Round 31
[b]*Round Thirty One*[/b]
Anda floated for awhile. The shadow shifted and swirled in front of her. She had stopped bleeding for now, so that was good. Her black booty shorts didn't show any stains.
Beach, School, Metal, Grass, Paper, Animal, Drunk, Medieval and Alien all appeared in a blue menu in front of her again. This time, Beach was grayed out. 'Please make a selection' appeared above the menu.
Anda had always done well in school so she tapped 'School' and the menu disappeared.
A few minutes of aimless floating later and the void began to collapse and Anda found herself sitting at a desk in a grade school classroom. She looked down at herself. She wore an incredibly short red and black plaid skirt which went to her upper-mid thigh. Underneath she had on skin colored pantyhose and white cotton panties. The skirt was short enough that the tops of the pantyhose were slightly visible. Her top was a tight white blouse that left her midriff bare, exposing her navel. It was tied in a knot between her flat breasts and left her arms mostly exposed. She wore shiny, open toed, black two inch heels. Overall Anda felt incredibly exposed in this outfit.
She looked around the room and surveyed her surroundings. The classroom was rather small with a blackboard in the front and a wooden teachers desk in the corner. The floor was light brown and the fluorescent lights hummed from the white tiled ceiling. The walls were littered with motivational and inforgraphic posters. There were about twenty old style wooden desks with attached chairs in rows in the center of the room, one of which Anda was currently sitting.
Appearing in the desk next to Anda was Helena. She wore a similar outfit to Anda but hers much much for conservative. Her black and red plaid skirt was slightly past her knees, her top covered her whole torso and arms and she wore shiny black mary janes with no heel. Helena folded her arms, tossed her loose, straight black hair back and crossed her legs, looking annoyed.
"You chose school? What the hell, Anderson, why would you want to go back to High School?" Helena's voice was cold. Her androgynous face curled into a disgusted look as her black painted lips continued, "I hate this place."
Anda remained silent as Helena spoke. She felt so exposed, why couldn't her outfit be like Helena's?
S.A.M. appeared on Anda's desk. He had on a little cap and gown.
"Both contestants will sit through a four hour lecture about the War of 1812. A test will immediately follow. But first."
Anda's vision clouded over for a second and quickly cleared. She looked over at Helena who had seemingly experienced the same sensation.
"Your knowledge of the conflict has been completely wiped out! Who is the better learner? Neither of you will have any way of taking notes, all your knowledge must be learned by listening. Please welcome Doctor Calvin Bolivar."
A stuffy older gentleman appeared near the blackboard. He wore a faded tan suit and held an old, thick book. He had a balding head and a gray mustache. He adjusted thick glasses that had begun to droop on his face.
When the man spoke Anda instantly felt sleepy, this was going to be a difficult four hours. His voice was slow and old sounding.
"Now, girls. It has come to my attention that you would like to partake in an opportunity to grow your knowledge on the great War of 1812." His thick eyebrows and mustache twitched slightly as he paused to think. "My name is Doctor Calvin Bolivar." He paused again. "Well let us not tarry, so much material to cover after all." He paused AGAIN, " It all began back in 1803 when the British..."
Anda tried to pay attention, she really did. But after about thirty minutes her heavy eyelids just wouldn't quit. It was a four hour class, surely if she rested her eyes for a few minutes she would retain knowledge better? She looked over at Helena who had her head hung back, staring at the ceiling. She appeared to be counting the number of tiles on the ceiling.
After a very quick nap Anda woke and slapped herself loudly in the face but Doctor Bolivar didn't even flinch as he continued to talk about trade disputes. Helena looked on in amusement as she went back to counting things in the room. Anda decided she was going to focus, she had to win this contest. She was determined to pay attention!
...but as the class continued, Anda paid less and less attention as her mind wandered. She would be fine, she could figure the answers based on simple logic. She had taken hundreds of multiple choice tests in college, she could kill this one too. She resigned herself to half-hearted attention and naps as the four hours slowly slipped by. By the end she was just ready for it to be over with.
"...and that is the very simple summary of the war of 1812. I thank you for your full attention; good luck on your examination."
Doctor Bolivar gave one last twitch of his mustache before walking to the door and exiting.
Anda felt a little twitch of nerves in her stomach but felt optimistic.
S.A.M. appeared again. "You will both have thirty minutes to complete as much of the exam as possible. The scores will be tabulated by Doctor Bolivar himself."
A thin stack of paper and two pens appeared on the desk in front of both students.
Anda looked down at the paper and began to read.
1. In less than 200 words describe the impact of improved tactics and weaponry between the American Revolution and the War of 1812. List specific examples of these improvements.
Anda flipped the page.
2. In less than 200 words explain the Battle of Tippecanoe, its major players, and its ideological and militaristic significance in the War of 1812.
Page flip.
3. In less than 200 words describe how the budding government of the Unit-
Hurried page flip.
4. In less than 200 words-
5. In less than-
6. In less than-
Anda reached the desk. It was all short answer/essay.
Her breathing quickened as she looked over at Helena who was furiously writing on the page. She flipped through the pages again, hoping to have a good answer for at least one of the questions. But as she finished it was clear that she had no clue how to correctly answer any of them. It was time to make educated guesses.
Anda scribbled quickly across the pages. She didn't have any themes or strategies, just straight up guesses. She tried to stay as plain and general as possible, using any context clues given in the questions. When the buzzer finally sounded Anda dropped her pen and flipped through the pages one more time. She was actually pretty happy with her answers, considering she was almost exclusively guessing.
The classroom door opened and Doctor Bolivar walked back into the classroom. He collected both Anda and Helena's papers and took them to the teachers desk in the corner. He clicked a red pen and began grading the papers. Anda couldn't tell whose paper he was grading first but based on his body language and facial expressions he was obviously not happy with what he was reading. This unhappy demeanor continued as Doctor Bolivar went through each page. He cracked two faint smiles through the entire grading process until finally he clicked his pen and let out a long sigh. He collected the papers and walked to the front of the class.
His voice had grown cold as he spoke to them, "Now ladies, this is truly an...abysmal performance. I am very disappointed in both of you." He looked down at the papers in his hand as he continued, "Ms. Johannson, the battle of Tippecanoe was not, 'A naval battle in which both American and British forces learned that they were in for the long haul.' And you Ms. Mode, 'Automatic guns were significant discoveries that shaped the face of the War of 1812', what lecture did you listen to? Clearly both of you were not -at all- paying attention to my lecture."
Doctor Bolivar shook his head and sifted through the papers again. "If I had to choose a winner it would be Ms. Mode for what i'm sure is a complete guess that ended up being factual. 'In less than 200 words describe how the geography of the United States of America changed from the time just before the War of 1812 to directly after the Treaty of Ghent.' To which you answered, 'It didn't change much?'"
Doctor Bolivar pointed his finger at the girls as he shouted, "Back in my day girls like you would have been disciplined. Hard. If I had my way I woul-"
"Okay Calvin that's enough for now, thank you for your...engaging lecture!" Doctor Grungot's voice cut Doctor Bolivar's rant short.
Doctor Bolivar adjusted his glasses as he faded out of existence.
"Ms. Mode what is your swap?"
"I want to give Anda all my trust issues gained from my parents abandoning the family at an early age. In return i'll take her normal trusting sensibilities."
Anda let out the beginnings of an objection before stopping short. Her vision faded for a second before returning with a powerful, numb feeling pervading her brain.
"Prepare for a lifetime of constantly being overly suspicious of your boyfriends to the point of lunacy. To tracking their social life and all the while wishing you could trust them. Having pump and dump relationships with men because, 'That bitch is a good fuck but crazy!' Oh, and have fun trying to make friends when you think everybody is out to get you!" Helena stretched out her arms and smiled wide as if a great burden was off her shoulders.
Anda felt alone. She clutched her temples and closed her eyes, trying to stay calm. Helena was proving to be the most dangerous opponent of all. How would 'trust issues' change her behavior moving forward? Could she even have a normal relationship? She had to stay focused and avoid as many punishments like this as possible.
Anda couldn't help but feel dejected as the scene collapsed.
AGE: 20
HAIR: Just shy of shoulder length, straight and brown in a loose style.
VOICE: Youthful, somewhat shy and quiet.
FACIAL HAIR: None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.
EYES: Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, SHORT EYELASHES
BUILD: Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with little muscle; flat, boney chest and weak shoulders ; FLAT BUT MUSCULAR ASS; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach cinched in sexily.
CHEST: FLAT, hairless, MUSCLED PECS; Large and veinous feiminine nipples.
EXTREMITIES: LARGE CALLOUSED HANDS WITH SHORT, DIRTY NAILS; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, longer nails.
GENITALS: Tight, tiny, hairless vagina with average sized clit.
OUTFIT: An incredibly short red and black plaid skirt which goes only to the upper-mid thigh. Skin colored pantyhose and white cotton panties. The skirt is short enough that the tops of the pantyhose are slightly visible. Tight white blouse that leaves the midriff bare, exposing the navel. The blouse is tied in a knot between her flat breasts and leaves her arms mostly exposed. Shiny, open toed, black two inch heels.
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Is not attracted to either sex, feels no sexual attraction. Prefers to be submissive in sexual encounters.
PERSONALITY: Submissive, self-conscious, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, Doesn't mind a mess or living in squalor, INNOVATIVE, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationsips.