Round 47
[b]Round Forty Seven:[/b]
Maddi appeared in a dusty courtyard surrounded by high stone walls. She glanced around and noticed she was back in antiquity. The air was warm and dry while the sky was overcast. A metallic *SLAM* of a heavy gate behind Maddi solidified to her that she was no longer free. Around her neck was the metal slave collar that Master had given her after she'd been purchased during the previous round.
Maddi tugged at the collar which was extremely tight to her skin. It was a good thing she didn't have an Adam's apple, as the collar left little room for anything but girlish smoothness. Maddi's probing fingers brushed against a Venus symbol etched into the metal which further cemented her status as a woman
Maddi's skin was caked with dirt and sweat while her long, dark hair was tangled and matted down her back. Except for her collar, Maddi's filthy, feminine body was naked and on full display: heavy, swaying breasts; wide, veiny nipples; thin and weak upper body; jutting ass; chunky, matronly thighs; and delicate hands and feet. But the most unmistakable identifier of Maddi's femininity was the hairy, puffy cleft between her legs. Her tattoos and piercings were all gone as well.
She looked down at herself.
Maddi's normally heeled feet were blackened from dirt and flat to the ground. Being under five feet tall changed Maddi's perspective slightly as she glanced around. She could feel each structure and person tower over her just a little bit more.
The clearing of a nearby throat broke Maddi from her concentration. She looked a few hundred feet up the dusty path to see her new Master with a look of frustration on his face. He put his hands on his hips.
He was flanked by two naked, male slaves and his expensively dressed wife. Maddi could see the males leering with lust while the Master's wife shook her head and glared with contempt.
Maddi shuffled quickly along the path with her nude body swaying and jiggling. She had no choice but to comply. She was locked in the compound and there were guards all over the place. And, based on her rough treatment last round with the slave master, she wasn't planning to anger or provoke anybody.
When she neared the waiting group, Maddi stopped and stared submissively at the ground. She dropped into a low curtsey in front of Master which seemed to lighten his mood. He approached Maddi and poked his finger into her soft stomach while saying something to his wife in his foreign tongue. Maddi silently took the abuse, not wanting to make the situation worse. Master found her belly scar and he rubbed his finger along it. He said something in his language that sounded like a crude joke and both Master and his wife laughed. Maddi continued to keep her head down. She was just a lowly, foreign slave girl in this world and there was no upside to fighting back.
With a satisfied chuckle, Master flicked Maddi's left tit before turning back and continuing up the path. Maddi shuddered and gently rubbed her stinging breast but ultimately felt relief wash over her as she followed behind. She was careful to avoid stepping on anything sharp with her bare feet and struggled to keep up the pace. It wasn't fair, her legs were smaller!
The group approached a large villa and stopped. The walls were tall and white with an orange, tiled roof. The entrance door was polished wood. Maddi could hear the muffled sounds of conversation through the door. When one of the male slaves pulled the door open, an explosion of voices poured out to greet them. The group proceeded inside to a spacious room filled with people.
In the center of the room was a group of around forty naked slaves. There were male and female slaves mixed together. Each female had a thin, tight collar like Maddi's etched with a Venus symbol. The men sported a thicker, looser collars etched with a Mars symbol. They were standing close together in silence and staring blankly around the room. Surrounding them was a throng of well dressed nobility. The noblewomen wore elegant dresses while the men were dressed in tunics with elaborate fringes. They chatted and laughed while drinking. They quickly turned their attention to Master and his wife as they approached. As the rich and powerful accepted the two newcomers with tidings and foreign words, Maddi and the two males took their place in the center of the room amongst the slaves.
Many of the noblewomen had their hair dyed and styled bright or exotic colors. It was in stark contrast to the slavegirls who had messy, dark hair just like Maddi. The highborn were clothed and modest while the slaves were naked. They were clean while the slaves were filthy. Maddi knew she belonged body, mind and soul, with the subservient. It was more than just where she standing. Maddi didn't just look and act like she was below the nobility- she felt her inferiority deep down.
Maddi kept her gaze down at the blackened feet of the woman in front of her. The heat and stench of unwashed bodies filled every pore. Maddi was sure her own body was not unique in this matter and it gave off the same indistinguishable stink. She could feel the judgmental eyes of the surrounding nobles as they scanned the rabble.
Maddi stood silently for a few minutes, listening to the sounds of the party. As she was mindlessly tuning into a nearby conversation spoken in a language that she couldn't understand, Maddi felt a sudden poking in her back. Hot, deep breath brushed into her lifeless hair as a male slave pressed his penis into her back. With the bodies surrounding them, it appeared that his behavior was unnoticed. Maddi stayed totally still. What would these wealthy masters do if two slaves were caught fornicating? Even if she didn't initiated it or ask for it- Maddi figured they would blame her just the same!
He was much taller than Maddi because his cock was nearly mid-back. His poking became more aggressive and his rough hands wrapped around her soft hips before pulling her towards him. She shuffled back silently. Her long hair pressed against his hard pecs and Maddi felt herself becoming flush. His strong, masculine body surrounded her while his hand pushed past her hips and found the heat between her legs. Maddi's eyes shot around the nobles who appeared none the wiser. She opened her legs slightly to give the male better access. Maybe if she let him finish quickly he would let her go and they could remain undetected? He took her action as an invitation and inserted his finger inside. She couldn't help but let out a soft gasp when he began swirling his finger around her clit. The other slaves around her must have known what was happening, but they stayed perfectly still.
Appearing among the nobility was a familiar face.
Sandra was clad in straps of leather and held a riding crop. She oozed authority and exuded an aura of power. The nobles turned their attention to the newcomer and Master appeared to be introducing her. They began to clap and Sandra took a second to wave to the crowd. Maddi stared at Sandra, desperately hoping she didn't notice her. The male slave became rougher with his fingers causing Maddi's kitty to drip around them. Her heart was pumping rapidly and her skin was hot. The male pinched her clit and She stifled a moan while biting her lip. Maddi's breath was loud and fast. It was only a matter of time before she could no longer control herself. Maddi's stare was broken when the male slave suddenly pulled her hair down, forcing her head back. A new burst of arousal wracked through Maddi's body and her legs began quivering beneath his control.
The slaves around the pair began slowly moving away, probably deciding they didn't want any part in what was happening. Maddi found herself caring less and less about getting caught. Her whole body was shaking while the heavy scent of female arousal wafted from her cunt. The male craned Maddi's neck towards him and pulled her into a kiss. His scuffy face rubbed against her smoothness and his tongue probed her mouth. He held her squarely in place, but Maddi knew she wouldn't have pulled away if he wasn't. She returned his kiss submissively, allowing herself to be invaded.
Sandra's voice shouted from across the room to Kitten who had completely lost herself in lust. All eyes were now squarely on Kitten and the male slave as their behavior continued escalating towards sex. Kitten broke the kiss and feverishly glanced around, noticing the group of slaves had given her and her partner a large empty circle around them. The nobles watched the pair with amusement while the male released Kitten's hair and reached around to begin kneading her heavy tits. Kitten couldn't hold back anymore and she moaned deeply.
Sandra made what sounded like a disparaging comment in the language of the nobles. The group laughed heartily at Kitten's expense, but she didn't care. She pressed her body against the male's throbbing erection.
Sandra approached the slaves and they parted before her. She furrowed her nose at them as she passed. She came face to face with the tiny, naked, horny slave girl whose whole body had begun shaking in anticipation and hunger. Kitten NEEDED a cock!
Sandra wore a smug smile. She raised her crop and tapped Kitten's nipple. A strong feeling of tightness and heaviness immediately filled her breasts. Sandra next tapped the slave's hand busy kneading Kitten's tits. He stopped and pushed Kitten roughly from behind, forcing her to fall onto her hands and knees. She pushed her ass in the air and felt her gushing pussy exposed to a cool breeze and hundreds of eyes. Kitten rested on her hands while her messy hair covered most of her face and swept along the dirt covered floor.
The male wasted no time as he descended on Kitten. His hands pulled her fat butt cheeks apart exposing her slick asshole and pussy. He held them open for a few seconds, as if to let everybody see the slavegirls holes that he was about to claim. He thrust his hips forward and his erect cock was enveloped by Kitten's slippery, hairy cunt with no resistance whatsoever.
Her pussy lips latched onto his throbbing shaft like a vice and she expertly began milking him. Sandra yelled something to the nobility and they began to clap rhythmically. The male slave seemed to pick up on their intention and he gripped Kitten's matronly hips and slammed into her in time with their clapping. Kitten squealed in delight and tossed her hair behind her head. The pressure in her tits began to give way and a steady torrent of milk dripped out of her tits and onto the ground. Her arousal was building quickly and she could feel an orgasm approaching. The clapping steadily increased in speed and the stud followed suit. Soon he was thrusting into her so quickly that Kitten's head began swimming and she felt herself losing consciousness. He suddenly slowed and grunted. Kitten felt his manhood throbbing inside and delivering its payload deep down. The warm flood of semen inside her body sent Kitten over the edge and she took in a few sharp breaths. Her body convulsed on the floor and her legs felt weak.
The slave withdrew his softening cock with a wet *squealch* and turned away. Kitten was left on the floor in a dizzy heap with her snatch leaking fluid. She looked up and saw through dim vision that Sandra was pointing her crop at Kitten's head. Sandra pressed it between Kitten's eyes and Kitten could feel the bones in her face begin shifting. Her brow receded and became less pronounced. Overall her face looked more rounded and non-threatening. Kitten's new brow complemented her existing facial features and made her look feminine and innocent.
Kitten struggled to her feet and stared down at the ground. Every eye was still squarely on her. Fluid continued slipping out of both her breasts and vagina. The glow from her orgasm was almost gone and her stomach was happy and satisfied.
Sandra got very close and whispered one short sentence that froze Kitten in place and sent a chill through her body, "Jennifer knows she got that itching from you."
Sandra walked away, leaving Kitten sobbing in the center of the slaves. Not only was she a female slave that had just gotten fucked in front of hundreds of people- but she would also have to face the wrath of Jennifer sometime in the future for something she had no control over.
The scene began to collapse as Sandra approached the nobles with another joke at Kitten's expense. Kitten picked her sobbing head up and saw several male slaves eyeing her with lust. She pulled her hair over her face, closed her eyes, and cried harder.
When she finally opened them again, Maddi was floating in the void.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Maddi Ellie Dawes
Kitten, Titty, Betty
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
Just a hair under 5"00. Body shape is best described as "leggy" and "bottom heavy" with the legs and lower body comprising a high percentage of the total height and size.
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
133 LBS
XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Unusually active mammery glands.
Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.
Semen- [Hunger Level]: Satiated
Feels compelled to curtsey when meeting somebody. Calls people almost exclusively using pet names.
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Slightly crooked, lightly yellowed teeth. Large, soft green eyes. Light, receded brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Fully developed vagina with noticeable pussy lips and a hairy bush. Dripping with semen.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Slightly saggy female arms with virtually no muscle. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Large, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a D cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are huge and feminine. Unusually active mammery glands. Stomach is somewhat bloated with little muscle underneath. Stomach is pockmarked with stretch marks and contains a long, horizontal c-section scar. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have dark, stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairless, chubby feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth and extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Chubby, protruding ass with wide, motherly hips. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.
Naked except for a thin, metal collar etched with a Venus symbol.
Heterosexual woman that only considers dating men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big penises and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humilation and debauchery - but only when very horny.
Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way.
Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners. Very knowledgeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.