Part 18

[b]Part 18[/b]

When the door opened, a rush of pleasant air swept over Foxy and put her at ease. It smelled like a lit lavender candle. It gently overpowered the stale odor of musty cigarettes and ball sweat that pervaded the club. Foxy peeked inside. The floor was hardwood, the walls were neat, white brick with tiny potted plants and fixtures tastefully scattered about. It looked like the bathroom in a rich white person's house, not a ghetto brothel. Foxy had only seen nice rooms like this in magazines or on TV.

The room was completely out of place attached to "The Boner Garage" and Foxy knew it. She was excited to finally have a quiet, clean, isolated place to do her business. Standing at the sink, however, was an old white woman with a dour frown and a fancy pink dress. Her eyes found Foxy in the mirror.

Foxy froze in the threshold and felt her heartbeat quicken. The woman's frown curled into a sly grimace as she turned and moved towards the door. Foxy's vision narrowed in fear and she took a shaky step back into the smoky club. The lingering aroma of lavender started to dissipate and the familiar, safe stench of the trashy club replaced it. The door began to swing shut, but it was caught at the last second by the old woman's wrinkled fingers. She curled them around the wooden door and shoved it wide open. The renewed lavender scent rushing to Foxy's large nostrils now heralded degradation and despair.

"Y-you." Foxy stammered.

"Me." The old woman responded with a sinister, chilling warble.

Foxy took another step back as she pleaded, "Why is you doin' this ta me? I ain't neva hurt nobody!"

The old woman stepped towards Foxy, allowing the bathroom door to close behind her, as she feigned innocence, "I haven't done anything to you, [i]Ms. Brown[/i]. You've always been a sex-positive ebony mama, haven't you? By the way, I think it's brave that you to wear your African hair naturally. It's just cheaper and easier, isn't it?"

Foxy long, flowing black hair slipped between her fingers as she reached up to grab it. She felt it becoming frizzy and curly in her hands as it collected atop her head in an afro. A hair tie wrapped around the bottom and held it in place, though her dense afro poofed above it in a circle. With hair no longer falling down her back, Foxy's big, gaudy gold hoops stuck out even more. She now had the natural hair of a black woman and it fit perfectly with the rest of her body.

Foxy prodded the poofy afro on her head with a long acryllic nail. It definitely felt like an afro!

She released a flare of angst in her high pitched, ghetto accent, "You'sa racist bitch! I dindu nuffin' ta yo' skinny white ass an' you fuckin' up my shit anyway! Leave'a sista' be!"

The old woman scoffed at Foxy's anger then chuckled to herself, "As you wish, [i]Ms. Brown[/i]. I don't know why [i]you people[/i] always insist on making everything about race." She stepped away from the door and motioned towards it, "Don't let me get in your way, [i]Ms. Brown[/i]."

Foxy cautiously moved towards the door while wearing an angry frown. She didn't want to get close to the woman and saw her as a dangerous animal; but she [b]really[/b] wanted to get inside the bathroom. Not only did she need to pee, but she was also excited to be in a clean, isolated space.

Foxy passed the grinning woman and felt the same corrupting energy flowing from her like before. Her lifeless, gray eyes locked onto Foxy's deep, brown eyes and they exchanged a glance. Foxy couldn't help but notice their differences. The old woman was well put together in a classy pink dress and tasteful makeup giving her an air of wealth and dignity. She had a few extra decades of age, but her body was thin and relatively tight with a flowery, potpourri scent. Her skin was wrinkled and white and her face, while aged, had typical European features. Her hair was straight and a rich chestnut brown. On the other hand, Foxy was naked and her dark skin was coated with sweat and grime from sex on the disgusting floor. A disturbingly fishy stench wafted from her visibly loose, hairy snatch, and her hyper-sexual features sagged with fat and decades of heavy wear-and-tear. Her African facial features were caked with overdone makeup and her hair was a nappy, black afro.

The old woman's cold tone pierced Foxy like a knife, "For your information, [i]Ms. Brown,[/i] you don't have to embody [i]every[/i] stereotype imaginable. For instance, being the stereotypical 'angry black woman' doesn't suit you. Just because you have resting bitch face and happen to be a black woman, it doesn't mean you need to [i]embody[/i] it, you know?"

Foxy shook her head and muttered under her breath as she pulled the door open, "Racist ass white bitch..."

She expected the lavender scent and the beautiful bathroom to greet her but, instead, the odor of rot and sewage spewed out like a toxic spill. Foxy scrunched her face in disgust as she peered inside. The blue-tiled walls of the tiny, dim room were stained, floor to ceiling, with dirt and grime which contained lewd or gang related graffiti and messages. The floor was wet with an unknown black slurry and the toilet was falling apart and contained a sickly brown crust caked on the inside. The sink, which was cracked and broken, was in a heap on the floor and totally unusable. A smashed mirror sat above the indent in the wall where the sink was supposed to be. To make matters worse, a rat trap situated in the corner contained a decaying specimen; multiple fat, black flies buzzed through the air; and a concerning black mold sat ominously in the farthest, wettest corner.

The dim light flickered as Foxy stood watching the room in horror. Her little tinkle suddenly didn't seem so urgent. This was horrible even for her!

She moved to close the door when a wrinkled hand slapped onto her shoulder, "What's the matter, [i]Ms. Brown?[/i] I though you needed to use the facilities."

The old woman's hand felt suddenly warm on Foxy's shoulder then cooled. Foxy's stomach churned and grumbled deeply. She gasped as an intense pressure formed in her bowels. She clutched at her jiggly lower belly and a pained groan escaped her inflated lips. Foxy felt like she was holding in the most explosive shits imaginable!

Her eyes frantically shot to the toilet. Was she really about to use it? Could she even make it to the back room in this state? Her stomach churned again and she clenched her fat ass cheeks together. The image of herself failing to make it to the back room and embarrassing herself with explosive diarrhea chilled her to the bone. It wasn't as if she had any clothing to protect herself if she did decide to risk going across the room. She [i]HAD[/i] to use the toilet!

Foxy quickly waddled through the threshold and closed the door behind her. Her ashy feet slapped against the cold, black slurry on the floor. She nearly slipped, but managed to maintain her balance. Now that she was inside, Foxy could see the bathroom was even worse up close; especially the smell. She could see small cockroaches scurrying around the floor, a trail of rat droppings, a used condom, a dirty needle and discarded blue panties. Foxy pinched her nose and reached the decrepit toilet with only moments to spare as her clenched cheeks were tiring and threatening to give out. At least she was finally alone! As she turned to sit, however, Foxy saw a hole in the wall.

She glanced in the hole and saw a dark eye staring back. She wasn't alone at all! She felt another chill as she noticed several holes all around the room. She could see even more eyes watching her through the peep holes! There were disgusting men watching her use the bathroom! She swatted an insect from her lower leg and felt a mild stubble of hair as she thought. She didn't have a choice. If these pathetic weirdos wanted to watch her take a shit that was their prerogative.

With her mind made up, Foxy attempted to sit on the toilet seat and fell into the bowl. The seat was gone! Her heavy ass cheeks plopped directly onto the toilet bowl and overflowed around it. She felt a crusty layer of god-knows-what rubbing against her skin. A deep moan escaped her throat and echoed through the small room alongside a thunderous, wet *RIIIIPPP* as her bowels exploded and she shat into the bowl. Foxy clutched her knees and bent forward to rest on her tits as another loud fart echoed in the room and blasted into the toilet causing water and excrement to splash up. She wiggled her wide, birthing hips and forced out a few more bursts alongside another relieved moan. Foxy's bowel movement combined with the terrible ambient odor to create a truly overwhelmingly awful stench. As she gagged on her own stink, a tiny *pfff* of air queefed out from Foxy's hairy, mature vagina which heralded a powerful stream of urine. The liquid made the unmistakable *FRUSH* sound of female urination. As she sighed in relief from the release of her distressed bladder, Foxy knocked a fly from her arm and noticed they were bigger and softer. She also saw several new marks and scars from a hard life in the streets. She raised them up and shook them, noticing how they sagged and jiggled. These fat black arms were not the arms of a young woman, a skinny woman, or a white woman.

With a few more soft farts and a final push to empty her bladder, Foxy knew she was finally finished. She could feel wetness sticking to her ass and figured it was a mix of solid and liquid material. She exhaled heavily when she noticed there was no toilet paper or paper towels of any kind. The sink was unusable and, as expected, the toilet wouldn't flush. She could feel the eyes of the men watching her and felt embarrassed. Not only had they just watched her mature, ebony body waddle into the disgusting room naked, but they also watched her shit her brains out. Now, unless she figured something out, the men were about to watch Foxy's shit covered ghetto booty wiggle out onto the main floor without flushing, washing her hands, or cleaning herself at all.

She absentmindedly scratched her damp, meaty vagina as she peered around the room. Her eyes rested on the discarded panties in the corner. Foxy stood and turned to look in the toilet bowl. The entire inside was caked with brown liquid that simply added to the stains already present. She ran her tongue along the wide gap in her front teeth as she contemplated her next move. The wetness on her butt cheeks began to ooze downward. She figured she had to wear the panties out. She couldn't bear to let anybody see her like this! She had clients to maintain and an image to defend. She just needed to make it to the back room, there had to be a roll of paper towels or something back there.

Foxy shooed away a few bugs and shook a few droppings from the underwear before examining them. They were pink with frilly edges. They were a bit too small for Foxy though they would likely cover a good portion of her cheeks. There was a yellowish/brownish stain in either the crotch or asshole area. Foxy wasn't sure whether it came from the front or the back.

She didn't see any other option so she stepped into the panties and slid them up her stubbly legs. She couldn't believe she had to resort to wearing some unknown slut's discharge panties found on the bathroom floor! They briefly got caught on her thighs which were too wide and fat. She tugged them into place and the frilly leg holes dug into the cellulite of her thighs and the loose paunch of her belly. The discharge stain rested directly against Foxy's vagina which seemed to answer her previous question. Foxy's itchy cunt went to work deepening and expanding the stain.

It was clear that Foxy's curves were larger than the panties were meant for, but they were able to just barely stretch over her hips and ass. The material managed to cover her embarrassing wetness, though Foxy was sure they would be forever stained as a result. With her new garment secured, she raised the acrylic nails on her middle fingers to the onlookers and moved towards the door, still walking with a pained limp from her previous sexual encounter. Foxy heard the pounding music from the club like a dull roar. She took one last look at the bathroom and vowed never to return. She felt bad about leaving a mess in the toilet and making the bathroom even worse, but she was left with no other options.

She hoped beyond hope that the old woman was gone.


Part 19


Part 17