Round 34
[b]Round Thirty Four:[/b]
Mardi appeared and immediately felt a familiar gnawing in her stomach. She nearly doubled over and let out a small grunt while clutching her belly. She desperately needed cum because of that damn doctor.
Mardi glanced around and saw she was standing on a cobblestone sidewalk. The walkway was lined with shops and groups of people were walking up and down, going about their business. Most of them paid Mardi no mind, but some looked at her strangely as they walked by. She found her mouth watering and her eyes lingering on nearly every male as they passed.
She checked her outfit and figured why some people were giving her weird looks. She was dressed in a tight, black-leather outfit. Her pants were practically painted on and showed off her bubble butt while her jacket was small and tight. The jacket served to further diminish her already tiny upper body. Her dark brown hair fell down her back and she held a matching black purse. Her heels were extremely tall and practically forced her onto her tiptoes.
Mardi stood near the middle of the walkway and shivered. Everybody seemed to be focusing on Mardi and evaluating her femininity. She clutched the purse tightly and shifted her weight while tossing her long hair behind her shoulders. She put her hand on her straight hip and unconsciously adopted a feminine posture. Her body wanted to fit the stereotypes projected by the eyes around her. She felt girly.
As Mardi glanced around hungrily, she almost jumped out of her skin when a voice began talking in her ear.
"Kitten, can you hear me?"
It was Sandra. She was calling Kitten the pet name she'd given her during their last encounter. Kitten reached up and felt a tiny earpiece wedged in her right ear. It was microscopic!
Kitten nodded as she whispered, embarrassed to be seen talking to herself, "Yes, I can hear you."
"Good! Now listen up. We're going to start your training with a nice and easy exercise. Do exactly what I tell you to and we won't have to turn to any...unpleasant alternatives."
Kitten hesitated. She definitely didn't trust Sandra anymore.
After a few seconds of silence, Sandra continued with a sigh, "Kitten, I need you to agree to this. Mistress Jennifer told me that if I couldn't train you she would step in. I heard how she wants to do it, and you can trust me when I say you don't want her holding the whip. I'm the sane option."
"W-what do you mean 'train me'?"
"The Doctor wants you to be a certain kind of person. It's my job to get you there. I can't really be more specific than that or there will be trouble for both of us."
Kitten took a deep breath and tightened the grip on her purse. She didn't really see much of a choice. While she didn't necessarily trust Sandra, she definitely didn't trust Mistress Jennifer.
"Okay. What do you want me to do?"
Kitten could practically hear Sandra's smile in her voice, "You'll be going on a date with a nice man this afternoon. Just a simple walk in the park. But, if you follow my instructions, we'll feed that hungry tummy of yours. That's right girl, I know about your addiction."
In response, Kitten's stomach growled loudly, "You expect me to...on the first date? What kind of woman does the Doctor want me to be?"
Sandra scoffed, "Obviously the kind that puts out on the first date. Look at it this way: we both get what we want."
Kitten frowned and folded her arms, "Whatever, let's just get this over with."
Sandra quickly responded, "You need this guy to like you, so I suggest turning that frown upside down. Men expect their women to smile during a date. Walk to the street and wait for a man driving a Mercedes to pick you up."
Kitten swiveled her head and found the nearby street. She secured the purse around her shoulder and began walking. Her heels clicked loudly on the cobblestone. She could still feel the stare of passing eyes. Her body responded by putting more sway in her step. Kitten's walk quickly evolved into a girly strut.
Kitten reached the street and stopped on the curb. She adopted a somewhat feminine posture and brightened her dour expression. Several minutes ticked by. Cars lazily passed by and Kitten couldn't help but feel like a prostitute standing with her tight leather outfit on the curb, waiting for a man to pick her up.
A dark blue Mercedes came to a stop next to the curb, just beyond where Kitten was standing. A man with a checkered blue shirt tucked into jeans and shiny leather shoes stepped out of the driver's seat. He had salt-and-pepper hair and looked to be about 5"7. Kitten guessed he was in his mid forties.
He gave Kitten an awkward wave and walked to the sidewalk. He smiled warmly as he approached and Kitten returned the gesture.
His voice was a bit squeaky but genuine and friendly. He spoke very slowly, as if Kitten couldn't understand him, "Hello, my name is Bob. Are you Katya Kuznetsov?"
As Kitten prepared to respond, a pendant appeared around her neck. She felt a momentary numbness, and furrowed her brow with confusion. Her smile faltered.
Sandra spoke in Kitten's ear, "Nod, then tell him you prefer to be called Kitten."
A few seconds later, Kitten shyly nodded and responded to Bob, "Yes, yes I Katya. You to call Kitten."
As the words left her mouth, Kitten knew something was very wrong. Her voice was slightly higher pitched and she sounded like a demure, eastern European woman that barely spoke English! This was no ordinary pendant.
Bob's smile widened and he traced his eyes up and down Kitten's body, drinking her in like water on parched desert sand. Kitten shifted uncomfortably, but her face didn't show it. Again with the evaluations! It didn't seem to bother Bob that Kitten appeared confused and took several seconds to respond to him in broken English. It was as if he expected it.
He turned and opened the passenger door, beckoning Kitten inside. He spoke again, even slower this time, "Welcome to America Katya- ehm- I mean Kitten. Please sit."
Kitten didn't need to be prompted to follow his directions. She stepped towards the open door, being sure to move in as feminine a manner as possible. Bob stuck out his hand to assist her inside. She placed her small hand timidly into his. Bob's wandering eyes were having a field day and Kitten could have sworn he sniffed her as she passed him. Kitten got a whiff of something as she passed as well. The scent of male arousal. Her stomach gurgled and she hoped Bob didn't hear it. Bob gingerly guided her into the seat. He gently shut the door behind her and practically ran back around to the driver's seat.
Once seated, he turned his attention to Kitten and slowly said, "You're a very beautiful woman. I'm so happy you came all this way just to meet with me. I've been very excited to meet you."
Sandra spoke quickly and quietly in Kitten's ear, "Nod and smile, then hold his hand."
Kitten did as instructed. She nodded, vacantly smiled and scooped her hand into his. Again, the delay in her actions didn't seem to phase Bob. Bob looked positively delighted and squeezed her hand excitedly. His hands were generally smaller than average male hands, but compared to Kitten's painted, delicate little fingers he felt huge.
Bob struggled to start the car and put it into gear with just one hand, but Kitten could tell he wouldn't dare let her hand go. It was actually fairly cute and Kitten found herself cracking a genuine smile at his bumbling affection. Once he finally managed it, the car began to move.
During the ride, Bob spoke in a long stream of words. Kitten was surprised with how candid and open Bob was with information about himself. It was as if he didn't think Kitten really understood much of what he was saying. He talked a lot about his job and his salary. He was a senior actuary at some car company making roughly 220k per year. He had a doctorate and was 45 years old. He was separated from his wife and she got both kids in the divorce. He liked cars, football and golf.
Bob asked Kitten simple, slow questions from time to time. For each one, Sandra had an answer and Kitten repeated what she said in a broken, eastern European accent. According to Sandra, she was a 29 year old woman named Katya Kuznetsov from Nikolaev, Ukraine. She had never been married and had no children. She had been in America for about a week.
Bob did almost all the talking. Kitten smiled and nodded along, clutching onto Bob's hand. He seemed like a nice guy and Kitten found herself enjoying the ride. The scenery was pleasant and the car drove smoothly. The only thing bothering Kitten was her gnawing stomach. She found her eyes darting to Bob's crotch from time to time. Bob seemed to notice it too and let out a slight chuckle between his outpouring of personal information.
The vehicle came to a stop and Bob looked out the window, "We're here! I think a nice walk in the park will be a good first experience for us. Wait here for a few seconds, I'll get your door."
Bob released Kitten's hand and opened his door.
Sandra whispered, "Get out of the car yourself. Act confused."
Kitten sighed and opened her door, meeting Bob as he jogged around the front of the car.
She put on a puzzled expression as Bob approached and chuckled, "I guess you didn't understand that one. That's on me, I should have used simpler words. I suppose you don't understand any of this either. You know, it's actually pretty cute that-"
Sandra interjected as Bob apologized, "Kiss him."
Kitten leaned into Bob and puckered her thick, glossy lips. With her heels, she stood a few inches taller than him. His eyes opened wide in surprise, but he certainly didn't try stopping her. Their lips met and Bob wrapped his arms around Kitten's shoulders. He pulled her tighter as their lips met.
Kitten sensed Bob's rising arousal and his bulge pressed into her as he pulled her close. She felt her own rush of arousal and a familiar wetness stirring between her legs. As she heated up however, another familiar sensation started: itching.
Shit. If she itched herself too much Bob would probably figure she had an STD. Maybe he expected his thirty year old Ukrainian mail order bride to have some sort of sexual disease. But she certainly didn't want to confirm his suspicion if she could avoid it.
When they broke contact, Kitten smiled naturally and stared into his dark eyes.
Bob took a deep breath and asked, probably assuming Kitten didn't understand, "You have mysterious green eyes. What secrets are you hiding behind them?"
Kitten simply smiled nervously and did everything in her power to avoid scratching herself. When Bob's gaze lingered, Kitten started grinding her crotch against his leg to get a pseudo-itch. Bob perceived her itching very differently and swiveled his head around, seeing if anybody was noticing Kitten's lewd behavior. While the rubbing felt good, it was making Kitten hornier, wetter and itchier. The bulge in Bob's pants also seemed to like the attention and pushed out even farther.
Bob whispered with evident arousal in his voice, "You are a horny little sex pot, aren't you? We'll skip the appetizer and go right to the main course. Come with me."
Bob grabbed Kitten by the hand and pulled her towards the park. While moving, Kitten took every opportunity to discretely scratch herself through her leather pants when she though Bob wasn't looking. Of course, he caught a few glimpses of her actions but figured she was trying to touch herself. He grinned as he tugged her along. Some people enjoying the nice day looked at Bob and Kitten with confusion, but neither cared.
They crashed through a thicket of trees and into a small clearing. Bob pulled Kitten close and pressed his lips into hers yet again. Kitten, again, began grinding herself against Bob. Her stomach heaved and her pussy itched. While she and Bob engaged in long, heavy kissing, Kitten flung her purse to the grass and tossed her jacket. Bob broke the kiss and watched with approving eyes. He grabbed her undershirt and ripped it off, tossing it to the side. Her B cup breasts sat proudly on her chest. Bob bent down and placed his lips on Kitten's feminine nipples. He gently sucked one and kneaded the other with his hand. A sensitive jolt rocked through Kitten's body like a tiny bolt of lightning each time he sucked. She unbuttoned her pants and began to pull them down but couldn't continue without disturbing Bob. Sensing her hesitation, Bob crouched and slammed her pants to the ground. She gingerly stepped out of them and wore only her tall heels. Bob was face to face with Kitten's wet crevice. Well, he definitely knew she was a girl now!
Bob licked his lips and began moving his head forward. Kitten nearly jumped backwards. She didn't want him to put his face there! She probably had some sort of rash or something! She pulled Bob up and his expression became bewildered. She quickly unbuttoned his checkered shirt and tossed it aside. She sank to her knees and pulled Bob's pants down as she descended. His cock sprang out and stood fully erect. She was directly in front of his manhood. He was average, maybe even slightly above average.
Kitten looked up and tossed her hair behind her shoulders before saying in broken English, "I give strong American man good feel."
Kitten surged forward and popped Bob's cock into her mouth. Her hand shot down to her gushing pussy and she began itching herself. Bob smiled, believing his horny partner was masturbating. She quickly bobbed her head up and down, wetting his veiny shaft. He was clean shaven and his prick was very hot and very hard. Kitten expertly sucked on his head and swirled her tongue up and down his shaft as she worked him in and out. Bob groaned and placed his hands gently behind her head. She deepthroated his entire length and stared up at Bob who seemed to enjoy having his cock shoved balls deep between a woman's lips. While one hand 'masturbated' the other reached up and assisted pleasuring Bob's manhood. It didn't take long for Bob to tense up. Kitten and her stomach knew exactly what was about to happen and she redoubled her efforts sucking him off at a fast pace. Bob's hands squeezed down on the back of Kitten's head and he groaned as he started to cum. Bob's wad surged into the back of Kitten's throat with impressive force. He had clearly not had release for quite awhile. His knees shook and nearly buckled as he held her head in place. Kitten was in heaven! The salty, bitter goo slid down her throat and energy exploded through her veins like a tidal wave. Her 'masturbation' turned to actual masturbation. Kitten's finger flicked her clit. Combined with the taste and feel of swallowing cum, masturbation sent Kitten's cunt into overdrive, pushing her over the edge. Her body convulsed and sent her reeling. Bob's cock popped out of her mouth and its final spurt dribbled onto Kitten's chin. She stared up at Bob in orgasmic bliss.
Kitten fell onto her ass and caught her breath. Her stomach was satisfied and no longer ached while the itch in her vagina had been thoroughly scratched. Bob fell back against a tree and began pulling his pants up.
He looked over to Kitten who was moving much slower, "That was amazing! I didn't expect that on our first meeting! If you can do that on the first date there's no telling what you're capable of!"
Sandra piped up in Kitten's ear, "Ask him if he enjoyed it and what he would change if he could."
Kitten smiled a dopey little smile as she asked, "Big cock like soft mouth? You want me change?"
Bob buttoned his shirt and looked down at Kitten who was scooping up the last bits of semen and licking it off her fingers.
"Like I said, you were amazing. What would I change? Hm. Well, I actually enjoy your strong European face, but I wish you had some more feminine curves. But that's okay, if you keep giving blowjobs like that I don't care what you look like!"
As he finished talking, Kitten felt pressure pushing on her hips. She raised them off the ground and heard a *CRACK* *POP* as she watched them press outward. Her hips popped twice, each time widening. When they stopped, her figure had become more of an hourglass. She bent over and looked over her shoulder at her newly expanded hips. They combined with her chubby ass to really give her lower half unmistakable femininity. Not to mention her pussy nestled between her thick thighs.
Bob looked down at Kitten who was exploring her new curves in disbelief, "Like I said, you were amazing. What would I change? Hm. Well, I actually enjoy your strong European face, and I think you're body is pretty good. But, now that you mention it, I though Ukrainian girls had tiny feet, I guess I was wrong about that!"
As he finished talking Kitten gasped and turned her attention to her painted, hairless, large, masculine feet. She watched as they began to recede in her tall ballet style heels.
As the second change commenced, Bob started speaking again, "Like I said, you were amazing...I would like a girl that's shorter than me..."
Kitten opened her mouth to stop him but she was too late and quickly found herself sustaining multiple changes at once. Her whole body shook and shortened while her feet were continuing to look daintier and daintier. When they stopped, they were so incredibly small. Her heels shortened, fitting her new feet perfectly.
"Like I said-"
Kitten interjected, "American man huge cock. Make poor Ukraine girl smile. Thank you!"
Bob, fully dressed, stepped towards Kitten and pulled her to her feet. She was now eye to eye with him. Apparently he had grown a bit while she shrank!
Bob turned and began to collect Kitten's clothes while the scene collapsed.
Sandra whispered in Kitten's ear, "You were perfect. I'll expect that every time from now on."
Mardi gulped as she slipped into the void, happy to have a belly full of cum, but worried about her increasingly unrecognizable body. Thankfully, the pendant was gone.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Mardi Elle "Kitten" Dawes
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
139 LBS
XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Intermittent, moderate itching between legs.
Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.
Semen- [Hunger Level]: Satisfied
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Fully developed, hairless vagina with noticeable pussy lips.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Average to below average biceps and forearms. Smooth and hairless chest and slightly below average shoulders. Small/Medium fleshy mounds hanging from chest, around a B cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are large and feminine. Stomach is soft with respectable muscle underneath. Upper body is smooth and hairless. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairless, thick feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth, extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with wide hips. Deep red painted toenails.
Black ballet heels.
Has dated members of both sexes but strongly prefers men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big cocks and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal - on both her partners and herself. Enjoys long kisses, mostly with men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humiliation and debauchery - but only when very horny.
Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive hothead that's slow with her decision making, preferring other to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation.
Extremely knowledgeable with oral sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure both men and women. Very knowledgeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in French. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.