragged on an unfiltered cigarette and, like Foxy, fit the ascetic of the trashy club perfectly. The other woman next to Darlene was a frightened looking white girl. She couldn't have been more than twenty and was completely out of place. She was fresh and clean and stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the sleaze and the degeneracy of 'The Boner Garage'. Foxy couldn't help but stare at the young girl's face and feel a striking sense of familiarity.
Setting the girl even further apart was her clothing. Namely, unlike every other female in the room, she was actually wearing some. Her tight body wore a short white skirt and a red tube top with white flats. By any other standard it would be considered a moderately risque outfit, but here amongst the sluts and the filth she may as well have been wearing a nun's habit.
The girl stuck close to Darlene and her nervous eyes flicked to Foxy as she and Tadpole approached. Foxy saw the girl was analyzing and sizing her up. A brief spark of disgust and pity crossed the young woman's face before she regained her composure.
Darlene flicked ashes to the floor and picked at a sore on her chin before turning her eyes to the approaching pair and giving them a lazy wave.
Her raspy voice mocked over the pounding music, "Well if it ain't the most broke-in breeding cow, Foxy Brown, and her prized bull heading to the stables for some nasty animal sex."
Tadpole squeezed Foxy's hand and grinned as he responded, "Darlene, how's tricks? You're looking especially trashy and old today."
Foxy felt elated as Tadpole fired back. He was willing to defend his woman! She glanced up at him and smiled warmly. The gap in her yellowed teeth was visible between her shiny, pillowy lips. She didn't care that Tadpole was a homeless, old drug addict. She felt [i]excited[/i] that his wrinkled cock was about to be inside her. Foxy suddenly remembered multiple cat fights with Darlene stretching back years. They had some serious history and she hated that bitch!
Darlene scoffed and turned her head to the young girl, "See, Dani, this is the slut I was tellin' you about. If you wanna see how a [i]REAL[/i] ghetto skank rides a dick you won't find a bitch more nasty or blown out."
Anger welled in Foxy's saggy belly. Blown out!? Her vagina certainly wasn't what it used to be but [i]blown out[/i] was too far! It wasn't as if Darlene was any tighter!
The world, and Foxy's anger, seemed to fade away as Tadpole and Darlene continued to exchange words and a name echoed in Foxy's mind.
Darlene's tired voice bounced around her brain.
Foxy knew this girl from somewhere. Her brown eyes examined the girl from top to bottom.
Through the fog she grasped at a long forgotten persona. The concept of being a different person felt...strange. She was Foxy, right?
Foxy took a sharp breath and pulled her hand away from Tadpole, drawing everybody's attention and breaking up the exchange of words.
"What's wrong, Miss Foxy?" Tadpole asked with concern in his voice.
She took a step back and immediately felt her body was [i]ALL WRONG[/i]! She was heavy and bloated and sagging all over. She was decades older than she was supposed to be! Her black skin was marred with scars and wrinkles and stretch marks from a lifetime of struggle.
"I'm Dani." Foxy stated loudly.
That young woman standing next to Darlene was her! Foxy was Dani! She remembered it! That tight body belonged to her! But, how was that possible?
Darlene coughed as she laughed, "You finally lose your mind, Fox? You're an old, used up whore, not a young, culinary hopeful like my girl Dani here."
Tadpole reached for Foxy's hand but she pulled it away quickly. She didn't want that low-life touching her! He recoiled with a dejected frown.
Foxy pointed at Dani with her long, yellow-pink acrylics, "Nah, nah I'm the skinny white girl tryna be a chef. She a triflin' lil bitch stealin' my life."
Darlene tossed her cigarette to the floor and retorted, "Fox, you are the fattest, blackest hooker I've ever met. I've known you for [i]years[/i]. Who you trying to fuck with?"
Dani procured a license from her pocket and stated shyly, "If it helps, this is my my license. I'm...I'm actually Dani."
Darlene snatched the license and stomped over to Foxy to show it to her. Foxy looked at the picture.
She then read it off,
"Name: Denise Lynn Foxworthy
Sex: Female
Race: White
Age: 19
Height: 5"6
Weight: 118 LBS"
Foxy felt a slight chill in the air before looking down to see Darlene holding another license.
She showed the picture on the license to Foxy.
Darlene cleared her throat and read it off,
"Name: Foxy Shiniqua Brown
Sex: Female
Race: Black
Age: 54
Height: 5"1
Weight: 234 LBS"
Darlene held both licenses next to one another. Foxy could see the stark differences between them and the stark differences between her body and Dani's body. Wrinkle lines appeared on her forehead, her upper lip, and near her eyes. She was left with a noticeable pair of crows feet and smoker's lips from a lifetime of cigarette abuse.
Darlene moved back next to Dani and ripped her cute white skirt to her knees. Dani opened her mouth to protest but was quickly shushed by Darlene who proceeded to spin Dani around and bend her at the waist.
"Does this compact, white ass look like it belongs to a 54 year old black mother?" She asked while pointing to Dani's white panties.
She then pulled the panties down exposing the teenagers hairless pussy. Dani gasped but stayed still. She had a tampon string hanging out!
"This is a fertile young woman with her whole life ahead of her. She's hairless, she's inexperienced, and she's still makin' eggs." Darlene turned her attention to Foxy and pointed with a broken fingernail, "Now [i]that[/i] Looks like a 54 year old black, mama's ass."
Another chill and Foxy's dirty, pink panties finally gave way and snapped. They fell to to the floor with the stained crotch side up.
It left her lower body exposed.
The odor of expired fish spilled out and Foxy scratched her hairy crotch with long nails. The cellulite already poking in her thighs climbed to her ass and it soon looked like cottage cheese.
Tadpole held his nose, "Damn Miss Foxy! Your pussy is rancid!"
Darlene chuckled, "Nice yellow snail trail, Fox! I didn't know it had gotten so bad, you really gotta wash better. But, STD's aside, look at that thing! You know your hairy cunt ain't tight or fertile anymore. You know why? Cause it's 54 years old, just like you. It's queefed out a bunch of kids and taken more men than the army."
Foxy glanced between her legs and saw her droopy vaginal lips beneath her faded rose tattoo. Her labia were gaped open and widened even further beneath her gaze.
Foxy stuttered as she closed her heavy thighs, "Dat don't mean- Dat don't mean nuffin! Jus' cuz my body changed a lil bit don't mean I ain't Dani."
Darlene turned Dani back around and ripped her tube top down to her waist. Dani didn't bother trying to stop her anymore, though her face was traumatized.
"'Changed a little'? Look at Dani's tits. They're small, tight and white. She may have a few moles, but she's skinny and healthy." Darlene motioned to Foxy again, "But yours are heavy, ashy, black [i]milkers[/i] that sag to your fat stomach."
Foxy looked down at her pudding tits as they jiggled. She watched as they sagged even further with wrinkles and stretch marks cutting into the sides. Her nipples also darkened a few shades.
Darlene released Dani and she quickly replaced her clothing. Her cheeks were beat red. Foxy saw Dani's fingers were clean and free from polish.
She checked her own and shook her head.
Her fingers aged further with more noticeable knots in the joints and thinner skin. She also felt the dull pain of arthritis setting in. A lit cigarette appeared between her aged fingers and she brought it to her lips for a calming drag.
Darlene walked back to Foxy with the licenses. Foxy noticed Darlene had a peach fuzz on her upper lip that wasn't there before.
"You tell me, Fox." She held up the two licenses, "Which one of you is Dani, my 19 year old, white baby sitter that's in [b]way[/b] over her head and spends all her time dedicated to cooking; and which one of you is Foxy, my 54 year old black frenemy that's a staple at 'The Boner Garage' and spends all her time sucking dick?"
Foxy gave the images a once over but knew the information they conveyed. The lost persona slipped slowly back into the dense fog. Who was she trying to kid? There's no way the young white girl on the license looked anything like her. Her blond hair, her shining eyes, her supple skin, her cute little breasts, her tight little slit, her delicate feet and hands, her slight hips and flat belly. That wasn't her at all. The persona slipped a little further. Foxy puffed the cigarette and lifted her arm as it itched intensely for a few seconds. A smattering of dark underarm hair grew outwards and the odor of intense BO mixed with the unwashed trench between her legs and the ambient cigar smoke hanging in the air. There was unhealthy discoloration in her armpit which also encompassed her squishy, wrinkled triceps as they sagged and jiggled like jello.
"Well?" Darlene demanded.
Foxy rolled her faded brown eyes and let her fat arms hang by the rolls of her stomach as she rasped in a newly deteriorated voice, "Aight, aight, you caught me lyin'." She coughed and continued with her lower, wispier tone while a noticeable double chin drooped down, "What choo bringin' this little white girl here fo' anyway?"
Darlene seemed satisfied with Foxy's admission and pulled at a sore on her face as the tip of her nose raised upwards giving her nostrils an almost pig-like appearance. Coupled with the hair on her upper lip she was becoming quite ugly.
She, too, lit up a cigarette and sucked on it before answering, "Dani here's been watchin' my kid an' asking if I'd bring her to work with me. Somethin' about money for cooking school or some shit. She's pretty damn good in the kitchen, though."
Foxy laughed but it quickly turned to coughing as she sputtered, "You tell her suckin' dick ain't the way she wanna make her livin?"
Darlene nodded her head, "You know how it is, Fox. It ain't like when we was kids. Nobody knows their place anymore. Girl thinks working the pole is easy money."
Foxy snatched Tadpole's hand as she rasped towards Dani, "Workin' the pole is easy, sugah; the nigga givin' it to yah, not so much. But, I gots me a good Daddy. He knows how to treat a [i]woman[/i]."
Tadpole looked at Foxy nervously, his nose was still wrinkled in disgust.
He exhaled and gave her a toothless grin, "I'm still game, I can't say 'no' to the trashiest slut in the club. I'm gonna have to put on a raincoat before I plow your stinky hole there, Miss Foxy. All the other guys said you're a condom-only girl and I'm gonna have to have to agree."
Foxy shrugged her shoulders and nodded slowly. She knew this day would come eventually. Her last regular customer wanted a condom. She was officially a condom-only whore. Her double chin expanded and her upper pubic area became a squishy paunch as Tadpole lead her towards the back rooms. She followed with a fat waddle and offered the staring Dani a little wave with her cigarette.
When they were almost out of range, Foxy overheard Darlene and Dani's last exchange.
"You still want me to get you a job alongside miss gapes-a-lot and her prince charming?"
Dani responded with a high pitched sniffle, "C-can we l-leave? I don't want t-to be he-here anymore. I'll f-figure something else out!"
Just before entering the door, Foxy looked over her shoulder and watched the terrified Dani shuffle towards the entrance, trailing behind Darlene. That was good, Foxy figured, she didn't belong here. She still had a chance in life. where 'chance' went to die. Who knows? Maybe one day she could get herself through culinary school. And, after that, the sky was the limit.
Turning her attention back to the threshold, Foxy stepped inside and gasped. Tadpole had already undressed and his wrinkled penis was covered in a blue condom. He stood next to three other similarly erect, wrinkled, homeless, drug addicts that all eyed her lustfully.
"Surprise!" Tadpole yelled.
Foxy's loins immediately warmed as she swayed past the threshold. Her half-lidded, dead eyes shifted slightly to be less symmetrical while tiny hairs poked from her discolored double chin as she grinned.
Foxy flicked her cigarette to the floor and licked her lips while rasping, "Come to mama!"
The men descended on Foxy and fucked her on the floor like an animal. The door to the main room was wide open. Crowds of men watched and cheered as the lowest, trashiest, gutter whore in the lowest, trashiest, gutter whore house squealed in ecstasy while several multi-colored cocks slid in and out of her holes.
Watching the scene, in the far back, was an old woman with a sly smile. Her eyes traced to Dani through the broken windows. She was walking briskly down the street and away from 'The Boner Garage' with all color drained from her face. The old woman twisted her hand and placed a simple ward of protection on Dani to give her a safe journey home. But, otherwise, she'd let her develop naturally. The old woman was curious to see how she'd end up with only a fraction of Dennis' talent. One part of Dennis' soul could try again in a different vessel while the rest of it...
She turned back to the crowd of men piled up in front of an open threshold. The old woman raised her hand and snapped her fingers. The crowd let out a disgusted "Ooooh" and several men scattered as Foxy lost control of her bowels once again. Foxy would struggle with control from now on. The old woman stood and smoothed out her pink dress. She made for the front door and turned just at the last second to see Foxy waddling quickly across the floor. Men were darting away from her and she was dripping a disgusting brown liquid. Foxy also had a blue condom hanging from her cavernous cunt. The old woman chuckled and raised her hand as Foxy neared the bathroom. Foxy shook her hips as a "WIDE LOAD" tramp stamp etched into her lower back in bold, black letters. Finally, when Foxy opened the bathroom door, the woman ensured there was only a clogged trench in the ground to greet her. The sight of Foxy's fattened, stubby fingers holding her wide, flat nose and stepping inside was the last the woman saw of her.
The old woman made it to the front door and waved to Malik as she walked into the street. He gave her a formal bow before returning to his post. Once outside, she raised her arms and disappeared, leaving 'The Boner Garage', and all its inhabitants, behind.
Thanks for reading everybody, all 43,000 words!
As usual, please PM me any ideas you have for my next little story :)