Bonus Round 5 Part 1

Special thanks to Jjjandj who was the only person to give me any input! I guess she's got the reins on this one :)


Maddi let out a heavy sigh as she set Mistress Jennifer's card back onto the pillar. Her eyes trailed back to the objects in a pile before her. The objects looked innocent enough, but Maddi was sure they were anything but. A thought suddenly formed in the back of Maddi's head. The more the thought lingered, the more it began to make sense.

The best option was to give in completely.

She was screwed either way, so she may as well try and lessen Jennifer's wrath with compliance. Maybe submission was the way to go? Trying to fight had never worked out in the past.

Maddi hesitantly picked up the golden ring. She slipped it on her finger and braced for impact...but nothing happened. The band shined in the portal's light. She tugged the ring off and examined it in her hand.

It looked every bit of a normal ring. At least she hadn't burst into flames! With the assurance that immediate physical harm wouldn't befall her, Maddi returned the ring back to her finger. She quickly secured the necklace around her smooth neck with much less apprehension. The necklace was very simple and dangled comfortably.

She pulled the panties up her hairless thighs. The golden flower on the front nestled on top of her scar while the material was mostly eaten up by her heavy thighs. The bra gave her a much needed support.

Maddi kicked off her black heels and fastened the golden heels on her small feet. They fit perfectly.

Finally, she looked down at the two items that remained. The shot and the pill. If she introduced them into her body there was no going back.

She couldn't stop now. She was going all the way! Maddi lifted the pill to her lips and dropped it in. She tossed back the liquid and swallowed it down. The liquid had no taste.

Maddi drew a few deep breaths, waiting for something to happen. Everything seemed fine so far!

She fluffed her hair a bit as she went around the empty pillar. Maddi definitely didn't want to go to the "Master's Quarters" or the "Slave's Quarters". By process of elimination, Maddi stomped her way into the green portal with her golden heels clacking along with her.

The portal whisked the golden girl away.


Bonus Round 5 Part 2


Round 49