Round 76

[b]*Round Seventy Six*[/b]

Annabelle appeared in a classroom. It was fairly well lit with windows on one side letting in bright sunlight. Rows of old-school wood desks lined the room. The wood floors and chalkboard filling the front wall gave it a rustic, traditional feel.

Annabelle examined herself. She wore a rather thin, white v neck shirt with a dark blue blazer over top it. She didn't have a bra supporting her hefty breasts but the jacket covered them well enough. Her stomach was hanging out farther than ever, giving her a round shape. A dark blue skirt clung tightly to her legs and fell to about her calf. Underneath she had thong underwear with garters holding up stockings. On her feet were open toe, black, six inch heels. Her hair was in a tight bun. Overall, she felt confident and looked sexy but fairly conservative. It was the most covered she had been in awhile. She winced slightly and shifted her hips, feeling the butt plug giving her a sense of fullness. She was happy and relieved to have her heels back on.

As she continued glancing around the room, the door on the wall opposite the windows opened and an older gentleman with a clipboard walked in. He looked familiar, his balding head and gray mustache, his drooping glasses and cheap tan suit. A lifetime ago Annabelle was in this mans classroom and nearly fell asleep. A lot had changed since then...

The old man eyed Annabelle and looked her up and down, disappointment written on his face.

He extended his hand and spoke with a slow rasp, "Mrs. Johnson, I presume?"

Annabelle shook his hand weekly and nodded as she nervously responded, "Uh, yeah that's me!"

He released her hand and shifted his mustache around a bit before speaking, "Yes, quite. I will first thank you for your interest in becoming a teacher at St. Luke's University of the Testament. You have been through a rigorous process, but I now find myself grading your final examination. I am Doctor Calvin Bolivar. Today you will be teaching a class of seniors about sexual education. If you are able to keep the class in order and teach the required material, you will pass."

Annabelle cocked her head slightly, "Seniors don't know about sexual education by now?"

He took a large intake of breath through his nose before answering, "This is a religious university, after all, Mrs. Johnson. These students learn when the curriculum allows it."

"Okay then, let's get it started. Do you have a lesson plan or some notes or something?"

He nodded his head, looking down to his clipboard. He grabbed a manila folder and handed it to Annabelle. "This should be everything you need, I will be in the back of the classroom."

He walked to the back of the classroom and seated himself. He clicked a pen and began writing.

The door to the classroom opened and a flood of students poured into the room. They were high school seniors, generally 18 years old. Annabelle was only three years older than them! They eyed Annabelle with amazement as they entered. One boy stopped dead in his tracks at the door's threshold, blocking other trying to get in, just staring at Annabelle. She could feel their stares as they took their seats. Most just anxiously fidgeted in their seats. When every desk was full, Annabelle looked up and down the rows. They were all men. Young men who eyed her hungrily.

Being the only female in a room full of horny high school seniors would make any woman a bit intimidated, especially because she was the smallest in the room by a long shot. Was this school some sort of super school? Every boy was muscular and tall. she examined some of the beefier students and generally liked what she saw. She attempted to look disinterested, reaching up and making sure her tight bun was still holding fast while she glanced around the room.

After a minute of silence, Dr. Bolivar stood and announced to the class, "This is Mrs. Johnson. She will be teaching you about sexual education today. As you can see, she has some first-hand experience in this matter." He cracked a smile and the class let out a hardy chuckle. Annabelle felt her cheeks becoming red as Dr. Bolivar continued, "I expect you will give her your full attention." He took his seat and clicked his pen.

Every face turned to Annabelle as she put on a winning smile and began, "Thank you, Dr. Bolivar! I am Annabelle Johnson and I am excited to teach you all abou-"

A cell phone ringer began loudly buzzing from Dr. Bolivar. Annabelle stopped mid sentence and watched as he fished the phone out of his jacket pocket and examined the caller ID.

He looked up at Annabelle, "I'm sorry, Madam, I must take this call. Please start the lesson, I will return shortly."

He stood up with a creak and hastily walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Annabelle pulled her jacket a bit tighter around her thin shirt and bra-less breasts.

She piped up nervously, "Looks like Dr. Bolivar will be out for a few minutes, but it's no problem. We'll get started without him!"

She opened the manila folder and began reading the introductory paragraph. It was the most boring way possible to describe sex, but she wanted to get through this round unscathed. Midway through the paragraph, however, Annabelle's tongue got caught in her throat. The plug in her ass began to vibrate accompanied by a loud vibration sound. She staggered slightly but kept reading, raising her voice a bit louder to mask the sound coming from her toy. As she continued, her breathing was coming in heavier and she could feet her cheeks becoming flush. She was speaking faster with a bit higher pitch as her pussy started becoming wet.

When the introduction was finished, she had to quickly move on as the obvious vibration sound could be heard in the silent room. She waddled to the board and began writing. She snuck a quick look at the boys. Most were disinterested but some had smug grins on their faces. They were busy whispering to their neighbors who suddenly became much more interested in paying attention.

Her breathing was even faster as she sputtered out words. The urge to touch herself was growing and her body was feeling incredibly hot. The ever present vibration was wracking her body with pleasure and the sound seemed to drown everything else out. Without realizing it, she took off her blazer and threw it onto the small teacher desk. Her skin was just so hot, she needed to free her arms. She was left in a thin white t-shirt with no bra. Her pierced nipples were partially visible, poking through the shirt. She looked at the boys, they were all seemingly very interested in their teacher now. She could feel her cheeks burning red as she chirped short, breathy sentences about the scientific parts of sexual organs.

She paused her speech and her legs wobbled as she stared blankly out the window, losing herself momentarily in pleasure. The silence only broken by the vibration and low whispering of the students. She waddled to the window and reached for it, pushing it open. Maybe some fresh air would cool her off? As the window opened, a powerful gust of air rushed in and blew into her face. It was refreshing and she breathed the cool air deeply. When she shut the window the air stopped and her hair fell into her face. It had blown her hair tie out! Her long blonde hair now cascaded loosely down her back and in her face. She swished it around and looked at the boys. There were a few openly masturbating under their desks while most just stared at her in awe. She looked for her hair tie and spotted it beneath the farthest desk of the front row.

She stared at it, breathing heavily and slowly rubbing her sticky thighs together. She needed to get this class, and herself, under control and finish the lesson! Dr. Bolivar would be back any second and she needed to get her hair tied up and her jacket back on. She ignored the buzzing between her legs as she waddled towards the hair tie. She clicked her heels but found her tiny steps barely making it anywhere. Something about the skirt made her take these tiny, mincing steps. What was preventing her from taking proper steps? She pulled her knee up and forced her leg forward with a grunt, pushing against whatever was holding her back.

She hear a loud rip.

She looked down and gasped. Her skirt was split almost completely in half! It fell in tatters down her legs leaving her standing in a thong with garters holding up stockings! She let out a frustrated moan, pulling her hair our of her face. She heard audible gasps and clapping from the boys.

The growing urge to touch herself was almost unbearable as her ass continued to tingle. Without her skirt holding her back, she hurriedly clicked her heels forward and made it to the boys desk who looked up at her with a sly smile. Annabelle stood over him. He was one of the bigger, sexier guys. Her pierced nipples pressed against her thin white shirt and her thick thighs and ass filled out the garter/thong combo very well. Her mind raced, if she could tie her hair back, put on the jacket and hide behind the lectern, maybe Dr. Bolivar would never know! She involuntarily grinded her thighs together as her excited kitty gushed feminine fluid, coating her thighs. Her sexual scent was strong as she began to bend towards the tie. She tried ignoring her quivering thighs, this was not over, she could still regain control!

But as her long fingernails nearly reached the tie, disaster struck! She lost her footing and fell towards the ground with a high pitched scream. Her shirt became caught on the desk corner! She tumbled and landed on her nearly naked ass. Her shirt had gotten completely stuck on the corner and pulled off her body. Her giant pierced tits flopped onto her pregnant belly. The sound of cheering and laughter rose through the room as she reached for her t-shirt hanging off the desk corner. As she reached, however, it was pulled away. She looked towards the seated boy and saw an erect penis pointed right at her face! It suddenly began to spurt! Her defenses were completely down, she couldn't resist anymore. Annabelle cried out in pleasure as she opened her legs and stuck her tiny fingers inside her high riding thong. The penis coated her face as she grinded against her own fingers. It had clearly been a long time for the young man as the amount of semen he ejaculated was legendary. Annabelle's face was completely covered in his sticky cum.

Annabelle ripped her thong clean off and threw it behind her. She rubbed herself while the plug vibrated away, her nearly numb asshole sending more pleasure up her spine. The desk next to her slid away and Annabelle found a different cock hanging next to her cum covered face. She opened her mouth and accepted it greedily, her hand continuing to frig herself. She sensed the horde of horny men closing in on her as the door clicked and opened. Dr. Bolivar stepped in and nearly fell over when his eyes found Annabelle.

Five minutes ago he left the room to a fully dressed Mrs. Johnson. She was young and a bit risque, but he figured she could be a good teacher for these young men. Perhaps they would listen to her better if they were attracted to her. But when he returned? Annabelle the 21 year old, pierced bit titted, pregnant, wild haired, cum covered slut with her legs open wide, openly masturbating sat in the middle of the room. Her heels, stockings and garters were her only remaining clothing while her thighs were shiny, coated with a torrent of womanly fluid. A jeweled butt plug was clearly visible as were several degrading tattoos and piercings. She had damn near her entire hand in her pussy while a trail of saliva connected her mouth to a shocked looking student's erect cock. The whole room reeked of sex. Dr. Bolivar's eyes opened wide, only a truly sick individual could transition from professional teacher to professional whore that quickly.

When Annabelle spied Dr. Bolivar she moaned and increased her masturbating speed, bucking her hips; truly lost in the throes of pleasure. He watched as the tiny woman screamed in ecstasy, her legs quivering and her pussy convulsing around her fingers. The semen coating her face dripped onto her jiggling breasts. She began pulling at her nipples as she rode a mind blowing orgasm. She closed her eyes and screamed, a small trickle of milk dripped from her dark, veinous nipples. She looked down at it and released a breathy giggle. Dr. Bolivar watched for a few seconds, utterly unable to look away, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Once she was finished, the vibrating stopped and she opened her big, deep blue eyes and rested them on Dr. Bolivar who clearly had an erection.

Nobody moved a muscle for what felt like forever. Annabelle had a knot in her stomach as jizz continued to drip off her face. Her tits had stopped their milk production with just a tiny little trickle beginning to dry. She gently pushed herself to her feet, every tiny sound seemed to echo in the silent room.

When she stood, facing Dr. Bolivar, she heard a snicker in the background and a whispered, "Does she seriously have a tramp stamp that says, 'slut'? Oh my god."

Annabelle cheeks burned and she began deriving sick pleasure from the silent judgement.

"Everybody get out. Except for the girl." Dr. Bolivar's expression was stern.

The guys groaned reluctantly but stood and obeyed nonetheless. Many of them left in silence but some mustered the courage to make kissy faces or take pictures of Annabelle with their phones.

When the door closed behind the last student, Dr. Bolivar turned to face Annabelle, "I've never seen anything like this in all my years of teaching."

Doctor Grungot's nasily voice rang out, "Well, Calvin, what do you propose?"

Dr. Bolivar looked up at the ceiling, "Ah, Harold, I was expecting you would arrive at the opportune moment. Your candidate failed in a very spectacular fashion."

Doctor Grungot asked, "And what do you suspect is a fitting punishment for our young Annabelle?"

Dr. Bolivar rubbed his hand along his chin then stroked his mustache, his raspy voice started, "I wish that this girl would never be in a position to teach any subject to anybody ever again."

"While i'm not in the business of wishes, I think I can make that request come true."

Annabelle stood on sticky legs, ready to accept her fate. She waddled over to her fallen jacket and retrieved her cigarettes. She lit one up and dragged heavily, the sweet flavor filled her mouth. She felt a sudden tingle in her brain. Memories of primary school came flooding back. She learned simple math and reading with all the other was changing...

Annabelle never had interest in school. She spent her time concocting ways to shirk class, homework and learning of any kind. She fell behind quickly but cheated at every opportunity to make it seem like she hadn't. Years of actively avoiding learning took its toll as her later years changed a bit too. She wasn't just one of the dumbest most air headed girls at school, she was the dumbest person in school by a long shot. Simple arithmetic and reading was a challenge. She still didn't participate in class but not because she didn't want to, but because she didn't have the basic skills necessary to. Dropping out was an inevitable conclusion because even in the remedial of the remedial classes she was in way over her head.

Annabelle's head was spinning as her blinking came in quick succession. When it was over she breathed heavily.

Doctor Grungot's voice sounded, "Wow, too bad Mrs. Johnson. Your lack of intelligence, inability to learn well and laziness were all bad enough, but now Dr. Bolivar has taken it a step further. At least, that explains why you have such trouble with money!"

Annabelle wrapped her hands around her milk encrusted, cum soaked tits and whimpered. Basic knowledge was stripped away from her leaving her feeling ignorant and afraid.

As the scene collapsed, Dr. Bolivar turned to Annabelle with his nose high up in the air, "Don't let me catch you around a place of learning ever again. Your kind are not welcome."

Annabelle felt smaller than she ever had as she slipped into the void.

[b]NAME:[/b] Annabelle Lauren Johnson

[b]HEIGHT:[/b] 5"0

[b]WEIGHT:[/b] 131 LBS

[b]AGE:[/b] 21

[b]IQ:[/b] 72. Basic arithmetic and reading are somewhat difficult.

[b]POWERUPS:[/b] 2

[b]SEX / PHYSIOLOGY:[/b] Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia. Body produces above average levels of female hormones. Unusually fertile.

[b]PREGNANCY:[/b] Second trimester. Eighteen weeks along. Unmistakable baby bump. Carrying twin girls.

[b]HAIR:[/b] Long, cheap, brittle and faded looking flax blonde dye job with dark roots showing through. Messy and hanging loosely down the back.

[b]VOICE:[/b] Super high-pitched, seductive and breathy. Very simple vocabulary.

[b]FACIAL HAIR:[/b] None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.

[b]EYES:[/b] Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long, fake eyelashes and thick dark eyeliner. Smokey, dark blue eye shadow causing the eyes to look constantly half lidded.

[b]FACIAL FEATURES:[/b] Rounded jaw with thin chin; high rounded cheekbones; LARGE EARS; delicate, slightly upturned nose; weak, non-imposing brow; thin, highly angled eyebrows; thin smooth neck; incredibly thick, shiny, bee-stung lips that can hardly close; WIDE FOREHEAD; layered pink blush covering cheeks and accenting their feminine shape; average looking, yellow stained smile, slightly crooked with a gap between the two front teeth; permanent makeup. Coated in student's semen.

[b]BUILD:[/b] Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with virtually no muscle; huge breasts and cartoonishly weak shoulders ; Fat jiggling ass that sticks our provocatively; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach cinched in sexily; thick milky thighs that rub together with each step.

[b]CHEST:[/b] Huge H cup breasts. Thick and veinous, pierced, dark pink feminine nipples. Over-active mammary glands. Slight trickle of dry milk and globs of dry demen.

[b]EXTREMITIES:[/b] Thin, delicate, soft hands with long pink, sparkly nails extending over an inch past the finger; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, clear-pink painted, longer nails. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 5 inch high heels.

[b]GENITALS:[/b] Wide, deep, hairless, puffy, used vagina which can accommodate even the most well endowed.

[b]TATTOOS:[/b] Black spade with a "Q" on the inside tattooed just above the vagina. Flowery black tramp stamp in a pseudo arrow pointing towards her ass with the word SLUT in bold letters just above it. The word SLAVE is tattooed in black on the back of her right shoulder.

[b]PIERCINGS:[/b] Medium sized golden hoops in earlobes and a silver stud just above the belly button. Silver stud clit piercing. Silver nipple studs which keep the nipples constantly erect.

[b]OUTFIT:[/b] Black garter with belt holding up dark stockings. Standing on open toe black heels. Jeweled buttplug filling her ass.

[b]SEXUAL PREFERENCE:[/b] Is attracted exclusively to men. Will only be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido. Enjoys having cum on and in her body and being humiliated sexually and verbally. Likes being locked in light bondage. Loves vaginal and anal sex. Prefers big penises and doesn't get much sexually out of anything less than six or seven inches. Enjoys exhibitionism and public sex. A bit of a masochist, likes being spanked.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Submissive, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, prefers living in squalor, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression. Is annoyed easily. Often considered 'Bitchy'. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning. Doesn't know how to drive and is afraid to get behind the wheel. Acts like a stereotypical girly-girl including standing, sitting, walking, speaking, writing and holding things. Loves having long nails, is very protective of them. Addicted to sex and is overtly promiscuous with almost every man encountered especially if she hasn't done it in awhile. Has no issue with cheating on somebody in a relationship as long as she doesn't get caught.

[b]ADDICTIONS:[/b] Smoking and sex

[b]FAVORITE COLOR:[/b] bright pink.

[b]FINANCIAL SITUATION:[/b] Has a negative bank balance and heavy debt. Terrible credit with no prospects or knowledge of the financial world. Can't control spending habits and impulse buys things she can't afford. Difficulty with basic arithmatic.

[b]EXPERTISE:[/b] Vaginal sex, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick, seducing, dirty talk.


Round 77


Bonus Round 15