Round 34

[b]*Round Thirty Four*[/b]

Anda found herself standing in the classroom where she had faced off against Helena. She reached up and rubbed her hands and painted fingernails along her pigtails. It felt strange, she had never had long hair before.

She looked down at herself. Her skirt had shrunk again, to the point that it was basically a red and black tartan belt. Her thong was clearly visible above and below the "skirt". Her flat crotch was hugged tightly by the thin triangle of white fabric. Her black fishnets were replaced with sheer white lingerie that had tiny red bows on the top. Her silk blouse looked more like a frilly white bra stretched over her flat chest, leaving her arms completely exposed. Her black heels were now five inches tall. The silver naval piercing stuck out on her thin stomach. Her hoop earrings swayed slightly as she looked around the room. Anda licked her thick lips and they felt different. She grabbed a picture frame from the teachers desk and looked at herself in the reflection. She was wearing makeup! Her manly face had dark eyeliner, mascara, bright red lipstick and blush across it. It softened her strong features making her look more womanly.

Anda licked her finger and tried to wipe the lipstick off but no matter how hard she rubbed, the lipstick refused to wipe off. She felt a bit of panic as she continued trying to remove the makeup. When she finally gave up, she examined her face further. It certainly changed her look significantly. Her fat lips were coated in bright red which made her swollen lips really stick out. Her big blue eyes were even more beautiful with long lashes and eyeliner.

Danielle appeared wearing her normal blue business suit. Her long brown hair was in a tight bun. Her angular facial features were covered with professional looking makeup. She looked sharp and in charge. She glanced over at Anda and grew a surprised look on her face as she stated in her confident voice, "Wow you've sure changed a lot Anderson, nice outfit."

Anda stared at the floor and nodded her head slightly, too intimidated by Danielle to respond. Anda felt embarrassed in the outfit she was wearing. Danielle looked like a powerful businesswoman who had confidence and pride. While Anda looked like a cheap slut.

S.A.M. appeared and spoke, "Contestants will teach a class of young men. The teacher whose students register the highest average score on an end of class examination will be the winner. You have thirty minutes to teach them about something you are knowledgeable in. Ms. Strauss will be first."

Anda found herself turning semi transparent as she stood near the front desk. A group of young men, maybe early college age, appeared in the rows of desks. They looked like typical college students. None of the boys paid any attention to the scantily clad woman in front of the class. Some of the men spoke among themselves, laughing a joking while others looked around the room with a bored expression.


Danielle called the class to attention and introduced herself as Professor Strauss. Danielle began to speak to the class about modern corporate business structure. Who answers to who, who deals with the press, who's in charge of production etc. She spoke confidently and with authority. She looked professional, well put together, and - well - like a professor ought to. The information presented was succinct and made sense. Most of the boys looked bored but otherwise paid attention - at least somewhat.

About twenty five minutes into the presentation, Danielle had finished and asked for any questions. She spent a few more minutes answering questions from the more engaged students in the group before her time was up. When the time did eventually expire, Danielle became transparent like Anda and a multiple choice test appeared in front of the students. They body went to work and finished rather quickly. A score appeared on the board at the front of the class. 81% Average score for a B-. Danielle looked happy, the score was higher than she anticipated.

Danielle looked down at Anda and shook her head with a frown as she said, "Good luck to you, honey, you'll need it."

The boys stared forward for a few seconds as they were resent. They returned back to talking and looking around the room. Anda lost her translucency and the boys talking immediately stopped as they stared at her.

Anda felt incredibly exposed and nervous as she stood in front of the class, shaking slightly.

"I-I'm Anda..." Her voice trailed off as she muttered, looking at the ground. She could feel her cheeks burning red. The room remained silent as she spoke, "I'll be teaching"

One of the boys near the back piped up, "Alright, ma'am, you look like you're younger than me. You sure you're supposed to be teaching this class?"

"Yes, I'm the prof-professor..." Anda softly replied. She pulled at her skirt a bit, trying to cover her tiny thong.

Another boy spoke up angrily, "This is ridiculous, is this some kind of joke? You look like some slutty freshman that's trying WAY too hard. You're face is ugly as hell to."

"Shutup dude, I think she's fucking hot!" A young looking guy in the front row replied, he gave Anda a toothy grin.

"If everybody could please quiet down, i'd like to start..." Anda muttered.

"You're wrong, she's ugly as fucking sin!"

"No way bro, she could put on a bag and be hot, shame about the tits though."

The boys started a spirited debate among themselves, completely downing out Anda's attempts to speak. Every aspect of her look was brought up for consideration, her sexy stockings, her tiny skirt and thong, her flat chest and tiny top, her silky blond pigtails, her makeup and manly face, her huge lips, her tiny feet and large hands were among the debated topics. Eventually a vote was called to determine if she was 'hot' or 'not'. The first vote was perfectly split so the 'hot' voters decided to amend their party to the 'hot with a paper bag' party. A new vote was called and the 'hot with a paper bag' party was a clear winner. Anda had long since given up attempting to teach and sat at the teachers desk with tears running down her cheeks. She had never felt so objectified in her life. She felt like a sexual object as the boys discussed her various body parts and how sexy or sexual they were.

When the time was up and Anda became translucent once again, Danielle walked over to comfort her. She genuinely looked like she felt bad for Anda who continued to cry. She stood and accepted the shoulder of the taller Danielle.

As the boys began their exam Danielle whisper to a sobbing Anda, "It's going to be okay, it'll be better in no time."

Anda was happy that somebody, at least, pretended to care. The boys took a much longer time to finish the second exam and as the last boy finished up a score appeared on the board. 56% F. Anda was surprised the score was even that high as she had taught them literally nothing. The boys disappeared as Anda wiped her tears away.

Doctor Grunto's voice sounded from the loudspeaker, "Well that was uncomfortable for everybody. Have a spine Ms. Johannson, you let those young men walk all over you! As for you Ms. Strauss, very professional and organized, just as expected. What would you like to swap today ma'am?"

Danielle slowly walked away from Anda. She looked to the ceiling after thinking for a minute. She spoke with a strong voice, "Well Doctor, my career has really taken off since coming onto this program. My strong attitude and confidence coupled with my knowledge and intelligence have pushed me forward. My body has also been a large boon for me, helping to get a bit of extra control over males who find me attractive." She paused for a second and looked at Anda with a blank expression before continuing, "But the problem is, i've started to develop feeling towards those coworkers too. This will not do. I need to maintain control without risking a mutual relationship. The second I start feeling sexual attraction towards them is the day I can't do my job effectively. I'll take Anda's a-sexuality and replace it with my strong heterosexual attraction to men."

Anda raised he hands to her head and over her ears as she closed her eyes. Her golden hoops were cold against her hands as her head was filled with a warm buzz. She suddenly found herself opening her eyes and looking towards Danielle. Danielle was looking around with a sorrowful but understanding expression on her face. Anda tried to think about sexy women. But as she thought about what had aroused her at the start of the contest, large breasts and tight bodies; she felt no sexual attraction. Breasts were just breasts and sexy women were just women. She tried to picture a smoking hot red head bending over revealing her shaved sex. But in Anda's mind it was just a woman bending over, the thought came and went without any further thought. She thought back to her days as a burly man. A huge muscled, hairy, strong, sexy, rippling, powerful, meaty, dominant...

She shook her head.

No, no what she found sexy was a nice thin woman with a big booty. Anda pictured the woman...but it was just another woman, she felt nothing, no matter how fat the ass was in her mind; it was just a woman with a big ass.

But a tight, manly ass...with a thick package up front...oh boy, how it would ravage her wet little...

Anda shook her head even harder.

It was clear she was now fully attracted to men.

As the scene collapsed, Danielle spoke to Anda in her medium female pitch, "it had to be done, sweetie, I hope you understand."

Anda did not respond as she was left in the void.




AGE: 20

SEX: Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia.

HAIR: Long, silky, bright blonde hair that goes to the mid back. Pulled into two pigtails on each side.

VOICE: Youthful, somewhat shy and quiet.

FACIAL HAIR: None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.

EYES: Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long eyelashes and dark eyeliner.

FACIAL FEATURES: STRONG MANLY JAW, LARGE EARS, WIDE NOSE, HEAVY BROW, THICK NECK WITH PROMINENT ADAMS APPLE, Thick, red painted, protruding lips in a constant pout, WIDE FOREHEAD, pink blush covering cheeks.

BUILD: Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with little muscle; flat, boney chest and weak shoulders ; FLAT BUT MUSCULAR ASS; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach cinched in sexily.

CHEST: FLAT, hairless, MUSCLED PECS; Large and veinous feminine nipples.

EXTREMITIES: LARGE CALLOUSED HANDS WITH painted red nails; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, red painted, longer nails.

GENITALS: Tight, tiny, hairless vagina with average sized clit.


PIERCINGS: Medium sized golden hoops in earlobes and a silver stud just above the belly button.

OUTFIT: An incredibly short red and black plaid skirt which covers almost nothing and is basically a belt. Sheer white lingerie stockings with tiny red bows on top. Tiny white thong with fully exposed strings. Tight white blouse that looks more like a frilly bra, leaving the stomach totally bare. Shiny, open toed, black five inch heels.

SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Is attracted exclusively to men. Prefers to be submissive in sexual encounters.

PERSONALITY: Submissive, self-conscious, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, Doesn't mind a mess or living in squalor, INNOVATIVE, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships.




Bonus Round 7


Round 33