Bonus Round 18 - Bonus Round 6 Part 2
Sorry for the delay, this one took longer than I expected.
[b]*Bonus Round Eighteen* (Bonus Round Six Pt. 2)[/b]
Doctor Harold Grungot paced backstage. He hadn't gone in front of the crowd for several months now and was uncharacteristically nervous. He fanned his lab coat open a few times, trying to cool himself down. He looked down at his watch, thirty seconds to showtime. He opened his mouth wide, stretching his facial muscles, and ran through what he was going to say for the thousandth time. With one final big breath, he stepped onto the stage to a tidal wave of applause. The blue glow of the audience members slowly filled in the theater seats. Harold waved and smiled widely while ignoring the nervous knots in his stomach.
He mustered as much confidence as possible and projected it through his signature androgynous, nasily pitch, "Welcome! Welcome back again! I missed you all so much but, as you would expect, I've been so busy these last few months with our favorite contestant, Annabelle!"
The crowd roared with applause which Harold took a second to enjoy. He felt relieved, momentarily reflecting on why he did the show. He deserved the accolades, he earned them. He basked in the fanfare for a moment longer before quieting the crowd with a hand motion.
He lowered his voice as he explained, "Now, as many of you know, it's been awhile since we've had a bonus challenge. That's on me folks, and I apologize. It's very heartening to see you all sticking around to the end. So, from the bottom of my heart, I'd like to thank each and every one of you!"
The crowd provided a respectable round of clapping before quieting down.
"But let's get down to the main event, the 'business at hand' as it were! Now where is Ms. Slut?"
A giant screen appeared behind Harold who ushered to it with an open hand. The screen flickered a few times before turning on. Standing in an open, white room was Annabelle. She was completely nude except for tall black heels and a black slave choker. Her hands were busy rubbing up and down her giant pregnant belly and she was sobbing deeply. Shredded, black clothing was scattered around the stark white room. Her massive mane of cheap looking blonde hair cascaded down her back.
Harold's mind momentarily raced. Goddamn, the dumb bitch just couldn't figure it out... He allowed himself the tiniest bit of surprise before reining himself back in.
"Ms. Slut," Harold started, Annabelle's attention shifted to the ceiling. Her big blue eyes were bloodshot, though her heavy makeup refused to run. She looked afraid. "I see my flattering outfit didn't last long. I'll replace the outfit but you need to leave this one alone. It's meant to hide your pregnancy. It's important for this challenge so I suggest you LEAVE IT ALONE. I promise you; your children will be fine. I'll also temporarily removed your skimpy clothing compulsion, semen stained clothing and, as long as you keep your arousal in check, your makeup, feminine piercings, heel requirement, long nails and tattoos. If you get aroused though, all bets are off and they'll return. I'll also be giving you a few temporary gifts to give you a fighting chance."
Harold snapped his fingers and watched as Annabelle's appearance began changing. Her hair collected on top of her head and tightly squished under a mesh cap. Her hoop earrings fell to the floor while her tongue piercing slipped from her mouth. They dropped to the ground and disappeared. Following them was her nipple, naval and clit piercings. They all dropped. Harold watched Annabelle look down at her pubic tattoo as it disintegrated. Her slave tattoo and tramp stamp followed suit. She looked down, confused, at the bar code which didn't disappear. Harold sighed, he was contractually obligated to keep that one intact. Annabelle's eyes traced from her bar coded wrist to her nails which fell off one by one.
Harold eyed Annabelle warily as her transformation continued. She didn't appear to be in any pain. That was good, he didn't intend her to feel pain from the REMOVAL of these items. With her long nails gone her hands looked even smaller. Smaller but decidedly less feminine. As she examined her little hands, they started to grow bigger. They grew and grew until they were perfectly androgynous looking! Her makeup was next. The thick eye shadow, false lashes, eye liner, lip stick, powder, foundation, all of it faded til it was completely gone and she was cosmetic free. With absent makeup and accessories, Annabelle looked completely different. She still had a cute rounded face with a weak chin and jaw, large blue eyes and impossibly thick lips. But, without makeup she looked more like a normal person. Her ass length hair receded into her head until it was short and brown. Annabelle pushed her fingers through it in amazement.
Her heels lowered until she was wearing a pair of black tennis shoes. She walked around the room a few times with wide eyed excitement. The shoes were also several sizes too big and looked rather silly but it had been forty or fifty rounds since she had worn anything but heels. She looked a bit unstable with her flat footwear. Without heels, however, the true picture of just how short she was became apparent. She was a very small girl! Annabelle stopped marching around and held onto the wall as her body began to expand. Her legs shook and she appeared ready to fall. But, she managed to hold on for a few uncertain seconds until the growth ceased. She finished at about 5"8. She had gained eight inches of height in a matter of a few seconds! The choker around her next grew a couple of spikes but stayed tightly cinched. Harold frowned, he was also obligated to keep that on as well.
On her body began appearing a sleek black bodysuit. She watched curiously as the suit crept up her torso and down her legs. Every body part it covered appeared distorted. Her thunder thighs and protruding ass were subdued while her giant pregnancy disappeared completely. Her mammoth tits all but disappeared in the outfit and her arms and shoulders bulked up a bit. The suit stretched from her neck to her ankles and wrists. Finally, a few additional items appeared. First, a pair of stylish, androgynous glasses that made her eyes look smaller. Second, a bandana tied around the bottom of her face, obscuring her lips, jaw and smooth, collared neck. Though Harold couldn't see it under the bandanna, the third item was a small box on her throat. Annabelle let out a cough and found her voice was much lower pitch. She moved her mouth, testing it a few times. It would be difficult for anybody to tell if it belonged to a male of female.
Harold felt proud of himself. He watched Annabelle on the screen. She explored her newly shifted body, especially her flat tummy, and looked fairly androgynous. Harold felt like he made it a fair contest, at least.
Liam appeared next to her. He had on a basketball jersey, gym shorts and basketball shoes. He looked around then down at Annabelle. He was clearly intrigued. Liam said something to Annabelle with a smile and she replied. Liam looked even more surprised once he heard her voice. Harold saw Liam sniff something in the air. Shit, he forgot Annabelle's pheromones! He could easily remedy the situation...but...nah! He warned her arousal would reverse the changes. And, if she couldn't resist Liam's advances for even one round she didn't deserve to win.
"Good to see you, Mr. Gentry!" Harold started, "We have a fun competition today. But first..."
Liam flinched as his clothing disappeared. His muscular, manly body and giant frame still totally dwarfed Annabelle who stared down at his swinging penis. She quickly looked away and closed her eyes, trying to stop the onset of arousal. A sleek black suit began covering Liam's body. Just as with Annabelle, the suit warped what was beneath it. Liam's hulking biceps and shoulders shrunk down while his muscular chest looked more flabby. His thighs lost muscle tone and his hips and ass expanded. The impressive bulge that pressed tightly in the material sunk and became mostly smooth, though a small bulge was still present. His giant feet shrunk as did his hands. His hair grew out until it was similar to Annabelle's; short and brown. His height decreased significantly until he was eye level with Annabelle. A pair of stylish glasses made his eyes look bigger while a bandanna covered his Adams apple, square jaw and thick beard. A voice box on his neck altered his voice making it sound higher pitched.
When it was done, Liam looked down at himself laughed. At least he was having fun with it. Both contestants looked very similar and mostly androgynous. Annabelle's hips appeared a bit bigger but Liam's chest looked a bit bigger. Annabelle's brow and ears looked smaller and her skin had a darker tan but overall it was close.
"Now, the competition today will be a bit different than Bonus Round Six which it's based on. We'll have one lucky audience member join the two of you in the white room. It'll be up to you to convince our audience member, based on body language and personality alone, which one of you is the male. Whoever they choose wins. To keep things fair, Mr. Gentry, you cannot take off your suit and you cant take off Ms. Slut's suit. And Ms. Slut, I suggest you keep your suit on and don't remove Mr. Gentry's...If you want to win, that is. And, believe me, you both want to win this one. I should be along with the lucky contestant in ten maybe fifteen minutes or so. Best be ready with your game face. First impressions are important."
Androgynous Annabelle and Liam stared at each other as the transmission cut out.
Annabelle felt incredibly weird. Like really, really weird. Parts of her body seemed squished while others were...the opposite of squished? Stretched out, maybe? She poked her arms inquisitively. It certainly felt like she was poking flesh, but it also didn't feel like she was being directly poked. It was like the sensation was numb in expanded areas. Annabelle checked her stomach another time. It was so bizarre to rub her hand down a flat tummy. She glanced at the shreds of black cloth on the ground. Annabelle was surprised how easily the clothing ripped apart the first time. She wouldn't make that mistake again. The Doctor would probably be pretty pissed.
Annabelle examined Liam. She couldn't believe how different he looked in such a short time. She sighed, this was an important round for her to win. The Doctor usually didn't say, "You want to win this one," very often. But even with a level playing field with Liam physically, how was she supposed to convince somebody she was something she wasn't? She would just have to be confident and try to suppress her feminine sensibilities, interests and mannerisms as best she could.
As Annabelle prepared herself, Liam piped up. His voice was strange and much higher pitched, "You know, I want you to win, right?"
Annabelle scoffed, her own voice much lower than usual though still breathy, "Yeah right."
"I'm serious, Annabelle." He replied.
"How 'bout you let me win then?"
"You know I can't do that. I can help you with a powerup I have, though."
Annabelle looked at him skeptically, "What did you have in mind?"
Liam's androgynous voice sounded giddy, "I'll try to negate one 'advantage' I have. One I have that you don't." He pointed to Annabelle's flat crotch area. "It may not be much, but I have a little bulge. You not having a bulge gives you right away."
"O-okay, let's do it."
"Powerup." Liam whispered.
A double sided, veiny, flesh colored dildo appeared in Annabelle's hands. It flopped around and must have been at least two feet in length!
Annabelle felt the urge to throw the dildo at Liam, "You asshole, I thought you were trying to help!"
Liam glanced at the camera in the corner warily. He spoke in a hushed tone, "Shh! Keep your voice down. I AM trying to help you. Cut a small hole in the suit and slide it in. It will stick out like a regular penis."
Annabelle eyed the object, trying to ignore her growing urge to use it. He was right though. If she didn't have a bulge it would be a major red flag.
Annabelle reached down and attempted to tear a small hole into the suit. But she miscalculated how hard her new muscles could pull. She was used to exceptionally weak little arms and a worrying *RIP* made her shutter. She knew the suit was easy to tear but this was ridiculous! She looked down and gasped, her fat pussy lips stuck out from the hole! She moved her hand towards them but hesitated. Putting her hands near her snatch was asking for trouble...but she figured her female reproductive organs poking out might make it difficult to win a manliness challenge. Carefully, Annabelle pushed her lips back into the suit. She felt the tiniest spark of arousal flare inside for a second before fading. Unfortunately, each time she pushed her lips inside they stuck back out and the spark of arousal flared again. Annabelle tried shifting the suit to cover her bits but it wouldn't budge and her lips would just burst out again if she manipulated the crotch area for cover. She felt a bit of panic set in and looked over to Liam who appeared to be thinking hard.
Liam had his hands crossed behind him, examining Annabelle like a scientist would a lab rat. After a few seconds of thought, Liam suggested, "Try putting one end of the dildo inside yourself and the other sticking into the suit. It's length will be mostly nullified by the suit itself, but ten inches sticking out will give you a noticeable bulge at least."
"I'm onto you! That would only make things worse!"
Liam instantly responded, "Think of it this way: one end of the dildo will keep your labia in while the other end gives you the bulge you need and creates a little buffer zone. Also, you need to keep the dildo anchored in your suit, you don't want it moving around too much. How would it look if your 'penis' ended up somewhere in your abdomen? Instant giveaway!"
D-did that make sense? Annabelle tried to think through it rationally. She peered down one more time at her little flesh mounds hanging between her legs. She hesitated, this was either the best idea or the worst. She slowly moved the flopping, flesh colored double dildo towards the hole. She squatted a bit and opened her legs, taking a defeated sigh before beginning the push. She squeezed her eyes shut as her body accepted inch after inch. The last few inches were enveloped much easier than the first few. Definitely a bad sign. When she was finished, half the dildo was inside, while the other half hung through the tear in the suit. She shook it around for a second. It was almost realistic enough to keep it sticking out. But, if the audience member got close enough, he would recognize it was fake. She resigned herself to stuffing the dildo into the suit. As Liam said, the black material nullified most of the dildo's length but it gave Annabelle a bulge comparable to his.
She smiled, but felt her cheeks begin to flush. Annabelle shivered, she could smell her budding arousal mixing with her naturally strong pheromones. This was a mistake, she had to stop this before it was too la-
"Oh no!" Liam shouted as he pointed at Annabelle's face.
She wiped her androgynous hand across her cheek and felt a light dusting of powder.
"Quick," Liam continued, "Take my sleeve and wipe it off before it becomes permanent!"
Liam held out his medium sized arm which Annabelle grabbed without thinking. She ripped his sleeve and began wiping her face furiously.
"I-it's not working!" Annabelle yelled through the scraping cloth. She unconsciously rubbed her thighs together causing her slick vagina to clench around the dildo.
"Here, try the other arm!" Liam commanded as he thrust his other arm towards Annabelle. Was he holding something?
In her panic, Annabelle ripped his other sleeve, again, without thinking. As she prepared to continue the rubbing, she stopped and realized what was happening. Of course the makeup couldn't be wiped off, Grungot's makeup never could be! She glanced angrily at Liam. His rippling, hairy arms were visible through the tatters of his sleeves. They looked out of place on his otherwise androgynous form.
Annabelle pointed at Liam as she growled in her breathy, androgynous pitch, " tricked me!" Annabelle looked down at her pointing finger and saw her nails were slowly growing before her eyes.
Liam chortled, "Oh come on, Annabelle. You wouldn't have won anyway. You're all woman, through and through. Let's just have some fun before the round is over. What do you say?"
Annabelle let out a little growl as she reached between her legs. She grabbed at the dildo and slipped it out. The recently enveloped side was slick and shiny. She held the object in her hand. Were her hands smaller than before or was the dildo getting larger? Her nails were definitely longer. These were starting to look like very unmanly hands.
"I-say..." She stared down at the dildo. "I mean I say..." Maybe she could just- maybe she could just put it back in. You know, to have the bulge. That's important. Right?
She stuffed the dildo back inside her pussy. It slid in with no resistance whatsoever. Annabelle reached up, running her increasingly feminine hands through her hair which had grown down to her ears and become light brown!
No! No, she could still win. She grabbed at the toy again. This time she would pull it out for good and turn back before it was too late. Everything so far could be explained. Sometimes guys wear makeup and forget to cut their nails. Yeah...that could work that could totally-
Then the dildo began to vibrate.
Liam opened his hand to reveal a small remote control. Annabelle couldn't see his mouth through the bandanna but he must have had quite the grin.
Annabelle gasped and fell into the wall as the swinging double dildo between her legs hummed vigorously. She threw he head back and felt a familiar sting in her ears as small silver studs appeared in them. She looked at her feet and saw her comfortable tennis shoes were a tiny bit smaller and sported a small heel. However even with the heel she was still the same size as Liam. She was getting shorter too!
She staggered over to Liam and ripped off her sunglasses to give him a desperate look. The glasses dropped to the floor and shattered. Without the glasses her eyes were back to their big doe-like innocence.
"Help me." She pleaded.
Liam scoffed but nodded his head. "Tell you what, I'll turn off the dildo and take it out for you. But, first, you let my penis out. He's feeling really cramped in there."
"B-but then I can't win for sure!"
"Just tell the audience guy it's fake, I'm sure he'll believe that."
Without hesitating, Annabelle pulled at Liam's crotch, tearing the entire lower front off. Liam's rock hard erection sprang out. The tops of his hairy, muscular legs could also be seen. Liam shook his cock around a bit. Was he taller all of a sudden? He was an inch or so taller than Annabelle now who's heels had grown another half inch in height. Liam reached towards the dildo.
Annabelle's body continued to shake and reel in arousal as she watched Liam trying to pull the object out.
Liam looked down and explained, "Looks like I can't manipulate it if it's in the suit. Doctor's orders I guess. Maybe you could clear the suit away here so I can get at it?"
She pulled at the lower half of her suit and ripped it off. A large swathe of black cloth dropped to the floor and her fat thighs and giant hips poked out womanishly. She opened her legs and Liam reached down and ripped the vibrating toy out. The entire dildo was completely soaked. Annabelle's breathing came in gasps. She looked down at her motherly hips and panicked. It was basically all over at this point. Certainly she had to stop any more changes. She twirled her small fingers through her chin length, sandy blonde hair.
"I've still got a couple of powerups if you want help trying to man yourself up."
"W-what can you offer?"
Liam spoke slowly while examining his enlarged fingers, "How about I get you a pair or scissors to cut your hair so it's short again? You could even use it on your nails to shorten them as well."
Annabelle nodded her head, "T-that sounds good..."
"But, in exchange, I want you to take off my bandanna and glasses then give me a kiss!"
A kiss? That was a small price to pay for a way to reverse some of her changes. She reached up and tugged at Liam's glasses, then bandanna, dropping them to the ground. She revealed his chiseled, manly jaw and thick beard. His eyes also looked smaller and more intense. Damnit! She forgot about what was under the bandanna. She was so focused on the kiss itself. Well, it was too late and she was sure Liam would deny putting it back on. She figured she could try cutting Liam's beard with the scissors. She pulled her own bandanna off and realized it revealed her cherubic, hyper feminine face. Her slave collar and smooth neck were also giving her away! Both contestants had a small black box on the side of their neck. She shuffled the bandanna in her hand. She had to get it back on if she wanted to win. She quickly tried to wrap it around herself, but Liam snatched the piece of cloth and tore it away. She tried to take it back, but he was too strong and his arms were too long.
"If you french me I'll give it back to you." Liam mused through a smirk.
"Fine!" Annabelle huffed.
She wrapped her arms around the back of Liam's neck and pulled him close. His giant gorilla arms held her tightly and his throbbing dick prodded her flattened stomach. Their lips met and Annabelle felt a torrent of arousal as Liam's tongue probed her mouth. The kiss was long, hot, aggressive and incredible for Annabelle. Liam was so manly...She ignored the sting of her tongue as a silver barbell stud embedded itself there. Her fat lips had also taken on a pink color as the makeup on her face thickened yet again.
When they broke apart, Annabelle noticed how tall Liam was now. He must have been 5"10 or more while she was barely 5"6 with three inch heels! Her feet also looked much smaller than Liam's which had grown. Her black tennis shoes had begun looking more and more like high heels.
They released each other, and Annabelle wiped her fat, painted lips with her smallish hand. "Okay, now gimme my bandanna and scissors."
"I propose a game," Liam started, "If you win, I'll give you everything I promised plus a new black suit."
Annabelle looked down at her matronly hips and drooling cunt. She basically had to get a new suit at this point. There's no way shorter hair and nails could spin this. She also saw Liam's swinging cock. She had to do something about that too.
"And what if I lose?" She asked plainly.
"If you lose you have to show me your tits."
Annabelle sighed, she absolutely had to get that suit if she wanted to stand a chance. She also had to get the bandanna back to cover her neck.
"What's the game?"
Liam cocked his head, "Well it's not really a game, I guess. I get one minute to make you cum. If I can't do it you win."
What could she say, no? What choice did she have at this point?
"Yeah, okay." She muttered.
"Get on your back, bitch!" Liam ordered.
Annabelle felt a little tingle, she liked being ordered around. She dropped onto her covered, mostly flat ass and opened her legs. Her hot muff dripped an intoxicating necter. Annabelle's medium sized silver hoops fell back against her shoulder length blond hair.
Liam got down to his knees and positioned his hard cock between her legs.
"O-one minute..." Annabelle's voice trailed off as she closed her eyes and bit her lip.
She didn't have a way to keep track of time and the thought didn't even cross her mind. Liam grabbed Annabelle's thighs and pulled her close. A burning sensation erupted in her lower abdomen as Liam's penis made contact. Annabelle sat up and glanced over her androgynous chest and flat stomach to see a new tattoo forming above her pubic area. It was a black tribal design in the shape of a...was it in the shape of a womb? It rested directly above her cunt. Annabelle couldn't imagine a more feminine tattoo than the one she now sported.
Well that was going to be hard to explain, she definitely needed that new suit. Her attention turned back to Liam who guided his manhood into her sloppy pussy. His full length plunged to the hilt in one swift motion. The sensation of being filled was amazing. Liam wasted no time. He roughly squeezed her thighs, using them for leverage, before beginning his deep strokes. His cock pumped in and out wildly while Annabelle squealed in delight. She ran her fingers through her increasingly long and lightening hair while the pounding continued. Violent, wet slapping sounds echoed through the room. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried focusing on anything - anything that wasn't her mounting arousal, wasn't Liam's masculine musk overpowering her senses.
Annabelle bit her lip, it was fantastic, it was grand, it was-
Liam stopped and withdrew himself. Annabelle felt a void, an emptiness inside. She opened her big blue doe eyes and saw Liam shaking his head.
"Wouldn't you prefer if I had my endurance and thrusting power?"
Annabelle nodded her head quickly, willing to do almost anything to feel the throbbing warmth inside her once again.
Liam continued, "Then you have to pull my clothes off. Let's face it, you're done."
Annabelle sat up a bit, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead and swishing back her mid back length golden blonde hair. "N-no I can still win...your powerups..."
Liam chuckled, "I don't have any powerups, Annabelle, I made it up."
Annabelle hesitated. She felt her legs quivering. Fuck it, she wanted a good lay.
"I give up, just fuck me!" Annabelle cooed.
With those words, Liam began tearing off his own clothing, no longer held back by the Doctor's game. His powerful barrel chest, complete with thick hair, triumphantly emerged from the top while his tree trunk legs thundered out of the bottoms. Soon, Liam was totally naked. He was still missing a few inches of height, had short brown hair and his hands and feet weren't back to their original size but he looked like a very manly man. But Annabelle mainly ignored the rest of his features focusing instead on his swinging cock and hanging balls. Her tiny hand was busy swirling around her clit in anticipation.
Liam tore the small box from his neck before booming in his deep bass, "Now where were we?"
He inched forward and grabbed at Annabelle's thighs. He ripped the cloth from top to bottom and revealed her naked hairless legs. Her platform tennis shoes continued to shift and change. They were now four inch black heels with a slight sheen. Liam pulled her close and roughly flipped her onto her knees. Annabelle yelped but followed Liam's direction. He pulled her hips up and positioned his cock at the entrance of her perfectly presented pussy. He kept his grip on her hips and thrust inside, taking her from behind. She rested on her hands and watched as each thrust changed her bit by bit. Her nails grew and grew then changed color becoming shiny pink. Her long blonde hair also grew and grew, falling down into her face and pooling on the floor below her. The makeup covering her face grew thicker and sluttier with each stroke as well. The sounds of her androgynous moans and soft squelching were soon broken up by Liam who ripped the material covering her ass. Her jiggling butt ballooned out and started shaking with each thrust. Liam delivered a open hand *SMACK* that echoed through the room causing Annabelle to cry out. A familiar burning sensation etched dark ink into her lower back with a wispy, feminine design complete with arches in the shape of a heart and two stars on either side.
Without removing himself, Liam flipped Annabelle onto her back. His hulking muscles easily maneuvered her small frame. Returning to her back, she took a second to shake her ass a bit, enjoying the soft cushion she lacked before.
"Pull your boobs out!" Liam commanded through labored breaths.
Annabelle didn't hesitate as more black material dropped to the floor. Her heavy tits popped out and began bouncing up and down. Annabelle's view was obscured now but at least she could rub her tits. She proceeded to do so, noticing a new set of piercings gracing her wide and veiny nipples. She pinched and rolled her small fingers along them, feeling a surge of pleasure.
Her fingers, which appeared to be nearing completion, took on a shiny silver gleam as they looked like they were covered in glitter. These flashy, eye catching nails probably took hours to properly apply and would be totally out of place on any man and in any physical situation. But, gracing her delicate little hands, they looked perfectly natural.
Similarly, her feet had become incredibly small once again. She now sported six inch shiny stilettos that were open toe. Her feet were almost childlike with how small and delicate they were. They were painted a soft pink with a few shiny jewels on her big toe.
Past her heaving breasts she watched Liam whose hands and feet had continued to grow. They appeared back to normal and his height was also back to normal. He towered over her making her feel small and powerless, just how she liked it. His hair had since receded back into his head leaving him bald. He had a slight sheen of sweat on his brow but kept his pace steady. Annabelle had fucked him several times now, she knew he was getting close. Speaking of getting close, her own arousal was mounting. She had gone almost completely numb from his steady thrusting, but her pussy was definitely beginning to clamp down and milk Liam's cock. She licked her fat lips and felt a thick layer of lipstick. In fact, her entire face was covered in overdone makeup.
Her hair finished growing about mid back. It was no longer low quality and lifeless. Her hair now had a beautiful sheen and natural curls. She pulled at it and examined it. She had pink highlights now! She felt so excited, he hair was beautiful and girly now!
Her earrings had also gotten bigger and heavier, tugging on her poor little ears. They were gaudy gold hoops with golden, shiny pink studded letters spelling "BABY". They slapped along her face as the intercourse continued.
Annabelle's slave collar also shifted. When it was done, it had a velvety blue interior with a black outer shell with bold letters spelling, "DADDY'S GIRL". It tightly cinched around her neck.
Liam's steady thrusting began to accelerate and Annabelle knew he was on the edge. She pushed back against him in time.
Annabelle tore the small box from her neck before squealing, "Cum for me daddy, cum for me!"
"Get naked!" Liam growled.
Annabelle ripped at her arms, her thin little biceps were free. They had barely any hint of muscle. She then pulled at her shoulders. Her tiny delicate shoulders were open. It made her jiggling boobs look even bigger. Finally, she took the last bit of material covering her, centered on her belly, and tossed it aside. Her giant, bulging pregnancy burst out. Her belly button poked out and stretch marks were on either side. As her belly was freed, her tits began dripping with milk.
The door to the room opened, but Annabelle paid it no mind, she was focused on Liam only.
"Fill me up! Fill my pussy up!" She screamed in her breathy high pitch.
"Take it slut!" Liam howled.
Liam grunted as his spurting cock flooded Annabelle's quivering little cunt. She moaned deeply while her body was wracked with pleasure. She rubbed her belly and lactating tits as Liam was nearing the end. She felt her womb being painted with semen. She felt a sharp sting in her clit while the arousal flowed. Her clit sported a diamond studded gold piercing!
Annabelle peered up in a dazed state and saw Doctor Grungot standing in the doorway with his mouth agape. He was standing next to an older black woman.
When Liam was done, he slowly pulled himself out and stood upright. He reached his big masculine hand down to Annabelle who was still reeling from her fucking. She accepted his hand and found herself standing on unsteady legs. Even with her six inch stiletto's she was barely up to Liam's shoulders. She turned to the woman with half lidded eyes, her body still enjoying the afterglow.
So there Annabelle stood. Less than five feet tall with a smooth, sun kissed hairless body. Standing on six inch stilettos with incredibly delicate feet complete with cute, girly polish. Her thunder thighs transitioned to her motherly hips and jiggling, protruding ass. Her bulging pregnancy sat below giant unnaturally perky tits. Her wide, veiny nipples leaked a steady stream of milk and rested below her narrow shoulders. Annabelle's short, muscle free arms ended with delicate little hands and long shiny nails. Her silky blonde hair went below mid back with curls and pink highlights. It framed her angelic, hyper-feminine face which was covered in whorish makeup. Her wide deep blue doe eyes and inviting, thick lips were the main features while her dangling "BABY" earrings seemed to complete the look. Her thin neck was smooth and void of an Adams apple, graced instead with a tight slave collar reading "DADDY'S GIRL". Above her freshly fucked pussy was a tattoo of a womb while her lower back sported a tramp stamp of hearts and stars. A sweet, feminine scent also emanated from Annabelle.
The black woman spoke, her voice was cold and authoritative, "What's your name, girl?"
Annabelle brushed her long blonde/pink hair out of her face and adopted a feminine posture, pushing out her chest while her hip jutted to the side, before responding in her breathy high pitch, "I-i'm not a girl..." She reached down, still in a daze, and opened her legs slightly. She pulled her pussy lips apart by making a "V" with her long fingernails. A torrent of semen silently spilled out past her gleaming, female juice coated piercing.
Annabelle continued, "My name is...Annabelle Slut."
Liam just stood off to the side flexing his rippling muscles. Annabelle casually looked around the room. Black material was strewn all over the place. The black woman shook her head and turned her attention to Doctor Grungot who was trying to failing to stifle a laugh.
She glanced at Liam, "What's your name, sir?"
Liam stepped towards Annabelle and looked down at her. He chuckled as he watched her push her long sparkly nails to her painted lips and lick the cum from her fingers. Her tongue stud was coated and she looked up to Liam with her innocent eyes and showed him her mouthful of semen. Liam nodded his approval and turned his attention to the black woman.
Liam responded with his resonating deep tone, "Ma'am, my name is Liam Gentry. Little miss Annabelle here wanted to make the game easy for you, bless her pregnant little heart. She's also somewhat of a she-beast in the sack. I'm sure you heard her moaning as you walked down the hallway. Please pardon the mess, I can't control my dick when it penetrates a tight little cunt like hers."
"That's okay, sir." The woman responded, completely unfazed by his comment. "Though I must admit, I'm a bit disappointed, I had hoped to have a bit of a challenge. I prepared questions and everything."
Doctor Grungot piped up, "I am very sorry this is the conclusion, Mrs. Sofowood, but please, for the sake of the game, choose who the man is out of these two contestants."
"Mr. Gentry, clearly." She responded with a disappointed tone.
"B-but I'm a big" Annabella's chirpy voice trailed off.
Mrs. Sofowood sighed, "Young lady, I've yet to meet a man that can lactate and drip semen from their VAGINA. I'm also fairly certain I saw a the baby you're carrying kicking. Show me a man that can do all that! In fact, I've not met a more feminine woman in all my life. Congratulations."
The woman, appearing unhappy with the sequence of events turned and left through the door. Doctor Grungot yelled a quick "Thank you" down the hallway before turning his attention back to Annabella and Liam.
"Well, uh, okay then. Guess that's done. Ms. Slut, clearly you didn't have what it took to be a man. But, luckily for you, I'll give you even more tools to sexually satisfy men!"
Annabella's mouth felt numb for a second as did her dripping vagina. When they were finished, she didn't feel any different.
Doctor Grungot said calmly, "I've altered your bartholin and saliva glands. As i'm sure you don't know, bartholin glands are exclusively in females. It secretes the lubricant for females during sex when they enter a state of arousal. That, along with your saliva glands have been...supercharged with a hormone rich compound that increases arousal for anybody coming into contact with it. In more direct terms, your spit and vaginal fluid will heighten your partners sexual enjoyment."
Annabella still didn't seem to understand him.
He tried again, his voice sounding like he was explaining something to a child, "That means, Annabella, that if you suck or fuck a nice big penis it'll feel a lot better for your partner."
Annabella smiled, that was great! So much for "you want to win this challenge," she barely changed at all! She twirled her pink highlighted, silky hair between her nails. As the scene collapsed, Annabella got onto her tiptoes and kissed Liam's cheek.
She bit her lower lip then whispered in his ear, "Thank you..."
Annabelle was left in the void where she smoked a sweet cigarette and enjoyed the feeling of semen dripping out of her.
[b]NAME:[/b] Annabella Slut
[b]HEIGHT:[/b] 4"11
[b]WEIGHT:[/b] 133 LBS
[b]AGE:[/b] 21
[b]IQ:[/b] 72. Basic arithmatic and reading are somewhat difficult.
[b]POWERUPS:[/b] 0
[b]SEX / PHYSIOLOGY:[/b] Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia. Body produces above average levels of female hormones. Unusually fertile. Strong pheromones attracting men and giving her a sweet scent. Hormone altered bartholin and saliva glands that increase oral and vaginal enjoyment for all sexual partners.
[b]PREGNANCY:[/b] Third trimester. Thirty Five weeks along. Huge baby bump. Carrying twin girls. Outie belly button. Stretch marks along the sides of the belly.
[b]HAIR:[/b] Long, silky and healthy. Naturally curled golden blond with pink highlights. Falling below mid back and hanging loosely.
[b]VOICE:[/b] Super high-pitched, seductive and breathy. Very simple vocabulary. "Ghetto" accent. No gag reflex whatsoever.
[b]FACIAL HAIR:[/b] None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.
[b]EYES:[/b] Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long, fake eyelashes and thick dark eyeliner. Smokey, dark blue eye shadow causing the eyes to look constantly half lidded.
[b]FACIAL FEATURES:[/b] Rounded jaw with thin chin; high rounded cheekbones; small feminine ears; delicate, slightly upturned nose; weak, non-imposing brow; thin, highly angled eyebrows; thin smooth neck; incredibly thick, shiny, bee-stung lips that can hardly close; smooth, weak, flat forehead; layered pink blush covering cheeks and accenting their feminine shape; toothless mouth filled with perfect dentures; permanent makeup.
[b]BUILD:[/b] Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with virtually no muscle; huge breasts and cartoonishly weak shoulders ; Fat jiggling ass that sticks our provocatively; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach cinched in sexily; thick milky thighs that rub together with each step. Skin is sexy sun-kissed bronze all the way around.
[b]CHEST:[/b] Huge Fake looking H cup breasts. Unnaturally gravity defying and circular. Thick and veinous, pierced, dark pink feminine nipples. Over-active mammary glands. Visible surgical scars.
[b]EXTREMITIES:[/b] Thin, delicate, soft hands with long pink, silvery sparkle nails extending over an inch past the finger; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, clear-pink painted, longer nails with shiny little gems on the big toe. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 6 inch high heels.
[b]GENITALS:[/b] Wide, deep, hairless, puffy, used vagina which can accommodate even the most well endowed. Dripping Liam's cum.
[b]TATTOOS:[/b] Black tribal tattoo in the shape of a womb just above her pubic area. Black tribal hear and star design on the lower back.
[b]PIERCINGS:[/b] Diamond studded gold ring and stud pierced clit. Large golden hoops hanging from ears with "BABY" in bold pink studded letters. Silver barbell studs in nipples, keeping them constantly erect.
[b]OUTFIT:[/b] Black slave collar with blue interior sporting "DADDY'S GIRL" in bold letters across the front. Tall, shiny, six inch, open toe, black heels.
[b]SEXUAL PREFERENCE:[/b] Is attracted exclusively to men. Will only be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido. Enjoys having cum on and in her body and clothing. Loves being humiliated sexually and verbally. Likes being locked in light bondage. Loves vaginal and anal sex. Prefers big penises and doesn't get much sexually out of anything less than six or seven inches. Enjoys exhibitionism and public sex. A bit of a masochist, likes being spanked.
[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Submissive, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, prefers living in squalor, Is annoyed easily. Often considered 'Bitchy'. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning. Doesn't know how to drive and is afraid to get behind the wheel. Acts like a stereotypical girly-girl including standing, sitting, walking, speaking, writing and holding things. Loves having long nails, is very protective of them. Addicted to sex and is overtly promiscuous with almost every man encountered especially if she hasn't done it in awhile. Has no issue with cheating on somebody in a relationship as long as she doesn't get caught. Incapable of wearing underwear, feels compelled to let others know, generally by showing them. Refuses to wear any clothing not considered slutty or sexy.
[b]ADDICTIONS:[/b] Smoking and sex
[b]FAVORITE COLOR:[/b] bright pink.
[b]FINANCIAL / LIFE SITUATION:[/b] Has a negative bank balance and heavy debt. Terrible credit with no prospects or knowledge of the financial world. Difficulty with basic arithmatic. Owned completely and in every way by Darius Black. Legally unable to make any of her own decisions and considered property by all legal and governmental systems. Cannot own or buy anything without pre approval by Darius.
[b]EXPERTISE:[/b] Vaginal sex, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick, seducing, dirty talk