Round 35
[b]Round Thirty Five:[/b]
Mardi appeared in a field next to a small playground. A simple yellow slide, a row of lonely swings and a few benches sat empty next to the field.
Mardi breathed a sigh of relief, not feeling the gnawing hunger in her belly. She cautiously walked to the playground and took a seat on one of the benches. She tossed her long brunette hair behind her shoulders as she examined her outfit. She wore a tan blouse with a black leather jacket. Her B-cup breasts were well covered well by the modest top. A pair of tight, women's blue jeans stretched across her newly expanded hips while purple, open toe heels encased her petite feet. Mardi crossed her legs and bit her wet, bee stung lips. She nervously waited for the round to start.
Appearing with a soft *pop* was Annabelle. Annabelle had a somewhat similar outfit to Mardi. Annabelle also wore a tan blouse, but it failed to properly cover her. Annabelle's cleavage was still impressive despite losing a few cup sizes and her tiny stomach was exposed. She had on a brown jacket and tight blue jeans. On her feet were comfortable, women's sneakers. With the natural height difference and Mardi's heels, Mardi was eight or nine inches taller than Annabelle. Annabelle's long, blonde hair fell down her shoulders and her huge, fat lips accepted a pink lollipop which clicked around her teeth.
Annabelle strutted to Mardi's bench before adopting an overtly feminine posture.
Her high pitched voice chirped around her sucker, "Hey, Maddie. You've changed a lot since I saw you last. You look quite a bit older."
Mardi raised her eyebrows and folded her arms across her chest before responding coldly in her androgynous voice, "You know, that's a really rude thing to say to a woman. I'm trying my best, you know."
Annabelle popped her sucker from her mouth and put her hand on her hip which she jutted out.
She asked bluntly, "So, you fully consider yourself a woman now, huh?"
Mardi hesitated and felt herself slightly taken aback by Annabelle's question. She looked down at herself. She saw her petite, hairless feet with cute painted nails in the tiny purple heels. Her tight jeans barely containing her supple thighs, wide hips and chubby ass. Her modest breasts and her thin frame; her long, brunette hair and puffy lips.
Mardi sighed and looked down with her large, pretty green eyes. Her voice trailed off, "Well, If the shoe fits..."
Annabelle clutched her belly and nearly doubled over while wincing in pain. She exhaled loudly and took a few quick breaths. She gasped and straightened herself back up. Mardi nonchalantly scratched between her legs as she watched the young woman deal with some obvious discomfort.
Annabelle shook her head and popped her sucker back in, "Don't get pregnant if you can help it. It's a very...uncomfortable process for us girls."
Mardi continued to scratch an uncomfortable itch and stood from the bench, happy to still tower over the tiny Annabelle.
S.A.M. appeared wearing a little necklace with a Mars (male) symbol.
Annabelle blanked out for a few seconds before coming back to reality. A wide grin grew across her face and she twirled her long blond hair around her finger. A wet spot appeared on the bottom of Annabelle's blouse before suddenly drying and forming a crusty, white stain. A momentary whiff of a familiar body fluid wafted past Mardi's nose.
S.A.M. spoke in his computerized voice, "Contestants will compete in a series of five challenges which test their manliness. If either contestant succeeds at a given challenge, both will win. Contestants will not be able to assist one another in completing the challenges. Should both contestants fail, they will each incur a change as decided by Doctor Grungot. it should be noted that these simple challenges were attempted by one hundred healthy male volunteers with a 95% success rate across all five challenges."
Mardi shot a glance over to her excited, teenage partner. She didn't expect Annabelle would be much help in a manliness challenge. But, as Mardi calmed herself and took a deep breath, she realized she would be pretty useless as well. If an average male could complete these challenges 95% of the time, surely both of them together could find a way to do it.
After a few seconds of silence, S.A.M. spoke again, "Contestant will have thirty seconds, and one attempt, to spit a distance of seven feet. Begin."
Annabelle immediately made a pitiful gurgling sound. Mardi watched blankly as Annabelle pushed a puff of air from her mouth and a stream of saliva dribbled to the ground. Annabelle recoiled her body away from her saliva as it lazily dropped and giggled as she wiped her lips. Mardi was almost disgusted by how girly Annabelle acted. She really wasn't going to be helpful at all.
Mardi looked ahead and prepared herself. She had spit very often back when she was a man. She slowly hocked a loogie and cocked her head back. Mardi rolled her shoulders forward and released a gob of saliva forward. She probably made it almost ten feet!
"Ewwww, that's disgusting!" Annabelle squeaked in her breathy, high pitch.
Mardi ignored Annabelle and felt a swell of pride. She might look like a girl, but she could compete with any man on day of the week!
S.A.M. spoke, "Contestants will perform standard, military style pushups. Contestant have one minute to complete fifteen acceptable repetitions. Please get into a starting position."
Mardi got down onto her hands and knees in the grass. Before Grungot, Mardi could easily do seventy or eighty pushups in a minute but now...she wasn't sure what she was capable of. Mardi looked over to Annabelle who was giggling more than preparing. Her arms were so incredibly scrawny. Mardi wasn't sure if Annabelle even had the strength to get into a push up position let alone perform one; especially considering how heavy her tits were. Annabelle's arms were also in too wide a position and she stuck her wobbly ass and hips out in a way that would make it almost impossible to do the exercise. She seemed to care more about her blonde hair getting dirty than completing the task. Mardi was not happy with her overly girly behavior.
Mardi got into the push up position and went down. The first couple were a breeze. But, she could definitely feel the significant regression of her upper body strength. She was no longer a twenty year old man but a thirty six year old woman. Her modest breasts touched the grass softly with every pushup.
When Mardi got to ten, she could really feel the fatigue beginning to set in. Her arms were shaking and struggling just to keep her up. She knew the longer she waited the less likely she was to finish so she pushed herself on. Eleven...Tw-elve...Thir-teen...Mardi's face was getting hot and her long hair pooled on the ground with each repetition. She widened her hands and stuck her butt in the air to take a quick break. She watched Annabelle who had simply stopped trying. She had already dropped to her knees. Annabelle arched her back sexily and scrunched her hair in one hand while the other kept her up. Her large chest hung towards the ground.
Mardi got back into the position and shook wildly as she fought for the last two pushups. She willed herself forward and managed to complete the challenge! She stood triumphantly and dusted herself off with a smile.
Annabelle hopped to her feet and clapped excitedly. She carefully fluffed her hair up and made sure her clothing was meticulously void of dirt.
Annabelle chirped while putting her hands on her jutting hips, "Good job, girlfriend! We got this!"
Mardi wiped a bead of sweat from her heavy brow and scratched between her legs as she grunted angrily in her androgynous voice, "You mean I have this! You're such a useless girly-girl! it's actually pissing me off. Why don't you just go sit over there and let me handle this?"
Annabelle let out a cute *huff* and pouted.
S.A.M. began, "Contestants will chop ten pieces of wood in two minutes."
A pile of wood appeared along with two axes and two flat tree stumps.
Mardi hefted the heavy axe. Her arms were still shaking from the pushups making the axe feel even heavier. She had never chopped wood before, but how hard could it really be?
Annabelle could barely hold the axe and let it drop to the ground. It landed with a soft *thud* and Annabelle jumped away with a high pitched *Eep!* as if the axe would hit her feet. She balled her little hands into fists and held them to her mouth looking like a frightened girl.
Mardi rolled her eyes at the pathetic, girly antics of Annabelle and prepared herself as S.A.M. said, "Begin."
Mardi grabbed a piece of wood and placed it carefully, face up on the stump. She hefted the axe and prepared to strike. She raised it up and brought the axe down awkwardly, bouncing off the wood and knocking it over. She quickly replaced the piece and tried again, this time splitting the log in one swift motion. She felt emboldened by her quick success but found herself fading with each log she split. The axe was feeling heavier and heavier and her swings were becoming weaker and less precise. On her sixth log Mardi tried three swings and found herself panting and sweating. She let the axe rest on the ground, trying to catch her breath. Annabelle was busy twirling her hair and watching Mardi. Her axe remained exactly where she had dropped it.
In frustration, Mardi yelled, "You aren't even going to pretend to put some effort in? Useless!"
Annabelle upturned her nose and folded her arms, "I'm just doing what you told me to do. If I'm too much of a girly girl for you...I'll just take your advice and let the ugly, old, tom boy bitch do everything!"
S.A.M. interjected, "Time's up. Neither contestant was successful."
Doctor Grungot's voice boomed from the sky, "You're both acting like children! I think it's time you walked a mile in the other person's shoes."
Annabelle and Mardi both grabbed at their heads as a throbbing numbness invaded their brains. Mardi's thoughts were scrambled and scattered. Her whole body was shaking and felt red hot. Annabelle cried out while Mardi felt ready to pass out. The feeling lasted only a few seconds but it felt like minutes.
When the feeling began to dissipate, Mardi tried taking stock of herself. Everything was as before, but somehow completely different. Her breathing was lighter and shallower. She involuntarily puffed out her lips. She jutted her hip out. She jutted her breasts forward. She bent her leg and pushed it forward. She tossed her hair behind her shoulders with a roll of her neck. Mardi felt a surge of energy and adopted a warm smile. She felt good! She felt energetic and...girly...
Annabelle, on the other hand, stood normally. She didn't exaggerate her movements in any way. She stared down at her hands and frowned. She put her hands in her pocket and spit on the ground in front of her. She scoffed at her newfound talent that had escaped her only minutes prior.
Mardi watched Annabelle with horror. Grungot hadn't equalized their girliness, he had swapped them! Mardi walked towards Annabelle and found her gait was now a widely swaying strut. The heels on her feet only adding to the effect. Mardi's hand reached up to her hair and she flipped it out, making sure it wasn't matted or frizzy.
Annabelle spoke plainly, her speech pattern was more direct and subdued, "I don't know how to feel about this."
Mardi felt giddy as she chirped in her androgynous pitch, which was more bubbly, vibrant and dramatic, "I can't believe the Doctor! He took this one too far! I want my normal behavior back!"
Mardi found herself gesticulating with her delicate hands, while talking, much more than before. If she focused, she could stop the behavior; but the second she didn't focus it began again.
Mardi resigned herself to the girly behavior to properly focus up while S.A.M. spoke again, "Contestants will wrestle a very scrawny man. The first to pin their opponent wins."
Two skinny, short young men appeared. Mardi felt intimidated. She had to [i]fight[/i] a man? That wasn't fair! She couldn't win in a fight! She was no fighter! She took a few steps back from the boy and felt herself begin to quake.
The first young man spoke, his voice was squeaky, "My name is Newton!"
The second boy spoke, his voice was just as squeaky, "And you fine ladies may call me Alucard!"
Annabelle shook her head and pulled her hair into a high bun. She stared at the boy in front of her with determination.
Alucard gulped as he stared at Annabelle, noticing her confidence and aggressive stance. Newton, on the other hand, licked his lips like a Hungary predator as he trailed his eyes up the quivering body of Mardi. She stared at him wide-eyed like a frightened doe.
Newton rubbed his hands together, "Don't worry, Milady, it'll be over quickly and afterwards maybe we can get to know each other a little better. Milf porn has always been my favorite category so...I know what i'm doing."
"Holy cringe." Annabelle groaned.
Newton yelled, "Hey shut up you I-"
He quickly shut his mouth as Annabelle stared freezing daggers into him.
Annabelle charged towards Alucard who let out a frightened screech. Newton advanced on Mardi. Mardi shut her eyes and scrunched her body up while holding her hands over her face. She was desperately afraid of getting hit released a high pitched squeal when Newton grabbed her by the arm. Mardi started to bat at Newton with weak, girly swats, trying to keep him away. In response, he grabbed hold of both her wrists and held them tightly.
Mardi kept her eyes tightly shut as she weakly fought against Newton who whispered, "Don't worry, sexy lady, I'll take care of you."
As Newton began to manhandle her, Mardi heard a pained scream from Alucard. Newton released her and was suddenly gone. Mardi slowly opened her eyes and felt her fear dissipate. Annabelle had won! Mardi had almost forgotten Annabelle had taken her fighting skill a few rounds prior. Annabelle walked towards Mardi with a confident swagger. Her white tennis shoes had a few grass stains now, but she didn't care anymore. Mardi strutted towards Annabelle and felt a wide smile cross her face.
She chirped, "Nice job, Annabelle!"
"Call me Anna." Anna replied.
Mardi nodded her head and tossed her hair back.
S.A.M. presented the final challenge, "Contestants will have one attempt to throw a football twenty five yards."
Two footballs appeared. Mardi picked her football up. It was huge in her delicate little fingers. She could barely hold it in one hand, let alone throw it properly!
Anna picked up her ball and took a deep breath. She wound up and launched it as far as she could. Anna had good form, but her hands were even smaller than Mardi's. She also did not have the arm strength to carry the distance. The ball landed twenty two or twenty three yards away, much to Anna and Mardi's chagrin.
"I don't suppose you can top that?" Anna asked sarcastically.
Mardi brought the ball close to eye level and concentrated. She cocked the ball back and pushed her arm forward, in front of her breasts. Unfortunately, she let the ball go way too early. It weakly bounced directly in front of her. It was an absolutely embarrassing display.
Anna chuckled, "I expected you to fail, but not THAT badly. Though I guess the forty year old girly woman in heels wouldn't be expected to do well, huh?"
Mardi felt embarrassed at her attempt. The ball had barely gone more than three yards, and most of that was because it rolled! She thought back to what S.A.M. had said...95% success rate for average men...and she'd failed three of them. She would probably fail them all as she was right now. But how could she compete with an average man in a manliness contest? She was anything but a man!
Grungot boomed from the sky, "Looks like both of you failed. However, Ms. Dawes didn't just fail, she failed in an embarrassing fashion. I think it's time she began to look as girly as she acts."
Mardi gasped as her breasts began to tingle. She looked over to Anna who wore a sly smile. Mardi felt her tits begin to swell and strain against her blouse. She hefted each breast in her hand as they pushed outward. Flesh drained from Anna and flowed into Mardi. As they progressed, Mardi groaned at the tightness in her blouse which was increasing with each second.
"Want to swap tops?" Anna coolly offered.
"Y-yes" Mardi whispered.
After agreeing, Mardi's top and jacket evaporated and appeared on Anna. Anna's top and jacket appeared on Mardi's body. It was incredibly tight in the stomach, but let her expanded, jiggling hooters breath a little easier. Mardi looked down at her greatly expanded cleavage and gasped. She had massive breasts now! She caught the familiar whiff of spunk. Mardi parted her tits and noticed an obvious cum stain on the front of her blouse. Anna turned and moved her new body, noticing how much easier it was to do almost any physical action. She jumped up and down and jogged in place with a slight smile.
Mardi shook her torso back and forth, noticing how extensively her boobs shook. They were also heavy! She tried jumping in place as Anna did, but the combination of her expanded tits, heels and girliness made her jump extremely short and ineffective. When she walked, Mardi's whole weight had shifted. Now, not only did her hips sway during her strut, but her chest puffed out and swayed as well.
The last thing Mardi saw before entering the void was Anna practicing sprints across the grass. Something Mardi was sure she wouldn't be able to do any longer. Mardi gulped, she was more feminine than Anna now. Her stomach dropped, Anthony wasn't going to like this...
[b]NAME: [/b]
Mardi Elle "Kitten" Dawes
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
144 LBS
XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Intermittent, moderate itching between legs.
Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.
Semen- [Hunger Level]: Satisfied
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Fully developed, hairless vagina with noticeable pussy lips.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Average to below average biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and slightly below average shoulders. Large, fleshy mounds hanging from chest, around a D cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are large and feminine. Stomach is soft with respectable muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairless, thick feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth, extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with wide hips. Deep red painted toenails.
Tan, Lowcut blouse baring stomach and cleavage. Semen stained on the direct front. Tan jacket. Tight women's blue jeans and tall purple heels.
Has dated members of both sexes but strongly prefers men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big cocks and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both her partners and herself. Enjoys long kisses, mostly with men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humiliation and debauchery - but only when very horny.
Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring other to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Extremely girly in nearly every way.
Extremely knowledgeable with oral sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure both men and women. Very knowledgeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in French. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.