Part 21

Part 21:

The Lieutenant returned from the loading area after only about a minute. It was far too quick for Cedric to come up with any semblance of a plan. He was followed by a group of people. On his right was a serious looking black man in a white fur coat and hat. He wore sunglasses and had a necklace filled with diamonds.

A few paces behind the men was a gaggle of women, each wearing skimpy leopard print outfits. The women oozed sexuality and femininity.

The man in the coat immediately zeroed in on Cedric through the clear door. An intense stare pierced through his sunglasses making her feel uneasy. Lieutenant Roberts was speaking to the man fervently. The man listened and nodded his head, but said nothing.

Cedric backed away from the door and towards her seat, keeping her gaze towards the perceived threat. Her mind raced. Maybe she could run past the group and escape? But it would require her to somehow steal Lieutenant Robert's keys. Maybe she could get the Lieutenant's gun and threaten her way out? No, she would probably end up getting shot. Or maybe she could-

The door to the waiting room opened, breaking Cedric from her thoughts. Lieutenant Roberts extended his arm and held the door as the man in the coat stepped through. He had an air of effortless confidence. He carried himself and walked with what Cedric could only describe as 'dominance'. He was tall with a medium build. His shiny dress shoes gently tapped on the concrete and his fur coat demanded attention. Cedric saw his fingers were adorned with numerous jeweled, golden rings. The man's eyes left Cedric who had found and taken her seat. He scanned the room with a commanding frown that didn't change.

Behind him, the leopard spotted women filed in. Once everybody was inside, Lieutenant Roberts stepped in and the door closed which locked with a *click*.

"Ladies," Lieutenant Roberts announced, "I'd like you to meet our distinguished guest, Byron 'Big Willie' Williams, and his...lady friends."

Byron cleared his throat and spoke with a surprising high pitch and a southern drawl, "These ain't no 'lady friends'. They is my [i]ho's[/i]."

The women stood silently in the background, striking sexy poses. They seemed unfazed by his words.

"Yes, of course, Big Willie, I'm sorry about that." The Lieutenant quickly responded.

Byron smiled confidently, showing a diamond studded grill in his teeth, "No need to apologize, my brotha. But, you a man, you can call me Byron. Only bitches call me Big Willie."

Lieutenant Roberts eagerly nodded and announced to the room, "Listen up b-bitches! [i]Byron[/i] has come all the way from Atlanta to be here, so show him respect!"

Cedric pressed back into her chair and tried her best to blend in. She wanted to do anything and everything to keep Byron's eyes from finding her again.

Byron assumed a proud, distinguished stance with his nose upturned.

His high pitched, southern drawl was strangely melodic, "I'd like to thank the Lieutenant for that introduction. For some time now, I've been relyin' on his keen eyes to scout out...particular talents. While I'd love to take all ya'll back to Atlanta to be my ho's, I'm only here for one specific bitch."

Byron pointed a gold covered finger at Cedric and his eyes focused on her. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

Lieutenant Roberts stepped forward and beckoned towards Cedric while speaking, "A big booty white girl with large breasts, a reputation, and that...[i]special something[/i] just like you asked for, [i]Byron[/i]."

Cedric's mind raced. Would going with Byron get her out of the jail? If she got out, she could escape! The Lieutenant continued beckoning for her.

Byron smiled, "I seem to remember askin' for a fat ass, big titty, white slut with that [i]special somethin'[/i]. But to each their own."

Cedric didn't appreciate being called demeaning names, but it was her best opportunity to get out of here. She stood form her seat and cautiously walked towards Lieutenant Roberts. Remnants of Kevin's cold sperm still shined on her face.

The Lieutenant motioned to Kourtnee, "This little firecracker is Kourtnee."

Cedric approached Byron and stopped. His shiny teeth turned to a grin. She faked a shy smile in response. Byron was Cedric's ticket out of here, she needed him to like her!

Byron made a satisfied *hm* sound and spoke towards the Lieutenant, "Damn, you been holdin' out on me! She a mighty fine piece of ass." He turned towards Cedric, "You ready to be one'a my ho's and start turnin' tricks in the big leagues?"

A numb tingling invaded Cedric's mind and clouded her thoughts. She...wanted to go with him to...escape. Yeah, that was it! Escape!

Cedric nodded.

Byron played with one of the rings on his hands, "I need'a hear it from you, bitch."

"Y-yesth." Cedric whispered with her lisp.

"Yes what?" Byron asked expectently.

She gulped, "Yesth, I want to be one of your hoesth, Big Willie"

The tingling intensified and Cedric found herself lost in a daze. Big Willie curled his fingers and beckoned her towards him. She shifted across the floor until she was standing directly next to him. He was even taller than Kevin! Cedric's eye level was only at Big Willie's chest!

He spoke down to Cedric who was still lost in a daze, "Good, good. First we gotta clean you up."

Big Willie snapped his fingers and one of the females in his entourage stepped forward.

He held out his arm and introduced her, "This little lovely is Amber Williams. You two prolly gon' be real close as you the only white ho's workin' on my turf. Don't let her cute lil' smile fool you, she a nasty skank that love big black dick up her ass."

Amber gave Big WIllie a devilish smile and struck a sexy pose. Her leopard print dress barely covered her lower body.

She approached Cedric and started unzipping her jumpsuit. Cedric initially recoiled away, but stopped herself and let Amber continue. She had to do whatever it took to get out of here!

Soon, Cedric was standing completely naked in the waiting room once again. Amber even removed Cedric's flip flops before returning to the other ho's. Cedric covered her pierced nipples with one arm while her other hand rested against her vagina. She didn't look over to the arrestees, but she could feel them staring at her. This time they stayed completely silent. Cedric felt her cheeks flush beneath the smeared makeup and sticky cum mixture.

Big Willie smacked his hands together and shouted, "Damn, ho! You got a body made for selling! I know a dozen niggas bouta' pay premium for that dumptruck!" His voice grew a sisnister edge, "But, I think you gotta fix that makeup, [i]don't you[/i]?"

"Y-yeah I do, Big Willie." Cedric replied softly.

Cedric's eyes nearly closed as she felt a wave of fatigue wash over her; though she managed to stagger and stay on her feet. Her arms felt like slabs of concrete and they fell to her sides, baring her assets to the room. She took a few labored breaths and fought against the [i]invading fog[/i]. A prickling sensation pulled at her face as her appearance changed and shifted. She felt the smeared makeup and stale cum disappear before being replaced by new makeup. Cedric's big fake lips somehow plumped up even more and became coated with pink lip gloss. Her eyebrows fell away and were quickly replaced by tattooed brows!

Cedric could feel her new face was different. The mugshot Kevin took of Kourtnee no longer looked anything like her. She still had her same tattoos, but Kevin had only recorded her butterfly tramp stamp!

She could faintly make out her new appearance in the glass wall.

Cedric's big, gaudy Venus hoops pulled at her earlobes and her half-lidded eyes opened in surprise. She looked like an air-headed bimbo!

The fatigue on her body lessened significantly after a few seconds, but lingered somewhat in her head. She was struggling mightily to maintain control as Kourtnee's thoughts and memories threatened to invade at any moment. Cedric once again felt the extreme power differential between herself and the man next to her. Big Willie was tall, confident and clothed while she was small, struggling to control herself and naked.

Big Willie spoke down to Cedric, "Some people ask me 'Byron, why all yo' ho's wear leopard print?' It's real simple. You see, females are the primitive sex. A female finds the strongest male she can and latches herself onto him like a parasite. The only redeeming quality of a female is they ability to please a man with they body. They ain't got brains and they ain't got brawn. They got titties and they got a pussy. That's all they gon' eva' be able to contribute."

He beckoned for another of his entourage.

The black woman swayed forward with a leopard print robe fluttering behind her and around her spotted bikini. She held a few items towards Cedric who winced at the ongoing war in her head.

Big Willie continued, "Lovely Diamond Williams here understand her place at my feet, as my property. By wearin' the pattern of an animal, she accept that she [b]lesser[/b] than any man. She admittin' she jus' a dumb, weak lil' cavewoman lookin' fo' a dominant, powerful man to dominate her. And, for a man willin' to pay, she accept bein' they property for the night and givin' 'em the only worthwhile thing she has."

Diamond held aloft a leopard print bikini, sunglasses, heels and earrings.

Big Willie placed his hand on Cedric's head and patted her as he softly ordered, "Put this on, [i]ho[/i], and you agreein' that you an animal. You sayin' you ain't got nothin', 'cept yo' titties and yo fuck holes, that's worth a shit. You put this on an' you acceptin' that you [i]lesser[/i], that you [i]property[/i] and belong as a submissive pet at the feet of all men."

Cedric hesitated. She felt humiliated at Big Willie's words. The fog set heavier in her head. She may have been a prostitute, but she still had standards! She still had dignity, she still had-

NO! NO, she WASN'T a prostitute!!

The only thing that mattered was getting out of jail and away from this psychopath! She knew taking the bikini would cause further turmoil with her internal struggle, but she HAD to do it. She just had to keep control.

Cedric reached up and took the items from Diamond's hands. At least she wouldn't be naked anymore! Diamond took a step back and rejoined the gaggle. Cedric stepped into the leopard print bikini thong and pulled it up her smooth legs. It sat tightly against her vagina and left almost all of her lower body exposed. She secured the leopard print bikini top around her chest. Her fake breasts filled the cups, and the support was...actually very welcome! There was very little fabric and nearly all of her piercings and tattoos were left in the open. She replaced her Venus earrings with the leopard print earrings and the sunglasses rested atop her head and threaded into her blonde hair. Finally, she secured the leopard print heels around her tiny feet. At least the tall heels brought Cedric's eye level up to Big Willie's neck.

His disparaging words echoed in Cedric's head as she dressed: 'Lesser' 'Animal' and 'Property' in particular. When she was finished, she was wearing just as much leopard print as the other women in Big Willie's entourage. Her stomach dropped as she realized: somebody coming in wouldn't be able to distinguish her from them! They would think she [i]belonged[/i] with them!

Suddenly, Big Willie's words echoing in her head intensified. She grabbed at her temple's and gritted her teeth. Cedric flashed a glance at Big Willie who was watching her with a knowing grin.


A pang of insecurity and inadequacy struck Kourtnee. Big Willie was so much more powerful and competent than she was, and she could suddenly [i]feel[/i] it!


Any and all higher education left Kourtnee's head. She could barely do math of any kind and reading became slow and arduous. Tingling thoughts invaded Kourtnee's brain from all directions. Why would she need to know how to do that stuff anyway? She just needed her sexy body and base instincts. Big Willie was her brain now!


Kourtnee's half-lidded, smoky eyes looked up at Big WIllie and she fluttered her eyelashes. She felt like he was just so [i]smart[/i], so in [i]control[/i]; at least, compared to her. If she would just listen to Big WIllie he would take care of her! She [i]WANTED[/i] to obey him, she [i]WANTED[/i] him to command her.










Kourtnee felt an object in her hand. She held it up towards Big Willie and examined it.

It was a pink crystal butt plug.

Kourtnee was transfixed on the object while simultaneously working through an identity crisis. Big Willie squirted a clear gel onto the plug.

"Go on, [i]ho[/i]." He ordered, "Stick that in yo' fat ass. Make yo'self nice and ready."

Kourtnee smiled weakly. Her hazy brain wasn't sure if following his order was the right decision or not. Despite her misgivings, however, her hands began to move on their own. She couldn't resist Big Willie's powerful command and her uncertainty simply wasn't enough to stop herself from obeying.

She tugged aside her skimpy leopard print thong, baring her pierced vagina to the whole room. She bent her legs and poked the lubed plug against her anus. The crystal plug touched her skin and her weak smile grew stronger. She bit her swollen lower lip and applied pressure. The pink crystal slowly slipped into her asshole until only the circular end remained visible. Kourtnee felt satisfyingly full as the toy stretched her out. She stood up and her heavy ass enveloped the plug completely. She replaced her thong which nestled into both holes like floss.

Big Willie patted her head and spoke down in a condescending voice, "That's a good girl."

Kourtnee shifted her hips, feeling the toy stretching out her insides. She was definitely losing the battle now!


Part 22


Part 20