Part 6

Part 6:

Cedric glanced from woman to woman trying to find the right candidate to help righten the ship. He didn't want somebody like Milfy Mildred that he wouldn't be able to control himself around, but he also didn't want somebody completely unknown to him like Ada or Erin.

He searched around and eventually settled his eyes on a familiar sight. He didn't remember her name but he recognized her giant ass. Cedric walked towards her, conscious of the stiffness the skirt caused beneath his uniform pants.

He stood in front of her and pulled his thick fur coat around himself. The woman met his gaze with virtually no expression. She wore a dark blue, sleeveless romper that cut into her chunky thighs. She wore clear heels and her chin length, dark brown hair was worn loose. Her thighs and ass took up their fair share of space on the bench.

Cedric removed her cuffs, lifted her hand and read her wristband.

He ushered her forward, "Mary, let's get this done."

Mary stood and walked towards the property room. Cedric followed behind and found himself unable to avoid staring at her hypnotic lower body. He wanted desparately to dive between Mary's milky thighs and give her a good ride, but he knew he couldn't allow himself to become sexually involved. Cedric unlocked the metal door with the keyring on his Sam Browne belt as he thought about his situation. It seemed like anytime he did something perverted or sexual he was punished. He opted to keep his contact professional from here on out.

They entered into the property room. Mary's brown eyes shifted across the walls while she shivered. Cedric tossed a bag onto the table and stood several feet away.

He spoke as professionally as possible. "Put all your belonging and clothing into the bag and change into a jumpsuit and flip flops, please."

Mary was momentarily confused as she was clearly expecting Cedric to make a sexual advance. When she realized he wasn't going to do anything inapropriate, a smiled crossed her face and a wave of relief wash over her. Cedric kept his head down and started on the paperwork while shifting his hips uncomfortably. His pants were somehow feeling both tight and loose simultaneously. He filled out a few more boxes, trying his best to ignore the stripping woman next to him and ignoring the uncomfortable scratching beneath his fur coat.

His eyes darted to Mary's body as she pulled her panties down. Her blue romper was already on the table. He just couldn't help himself!

Cedric's cock twitched as he cleared his throat and focused on his paperwork, "You can keep your underwear and bra if you'd like."

She nodded her head happily and slipped her black and tan thong between her legs. She started tugging at her hair and making a pained, wincing noise.

Cedric glanced up watched as she pulled her hair and winced a second time.

Mary turned and spoke to him sweetly, "Sarge I- I can't get these extensions out and they really hurt. I can't really see them can me?"

Cedric hesitated. Would this violate his 'perversion and sex' theory? He wasn't going anywhere near her feminine assets so he determined it might be okay. He needed to get her moved along anyway and the professional action would be to assist her as best he could. Cedric just had to control himself and STAY AWAY from her T&A.

"Y-yeah, I can help you out, Mary." Cedric stated professionally.

He shifted his loose uniform pants and walked towards Mary who pushed her head towards him. Even though her hair was on the shorter side, he could see the clips of the brunette extensions caught in a knot.

Cedric carefully tugged at the clip which inadvertently pulled Mary's hair. She bit her lower lip and took in a sharp breath. He tugged a bit harder and she let out a tiny moan. The whore was getting off on getting her hair pulled! As he separated the hair extension with a third and final pull, Mary stood up with a smile.

Cedric felt his stomach drop.

[i]The whore was getting off on what he did.[/i]

Damnit! He fucked it up again!

He tossed the extensions onto the table next to Mary's blue romper and heels. She found herself a jumpsuit and pulled it on. It hugged her hips and allowed her femininity to shine.

Mary mumbled 'thanks' before opening the door and walking to the waiting area with a shorter, less full head of hair.

Once the door was shut, Cedric tossed Mary's items into a bag and watched the clothing closely. He didn't allow himself to get distracted because each time the clothing swapped he'd been distracted. He carefully placed the last high heel into the bag and sealed it up. He tossed the bag into the nearby crate where it landed with a satisfying *crash*. Cedric looked down at his loose uniform shirt and pants. Either what he did wasn't considered sexual or keeping a close eye on the clothing made it so he didn't put them on...or Mary wasn't a trifling slut like the other girls had been! Either way, at least he didn't-

Cedric felt a tickle on his ears.

He slapped his hand to his ear, figuring a bug had crawled on him. His hand brushed through locks of brown hair which spilled past his ears! Cedric grabbed the hair and pulled it in front of his face to look at it with an annoyed and panicked groan. He tugged at the brown hair extensions, but they stayed put. He yelped as he did so. It felt like his real hair was being pulled! Thankfully, he could feel a number of clips attached to his head indicating it wasn't actually his real hair.

Cedric's heart was racing. This wasn't a simple clothing change. Those conniving whores had somehow locked hair extensions onto his head! This didn't feel like a prank anymore. Something was seriously wrong. Cedric correlated touching Mary's hair extensions and wearing them. He thought back to his interaction with Mildred. He now wore her skirt after he'd fondled her ass. He had on Erin's itchy pink tank top after motorboating her breasts. It seemed like touching the girls was the problem. He felt so stupid having fallen for Mary's 'I can't get them off' schtick.

Cedric moved to the 'lost and found' box and procured the only hat he had seen while rifling through the box earlier.

It was a women's lavender colored snow hat. He didn't want to wear the ridiculous hat, but his long brown hair extensions would make him look even [i]more[/i] ridiculous. He collected the chin length hair extensions and swept them up into the hat which he pulled low. The extensions felt scrunched and balled up in the hat. It wasn't painful, but he was certainly glad his hair wasn't even longer!

Cedric figured would have to refrain from touching the girls from now on; that must have been the problem! He stepped back into the holding area with apprehension. He never thought he'd feel uneasy about facing the female jail population.


Part 7


Part 5