Round 91

[b]*Round Ninety One*[/b]

Annabella appeared on a familiar running track.

Her stomach immediately dropped. Was it already time to face Danielle again? She looked around, nothing but green grass, blue skies and rolling hills with a black track stretching in an oval.

Annabella examined herself. She squeezed into a hot pink garter belt which held up lacy black stockings. A pink g-string was wedged between her ass cheeks and provided a meaty cameltoe. Above the lacy garter belt was her huge, protruding stomach. It weighed her down heavily and she could hardly stand. Her stretch marks had deepened even further. A lace pink push up bra left her chest mostly exposed. Her augmented tits tightly pressed into the transparent garment. Her heels were six inch black stilettos. Annabella's curly, pink-highlighted blonde hair was loosely hanging down her back. On her neck was a tight pink collar with a ring on the front.

Annabella brushed an errant curl out of her angelic face with a long, intricate nail. She then placed her delicate hands on her strained back. She splayed her legs to give herself a bit more support as the weight of her stomach was really getting to her. She felt a sudden wet feeling above her vagina. She reached her hand down and touched a sticky substance which quickly dried leaving the evidence of a crusty cumshot splattering her stomach as if a man pulled out just before orgasm.

Seconds later, Danielle appeared. She was not nearly as disgusting as Annabella remembered. Danielle was still very portly but her fat was encased in a painted on compression shirt and pants. The black material of her outfit gleamed in the sunshine and a few obvious rolls puffed under her shirt. The pants did wonders for her legs and no clear sign of cellulite could be seen though Annabella knew it must still be there. Danielle's heaving chest was subdued by what Annabella figured must have been at least two sports bras. Danielle stood on five inch black heels and her dark brown hair was pulled in a tight bun. Her face was not greasy like Annabella remembered and mostly void of acne. Also, her lip had been properly shaved and she had a light dusting of makeup. Overall, Danielle was still miles from her original, sexy form. But, she was also miles from her rock bottom.

Danielle walked towards Annabella who recoiled slightly. Annabella knew the stakes Danielle had on this round and figured she would do anything to win. Danielle stood directly next to Annabella and stared down. Her shadow covered the tiny, quivering woman completely. Danielle was so much bigger.

Initially, Danielle's stare was intense but it softened as she spoke, her voice was less haughty and warmer than it had been just a few rounds ago, "You know, I volunteered to be here." Annabelle gulped and stared at the ground, afraid Danielle was going to try something. She continued, "It's funny, the Doctor's changed my memories so many times I don't know what's real and what isn't. I do know that at least one memory is intact. He makes sure it stays intact." Her eyes glazed over and she was thinking hard, as if remembering something from a long, long time ago, "It's more of a feeling than a memory. I had just 'won' the Extravaganza and begged him to keep me in the show. Not just asked him, I BEGGED him. I don't even remember what I looked like or who I was. But, I remember the feeling of desperation. I wanted so DESPERATELY to be here." Danielle turned towards the sun, her bloated body was silhouetted by the light. She contemplated for a few seconds. Her voice began to falter as her tone softened, "And when he took me in? The jubilation I felt... I thought THIS was my moment to BE somebody, you know? More than just a 'winner'. Somebody to entertain the masses and live forever in a WACKY gameshow as a - as a star!" Her head sunk and her gaze shifted to the ground, her words murmured out in a whisper, "What a fool I was." Her attention shifted to Annabella who stood motionless, "Don't do what I did. Because if you do you'll Never. Ever. Leave."

Annabella responded with a pleading chirp. "I-I don't get what you sayin'"

Danielle's gaze shifted back to the horizon as she muttered, "You will."

S.A.M. appeared wearing a little sweat band.

Danielle's posture and stance immediately shifted, becoming hostile and aggressive.

Her voice was a husky rasp as she spat at Annabella, "Sup little fucking cunt? Are you ready to get your ass whooped? I've been training and preparing since we last met!" Annabella recoiled from Danielle, taken off guard by her sudden change in behavior. Danielle continued, "You wouldn't believe the shit I did for some powerups. My babies are coming home with me today, and when i'm done with you? I bet yours are going home with you too!"

Annabella looked down at her belly which she had begun unconsciously rubbing. A profound sensation of fear gripped her but it was mixed with optimism and excitement. She watched Danielle who was vigorously stretching and wearing a toothy grin. She held a photograph of two baby boys and glanced at it periodically. Annabella could see she was building up a sweat just stretching in place.

S.A.M. spoke in his monotone robot voice, "Contestants will race around the track four total times equaling one mile. The first to cross the finish line after four laps is the winner. Please step up to the starting line."

A yellow line appeared and Annabella waddled towards it. She was forced to open her legs wide as she slowly plodded her way forward. A slimy, sticky itch tickled the area just above her vagina which ate up her g-string . Annabella's back was arched with her shoulders pulled back, bearing a bit of her belly's immense weight, further thrusting her hungry labia forward.

Danielle took her spot next to Annabella and looked totally locked in and determined. Though she did have a decent trickle of sweat rolling down her face.


Annabella and Danielle stepped off the line and began the race. Both women were moving at a very slow pace. Annabella was doing more of a sexy, pregnant power walk with very little power while Danielle was "running" but it was so slow that she may as well have been walking. Annabella's steps were heavily impeded by her belly while Danielle was clearly having some endurance issues. After the first lap, Danielle was a tiny bit ahead but her lead was dwindling. Her bloated, fat body was catching up to her and she was drenched in sweat. A stark-white belt of fat pooched out beneath her skin tight shirt. Her breathing was coming in gasps. Even the heavily pregnant Annabella rolled her eyes, Danielle was pathetic, it was only a quarter mile after all. Annabella easily kept her steady pace while Danielle's "run" turned to a walk then to an even slower walk. She watched as Annabella passed her. Danielle desperately grabbed at Annabella who managed to slink away without contact.

Danielle growled through labored breaths, "Get *huff* back here you *huff* fucking bitch!" When it was clear the gap was widening, Danielle shouted, "POWERUP!"

Annabella stopped and gasped. She crouched down slightly. Her belly swelled under her hand. She bent forward and groaned as the weight on her legs increased. She struggled back upright and slowly began moving forward again. She could definitely feel the increased weight on her back as her pregnancy had jumped forward a few weeks. The stretch marks along the sides had deepened while new ones appeared near her outie belly button. She also noticed her breasts had begun to leak milk. She was truly huge, like holy shit huge. Her tiny 4"11 frame looked ridiculous with her late 3rd trimester with twins belly. Annabella scrunched her little toes as her feet began to hurt and her hips felt like they were shifting. She tried to ignore the new developments, even as the milk dripped down her breasts. A few minutes later, the second lap was behind her. She looked over to Danielle who was about halfway through the second lap and obviously struggling mightily. She felt bad for Danielle who just wanted her kids back. Maybe Annabella could try and convince the Doctor to show her mercy maybe she could-

Danielle's husky voice croaked in the distance, "POWERUP!"

Annabelle let out a moan as her belly swelled yet again. Her breathing came in quick bursts and she felt her body getting really hot. Her eyes fluttered for a second as her head began swimming. When Annabella back down to Earth, she looked down to see her outfit had changed. She was wearing a pink maternity hospital gown with nothing beneath it. There were snaps near her tits that would open to allow access for a hungry newborn...or newborns. Her hair was secured in a tight ponytail though her shoes were still shiny black stilettos. Annabella tried to walk forward, but her body thought otherwise. She felt her hips shifting a bit again, preparing for...oh no! She felt a *pop* inside her vagina as a flush of wetness splattered her inner thighs. It splashed onto the track and stained her gown which now sported a dark wet spot. She bent forward and took a few shaky steps. Annabella cried out as a throbbing pain began just above her crotch and in her pelvis. Her slow progress stopped again as a strong contraction ripped through her. Her breathing was coming in gasps. She pulled at her collar, trying to open her airway just a bit more, but it would barely budge. She moaned again as the throbbing in her pelvis intensified. She began feeling a less severe pain in her lower back, but was totally powerless to do anything about it.

Annabella started hyperventilating. She wasn't ready to do this. She couldn't-she...she just couldn't! Annabella gasped a few time, tugging desperately at her collar. She needed air! She needed to sit down, unable to bear the shooting pains in her feet and legs. Annabella fell to her knees and slowly lowered herself onto her bubble butt. She laid back and opened her legs wide. A sigh of relief crossed her lips. This position felt more comfortable and...natural? Like in a primal way. The contraction passed and Annabella found herself with her eyes closed, focusing on breathing as deeply as possible and calming her nerves. After three minutes or so, Danielle walked slowly past.

She looked up at the sky, "Hey, uh, Doc, you might want to get her out of here."

Doctor Grungot's voice echoed in the bright blue sky, "That's up to Ms. Slut. Ma'am, do you want to forfeit and be transported to the hospital?"

Annabella shook her head and started pulling herself to her feet. As she did so, however, the throbbing pain in her pelvis began anew. It immediately affected her lower back and was even more intense than last time. Annabella closed her eyes and bit her lip as her face contorted in pain. She groaned and fell back onto her ass.

"G-get me to the hos-" She stopped mid-sentence as an enormous pressure from her womb exacerbated the pain in her crotch. She opened her mouth wide with a pained, silent scream before blurting out, "Get my ass to the fuckin' hospital!"

Doctor Grungot waited a few seconds before replying, "Not good enough, Ms. Slut. I need you to say you forfeit first."

Annabella put her fragile little hand in her mouth and bit it, trying to lessen the pain. "I forfeit, okay, I fuckin' forfeit, get me to a doctooooo-" The end of her sentence turned into a moan.

"Fair enough, Ms. Slut. Congratulations, Ms. Strauss. You'll find both your boys back home safe and sound. See? I'm a man of my word."

Annabella didn't pay any attention to Danielle as the scene collapsed.


Annabella appeared in a hospital bed. She quickly scanned the room. Pretty standard fare. It seemed clean with all the amenities a patient could ask for.

The latest contraction ended and Annabella took a second to wipe the sweat from her brow. She tried to slow her breathing down and quiet her pounding heart. As she did, the door to her room suddenly burst open and a large group of hospital staff in turquoise scrubs and surgical masks flooded in. A flurry of activity began and any plans for Annabella to calm herself became null and void. She was strapped to a heart monitor and her legs were hoisted into stirrups pulled from beneath the bed. A male nurse gave her a confused look as he placed her high heeled foot into the device.

The man who looked to be in charge approached Annabella, standing between her legs, and removed his mask. It was Stan.

His familiar, androgynous voice sounded mixed with a joyful sweetness, "Hello, ma'am, I'm Doctor Stan. We're all so excited for you today. Could you tell me your name please?"

I'm Annabella Slut..." Annabella timidly squeaked.

Stan pulled her gown up and pooled it around her belly. He stared at Annabella's vagina as he listened to her. A young looking assistant standing next to him typed into a tablet device he was holding. He appeared to be searching Annabella's name.

Stan reached down with a gloved hand and a measuring tool. He opened Annabella's pussy lips and she felt the cold prongs of the tool poking into her.

Stan spoke to his assistant, "She's already over 9 centimeters."

The assistant shook his head, his voice was high pitched and unsure, "Doctor, I can't seem to find her in the system."

Stan reached over and turned Annabella's wrist, exposing her bar code tattoo. Annabella felt the dull throbbing starting to rise again and she gripped the side of the bed.

While she was dealing with the increasing pain, Stan plainly stated to his assistant, all warmth and joy was gone from his voice, "Query under property instead of persons. Find out who owns it and get them down here. We can't do anything without authorization." Stan looked over his shoulder and loudly ordered, "Hold off on the anesthesia until we talk to its owner."

Stan stepped back as tears of agony slipped down Annabella's cheeks. She yelped and groaned while her feet writhed in the stirrups. Her body felt so incredibly hot and the pain was unbearable.

"N-numb me please!" Annabella screamed to nobody in particular.

A few of the staff looked up but didn't answer her. Stan stayed completely stone faced and stared down. His emotion didn't even change.

As she desperately scanned the room for anybody who would assist her, the pain began to decrease once again. Annabella took in a few huge breaths and sobbed into the pillow. Her gown was still pooled at her belly and Stan continued to stare at her bare crotch.

"Found it, sir." The assistant started, "Annabella Slut, legal object, owned by Darius Black. It's had quite a few cosmetic surgeries. Approximately twenty years of age. Female," He looked between Annabella's open legs, "Obviously."

Stan responded as he grabbed the tablet, "One of Darius's toys? Saw him earlier today. Good guy, great customer. Alright, we basically have him on speed dial. His whores are here all the time. Go ahead and give him a call."

The assistant turned and walked away leaving a sobbing Annabella and Stan. Stan scanned the tablet, murmuring as he read, "Breast augmentation...Lip augmentation...Vaginal depth increase...Enhanced mucus hormones..." He read a few more lines with unintelligible murmurings before looking up and eyeing Annabella up and down. Were his eyes...filled with...lust?

An awkward minute passed where Annabella warily watched Stan through bleary eyes. His lust seemed to increase with each passing second. Master walked through the door wearing an expensive looking black suit. He looked amazing! His dark skin had a slight sheen in the light and his handsome, manly features were framed by a stylish goatee and afro. He also sported a reflective set of sunglasses. Annabella couldn't help but smile as her watery eyes cleared and her stomach filled with butterflies. Master had come to see her!

Stan removed the gloves from his hands and approached Master, extending his hand, his voice was warm and friendly again, "Darius, how are you, Sir?"

Master smiled, his white teeth practically sparkled. He didn't remove his sunglasses as he took Stan's hand, his voice was so confident and dreamy, "Doc, what's shakin'?"

Stan craned his neck to Annabella who beamed from the bed, "Looks like one of your toys is having a couple of kids. You doing the usual with them?"

Master nodded his head, "Yeah, I'll be taking them. Gotta get their barcodes on early. Whole legal thing." Master sighed. "Court is such a nightmare. Hard out here for an enterprising young businessman."

Stan shook his head, "You'd think the court would understand the spawn of property is still property. This is no different from breeding a cow if you ask me. Sorry about that sir, hope it all goes smoothly."

Master chuckled and responded, "Yeah but dont forget, a person had sex with THIS cow to make these babies. Don't want daddy crying to the court about custody. It's easy to-"

Both men stopped their conversation abruptly as Annabella began her agonized moans again. She was practically screaming at this point.

Stan remained calm and spoke a bit louder to be heard over her wailing, "Do you want us to numb this one up? Seems like it's taking it pretty hard."

Master peered through his reflective glasses over to Annabella who was openly weeping, pulling at her collar and pleading for release from the pain, "Nah, just get the calf's out safe. No use making the cow comfortable. Anesthesia cost too much last time anyway. I ain't made of money. Also, make it fast, will ya? The one earlier today took almost ten minutes."

Stan nodded and motioned to his team, "Alright, Sir, standby."

The hospital staff crowded around Annabella. Two nurses grabbed her legs and opened them wide while Stan stood in between them.

Stan looked Annabella in the eyes with a cold stare and ordered with no emotion, "Push now, don't waste our time."

Annabella felt so scared and unsure. Her body was burning up again and her entire lower region felt like jello. She shot a frightened, pleading glance over to Master who was nonchalantly tapping his foot and looking around the room with his glasses still on. She grew a huge grin and felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Having a Master who cares enough to share the miracle of birth...not many girls could say that, she reckoned. If Master wanted her babies now, she would do whatever she could to make it happen! Annabella focused on her abdomen and pushed as hard as she could. Her face was scrunched up beat red while her delicate little fingers clenched into fists. She screamed in agony and grinded her teeth tightly as she felt movement in her belly.

Master's booming voice sounded, "Hey, take its teeth out, don't want them damaged like three times ago."

Fingers probed roughly into her mouth and after two brief instances of suction, her top and lower dentures were removed leaving her toothless. She tried to clench her mouth to relieve the extreme pain she was experiencing but found it wasn't as effective without teeth.

Stan angrily yelled at her, "Push, you dumb cow, push!"

Annabella doubled her efforts, disregarding the most extreme, visceral pain she had ever experienced as it literally felt like her pelvis was about to snap into pieces. She took a deep breath and pushed harder than before. Her face become dark red and blood vessels in both eyes popped. Before the push was done, she was seeing stars and the world was becoming a bit fuzzy. Annabella felt more movement then a sudden fullness in her vagina. Her normally wide, deep pussy stretched more than it ever had. She bellowed a primal yelp that echoed through the room when she felt a tugging and the first baby was ripped through the birth canal. A gush of fluids followed and a nurse was busy replacing soaking towels. A weak little baby cry rang through the room. Annabella had tears rolling down her cheeks as she heard her baby girl for the first time. She did it! She was officially a mother! She gulped in air and tried to get a glimpse of her child but the baby was quickly carried to a nearby table by several of the staff. The umbilical chord was unceremoniously snipped by a random nurse. Annabella breathed a relieved sigh as the pain was momentarily lowered. She grabbed at the side of the bed and held it tightly. Just holding onto something made her feel more secure. It was like an out of body experience, she was just floating, miles away from the pain. In her haze, Annabella checked on Master who had his back turned, reading a poster on the wall. He was so knowledgeable, always reading and learning new things! It was so great to have a genius to take care of you.

The baby's cry continued. It was like a wonderful, hopeful hymn ringing in Annabella's ears.

"Here comes the second one." Stan coldly stated. "Push again and keep breathing. Don't pass out or this will be way harder."

Though she was still drifting away, Annabella had the wherewithal to begin her efforts anew and pushed by instinct. She was aware of the pain, of the fluids gushing out of her, but it all felt distant. As her fingers gripped the side of the bed and the second child entered the birth canal, her consciousness was focused solely on the innocent cry of her baby. HER baby. She grew fucking humans and brought it into the world. She barely noticed as the second baby was removed and the umbilical chord was cut. Again, she tried to catch a glimpse but the nurse was too quick.

"...Not breathing." Annabella heard through the haze.

The mood in the room shifted and every nurse turned to focus on the newborns, leaving Annabella alone on the bed. She blinked a few times and gripped the bed-frame. She fought to return back to reality. As she did, the horrifyingly severe, thumping pain in her pelvis hit her like a truck and made her groan. Her entire lower half was covered in fluid which still leaked out. Her tits were lactating, putting dark spots in the gown. She didn't dare move her legs out of the stirrups fearing her pelvis would shatter with even the slightest movement, that is, if it hadn't already.

Annabella heard one infant crying in the room.

"Let me...shee hem!" Annabella groaned out feverishly. She struggled to speak without her teeth.

Nobody paid her any attention. She shifted her gaze to Master who looked on with mild interest at the nurses who were working feverishly.

Annabella heard a worried male voice in the cacophony, " ...lost the pulse."

Annabella pulled her legs from the stirrups, despite her worries, and began struggling out of the bed.

"Let me shee hem!" She screamed.

"... full cardiac arrest."

Stan shouted, "Somebody get the bitch to shut the hell up!"

Master walked over to Annabella who clutched the bed. Her big bloodshot, doe eyes met his.

"Whash happening, Mashtuh?" Annabella innocently asked, "Are the babiesh okay?"

Master placed his hand on Annabella's sweat glazed forehead and smiled down at her. She felt instantly at ease and grinned up at him. "Don't you worry, Bella, everything's gonna be fine. You trust me, don't you?"

Annabella nodded, "Y-yes of coursh!"

"Clear!" A nurse shouted.

Master's voice was calm and persuasive, "Then believe me when I say i'm taking care of the child. You go finish your little contest with the Doctor and little Luscious Slut will be waiting for you."

"L-Luscious?" Annabella asked.

"Yeah, that's her professional name. She's gon' be the best of the best just like mommy."

Annabella felt a swell of pride.

" it" A defeated Doctor Stan stated.

Annabella was focused on Master who pulled his sunglasses us exposing his dreamy brown eyes. They were alluring and hypnotizing.

"You should be proud, Bella, you brought one beautiful mixed baby girl into the world today. She'll be popular when she's older, that's for sure."

Another swell of pride, she had done a good job.

"Did I make you happy, Mashtuh?"

Master chuckled, "You did good." He pet the top her her head a few times.

Annabella gummed her lower lip as butterflies flew in her flattened stomach.

She was sure lucky.

The scene began to collapse and Annabella reached for her dentures which she inserted. She listened to her newborn's tiny cry and began to smile but faltered. Something was wrong. But Master would take care of the baby while she finished the Extravaganza...But something was definitely wrong...Before she could contemplate it, she was floating in the void, puffing a cigarette.

[b]NAME:[/b] Annabella Slut

[b]HEIGHT:[/b] 4"11

[b]WEIGHT:[/b] 117 LBS

[b]AGE:[/b] 21

[b]IQ:[/b] 72. Basic arithmatic and reading are somewhat difficult.

[b]POWERUPS:[/b] 0

[b]SEX / PHYSIOLOGY:[/b] Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia. Body produces above average levels of female hormones. Unusually fertile. Strong pheromones attracting men and giving her a sweet scent. Hormone altered bartholin and saliva glands that increase oral and vaginal enjoyment for all sexual partners.

[b]PREGNANCY / CHILDREN:[/b] Not pregnant. One child, Luscious Slut.

[b]HAIR:[/b] Long, silky and healthy. Naturally curled golden blond with pink highlights. Falling below mid back and hanging loosely.

[b]VOICE:[/b] Super high-pitched, seductive and breathy. Very simple vocabulary. "Ghetto" accent. No gag reflex whatsoever.

[b]FACIAL HAIR:[/b] None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.

[b]EYES:[/b] Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long, fake eyelashes and thick dark eyeliner. Smokey, dark blue eye shadow causing the eyes to look constantly half lidded.

[b]FACIAL FEATURES:[/b] Rounded jaw with thin chin; high rounded cheekbones; small feminine ears; delicate, slightly upturned nose; weak, non-imposing brow; thin, highly angled eyebrows; thin smooth neck; incredibly thick, shiny, bee-stung lips that can hardly close; smooth, weak, flat forehead; layered pink blush covering cheeks and accenting their feminine shape; toothless mouth filled with perfect dentures; permanent makeup.

[b]BUILD:[/b] Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with virtually no muscle; huge breasts and cartoonishly weak shoulders ; Fat jiggling ass that sticks our provocatively; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips made slightly larger by birthing two children; slightly doughey belly with the afer effects of stretch marks; thick milky thighs that rub together with each step. Skin is sexy sun-kissed bronze all the way around.

[b]CHEST:[/b] Huge Fake looking H cup breasts. Unnaturally gravity defying and circular. Thick and veinous, pierced, dark pink feminine nipples. Over-active mammary glands. Visible surgical scars. Currently dripping milk.

[b]EXTREMITIES:[/b] Thin, delicate, soft hands with long pink, silvery sparkle nails extending over an inch past the finger; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, clear-pink painted, longer nails with shiny little gems on the big toe. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 6 inch high heels.

[b]GENITALS:[/b] Wide, deep, hairless, puffy, used vagina which can accommodate even the most well endowed. Coated in amniotic fluid and blood.

[b]TATTOOS:[/b] Black tribal tattoo in the shape of a womb just above her pubic area. Black tribal hear and star design on the lower back.

[b]PIERCINGS:[/b] Diamond studded gold ring and stud pierced clit. Large golden hoops hanging from ears with "BABY" in bold pink studded letters. Silver barbell studs in nipples, keeping them constantly erect.

[b]OUTFIT:[/b] Pink hospital maternity gown and shiny black stiletto's. Tight pink collar with shiny ring on it.

[b]SEXUAL PREFERENCE:[/b] Is attracted exclusively to men. Will only be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido. Enjoys having cum on and in her body and clothing. Loves being humiliated sexually and verbally. Likes being locked in light bondage. Loves vaginal and anal sex. Prefers big penises and doesn't get much sexually out of anything less than six or seven inches. Enjoys exhibitionism and public sex. A bit of a masochist, likes being spanked.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Submissive, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, prefers living in squalor, Is annoyed easily. Often considered 'Bitchy'. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning. Doesn't know how to drive and is afraid to get behind the wheel. Acts like a stereotypical girly-girl including standing, sitting, walking, speaking, writing and holding things. Loves having long nails, is very protective of them. Addicted to sex and is overtly promiscuous with almost every man encountered especially if she hasn't done it in awhile. Has no issue with cheating on somebody in a relationship as long as she doesn't get caught. Incapable of wearing underwear, feels compelled to let others know, generally by showing them. Refuses to wear any clothing not considered slutty or sexy.

[b]ADDICTIONS:[/b] Smoking and sex

[b]FAVORITE COLOR:[/b] bright pink.

[b]FINANCIAL / LIFE SITUATION:[/b] Has a negative bank balance and heavy debt. Terrible credit with no prospects or knowledge of the financial world. Difficulty with basic arithmatic. Owned completely and in every way by Darius Black. Legally unable to make any of her own decisions and considered property by all legal and governmental systems. Cannot own or buy anything without pre approval by Darius.

[b]EXPERTISE:[/b] Vaginal sex, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick, seducing, dirty talk


Round 92


Bonus Round 18 - Bonus Round 6 Part 2