Bonus Round 5 Part 2


Maddi opened her eyes. She stood in a small room. Mirrors of all shapes and sizes were strewn along the floor, the low ceiling and the walls. There didn't appear to be any source of light, but the room was illuminated. Maddi saw herself from multiple angles as she turned to looked from mirror to mirror. The mirrors were angled in such a way that no matter where her eyes went, she could somehow always see herself.

Maddi felt little claustrophobic in the small space, but the mirrors made the room feel bigger. She took a few seconds to check herself out from different vantage points. Maddi had to admit, she was proud of her body. She was well put together for a woman in her mid 30's!

She put her hand on her panty clad hips and admired her curves.

Her eyes traced past her SLIGHTLY puffy belly to her breasts which were comfortably sitting in the bra.

She shook out her beyond shoulder length, brunette hair.

The youthfulness of her facial features defied her age and her striking green eyes were enthralling.

Overall, Maddi was still concerned about the next round, but she was going into it relatively comfortable with her body. She flashed a quick, crooked smile.

She had a few features that weren't perfect, but nobody was perfect!

Maddi's positivity and warm feelings soured as her reflection in the mirrors slowly faded from existence. From every angle she watched her body become translucent then disappear into nothing. Her fading image twisted and turned with wide eyed panic as her breath came in quickly in her pounding chest. Maddi touched the glass in front of her. Her image was not reflected. She saw only the other mirrors.

Maddi's eyes shot all around the small room searching desperately for any sign of her body; but each surface she examined refused to host her womanly form. She turned finally to the largest mirror in front of her and found another image was rapidly coalescing. She squinted while her foggy brain attempted to identify the blossoming figure. Maddi recoiled away in horror as Mistress Jennifer's evil grin burst into existence through the mirror. Jennifer crashed into Kitten's personal space like a runaway train. The boom of shattering glass exploded through the tiny room, sending pebble sized chunks rocketing into the walls. Kitten fell backwards onto her ass due to the combination of surprise and genuine fear of the aggressive woman charging towards her. She flopped away from Jennifer and scrunched herself into the corner, quivering in fear.

Mistress Jennifer looked down at Kitten, still wearing her evil grin.

Jennifer's low, smoky, alto voice sent Kitten's shivering into overdrive and her every word dripped with poison, "I have been waiting for you, [i]SLAVE[/i]! You and I are going to have [i]SO[/i] much fun! I hope that you brought your- "

Jennifer's smug sentence was stopped short as her hand shot between her legs. Her grin was gone, replaced by visible discomfort. Jennifer winced when she dug her fingers into her loose, chainmail bikini bottom. She scratched and clawed at her slit causing her legs to twitch. She grunted with relief and Kitten could hear the sound of nails digging deeply.

After a few seconds, Jennifer stopped and took a deep breath. She pulled her hand from between her legs and brought it to her face. She inhaled her own scent deeply.

Jennifer released a contented 'hmmm' before her grin returned and she stated, "Nothing like experiencing the smell of your own cunt before a big performance, eh [i]slave?[/i]"

Kitten sat back against the wall, as far from Jennifer and her shattered mirror as she could.

Jennifer flicked a bead of glass off her shoulder before settling her eyes on Kitten, "I see you've decided to use ALL my party favors. Smart girl! But, as you probably expected, these are not ordinary items! Let's start with the little golden pill you swallowed."

Kitten shuddered and her stomach churned. She weakly traced her hand along her soft belly.

Jennifer continued, "The vast majority of women your age would do almost anything to wind back the clock wouldn't they? But you're really a strange bird aren't you Kitten? You actually took a pill that pushes the clock forward!"

As Jennifer finished talking, Kitten's body began to change. Her skin softened and felt looser with each passing second. The light wrinkles on her face became deeper, more defined and pronounced. Kitten's bones lost enamel and weakened. Her hands became arthritic and sore. Kitten felt a stiffness in her back and a nagging pain in her hips. Her youthful brunette hair looked out of place on her aging body. When it stopped, Kitten examined her hands which she rubbed together. They looked like they belonged on an older woman!

Her feet clad in golden heels took on a more hardened, wrinkled appearance. They still sported red polish.

While her body felt achy and a bit saggy compared to before, Kitten didn't see that much of a visible change when she looked down. It frustrated her that she couldn't look at herself in the mirror spot any changes! Kitten could only speculate at her actual age, but she could FEEL the change deep inside. She was slower and more fragile than ever before.

Jennifer chirped, "What good is a mature woman if she doesn't have the proper assets? Good thing you put on the golden bra and panty set!"

Kitten watched as the golden bra was seemingly absorbed into her body, leaving her chest naked. She gasped as fat gushed beneath her skin and her breasts expanded outward. Her nipples followed suit and widened. Kitten felt her girls sagging downwards due to the combination of age and weight. She looked down at her new tits. Her once proud chest no longer rode high and tight, they were now loose and heavy. These swinging behemoths looked like they belonged on a horny cougar in a porno, not on her body!

Before her brain could process the changes, Kitten's golden panties were absorbed as well. Her matronly hips cracked and jutted out. Her thighs, ass and belly fattened, expanded and thickened even further. Kitten's pubic area puffed up and she now sported a fupa. She had taken on a shape more befitting a woman in her mid/late 40's. Not only that, but the shape of a woman in her 40's that had popped out a few kids and never skipped a meal. Kitten parted her breasts to see her hairy cooter nestled between her child-rearing hips.

She no longer had the bra and panty set protecting her modesty. Kitten rubbed her hands along her changed body. She marveled at the strain her tits put on her back and the layers and layers of padding and fat filling her lower body.

"Whether you're seducing a younger man or complaining about your meal at a restaurant, the gold necklace around your pretty neck will help you sound the part!"

The simple gold oval around Kitten's neck grew into a golden bead and multiplied. The beads continued to fill the necklace until the string was full. When it was complete, Kitten exhaled sharply when it felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. She opened her mouth and coughed as the throbbing and numbness subsided.

Kitten piped up, "[i]Sweetie[/i], what did you do to my voi-"

She stopped short. Her androgynous voice was now a mature, smoky and seductive alto. Kitten's pitch was undeniably feminine sounding. Coupled with her sociologically conditioned female speech pattern, Kitten not only looked like a middle-aged woman, but she sounded like one too.

"Please no more." Kitten croaked in her new alto. Her pitch and tone felt alien in her throat.

Jennifer towered over Kitten, practically backing her into the corner. She was clearly enjoying Kitten's discomfort.

Jennifer's voice feigned concern, "It's okay, [i]slave[/i] we're almost done! Then we get to enjoy the party together! I see you drank the liquid courage. Are you worried that you'll be surrounded by young people and feel out of place? That's why you wear makeup to cover the signs of aging, don't you? Just like the liquor it helps you feel confident, right?"

Kitten's felt her face changing. Though her age had increased before, her face had remained somewhat young. That was no longer the case as subtle differences took effect. First, her facial features sharpened. Her cheekbones and her jaw in particular were more defined and her face looked less rounded and more mature. Her lips thinned and her eyes were more sunk in while her brows thinned and sharpened. Kitten's skin became thinner and wrinkles that had been previously kept at bay became deeper and more noticeable. To compensate, the subtle makeup on her face thickened.

But Kitten's head wasn't finished. Her long hair receded up into her scalp and shortened. It stopped just above the shoulder. She pulled her hair in front of her eyes and watched as its color changed between her fingers. Her silky, dark brunette transitioned to a lighter and lighter shade until it ended on lifeless, bright blonde. She had dark roots showing through giving further evidence that her hair was not natural.

"Go ahead and take a look." Jennifer muttered, pointing at the mirror behind Kitten's head.

Kitten reluctantly turned and gasped as she looked at her new face. She looked so much different- so much [i]older[/i]!

Kitten struggled to her feet and sighed before turning to face herself. She was relieved her reflection had returned...but she couldn't believe how unrecognizable she had become. Her heavy breasts pulled and sagged on her chest; her wide hips, chunky thighs and fat ass stuck out provocatively; her pudgy stomach was marred with stretch marks and a C-section scar; her face wore heavy makeup which was clearly hiding signs of aging; her hands and feet were consistent with the rest of her body; her hairy slit sat beneath a bloated fupa and her hair was dyed and just shorter than shoulder length, cut in a typical style for a middle aged woman. If somebody told Kitten the woman in the mirror was 45, she would have believed them.

Jennifer smiled as she stood next to Kitten. When they stood side-by-side the differences were even more noticeable. Compared to Kitten, Jennifer's body was tight, energetic and young. She looked like a childless woman in the prime of her life. On the other hand, Kitten appeared bloated, haggard and old. She looked like a woman with multiple kids that was past her prime. As if to illustrate the point, Kitten's large nipples began to drip.

Jennifer's voice was positively plucky and youthful compared to Kitten's smoky, mature alto, "Lucky for you, the heels would have just forced you to wear heels...since you already have that, I guess you get off easy! Anyway, shall we head out, [i]ma'am[/i]? Just so you know, your breasts are leaking."

The mirrored room began to collapse. Kitten's shut her eyes, she didn't want to continue seeing what she had become.

Maddi was left floating in the void with just a pair of golden heels and a beaded necklace.



Bonus Round 5 Part 3


Bonus Round 5 Part 1