Round 77

[b]*Round Seventy Seven*[/b]

Annabelle appeared in a bowling ally. She looked around, it was a rather rundown place. The floor was dirty and the lighting was dingy. There were small pockets of people scattered throughout . Annabelle felt a bit strange, she was the only white person there. She stood next to the front counter which was near the entrance.

She looked down at herself. She wore a flowy, low-cut red blouse which showed her bountiful cleavage. It was sleeveless and her short, thin arms were exposed. It stretched around her expanded belly. Annabelle rested her hands on her back. She looked down with apprehension. She could feel the increased strain on her back originating from her ever expanding stomach. Her cameltoe was hugged by a pair of tight black yoga pants. Her hips and ass stuck out provocatively while she stood on shiny red heels. Her hair hung loosely. She wiggled her hips, feeling the plug stretching her ass out.

Annabelle looked around. She noticed people were staring at her. She shifted uncomfortably and waited. A few seconds later, the entrance door opened and Anthony stepped inside. He pulled a bowling ball bag on wheels, like a suitcase. He looked slightly angry for some reason. He wore a black and red bowling shirt and jeans. His thick, dark muscles rippled as he dragged the bag along with his heavy, plodding steps. He approached Annabelle and towered over her.

She shrank back a little as Anthony spoke with a deep, harsh tone, "We gon' play against a friend of mine and his bitch. And we gon' win. Don't think I won't discipline you just cause we in public if you ain't listenin'. You got that, ho?"

Annabelle's gaze was fixed on Anthony's feet as she stammered, "Y-yes m-master."

His face lightened a bit, "Gotta admit, you looking fine. Gimme some."

Annabelle felt elated that his tone softened a bit. She got next to him and looked directly upwards. He dipped down and kissed her deeply. She smiled, then gasped as Anthony reached around and smacked her ass before squeezing it roughly. The sound caused nearby people to look and laugh when they realized it was the white chick getting spanked.

"Master!" Annabelle yelled incredulously, though unable to hide a smile.

Anthony laughed as he released her jiggling buttcheek. She rubbed her ass quickly, feeling the plug shifting inside her.

"Here they come now." Anthony stated as his gaze turned to the entrance.

Striding confidently inside was Darius. He held the door open for a tall black woman behind him. Darius wore a blue and black bowling shirt and black slacks. He was tall, but his build was much slimmer and more compact than Anthony's. His dark muscles rippled complete with veins and jutting tendons. He carried a bowling ball bag. The woman strode in seductively and wore a pink tank top and blue pants. Her face was heavily made up and she was very pretty. She was only a few inches shorter than Darius. She stood on short tan heels. She had an air of superiority about her, like she owned the place and everybody in it.

Darius and the woman approached Annabelle and Anthony. As they neared, Darius shot a winning smile to Anthony. Annabelle noticed Darius' expression quickly turned to a sneer when he saw her, but the full grin returned quickly after.

Darius spoke in his smooth voice, "Hey, Anthony, how you doing, man?"

He extended his hand out which Anthony took. They clasped hands and pulled each other in for a quick bro hug.

Anthony's deep voice responded, "Good, it's nice seein' you. Shit, it's been too long."

Anthony smiled mischievously and reached over to grab the woman's hand. He craned his head down and kissed it. The woman looked a bit annoyed but allowed him to do it nonetheless.

Anthony released her hand as he said, "You must be Devonna. You just as fine as Darius said. Nice meetin' you."

The woman nodded towards Anthony, acknowledging him but not appreciating.

Darius stepped towards Annabelle and held out his hand expectantly. Annabelle hesitated before placing her tiny hand into his.

He kissed it quickly before releasing it and stating, "Annabelle, right? So nice to meet you. How long you been Anthony's girl?"

She didn't know what to say so she stayed silent. Anthony looked down at her with a twinkle of anger. He cleared his throat aggressively.

Annabelle looked at Darius's feet as she reluctantly mumbled, "...We've been married for a few months I think. I'm not really sure though...time flies."

It all felt so awkward, but the obvious sexual tension was seemingly lost on Anthony who was satisfied with her answer. Annabelle and Devonna looked at each other with expressionless gazes. They didn't bother to speaking to one another.

"Let's get this shit started." Anthony proclaimed. He bent over a bit and whispered harshly to Annabelle,"Go get yo'self some shoes, girl. It's already been arranged so you don't have to pay. Find a ball and meet me at lanes three and four. Don't be trying to get something heavy, you ain't impressing anybody and your score matters."

When Annabelle nervously nodded, Anthony turned and walked towards the lane. Annabelle approached the desk, noticing Darius step next to her.

He stared forward and spoke in a hushed, low tone, "You better throw this game or I'll tell Anthony everything. I'll tell him you sleeping around with me and those two swole-ass white dudes. You got that?"

Annabelle gulped but nodded her head. It would be a million times worse for Anthony to hear about her extra-marital sex as opposed to just losing a simple bowling game, right?

Annabelle asked the worker at the desk for women's size 5. When he returned with flat shoes, she asked him quietly if he had any shoes with a heel. The man's dark brow furrowed in confusion for a second before he nodded and returned with heeled bowling shoes.

Darius left and was replaced by Devonna who spoke to Annabelle in a similar fashion, her voice was grating and dripped with hatred, "I know y'alls been sleepin' round with my Darius. Don't try denyin' it. I can smell white pussy all up on his dick. You best be watchin' yo' back and closin' them legs when he come sniffin, white gurl."

Annabelle gulped, grabbed her shoes and, without saying anything, turned and walked towards the lane. Was everybody out to get her? It was like everybody was pulling her in different directions.

It was definitely becoming more difficult to get around. She could feel all eyes on her as she waddled down the lanes. Darius and Anthony were both busy warming up and trash talking one another. Annabelle sat and pulled her shoes on, they fit quite well, much to her surprise. She searched around and managed to find a sparkly, pink, six-pound ball that fit her thin fingers okay. She was shocked at how heavy the lightest ball felt to her. she dropped it in the ball return and waited. She didn't know how bowling was played at all. Looking around, she got the general gist of it. Throw the ball at the white sticks.

The game started and it was clear how skilled Darius and Anthony were. They were trading strike for strike, frame after frame. Meanwhile, Annabelle struggled mightily. Her first few shots went straight into the gutter. She turned to see people on nearby lanes laughing at the weak, pregnant white girl that couldn't bowl to save her life. Anthony was tolerant at first, but as the game wore on he was growing more impatient.

Devonna was also fairly terrible, she didn't have to contend with a pregnant belly, heavily diminished strength and a constantly rubbing plug in her ass, but nonetheless she only managed a few pins here or there.

When the game was winding down, Annabelle looked at the scoreboard. She had absolutely no clue how bowling scores were calculated. She struggled to add up the numbers for each team without writing them down. But, based on Anthony's body language, it wasn't going well.

When it was all said and done, Annabelle had one shot left and Anthony informed her she had to get eight pins in two shots to tie or nine to win. She had not yet had a single frame with more than six pins. As she stepped and grabbed her ball, she felt the plug activate. It began vibrating inside her. She winced and almost doubled over. Luckily, the music playing covered the buzzing sound. She tried focusing on the shot but just couldn't do it. Her first ball fell directly into the gutter. She released a soft, muffled moan into her arm as her legs began to quiver. Anthony watched with confusion as his quivering wife retrieved her ball and threw it down the lane. It rolled...rolled...rolled...and hit...the gutter again.

The final scores were:

Darius: 224

Devonna: 54

Anthony: 242

Annabelle: 28

Darius smiled as the score lit up, "Too bad, Anthony. Shouldn't have agreed to add the girl's scores to ours! Gotta admit though, your bitch is sexy as hell, nice fat ass too! An ass i'm sure any man would kill to tap."

Anthony shook his head, "Yeah, yeah, you won, what you gonna do?"

Darius contemplated for a few seconds, looking between Devonna and Annabelle. Devonna looked annoyed. Annabelle tried to control her breathing and held a nearby chair for support.

"Think I'll switch their speech pattern. I love Devonna, but her ghetto vocabulary doesn't jive well with me. Think it's better suited for you, Anthony."

Anthony nodded and grew a slight smile, "You a real gentleman, Darius. Thought you would take that fat ass fo' yo'self."

Darius chuckled, "Nah man, I'll keep that curvy body right where it's at."

Both Annabelle and Devonna felt a tingle in their head. Annabelle recalled her friends and role models growing up. But they began to change. Her very earliest memories were of daycare and early primary school in the hood. Her parents found the absolute cheapest place to dump her off in the roughest neighborhood. As she grew, she found herself fitting in better with the poor black students. She spent all her time with them and their families as hers was absent in her formulative years. She looked up to her friend's older siblings and family members. She modeled herself after them even though they were much older and much more mature. She recalled idolizing hip hop artists and learning all their songs. As she thought back, her speech had always been "Black" sounding. Sometimes people called her fake, but it was truly the way she spoke.

Annabelle coughed a few times before sitting next to her husband who put his arm around her. Her arousal was building as the plug continued to vibrate.

He asked with a hint of worry, "You okay? You shakin'. What you shakin' so bad for?"

Annabelle responded in her breathy, high pitch, "I'm jus' so sad that we lost cuz of me. I'm sorry, baby, I tried my best!" She didn't notice her accent sounded totally different. It sounded like she was straight out of the ghetto.

Devonna cleared her throat before speaking, "Darius, I'm tired of this. Let's go home and have some fun!" Devonna's accent sounded different too.

Darius nodded and began walking out, exchanging pleasantries with Anthony on his way.

Annabelle piped up when only she and Anthony remained, her breasts had begun leaking, "We gon' get nasty too? My pussy is wet for yo' big black dick." Her face had become flush and she was practically grinding her hungry pussy along the chair.

Anthony stood quickly, he wore a frown. "You gon' pay for this shit when we have our threesome with Mona. She's agreed to some freaky ass shit that you gon' participate in. Losin' this just made yo' situation worse too."

Annabelle felt her breathing coming in quickly as she pouted. Two dark spots appeared in her red shirt as she rocked her tightly clad hips and grinded against the hard plastic chair. The scene began to collapse and the last thing she saw was the confusion in Anthony's face.

[b]NAME:[/b] Annabelle Lauren Johnson

[b]HEIGHT:[/b] 5"0

[b]WEIGHT:[/b] 131 LBS

[b]AGE:[/b] 21

[b]IQ:[/b] 72. Basic arithmetic and reading are somewhat difficult.

[b]POWERUPS:[/b] 2

[b]SEX / PHYSIOLOGY:[/b] Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia. Body produces above average levels of female hormones. Unusually fertile.

[b]PREGNANCY:[/b] Second trimester. Nineteen weeks along. Large baby bump. Carrying twin girls.

[b]HAIR:[/b] Long, cheap, brittle and faded looking flax blonde dye job with dark roots showing through. Messy and hanging loosely down the back.

[b]VOICE:[/b] Super high-pitched, seductive and breathy. Very simple vocabulary. "Ghetto" accent.

[b]FACIAL HAIR:[/b] None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.

[b]EYES:[/b] Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long, fake eyelashes and thick dark eyeliner. Smokey, dark blue eye shadow causing the eyes to look constantly half lidded.

[b]FACIAL FEATURES:[/b] Rounded jaw with thin chin; high rounded cheekbones; LARGE EARS; delicate, slightly upturned nose; weak, non-imposing brow; thin, highly angled eyebrows; thin smooth neck; incredibly thick, shiny, bee-stung lips that can hardly close; WIDE FOREHEAD; layered pink blush covering cheeks and accenting their feminine shape; average looking, yellow stained smile, slightly crooked with a gap between the two front teeth; permanent makeup. Coated in student's semen.

[b]BUILD:[/b] Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with virtually no muscle; huge breasts and cartoonishly weak shoulders ; Fat jiggling ass that sticks our provocatively; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach cinched in sexily; thick milky thighs that rub together with each step.

[b]CHEST:[/b] Huge H cup breasts. Thick and veinous, pierced, dark pink feminine nipples. Over-active mammary glands. Slight trickle of dry milk and globs of dry demen.

[b]EXTREMITIES:[/b] Thin, delicate, soft hands with long pink, sparkly nails extending over an inch past the finger; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, clear-pink painted, longer nails. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 5 inch high heels.

[b]GENITALS:[/b] Wide, deep, hairless, puffy, used vagina which can accommodate even the most well endowed.

[b]TATTOOS:[/b] Black spade with a "Q" on the inside tattooed just above the vagina. Flowery black tramp stamp in a pseudo arrow pointing towards her ass with the word SLUT in bold letters just above it. The word SLAVE is tattooed in black on the back of her right shoulder.

[b]PIERCINGS:[/b] Medium sized golden hoops in earlobes and a silver stud just above the belly button. Silver stud clit piercing. Silver nipple studs which keep the nipples constantly erect.

[b]OUTFIT:[/b] Black garter with belt holding up dark stockings. Standing on open toe black heels. Jeweled buttplug filling her ass.

[b]SEXUAL PREFERENCE:[/b] Is attracted exclusively to men. Will only be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido. Enjoys having cum on and in her body and being humiliated sexually and verbally. Likes being locked in light bondage. Loves vaginal and anal sex. Prefers big penises and doesn't get much sexually out of anything less than six or seven inches. Enjoys exhibitionism and public sex. A bit of a masochist, likes being spanked.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Submissive, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, prefers living in squalor, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression. Is annoyed easily. Often considered 'Bitchy'. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning. Doesn't know how to drive and is afraid to get behind the wheel. Acts like a stereotypical girly-girl including standing, sitting, walking, speaking, writing and holding things. Loves having long nails, is very protective of them. Addicted to sex and is overtly promiscuous with almost every man encountered especially if she hasn't done it in awhile. Has no issue with cheating on somebody in a relationship as long as she doesn't get caught.

[b]ADDICTIONS:[/b] Smoking and sex

[b]FAVORITE COLOR:[/b] bright pink.

[b]FINANCIAL SITUATION:[/b] Has a negative bank balance and heavy debt. Terrible credit with no prospects or knowledge of the financial world. Can't control spending habits and impulse buys things she can't afford. Difficulty with basic arithmatic.

[b]EXPERTISE:[/b] Vaginal sex, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick, seducing, dirty talk.


Round 78


Round 76