Round 48

[b]Round Forty Eight:[/b]

Maddi appeared in an open, grassy field stretching in all directions. She wore a comfortable white blouse and a flattering, long-sleeved blue cardigan atop tight jeans and heeled brown boots. A supportive bra held her breasts snuggly. Around her neck was a flashy orange necklace and her long brunette hair hung loosely.

Maddi put her hands on the upper half of her hips and adopted a feminine pose. She wasn't used to being this comfortable or wearing clothing this conservatively. It was a welcome change and she hoped it was the start of something better!

Maddi released a heavy sigh as familiar pressure mounted behind her nipples. She could at least take solace that her abnormally substantial clothing would absorb any liquid.

Appearing next to her with a *pop* was the scowling face of Danielle. Per usual, her thin, wiry body was adorned with a professional business suit. She stood proudly and confidently though her young face slightly undermined her attitude with youthful naivety.

Danielle's eyes found Maddi and she grew a wry smile. Maddi tried to return the young woman's gaze but her eyes faltered and found the ground instead. She nervously clenched her hands together across her soft belly. Danielle was at least six inches taller than Maddi now but much thinner and younger. When she approached, Maddi gave her a small curtsey.

Danielle cackled at Maddi's curtsey and body language before saying in a mocking, girlish alto, "You're so screwed old lady! You know that, right?"

"W-what do you mean [i]sweetheart[/i]?" Maddi croaked with her androgynous tone.

"I mean you royally pissed off Mistress Jennifer. She's on a war path! Two rounds until the halfway mark, right? Yeah, you're beyond screwed!"

A pit formed in Maddi's stomach and she felt panic beginning to grip her, "But- but I didn't ask for her to get my STD...that was Dr. Johnson's decision!"

Danielle shrugged and casually looked down at her nails, "Believe it or not, she doesn't see it that way. I can only imagine the horrible stuff she has planned for you...I just hope the Doctor lets me watch you suffer."

The panic in Maddi's core crescendo and she felt her breath coming in fast and tears welling behind her eyes, "I want- I want- I NEED to get out of here! None of this is fair! I didn't ask for any of this!"

Danielle flicked her straight brown hair behind her shoulders and took a deep breath, as if drinking in Maddi's anxiety and fear. Maddi began to sob softly while pulling her comfortable clothing against her body. She felt sick. She felt afraid. She felt hopeless.

"And the best part is," Danielle started, "I'm going to swap you something that will make Mistress Jennifer's victory even more one sided and satisfying!"

Maddi looked up at Danielle with bleary eyes and coughed out, "But why? Why would you do that to me? I don't understand!"

Danielle's face darkened and she recoiled as she spoke, "You didn't see her like I did. The things she was saying...the things she was doing..." Danielle gulped, "If I can show her i'm not the enemy, maybe I can- I can avoid...that."

Maddi sniffled and whispered, "But if you keep doing this to contestants nobody will ever win. Don't you understand that? You're part of the reason nobody will EVER win"

Danielle ran her hand through her hair, "No, old lady, I think it's YOU that doesn't understand. There is no winning. There is no escape. The only thin I can do to save myself from the worst of it is to oppose you. Why wouldn't I do that?"

The pair stood in silent contemplation save for Maddi's sniffling. Maddi didn't know what to say because she couldn't dispute Danielle's logic. If Danielle truly believed they couldn't win, no matter what, then there really wasn't a reason to help. Either way, Maddi had to keep fighting. She didn't know what Danielle was going to try swapping with her, but she needed to be as strong as possible going into round fifty. If Mistress Jennifer was truly going to pull out all the stops, she needed to be ready.

Maddi peered over to Danielle who had wrapped her arms around herself. She looked dejected, her sour expression softening to hopelessness.

S.A.M. appeared holding a small white flag.

Danielle's sad expression suddenly shifted and she looked excited and determined. She scowled at Maddi and spit onto the grass in her direction. Maddi's nipples finally gave way and the floodgates opened. She felt wetness in her bra and chose to ignore it, focusing instead of S.A.M.

S.A.M's monotone, robotic voice sounded, "Contestants will raise a flag. The first to the top wins."

Appearing next to both Maddi and Danielle were two very tall flagpoles.

At the bottom of each flagpole was a blank white flag and a rope. The poles were huge! Maddi craned her neck but she could barely see the top!


Danielle turned towards her pole and began pulling at her rope fervently. Maddi did the same but quickly realized her weak little arms weren't going to cut it. Danielle looked determined. She was younger, taller, stronger and had more energy. Maddi pulled the coarse rope with all her might.

"Powerup!" Maddi shouted.

Danielle grunted and Maddi heard a soft clicking sound. Between pulls Maddi glanced over to see Danielle hunched over. Her left wrist sported a shiny handcuff which was latched to her left ankle. Danielle grabbed at the rope with her right hand and pulled down with increased ferocity. Maddi was beginning to catch up, but she knew Danielle must have been close to the top by now. She could feel sweat forming on her brow, back, breasts and pits. She pulled and pulled but felt that the situation was increasingly futile.

Reluctantly, Maddi shouted once more, "Powerup!"

"You motherfucker! You always- aghh!" Danielle's anger was cut off as her head was pulled towards the pole.

Around both her neck and the pole appeared a tight band of leather. It secured her body to the pole and wouldn't allow her neck to move. Danielle struggled against her restraints but couldn't shake them off. She desperately reached her right arm up and pulled weakly at the rope.

Maddi rallied her effort and took several long pulls. Finally, she hit the end and the rope wouldn't move any longer. Maddi released the rope and took several heavy breaths. She felt hot and sweaty in the cardigan and pants, but it was worth the effot. Danielle realized it was over and her shoulders slouched as she rested against her restraint.

Maddi had successfully kept herself intact and free from Danielle's meddling!

Doctor Grungot's nasily, excited voice spoke from the sky, "Congratulations, Ms. Dawes!"

Danielle was still up against the pole and facing away from Maddi when she started to snigger, "Yeah, congrats, old lady. I did exactly what I wanted! Now you have no way to cheat against her."

Maddi gulped. She still felt good about what she had accomplished despite Danielle's words. But it was true, she would have to face whatever came next without powerups.

Doctor Grungot cleared his throat, his voice took on a more serious tone, "Ms. Strauss we will have to discuss speaking out of turn like that."

Danielle was completely silent and still. She probably didn't want to press her luck any more.

His voice started again with it previous excitement intact, "As I was saying, bonus round five is almost upon us! One more easy round until the real test! It feels like only yesterday you were beginning your Journey, Ms. Dawes!"

Maddi fixed her hair and pulled at her blouse to air it out a bit. She actively tried to refrain from thinking about her horrible 'journey' to this point.

"At her request, I'll be allowing our very own contestant, Jennifer, to administer the next two rounds! She is...very determined to say the least. Either way, I've heard what she has planned for the fifth bonus round and I...well....I wouldn't want to spoil anything- but good luck, Ms. Dawes!"

He was going to let Jennifer run the next round and the bonus round!?

The scene began to collapse. The last sound echoing into the void was the cackle of Danielle, still stuck to the flagpole. Maddi took a deep breath. She had no choice. She had one more round to get herself mentally prepared for whatever horror awaited beyond.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Maddi Ellie Dawes


Kitten, Titty, Betty

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]

Just a hair under 5"00. Body shape is best described as "leggy" and "bottom heavy" with the legs and lower body comprising a high percentage of the total height and size.

[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

134 LBS






XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Unusually active mammery glands.


Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.




Semen- [Hunger Level]: Getting a little hungry

Feels compelled to curtsey when meeting somebody. Calls people almost exclusively using pet names.


Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Slightly crooked, lightly yellowed teeth. Large, soft green eyes. Light, receded brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Fully developed vagina with noticible pussy lips and a hairy bush.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Slightly saggy female arms with virtually no muscle. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Large, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a D cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are huge and feminine. Unusually active mammery glands. Stomach is somewhat bloated with little muscle underneath. Stomach is pockmarked with stretch marks and contains a long, horizontal c-section scar. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have dark, stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, chubby feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth and extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Chubby, protruding ass with wide, motherly hips. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.



Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. Diamond earring studs in earlobes.


Heterosexual woman that only considers dating men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big penises and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humilation and debauchery - but only when very horny.


Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way.


Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners. Very knowlegeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.


Round 49


Round 47