Bonus Round 6

[b]*Bonus Round Six*[/b]

Andi floated for awhile. She wondered what this bonus round would contain. Last time was...a bit weird - even by this games standards. Mr. Johnson freaked her out.

Andi appeared on stage to thundering applause. She looked over the crowd of flickering holograms with a blank expression.

Doctor Grungot began his usual bonus round spiel.

"Please welcome Liam to the stage, yet again!"

Liam lumbered out onto the stage waving his tiny hands to the crowd. He wore a black lifting tee, baggy white basketball shorts and high top white athletic shoes. He had let his beard grow a bit longer and his hair was cut short. He still had a fairly feminine looking face and was lacking an adams apple. He was also smooth as a baby across his body, no discernible hair besides on his head and face.

Liam stopped right next to Andi and looked down at her. Andi stared at the ground and folded her arms.

"What's up short stack?" Liam's girly voice was totallly alien on his body.

"Is it possible that you're even smaller than you were before? I've been fucking hot chicks for weeks now. Thanks to-" Liam pulled down his shorts to reveal he wasn't wearing underwear. His cock was huge! It was familiar looking..."This! Look familiar, girlie?"

Andi was completely stunned, she stared at her former cock with her mouth open in disbelief.

"Turns out that old fetish lady couldn't handle this monster so I was kind enough to trade her useless husband his little cock back. She wanted to trade it to you but...seeing as how you have a slutty little pussy now I had to be the one to oblige her!"

Andi smiled widely as Liam flicked his monster cock around. This was her chance to get her original penis back! She would be a weird hairy futa but it would take Liam another round to get it back. And that victory over Liam would feel so good. Andi was more determined than ever before. No matter what the challenge she would overcome!

Liam pulled his shorts back up as he laughed, "Keep dreaming, bitch, you'll never have a cock attached to you again. But you'll have many between your legs i'm sure!"

Doctor Grungot started, "Let's get this contest started shall we? Today we'll be playing Grungot's Court! (TM)."

The crowd released a uniform, "Oooooh" as their clapping intensified.

Doctor Grungot let the cheering continue for a bit before quieting the crowd and going through his normal selection process. A man named Carlos Hernandez was selected. He made his way to the stage, became fully solid and sat in the provided chair. He was a young Hispanic man with short black hair and a cheap looking yellow suit. He had a smooth, pockmarked face with small eyes and a pronounced nose. He looked incredibly excited as he waited.

"And now for our benches."

Two tables appeared equidistant and diagonally from Carlos. One table was labelled "Prosecution" while the other was labelled "Defense".

"Ms Johannson, please take a seat at the "Defense" table. Mr. Gentry please be seated at the "Prosecution" table."

Both contestants shot each other hateful looks as they took their respective seats.

Doctor Grungot's nasally voice sounded, "You will both have an opportunity to convince Mr. Hernandez of Ms. Johannson's gender. Mr. Gentry will try to convince Mr. Hernandez that Ms. Johannson is female, while Ms. Johannson will try to convince him that she is a male. Since Grungot's Court! (TM) works like a real court room, Mr. Gentry will speak first. I will, of course, be the honorable judge!" Doctor Grungot slipped on a prop powdered wig which the audience laughed hysterically at. "But first..."

Carlos's eyes closed and his head hung for a second. When he lifted it back up and opened his eyes, he looked around surprised.

"Now, now Mr. Hernandez you are okay! You're going to decide something today. In a moment you will hear statements from both the prosecution and defense as to the gender of Mr. or Ms. Johannson here. But which one is telling the truth? You will have to decide, Mr. Hernandez! Take it away Mr. Gentry."

Liam stood. His huge, intimidating frame demanded attention as he took center stage.

"Good evening Mr. Hernandez." His high pitched voice was smooth and confident.

"You look at Ms. Johannson here and what do you see? Of course your first instinct is that she is a woman; which is the correct conclusion. Our first instincts are often the correct answer. When she stands before you, notice her full figure and tiny feet. These could not possibly be attributed to a male. Also notice her tiny stature and frame. She has a hair problem, the poor thing and an ugly face but no make no mistake she is all female." Liam paced around the stage as he continued, "But the most obvious would be her vagina. As we both know only females have a vagina and you'll notice by the distinct lack of bulge in her tight shorts that she is sporting a wet pussy that has been biologically evolved over millions of years to take cock. She ain't like you and me, my man. Go with your first instinct and choose female." Liam walked back to his seat and sat down before adding, "Oh and don't be fooled by my opponents attempt to lower her voice, her real voice is girlier than mine. Prosecution rests."

Andi thought for a few seconds before speaking. She stayed seated and did not rise. Her nerves were racing but the determination balanced it out. "Mr. Hernandez, take a look at my face. Do you think any woman on earth would have a strong jaw and brow like this?" Andi pulled up her leg, showing it to Carlos. "Is it even possible for women to grow this much hair? I certainly don't think so!" Andi raised her hands. "And these hands, too large and calloused for a woman! But my most compelling evidence is my neck. Listen to my voice, look at my Adam's apple! I'm very clearly a man and Mr. Gentry is absolutely a liar. Defense rests."

"Objection!" Liam shouted, "Clearly Ms. Johannson is withholding evidence by hiding behind the bench. She didn't give Mr. Hernandez the chance to examine all the factors here."

"Rebuttal Andi?" Doctor Grungot asked plainly.

"Uh - well I don't think it's necessary, Doctor. Mr. Hernandez is perfectly capable of making an informed decision with what he's been presented with."

Doctor Grungot thought for a second before shouting, "Sustained, Andi must provide all the evidence before a decision can be reached. Andi must walk center stage and wait until Mr. Hernandez says he has seen enough."

Andi let out a sigh as she got to her feet and walked as confidently as possible to the center of the stage. She tried her best to keep her hips from swaying as she moved. She stood in a spotlight approximately ten feet from Mr. Hernandez who was scratching his smooth chin with squinting eyes, clearly examining her closely.

"Turn for me." His voice was medium pitched and rather hoarse.

Andi slowly turned with her arms slightly outstretched. When she returned to facing Carlos he said, "You have a flat ass."

"Yeah, because i'm a man. It might not look like it but I DO have a tiny penis in these shorts. I will admit I have some feminine characteristics but you have to believe me when I say I have -" Andi stopped talking for a second as she felt a small sting in her abdomen. She looked down and noticed a red drop of blood drip from between her legs. "-a p-penis and b-balls between my legs." Her breathing quickened and her face became flush as she realized what was happening. Another droplet fell to the stage as she spoke quickly, "So yeah it should be pretty obvious that i'm a man so - thank you!" Andi quickly started back towards her bench, squeezing her legs together as she moved."

"Ew gross, Ms. Johannson! Dripping period blood on the stage? How unladylike!" Liam mocked from his bench. "Must be coming from that penis of yours, huh?"

"That's enough, Mr. Gentry, another outburst like that and i'll hold you in contempt!" Doctor Grungot tried to quiet him down but the damage had already been done.

Andi held her head down and gave up changing her walk. Her wide hips swayed as she returned to her seat and sat down, staring into the table. Several drops of blood fell to the floor as she made her way back.

"Guess I need to get you that tampon after all!" Liam roared with laughter but his laughing quickly turned completely silent.

"That's enough out of you Mr. Gentry, you've lost your right to speak in my courtroom! I would offer closing statements to Mr. Gentry but he lost that privilege. Andi do you have any closing arguments for Mr. Hernandez?"

Andi stared at the table while muttering shyly, "So y-yeah as you can see i'm a man and...I had a little cut near my penis that started to bleed...that's all."

Liam nearly fell out of his chair as Andi's voice trailed off and her cheeks continued to burn.

"Mr. Hernandez will now deliberate before making his decision."

Carlos didn't even think for a second before stating, "I mean she clearly just had her period on stage in front of me, pretty obvious at that point. Andi is a woman through and through."

Andi released a sigh as the crowd cheered his decision.

Doctor Grungot removed his wig as he stated, "Congratulations Mr. Hernandez! You chose correctly as Ms. Johannson is, in fact, a female now! You'll have a nice prize waiting for you when you unplug after the show tonight! Give it up one more time for Carlos Hernandez everybody!"

Carlos wore an excited grin and waved to the crowd before heading off stage.

"Mr. Gentry you may speak again, but know that my patience with you is wearing thin!"

"I want to be a hairy man!" Liam's high pitch yell sounded.

Andi just sat at the bench. She looked down at her soaking short shorts. Was period flow normally this heavy? None of her girlfriends ever bled like that. She felt a tingle all across her body as her thick body hair slowly receded into her skin. She was left smooth and hairless all across her body except for her head. Anda's clothing shifted a bit and became even more skimpy! The material rubbed against her hairless skin and gave her goosebumps. She rubbed her hands down her long smooth legs and arms. They would take a bit of getting used to!

"As an added bonus to Ms. Johannson, Liam had gotten all his hair glands surgically nullified during his swimming days. You won't have to worry about unsightly hair ever growing on your body again!"

Anda continued to sit and stare at the table wishing it would end as Liam ripped off his clothes and posed around the stage with his rippling muscles, long cock and thick black body hair.

The scene eventually collapsed and Anda was in the void.




AGE: 20

HAIR: Just shy of shoulder length, straight and brown in a loose style.

VOICE: Youthful, somewhat shy and quiet.

FACIAL HAIR: None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.

EYES: Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, SHORT EYELASHES


BUILD: Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with little muscle; flat, boney chest and weak shoulders ; FLAT BUT MUSCULAR ASS; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach cinched in sexily.

CHEST: FLAT, hairless, MUSCLED PECS; Large and veinous feminine nipples.

EXTREMITIES: LARGE CALLOUSED HANDS WITH SHORT, DIRTY NAILS; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, longer nails.

GENITALS: Tight, tiny, hairless vagina with average sized clit.



OUTFIT: Black and skintight. Short sleeves that leave the arms completely exposed. Short booty Shorts that leave the entire lower leg, upper leg and parts of the ass exposed. A large 'V' in the neck area exposes much of the chest while one inch of midriff is left completely bare. Tight in the crotch area showing the area is smooth and flat. Shiny solid black pumps with a two inch heel. Cheap diamond engagement right on left hand.

SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Is not attracted to either sex, feels no sexual attraction. Prefers to be submissive in sexual encounters.

PERSONALITY: Submissive, self-conscious, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, Doesn't mind a mess or living in squalor, INNOVATIVE, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges.




Round 31


Round 29