Round 33
[b]*Round Thirty Three*[/b]
Anda appeared in a school cafeteria. The room was fairly large with rows of wooden tables filling a majority of the space. The far wall had a concession area but nobody was present. The room was well lit and had a real 'oldschool' feel to it.
Anda looked down at herself. Her skirt looked relatively the same but she now had black fishnets attached to garters crawling up her legs instead of stockings. She wobbled on four inch open toed heels and she felt a constant wedgie as she snapped the string of a white thong that was poking out above her skirt. If she pulled her skirt any higher to cover the thong strings hugging her hips her vagina would be exposed but if she pulled it down the thong strings would be even more obvious. She shifted her skirt a bit to provide the best of both worlds, the strings still somewhat visible. Anda looked at her blouse which had changed from cotton to silk. It was the same length, still exposing her navel which was now pierced. Anda reached her hand down in a slight panic as a glistening silver stud was nestled just above her belly button. She felt a weight on her ears as well, she reached up and felt her ears had been pierced too She traced her thick fingers along medium sized golden hoops hanging from her earslobes.
As she started to try and remove the new piercings, Liam appeared with a smirk. He wore a black schoolboy's uniform. It included a blazer over a white shirt and red tie. He also wore black pants and shiny black dress shoes.
Liam's girlie high pitched voice sounded as he spoke to Anda, "Well hiya cutie, I like your new earr-"
Cindi appeared while Liam was talking. He stopped mid sentence and stared at Cindi. His eyes opened wide and his expression had turned serious.
Cindi looked around, adjusting her thick glasses before her eyes rested on Liam. Her expression turned blank as she locked eyes with him. She wore a very conservative schoolgirls uniform, much like Helena's from two rounds back. Her skirt went below her knees and her blouse was baggy, hiding most of her straight figure and her arms were completely covered. She wore high heeled shiny black shoes and had a red ribbon in her loose blonde hair that stretched to her mid back.
"Sandra." Liam whispered.
"Melody." Sandra replied.
Anda watched as the tiny Sandra and the giant Liam continued to stare at one another.
"I'm glad to see you're doing well, Sandra." Liam's serious look started to gain hints of dejection as his mood slowly shifted to sadness.
Sandra let out a scoff and broke the stare as she coldly and angrily retorted, "That's all you have to say to us? After what happened, after what YOU DID!?" Sandra took a second to let a long silence add to the tension, her face controted in anger before continuing. "You should be at our feet begging for our forgiveness, Mel."
Liam responded quickly and with desperation in his voice, "What was I supposed to do, Sands? I did what I had to - to protect you. He said it was the only way. I did it for you and Cin!"
Sandra's voice was rife with sarcasm as she folded her arms and responded, "Oh my goddamn hero, such a selfless woman you were. Oh and Cin is doing fine thanks for asking." Sandra looked at the floor and started to tear up as she continued, "You sold us to him like a piece of meat. You have no idea the things he did to us...things he still does to us. Some hero you are, thanks for 'saving me'." Her voice cracked as she spoke through tears, "We loved you Mel..." She wrapped herself tighter as tears fell down her cheeks.
Liam looked completely devastated as he quickly walked over to Sandra. He attempted to put his arm around her shoulders but she pushed his hands and turned away. She wiped a tear from her eye as she sniffled.
"Sands, I...I'm sorry." Liam appeared genuine as he looked to the floor and spoke.
"It's too late Mel, you made your choice. Cin and I will never forgive you for it. Cin was always the Doctor's favorite, you'll get a piece of her mind too, i'm sure."
Sandra looked to Anda who was awkwardly standing perfectly still, trying to go unnoticed. This was clearly some lover's quarrel she did not want to get involved with.
Sandra stared at Anda as she said, "It'll be up to this one in the end.
S.A.M. appeared with his graduation cap on his head as his monotone voice started, "Contestants will attempt to become friends of a chosen social group. Whoever can gain the most favor-ability with a group in five minutes will be able to swap once with each other contestant."
Groups of 5-8 students appeared all across the cafeteria. They came in all shapes and sizes. Jocks, geeks, stoners and everything in between. They chatted, joked and generally messed around.
Cindi looked around wide eyed with an excited expression on her face. Liam stood in place with a sad puppy dog look waiting for Cindi to spot him. Anda felt frozen as she watched the scene unfold. Cindi's eyes eventually found Liam and her pupils narrowed. She started to shake with anger as her thin lips turned into a frown.
Her breathy voice erupted as she screamed, "Mel, you cheating bitch, i'll kill you!"
Cindi charged at Liam who easily grabbed her and pushed her away. He obviously did not know his own strength as the push sent the tiny Cindi toppling into a nearby table. She crashed into it and fell to the floor. She let out a yelp and started to sob as she slowly picked herself up.
Liam's hands were clenched into fists and his blood was pumping as he looked around the room. Groups had stopped talking and watched to commotion. When it was clear what had happened the Highschoolers started to come to Cindi's aid. She continued to sob and rubbed her arm, she had a slight bleed starting on her forehead.
"Wow you think you're so tough don't you big guy." A huge young man in a varsity jacket got into Liam's face as he added in a deep baritone, "Why don't you pick on somebody your own size instead of a tiny girl?" The boys jock friends were backing him up as Liam started speaking quickly, trying to diffuse the situation. A few other groups had gathered around Cindi, trying to comfort her. They worked around Anda who continued to stand still, totally paralyzed.
After a few more seconds it was clear the jocks intended to 'teach him a lesson' and they started pulling Liam away from the cafeteria towards an exterior door; much to the delight of most people present. Liam tried to pull away but they continued to drag him to a door in the back of the room. Cindi was tended to by a skinny looking nerd with a first aid kit as she cried on the shoulder of a thirsty looking drama geek.
Anda looked to her right and saw a bored looking black girl in all black clothes. Her short length black hair was poofed up a tight Afro and she chewed on a piece of gum. Anda had never really seen a black goth girl before. She managed to sputter out, "H-hi, I'm...Anda..."
The girl raised her eyebrows as her gaze changed to Anda. A smirk appeared on her pretty face; her voice was youthful and playful as she responded, "Hello Anda, i'm Deja."
Deja reached her hand out to shake Anda's. Anda reached out as well but, suddenly, the surrounding commotion stopped and the highschoolers disappeared; including Deja.
Anda let out a sigh as she looked around. Cindi's forehead had been bandaged and her puffy face was clear of tears. She gave Anda a smile and wave when she caught her looking. Both girls watched as Liam burst into the gym from the exterior door. His clothes were hanging off his body strangely and he walked with a bizarre gait; like he was drunk. He teetered around several tables before standing in front of Cindi. He had the beginnings of a black eye and several red marks on his arms, legs and neck.
He looked worn out as he hung his head and spoke in his high pitch, "I'm sorry Cin, that was uncalled for."
She let out a *hmf* as she folded her arms and tapped her foot, "You should be sorry, you deserved every punch."
Liam nodded his head and appeared lost in thought. "Cin you have to know, I didn't know what that powerup would do that to you two. You know that, right?"
"I don't know what to believe anymore, I thought you loved us."
"I always did, Cin, I always will." Liam's voice was clear and confident.
Doctor Grungot's voice sounded over a nearby loudspeaker, "Well we were all certainly waiting for this epic meeting! Honestly, I didn't know what to expect, I certainly wasn't disapointed! Let's look at that graph now. You all started at 50% favorability with every group. Let's see each contestants highest score."
Mr. Gentry: Goth: 45% favorability
Ms. Lane: Drama: 70% favorability
Ms. Johannson: Goth: 54% favorability
"Looks like Ms. Lane is our big winner, what will it be Ms. Lane? One swap per opposing contestant."
Cindi looks up at the ceiling and giggles. "Well Doctor i'd like to swap Anda for her hair. I'm ready to look plain and average!"
Anda felt a tingle in her head as she reached her thick fingers to her head. She grabbed at her hair which started to lengthen slowly. It turned from a dark brown to a lighter and lighter shade as it stretched down past her shoulders. It took on a silky, airy feel as it lightened to a light blonde color and stopped at Anda's mid back. The red ribbon Cindi had been wearing was now nestled in Anda's hair. Anda twirled her finger through the hair and was surprised by its softness.
Anda felt a strange sensation as her hair began to shift. She heard a ripping sound as the ribbon in her hair tore into two pieces and wrapped itself around nearby hair. Anda let out a little yelp in pain as her hair was pulled tight. A few stray strands of silky, light blonde tresses fell into her face but the rest were otherwise on either side of her head in thick, long pigtails.
Anda pulled on the pigtails, planning to let them loose, before the scene started to breakdown.
"Now for you, Mel. I know just what to give you." Cindi's breathy voice chimed. Her potbelly stuck out and her new medium length, plain brown hair framed her face much differently. She had a less ethereal and beautiful appearance without her silky blonde locks. Her thin smile turned into a sneer she opened her mouth to speak to a silent Liam but the scene collapsed.
Anda was left in the void, her new pigtails shifting and swaying as she floated.
AGE: 20
SEX: Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genetalia.
HAIR: Long, silky, bright blonde hair that goes to the mid back. Pulled into two pigtails on each side.
VOICE: Youthful, somewhat shy and quiet.
FACIAL HAIR: None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.
EYES: Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, SHORT EYELASHES
BUILD: Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with little muscle; flat, boney chest and weak shoulders ; FLAT BUT MUSCULAR ASS; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach cinched in sexily.
CHEST: FLAT, hairless, MUSCLED PECS; Large and veinous feiminine nipples.
EXTREMITIES: LARGE CALLOUSED HANDS WITH painted red nails; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, red painted, longer nails.
GENITALS: Tight, tiny, hairless vagina with average sized clit.
PIERCINGS: Medium sized golden hoops in earlobes and a silver stud just above the belly button.
OUTFIT: An incredibly short red and black plaid skirt which ends at the upper thigh. Black fishnets held up by solid black garters. Tiny white thong with slightly exposed strings. Tight white silk blouse tied in a knot between her flat breasts which leaves her thin arms mostly exposed. Shiny, open toed, black four inch heels.
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Is not attracted to either sex, feels no sexual attraction. Prefers to be submissive in sexual encounters.
PERSONALITY: Submissive, self-conscious, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, Doesn't mind a mess or living in squalor, INNOVATIVE, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationsips.